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SWWM_LOREREL_ADMINISTRATORS = "Gods;Anarukon;Novoskhana;Saya";
"\cf Administrator Gods\c-\n"
"\cf Meta-Deities\c-\n"
"\cf Void Between Worlds\c-\n"
"Even after the revelation of \cfGods\c- being real, many felt dissatisfied. Not all questions were truly answered, as all we found was the existence of immortal, older than time entities with unimaginable power. To some, these deities were merely \"really powerful aliens\". Everyone wanted to know, still, who \"made it all\", who was behind the creation of the world we all live in. Following an unexpected personal encounter by \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, the final answer has arrived, and yet again, it's not what people expected.\n"
"Born from coalesced fragments of a previous reality drifting through the \cfVoid Between Worlds\c-, the seemingly endless space outside the many known universes, \cfAdministrators\c- are to gods what they themselves are to us: They are \cfMeta-Gods\c-, creating and nurturing the bubbles of reality that we call universes. Despite their billions of years of experience and unfathomable wisdom, they are perfectly capable of communicating with \"the little ones\", as they call us.\n"
"Administrators have limitless power to reshape worlds to their will, but these powers come with an ingrained set of rules that all of them must follow, commonly known as the \cfLines of Administration\c-, enforced by the oldest and most experienced among them (known as the \cfSupervisor\c-). The basics are as follows:\n"
" - Line 0: Must not bring harm to another, nor to the Void itself\n"
" - Line 1: Must not damage or destroy your own or others' creations\n"
" - Line 2: Must develop at least one world\n"
" - Line 3: Must not directly interfere in your own worlds\n"
"Failure to comply with the Lines is punishable by a process known as \cfDemotion\c-, whereby the Supervisor strips the offending Administrator of their status and ability to create and shape worlds, being brought down to the same level as any mundane deity. One known case of this taking place is with the creator of the \cfAnarukon\c-, \cfNoskas Kurenai (Father of Eternity)\c-, who broke Line 3 through his involvements in the formation of the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c-, wishing to save his people from the tyranny of the \cfEmpire of Novoskhana\c-.\n"
"There are currently 50 Administrators in existence, divided into \"generations\". These generations are groups of increasing powers of three (i.e.: the 1st generation has 3 members, the 2nd has 9, the 3rd has 27 and so on). There is no clear distinction between generations other than age (and the greater power and experience that come with them). The 4th generation has been specified as being \"in progress\", with new Administrators still being born as time passes.\n"
"The current Supervisor is \cfDonove Ku\c-, second oldest of the 1st generation, who is also the creator of our own universe that we live in, and also direct progenitor of the three Primordial Gods that act out her will. Saya Miyamoto has personally met her, along with her younger sibling \cfXanthou Ku\c-, both personally introduced by Noskas Kurenai, under specific circumstances that allowed this encounter to take place without violating any rules. A historical moment where a human has literally \"met their maker\" for the first time.\n"
"As offhandedly mentioned by them, these meta-deities are not alone out there, as there are other entities still above them in power, which they refer to as \cfChaos Walkers\c-. Not much else was said of this, leaving us all with yet more questions.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI can't let this get to my head. Ah, fuck it.\c-\n"
"\cfBeing friends with aliens? Check. Being friends with gods? Also check. BEING FRIENDS WITH THE FUCKING CREATORS OF ALL OF REALITY? MOTHERFUCKING CHECK! WHO'S THE TOTAL NOBODY NOW, HUH?\c-\n"
"\cfWhere do I even begin with this? I seriously have no fucking clue how I just keep moving up more and more. How the fuck did I reach this point, that I can just casually have a conversation about anime waifus with an 18 billion year old universe shaper? I seriously don't understand, really.\c-\n"
SWWM_LORETAG_ADMUN = "Tachmek-Smith, J.A.";
SWWM_LOREREL_ADMUN = "EngineTech;XAnimen;LunaEvent;Nukuri;Nekuratek;Xekke;Kmonn;WhiteScar;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf James Admun Tachmek-Smith\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Scottish\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 4673 BC\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO (Tach-Engine Technology Institute)\c-\n"
"Born in 4673 BC as \cfAdmun Tachmek\c-, firstborn of the late \cfKimun Tachmek\c-, \cfJames\c- is the founder and CEO of the \cfTach-Engine Technology Institute\c-, and also an exiled heir to the throne of \cfTerasana\c-, a position of leadership currently held by \cfSeras Tonkebis\c-, former advisor of his father.\n"
"In 4607 BC, having been sentenced to exile for \cf\"failing to protect the crown of Terasana\"\c-, he was sent to the \cfSanais\c- colony of \cfEgypt\c-, where he spent his years performing various types of forced labor under inhumane conditions, unable to die due to a curse of undeath which had been placed on him by Tonkebis as punishment. This ordeal lasted until 783 BC, with the dissolution of the colony through an unspecified deal with the \cfYathai Empire\c-, after which he proceeded to roam the Earth in search of a place he could belong in.\n"
"In 808, after many travels, he eventually settled somewhere in the \cfBritish\c- isles, working as a blacksmith and adopting the alias of \cfJames Smith\c-. As the years passed, people were somewhat wary due to his immortality, but had no qualms about his services. That is, until 1011, when a shoddy armor fitting job for a local king resulted in his imprisonment. He would not be freed until 1097, long after the king's passing. After this, he moved to \cfScotland\c-, where he's resided since.\n"
"Not much is known of his life up until the foundation of the institute, but he had amassed quite a fortune beforehand through various odd jobs, effectively gathering several human lifetimes worth of money in the process. As stated by the man himself, those were the funds he would use for both the creation of the institute, and all of the various philanthropic enterprises he's regularly involved in to this day.\n"
"Following the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021, he pushed for a partnership with the \cfNukuri\c- tech giant \cfNekuratek\c-, one of many important business deals that would allow this surprisingly non-profit organization to rise in popularity and eventually contribute to turning Scotland into a world superpower.\n"
"During the first commercial dealings with the people of \cfXekke\c- in 2048, he became quite close to the head of the \cfKmonn Shuna\c- company, \cfEushura Kmonn Jr.\c-, with rumors spreading of what kind of relationship the two had. Nevertheless, this resulted in even further advances for not just his organization, but all of humankind.\n"
"Following the \cfWhite Scar\c- incident of 2077, he urged the Scottish government not to sign the treaty to cut contact with the Nukuri, as this would effectively bring economic ruin to the whole nation. Many others followed his example as well, notably \cfJapan\c-, who held the strongest ties to the Nukuri, as well as the \cfUnion of African Republics\c-, whose whole existence had come as a result of their alliance with the alien benefactors.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe old man's got quite a backstory, gotta admit, even though the only source for most of this is the man himself. I said it on the article about the institute, and I say it here as well: I totally believe his story.\c-\n"
"\cfHell, even the part where he told me that the god Anubis himself is his uncle from his mother's side.\c-\n"
"\cfNo, seriously. I even saw the photos, jackal head and all (also it's a costume).\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_AKARILABS = "Saya;Taro;Maidbot;Ibuki;WhiteScar;Demolitionist;Mixom;Doomguy";
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Scientific Research Laboratory\c-\n"
"\cf Robotics Factory\c-\n"
"\cf Adoption Service\c-\n"
"\cf Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan\c-\n"
"\cf https://akarilabs.jp\c-\n"
"\cfAkari Labs\c-, known popularly as \cfThe Fountain of Innovation\c-, is a R&D company from Kasukabe, Japan, mainly known for their work in the field of robotics. It is one of the largest companies in the country, overshadowed only by other tech giants such as \cfMixom\c-.\n"
"The company was founded in 2010 by \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- and \cfTaro Miyamoto\c-, beginning its days as a small workshop in their garage. Over time, the rise in popularity of their ingenious inventions led to further expansion, and more people coming in to join them. As of 2148, there are around 170 employees, some coming from quite far away, too. Although the main headquarters are large enough to house most of them, some do work remotely, due to varying circumstances.\n"
"Among its many creations, the \cfMaidbots\c-, first introduced in 2017, and commercialized five years later, are the most well known. Life-like humanoid assistant robots that can be freely adopted by any household. All Maidbots are trained from birth on all sorts of tasks, from common housework to first aid or even self-defense techniques. Each and every unit has their own unique personality and preferences, and despite their robotic appearance, are very much no different from a real person, having the same rights and being subject to the same laws as one. There have even been cases of people dating or even marrying them, and the labs' official stance on this is that there is \"nothing wrong\" with such a thing, as \"not even the differences of flesh and metal could get in the way of love\".\n"
"During the \cf2020 Tokyo Olympics\c-, Saya's own personal Maidbot was appointed to sing the national anthem. Her voice captivated millions, and kickstarted her career as an idol.\n"
"In 2074, during the beginnings of \cfWorld War 3\c-, the labs faced some controversy after Saya Miyamoto personally accepted a 40 billion dollar contract from the US military, requesting her services for a classified supersoldier program. She had previously shown interest in delving into bioengineering, and even hinted at the possibility of Akari Labs entering the augmentation market, but once she was approached by them, there was only radio silence for three years. Afterwards, \cfIbuki\c-, the \cfRed Oni\c-, was publicly revealed. Saya's creation proved to be quite effective in combat, despite her odd physical characteristics (most likely arising from her own personal tastes), but despite her success in pushing back the invading forces, there was nothing she could do to prevent the \cfWhite Scar\c-. Following her retrieval from the scorched wastelands several years later, Ibuki redid her life, ultimately becoming a world-famous supermodel due to her rather attractive physique.\n"
"Following the end of the war, Akari Labs did begin delving into biomechanical enhancements, which helped keep them afloat after the loss of all of their US-based financial backers, at least until the final reformation of the country as the \cfUnion States\c- in 2137.\n"
"When the incident on the UAC's installations on Mars and its moons was made public, Saya immediately stepped up not just to personally insult CEO \cfIan Kelliher\c- for his company's failures once again, but to also announce that should the invasion they brought upon themselves reach Earth, she would personally \"build the ultimate fighting robot to kick their asses\". As predicted, demon armies from Hell began coming from portals opening near UAC-owned installations all around the world, and then, as promised, Saya deployed her ultimate weapon, the \cfDemolitionist\c-.";
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Scientific Research Laboratory\c-\n"
"\cf Robotics Factory\c-\n"
"\cf Adoption Service\c-\n"
"\cf Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan\c-\n"
"\cf https://akarilabs.jp\c-\n"
"\cfAkari Labs\c-, known popularly as \cfThe Fountain of Innovation\c-, is a R&D company from Kasukabe, Japan, mainly known for their work in the field of robotics. It is one of the largest companies in the country, overshadowed only by other tech giants such as \cfMixom\c-.\n"
"The company was founded in 2010 by \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- and \cfTaro Miyamoto\c-, beginning its days as a small workshop in their garage. Over time, the rise in popularity of their ingenious inventions led to further expansion, and more people coming in to join them. As of 2148, there are around 170 employees, some coming from quite far away, too. Although the main headquarters are large enough to house most of them, some do work remotely, due to varying circumstances.\n"
"Among its many creations, the \cfMaidbots\c-, first introduced in 2017, are the most well known. Life-like humanoid assistant robots that can be freely adopted by any household. All Maidbots are trained from birth on all sorts of tasks, from common housework to first aid or even self-defense techniques. Each and every unit has their own unique personality and preferences, and despite their robotic appearance, are very much no different from a real person, having the same rights and being subject to the same laws as one. There have even been cases of people dating or even marrying them, and the labs' official stance on this is that there is \"nothing wrong\" with such a thing, as \"not even the differences of flesh and metal could get in the way of love\".\n"
"During the \cf2020 Tokyo Olympics\c-, Saya's own personal Maidbot was appointed to sing the national anthem. Her voice captivated millions, and kickstarted her career as an idol.\n"
"In 2074, during the beginnings of \cfWorld War 3\c-, the labs faced some controversy after Saya Miyamoto personally accepted a 40 billion dollar contract from the US military, requesting her services for a classified supersoldier program. She had previously shown interest in delving into bioengineering, and even hinted at the possibility of Akari Labs entering the augmentation market, but once she was approached by them, there was only radio silence for three years. Afterwards, \cfIbuki\c-, the \cfRed Oni\c-, was publicly revealed. Saya's creation proved to be quite effective in combat, despite her odd physical characteristics (most likely arising from her own personal tastes), but despite her success in pushing back the invading forces, there was nothing she could do to prevent the \cfWhite Scar\c-. Following her retrieval from the scorched wastelands several years later, Ibuki redid her life, ultimately becoming a world-famous supermodel due to her rather attractive physique.\n"
"Following the end of the war, Akari Labs did begin delving into biomechanical enhancements, which helped keep them afloat after the loss of all of their US-based financial backers, at least until the final reformation of the country as the \cfUnion States\c- in 2137.\n"
"When the incident on the UAC's installations on Mars and its moons was made public, Saya immediately stepped up not just to personally insult CEO \cfIan Kelliher\c- for his company's failures once again, but to also announce that should the invasion they brought upon themselves reach Earth, she would personally \"build the ultimate fighting robot to kick their asses\". As predicted, demon armies from Hell began coming from portals opening near UAC-owned installations all around the world, and then, as promised, Saya deployed her ultimate weapon, the \cfDemolitionist\c-.\n"
"The Demolitionist proved quite effective in combating the demons, much more than the UAC's own forces were, or their so-called \"problem solver\", the \cfDoom Marine\c-. The Demolitionist was awarded for their impressive act of heroism, having not just completely suppressed the invasion and personally defeated the leader of the demon armies, but also assisted with the evacuation of thousands of survivors.\n"
"The success of the Demolitionist project also further boosted the position of Akari Labs, who, in a mockery of the UAC, announced the involvement in their own personal \"Demon Free\" teleportation technology, known by the codename of \cfAkari Project\c-, named after the sci-fi novel about interdimensional travel that Saya had written in the early 2020's.";
SWWM_LOREREL_AKARIPROJECT = "Saya;Luna;Nukuri;UAC;Hell;Kirin";
"\cf The Akari Project\c-\n"
"\cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
"\cf Science Fiction\c-\n"
"\cf 2021\c-\n"
"\cfSynopsis:\c- In the year 2040, human science has evolved to levels never before seen. Mankind has explored not just their nearest planets, but those of neighboring suns too, and yet, there is more they wish, to go farther, to step beyond even the confines of their galaxy, and have every corner of the universe at the reach of their fingertips. It is then, that the greatest minds from all around the world are reunited, with one purpose, one mission: The Akari Project.\n"
"\cfThe Akari Project\c- is \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-'s first foray into sci-fi novel writing, all the way back in 2021, when humanity had only just made its first alien contact through the \cfLuna Event\c-. It was advertised as a possible look into the future that the \cfNukuri\c- alliance would provide, though nowadays it's seen more as an unfortunately \"too optimistic\" vision of said future. Nevertheless, its main premise still stands to become a reality, with Saya herself promising to spearhead a real Akari Project someday, for humanity to create its own gates into the farthest corners of the universe and beyond.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah... I was really dumb back then, thinking everything would turn out so well and all, but instead look at where we are, with humankind's first interdimensional travel experiments opening a goddamn portal to Hell of all places (fuck the UAC). And let's not get started on all those \"advances\" in science I fantasized about. Most of those are way far for us, even though all the others have them (or even better stuff). We're just lagging behind because of all the stupid shit people keep doing and all the work those capitalist trashlords do to set everything back (fuck 'em).\c-\n"
"\cfBut yeah, I totally want to make this real now, since I've got the know-how to do all this, mainly thanks to Zana-sama and her contacts. Well, I know the basics, at least, so I'll have to figure out the rest myself.\c-";
"\cf The Akari Project\c-\n"
"\cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
"\cf Science Fiction\c-\n"
"\cf 2021\c-\n"
"\cfSynopsis:\c- In the year 2040, human science has evolved to levels never before seen. Mankind has explored not just their nearest planets, but those of neighboring suns too, and yet, there is more they wish, to go farther, to step beyond even the confines of their galaxy, and have every corner of the universe at the reach of their fingertips. It is then, that the greatest minds from all around the world are reunited, with one purpose, one mission: The Akari Project.\n"
"\cfThe Akari Project\c- is \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-'s first foray into sci-fi novel writing, all the way back in 2021, when humanity had only just made its first alien contact through the \cfLuna Event\c-. It was advertised as a possible look into the future that the \cfNukuri\c- alliance would provide, though nowadays it's seen more as an unfortunately \"too optimistic\" vision of said future. Nevertheless, its main premise still stands to become a reality, with Saya herself promising to spearhead a real Akari Project someday, for humanity to create its own gates into the farthest corners of the universe and beyond.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cf... And then it all came true, in a way. Good shit that I ended up making the Akari Project become real. Heh, the UAC got SOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking salty over this, it was absolutely delicious. The whole goddamn multiverse is open to us now, and it's all safe and free from pesky demon intervention (unless we use it to actually go to Hell, obviously).\c-\n"
"\cfOh this really is the good shit. I look back at the novel now and I'm left wondering if that romantic subplot will ever come true too. You know, when Doctor Kirishima meets Princess Ikana, and they fall in love and... *sigh* Just imagine, a cutie from another world joining us...\c-";
"\cf The Akari Project\c-\n"
"\cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
"\cf Science Fiction\c-\n"
"\cf 2021\c-\n"
"\cfSynopsis:\c- In the year 2040, human science has evolved to levels never before seen. Mankind has explored not just their nearest planets, but those of neighboring suns too, and yet, there is more they wish, to go farther, to step beyond even the confines of their galaxy, and have every corner of the universe at the reach of their fingertips. It is then, that the greatest minds from all around the world are reunited, with one purpose, one mission: The Akari Project.\n"
"\cfThe Akari Project\c- is \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-'s first foray into sci-fi novel writing, all the way back in 2021, when humanity had only just made its first alien contact through the \cfLuna Event\c-. It was advertised as a possible look into the future that the \cfNukuri\c- alliance would provide, though nowadays it's seen more as an unfortunately \"too optimistic\" vision of said future. Nevertheless, its main premise still stands to become a reality, with Saya herself promising to spearhead a real Akari Project someday, for humanity to create its own gates into the farthest corners of the universe and beyond.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cf... And then it all came true, in a way. Good shit that I ended up making the Akari Project become real. Heh, the UAC got SOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking salty over this, it was absolutely delicious. The whole goddamn multiverse is open to us now, and it's all safe and free from pesky demon intervention (unless we use it to actually go to Hell, obviously).\c-\n"
"\cfOh also, remember the romance subplot? Kirishima and Ikana, yeah... huuuuuge parallels with me and Kirin-kun there, just with the genders swapped. Didn't play out exactly the same way, tho, but it's all good shit.\c-\n"
"\cfI wonder if he'd enjoy reading this. Could be a good way to brush up on his English, too.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Alakir of Kanaiarkar\c-\n"
" \cxTitle:\c-\n"
" \cf Representative of Esperkind in Arkai\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Deadlighter\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2031-12-31\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Consul (Deadlight Republic)\c-\n"
"Alakir is the last surviving of the \cfIvory Espers\c-, who once inhabited the flourishing city of \cfKanaiarkar\c- in the west coast of the \cfDeadlight Republic\c-. He was the current mayor of the city at the time of the \cfSacrosanct Empire of Levlen\c-'s \cfFirst Esper Crusades\c- (2094), and one of the few who survived the event.\n"
"Following this great massacre, he sought the help of the capital. It was then that he would truly learn how twisted and corrupted the very nation he called home was. Certainly, those in power had been made aware beforehand that the invasion would happen, but they chose not to act. As he had been told, the consequences of fighting back against the Sacrosanct Empire were thought far worse than simply letting it happen. The lives of hundreds of thousands of \cfEspers\c- had been deemed expendable in order to remain in good terms with their zealous southern neighbors.\n"
"But, despite all that, he was offered a helping hand. Personal protection, as well as a promise of reconstruction, but at a price, that of his own body. Having no other options to help the other survivors, he accepted. Kanaiarkar and its neighboring settlements would be rebuilt, and survivors would be given food and shelter as needed. In public, the \"generosity\" of the Republic would be praised far and wide, while in private, payment would be regularly \"collected\" by various high ranking politicians, who would then fill their own pockets in the black market selling the unique blood of the only remaining Ivory Esper in existence.\n"
"During his stay in the capital, he had a chance meeting with a young man who was visiting for diplomatic reasons: \cfKirin Xanai\c-, the leader of the northern \cfSykhai Empire\c-. Alakir could easily notice that this young man had a completely different air to him than all the other political figures he was acquainted with. Their time together did not last long, however, as he soon had to return to his newly reconstructed hometown.\n"
"While redoing his life, trying to leave the past behind, he was approached by a woman, \cfRena\c-, who had heard of his story and greatly admired him. The two would eventually marry, although this union wouldn't last long. Months later, she would be recruited into the ranks of the \cfLevlen Inquisitors\c- through her family's influence, and forced to leave him.\n"
"Things wouldn't stop there, as a second attack on the city happened. However, the invaders were repelled, not by the armies of the Republic, but by warriors from the Sykhai Empire, with Kirin himself at the lead. As it had turned out, Kirin had investigated the situation during his stay in the capital, and chose to keep close watch on the Esper communities should anything happen. Despite having been warned that this action would only increase the hostility the Sacrosanct Empire harbored towards them, he pushed back against the invaders. Aware of the Republic's negligence, the young emperor arranged for a full evacuation of all survivors, giving them all a temporary home in Akkou, and also for Alakir to take on the position of consul within.\n"
"Following Kirin's wedding with \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- in 2171, she took notice of the fact that the two clearly had feelings for each other, and urged them to confess. Since then, Kirin and Alakir are dating, with plans for a future marriage once various arrangements are made.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI'm sure you're as disgusted reading this as Taro-nii and I were writing it. Fuck's sake, what all those pigs did to him... The scars they left...\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, I heard from Kirin-kun that they've been in talks with the royal family as part of those \"arrangements\" (yeah, the so-called \"Republic\" is actually a monarchy), and not only does it turn out that they weren't aware of the stuff that happened, but they're absolutely horrified by it. Something tells me that all of those bastards' heads will roll. Hopefully, we can then celebrate by pissing on their graves afterwards.\c-\n"
"\cfThat aside, bless Kirin-kun for being his goddamn savior, seriously. Alakir-kun's life has been so full of shit... And it's all because of him that he's still alive to this day. God, if I already had plenty of reasons to love him, this one's the cherry on top.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_ANARUKON = "Gods;Novoskhana;Hell;Saya;Kirin;Luna;Ashley;UAC;Ellen;Maidbot;Ibuki;Demolitionist";
"\cf Anarukon (\"Undying\")\c-\n"
"\cf Alien species\c-\n"
"\cf Novoskhana\c-\n"
"\cf Kurukurinishe\c-\n"
"\cf Akkou\c-\n"
"\cf + Various others (including Earth)\c-\n"
"The \cfAnarukon\c- are a race of immortal beings native to a parallel world known as \cfNovoskhana\c-, outside of the bounds of our own Universe. According to their historical records, this world was created by a deity known as \cfNoskas Kurenai\c- (\"Great Father of Eternity\" in their tongue), over 50,000 years ago. Novoskhana is also home to the largest empire ever documented, the \cfEternal Undying Empire of Novoskhana\c-, with an estimated population of 13 billion, relatively sparse considering its actual physical size, as it covers most of the habitable land of this world.\n"
"Only part of the total Anarukon population live in Novoskhana, however. Following general displeasure with the empire's policies and controversial position regarding basic civil rights, various groups have seceded from it, one of the largest being the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c-, initially led by none other than the deity himself, who, as it is told in many stories, decided to sacrifice his godhood in order to save his people from the tyranny of the \cfEternal Empress\c-.\n"
"The Anarukon are known as fierce, unstoppable warriors, due to their rapid healing and total immortality, able even to put themselves back together after being decapitated. It is said that once the Empire has set its sights on the conquest of some land, the wisest choice is to immediately surrender, as fighting them will only result in the most painful of deaths, in a completely one-sided battle.\n"
"Many people of this race can be found on Earth, a fact that was mostly kept well hidden until humanity's first contact with other species following the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021. Furthermore, other information later surfaced, concerning the involvement between the Kurenai Kingdom and \cfImanaki Corp\c-, as the kingdom's armies were ultimately responsible for the destruction of their headquarters in \cfKereshnovka\c- in 2009, the so-called \cfHellbound incident\c- brought upon several weeks after the end of the \cfGhoul hunt\c- of 2007. It's said that ever since that incident, the kingdom had declared humanity to be its enemy, but no attempts to retaliate beyond that specific incident were made afterwards.\n"
"Among the many members of this race inhabiting Earth, one name many would recognize would be that of \cfAshley Knox\c-, lead singer and guitarist of \cfThe Black Rat's Coven\c-. The reveal of not being actually human was received with much surprise, though it was not as spectacular as the fact that two other members of the band were literal gods.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, really cool stuff about parallel worlds and gods and warriors and shit, ain't it? Stuff like this really makes me wish I could just like... travel all over the multiverse finding neat stuff and meeting cool people, you know. Maybe one day, who knows. All the shit that those fucking UAC idiots have done honestly made me rethink ever getting into interdimensional travel. Seriously, it's like every single damn old story about \"opening a portal to hell\" was just a prediction for that. Anyway, I'm getting a bit sidetracked. So, Ashley-san is one of them, that's neat and all, at least Yu-chan gets to have her own immortal girlfriend, huh. Same for Taro nii-san, having that damn prankster gremlin Ellen-san, also one of these people, of course. When the hell is it going to be my turn? I mean, not that I mind, I'm fine with having Meido and Ibuki around, and... I guess you too but... *sigh*, makes me damn jealous, you know.\c-";
"\cf Anarukon (\"Undying\")\c-\n"
"\cf Alien species\c-\n"
"\cf Novoskhana\c-\n"
"\cf Kurukurinishe\c-\n"
"\cf Akkou\c-\n"
"\cf + Various others (including Earth)\c-\n"
"The \cfAnarukon\c- are a race of immortal beings native to a parallel world known as \cfNovoskhana\c-, outside of the bounds of our own Universe. According to their historical records, this world was created by a deity known as \cfNoskas Kurenai\c- (\"Great Father of Eternity\" in their tongue), over 50,000 years ago. Novoskhana is also home to the largest empire ever documented, the \cfEternal Undying Empire of Novoskhana\c-, with an estimated population of 13 billion, relatively sparse considering its actual physical size, as it covers most of the habitable land of this world.\n"
"Only part of the total Anarukon population live in Novoskhana, however. Following general displeasure with the empire's policies and controversial position regarding basic civil rights, various groups have seceded from it, one of the largest being the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c-, initially led by none other than the deity himself, who, as it is told in many stories, decided to sacrifice his godhood in order to save his people from the tyranny of the \cfEternal Empress\c-.\n"
"The Anarukon are known as fierce, unstoppable warriors, due to their rapid healing and total immortality, able even to put themselves back together after being decapitated. It is said that once the Empire has set its sights on the conquest of some land, the wisest choice is to immediately surrender, as fighting them will only result in the most painful of deaths, in a completely one-sided battle.\n"
"Many people of this race can be found on Earth, a fact that was mostly kept well hidden until humanity's first contact with other species following the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021. Furthermore, other information later surfaced, concerning the involvement between the Kurenai Kingdom and \cfImanaki Corp\c-, as the kingdom's armies were ultimately responsible for the destruction of their headquarters in \cfKereshnovka\c- in 2009, the so-called \cfHellbound incident\c- brought upon several weeks after the end of the \cfGhoul hunt\c- of 2007. It's said that ever since that incident, the kingdom had declared humanity to be its enemy, but no attempts to retaliate beyond that specific incident were made afterwards. This cold hostility lasted until 2171, when \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- married \cfKirin Xanai\c-, leader of their main ally, the \cfSykhai Empire of Akkou\c-, and then befriended \cfQueen Andreki Anderken\c-, current lead of the Kurenai Kingdom.\n"
"Among the many members of this race inhabiting Earth, one name many would recognize would be that of \cfAshley Knox\c-, lead singer and guitarist of \cfThe Black Rat's Coven\c-. The reveal of not being actually human was received with much surprise, though it was not as spectacular as the fact that two other members of the band were literal gods.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou know what? I have to say it, I REALLY have to.\c-\n"
"\cg♥\c- \caI LOVE YOU KIRIN-KUN!\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfHuhu... seriously. Still can't believe that stuff actually happened. I wished and wished to get my own Anarukon cutie, just like Taro nii-san had Ellen and Yu-chan had Ashley, and bam! There it was. And of course I have to thank Ashley-san for the fucking ultimate blessing, too. Like, as soon as I tell her about the Akari Project she jumps and goes all \"I know of a place you can visit\", and yeah... that's how I met the cute boy. I already told you all this, but hell, I need to write it down here too, just as a reminder. Ain't he the cutest? I remember how much you and Meido were blushing when you first met him. That was so adorable, the sweetest thing, even more than those \"milk breads\" they had at our wedding banquet (good shit btw). And now the four of us are married to him, and life is good.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, also meeting that girl, Andreki, that was the biggest embarrassment in my whole fucking life, I swear to fuck. Like, picture this, I'm told to wait up for someone who wants to have a talk with me in private, and... this... fucking... sassy lost child just approaches me, tiny girl, acting all high and mighty, saying stuff like \"I am someone very important\" and \"you should know who I am, Lady Saya\" and I'm like \"sorry kid, I'm waiting for someone here, can't play with you\", and then she fucking EXPLODES at me going all \"HOW DARE YOU\" and \"I AM MUCH OLDER THAN YOU\" and shit, and yeah... I went into full \"thousand apologies\" mode, just slamming onto the floor and everything. Kirin had to run up to us to explain things and get her to calm down because I was just... unable to do anything. Holy fuck, that... At least we got to be friends later, but... at the moment I felt like I had turned myself into the mortal enemy of a whole fucking kingdom.\c-";
"\cf Devastation Sigil\c-\n"
"\cf Torouven\c-\n"
"\cf Divine Artifact\c-\n"
"The \cfDevastation Sigil\c- is a relic constructed and blessed by the god of hate themself. Those who call upon its blessing are charged with unmatched destructive power, allowing not just their own body but any weaponry they use to achieve absolutely devastating strength.\n"
"This blessing only works for a limited time, but nevertheless it's quite popular among warriors, although considered \"unfair\" to employ in some situations. Due to its nature, this artifact has no effect on deities, only mundane beings.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThis one was Maruku's idea. They're hard to come by, so don't squander them, okay? Also, be careful or you might absolutely obliterate yourself with this.\c-\n"
"\cfI think I could totally beat you in a fight if I used this. I mean, not that I'd want to hurt you but... Just hypothetically speaking, you know.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_ARCHDEMONS = "UAC;Hell;DemonInvasion;Cytho;Saya";
"\cf Archdemons\c-\n"
"\cf Demon Elite\c-\n"
"\cf Hell\c-\n"
"When a member of \cfDemonkind\c- attains a very high status, be it through longevity and/or power, they earn the designation of \cfArchdemon\c-. Accounting for less than 0.01% of the population, the members of this \"elite\" class tend to hold important positions within the realm. The most well-known among them are the Archdemon generals, who lead \cfHell\c-'s military forces. Other figures of renown include the various archlords, former leaders of outer realms who once followed \cfFather Nostros\c-.\n"
"Due to current circumstances, the Archdemon generals have garnered quite a lot of attention, having usurped the throne of Hell with grand marshall \cfErebus Arthamuz\c-, son of the late \cfArchlord Thamuz\c-, now ruling over the realm with an iron fist. Under this new ruling, and with the former royal family exiled, Hell has entered a new age of war and conquest, bolstered by various advances in the mass production of military units through genetic engineering and industrial-scale breeding.\n"
"Much is to be said of each individual general, although for the sake of keeping this article concise, a summary will follow:\n"
"\cfErebus Arthamuz:\c- Marshall of Hell's legions. Grand conqueror of the mountain that bears his name and former celebrity turned military leader. There are many who criticize his skills, but he is quick to silence any opposition. Together with his late father, they constructed the \cfSpire of Dis\c- at the heart of the capital, of which he additionally holds the position of keeper.\n"
"\cfThaar Adarion:\c- Self-identified \"finest warrior of Hell\", though not without merit. Serves as the bodyguard of general Erebus, always by his side. There are rumors that he is romantically interested in him due to how close the two are.\n"
"\cfTaeron Yraisamal:\c- Official propagandist and recruiter of Hell's military. Favored by the other generals as, despite his disinterest in the worship of the \cfTyrant\c-, he shows a deep disdain for the royal family and its roots.\n"
"\cfKaume Irishtanar:\c- Baron of \cfHouse Irishtanar\c- and leader of the espionage forces, himself dedicated to keeping an eye on the exiled royal family. Known for leading the assassination of the rival \cfHouse Valathor\c-, of which only one member has survived.\n"
"\cfVera Akerastora:\c- Overseer of the spawning grounds. Despite many well-known cannibalism scandals, he has held on to his position, and offers his services as breeder of military units in exchange for \"taking a cut\" of the production.\n"
"\cfGyeran Rashaz:\c- Wife of general Erebus, herself also holding a position of general despite lacking any ability for the job. She oversees any movements in and out of the capital, as holder of the keys to the city.\n"
"\cfUrthura Vexamal:\c- Main guard of the outer cities. As follower of an ancient deity known as the \cfHand of Hate\c-, her cruelty is said to be without match, those settled near the capital living in fear of her wrath.\n"
"\cfDestora Arathon:\c- A so-called \"blood dancer\" who serves as the main trainer of the military forces, and is also worshipped as an idol by many a noble. She is responsible for the deployment of units both within and outside the realm.\n"
"\cfBerias Ysharan:\c- One of the leading slavers in Hell, responsible for keeping the populace under submission. Deemed a traitor to his own kind for his involvement in the forced recruitment of civilians for various purposes.\n"
"\cfAkedas Aximal:\c- Personal advisor of general Erebus and former Archlord. A twisted sorcerer rivaled only by \cfMatriarch Lilith\c- herself, and one of the first demons to be born on \cfEarth\c-. Aximal has witnessed not just the birth of his own kind, but also that of the realm of Hell itself, and most say that such experiences have left him deeply jaded.\n"
"As of the time of writing, all the generals are actively involved in the invasion of Earth (see \cfDemon Invasion\c- article for more details).\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe fat bastard and friends. We got the names of all of them, so once you're done with this first mission, you can guess who the next targets are. Man, if we didn't have to keep this one short, we would have gone into detail about ALL of the shit they have done. These fuckers need a serious ass-whooping, seriously. Especially that Kaume dude, he's the fucker who murdered Cytho-sama's family and burned down his entire hometown. Boy, when we were getting documented for this he had A LOT to say about him. I may have learned some swears in Kuristema in the process, which is handy, that way I know what to call these fuckers to their own faces.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, some archdemons are nice, unlike this lot. I mean, I haven't met any of them directly, but the few demons I know speak highly of them. Cytho-sama especially brings up the lady that sits at the top of his old business, though he's a bit disappointed in her for not fighting back, because apparently, if all of his old colleagues joined forces, they could completely outclass the entire military in power (holy shit).\c-";
"\cf Archdemons\c-\n"
"\cf Demon Elite\c-\n"
"\cf Hell\c-\n"
"When a member of \cfDemonkind\c- attains a very high status, be it through longevity and/or power, they earn the designation of \cfArchdemon\c-. Accounting for less than 0.01% of the population, the members of this \"elite\" class tend to hold important positions within the realm. The most well-known among them are the Archdemon generals, who lead \cfHell\c-'s military forces. Other figures of renown include the various archlords, former leaders of outer realms who once followed \cfFather Nostros\c-.\n"
"Due to current circumstances, the Archdemon generals have garnered quite a lot of attention, having usurped the throne of Hell with grand marshall \cfErebus Arthamuz\c-, son of the late \cfArchlord Thamuz\c-, now ruling over the realm with an iron fist. Under this new ruling, and with the former royal family exiled, Hell has entered a new age of war and conquest, bolstered by various advances in the mass production of military units through genetic engineering and industrial-scale breeding.\n"
"Much is to be said of each individual general, although for the sake of keeping this article concise, a summary will follow:\n"
"\cfErebus Arthamuz:\c- Marshall of Hell's legions. Grand conqueror of the mountain that bears his name and former celebrity turned military leader. There are many who criticize his skills, but he is quick to silence any opposition. Together with his late father, they constructed the \cfSpire of Dis\c- at the heart of the capital, of which he additionally holds the position of keeper.\n"
"\cfThaar Adarion:\c- Self-identified \"finest warrior of Hell\", though not without merit. Serves as the bodyguard of general Erebus, always by his side. There are rumors that he is romantically interested in him due to how close the two are.\n"
"\cfTaeron Yraisamal:\c- Official propagandist and recruiter of Hell's military. Favored by the other generals as, despite his disinterest in the worship of the \cfTyrant\c-, he shows a deep disdain for the royal family and its roots.\n"
"\cfKaume Irishtanar:\c- Baron of \cfHouse Irishtanar\c- and leader of the espionage forces, himself dedicated to keeping an eye on the exiled royal family. Known for leading the assassination of the rival \cfHouse Valathor\c-, of which only one member has survived.\n"
"\cfVera Akerastora:\c- Overseer of the spawning grounds. Despite many well-known cannibalism scandals, he has held on to his position, and offers his services as breeder of military units in exchange for \"taking a cut\" of the production.\n"
"\cfGyeran Rashaz:\c- Wife of general Erebus, herself also holding a position of general despite lacking any ability for the job. She oversees any movements in and out of the capital, as holder of the keys to the city.\n"
"\cfUrthura Vexamal:\c- Main guard of the outer cities. As follower of an ancient deity known as the \cfHand of Hate\c-, her cruelty is said to be without match, those settled near the capital living in fear of her wrath.\n"
"\cfDestora Arathon:\c- A so-called \"blood dancer\" who serves as the main trainer of the military forces, and is also worshipped as an idol by many a noble. Also responsible for the deployment of units both within and outside the realm.\n"
"\cfBerias Ysharan:\c- One of the leading slavers in Hell, responsible for keeping the populace under submission. Deemed a traitor to his own kind for his involvement in the forced recruitment of civilians for various purposes.\n"
"\cfAkedas Aximal:\c- Personal advisor of general Erebus and former Archlord. A twisted sorcerer rivaled only by \cfMatriarch Lilith\c- herself, and one of the first demons to be born on \cfEarth\c-. Aximal has witnessed not just the birth of his own kind, but also that of the realm of Hell itself, and most say that such experiences have left him deeply jaded.\n"
"Following the disastrous first campaign on Earth (see \cfDemon Invasion\c- article), as well as other lesser skirmishes, the generals have been shuffling to maintain their armies under control despite the initial loss of their commander.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe fat bastard and friends. We got the names of all of them, so once you're done with this first mission, you can guess who the next targets are. Man, if we didn't have to keep this one short, we would have gone into detail about ALL of the shit they have done. These fuckers need a serious ass-whooping, seriously. Especially that Kaume dude, he's the fucker who murdered Cytho-sama's family and burned down his entire hometown. Boy, when we were getting documented for this he had A LOT to say about him. I may have learned some swears in Kuristema in the process, which is handy, that way I know what to call these fuckers to their own faces.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, some archdemons are nice, unlike this lot. I mean, I haven't met any of them directly, but the few demons I know speak highly of them. Cytho-sama especially brings up the lady that sits at the top of his old business, though he's a bit disappointed in her for not fighting back, because apparently, if all of his old colleagues joined forces, they could completely outclass the entire military in power (holy shit).\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: They're fucked, all of them. They may keep trying to act like they haven't been totally owned, but they're totally fucking grasping here. Maybe they think they can form some hasty alliances with some alien bastards, but that only shows how desperate they are. I am 100% betting they'll have their asses betrayed.\c-";
"\cf Archdemons\c-\n"
"\cf Demon Elite\c-\n"
"\cf Hell\c-\n"
"When a member of \cfDemonkind\c- attains a very high status, be it through longevity and/or power, they earn the designation of \cfArchdemon\c-. Accounting for less than 0.01% of the population, the members of this \"elite\" class tend to hold important positions within the realm. The most well-known among them were the Archdemon generals, who once led \cfHell\c-'s military forces. Other figures of renown include the various archlords, former leaders of outer realms who once followed \cfFather Nostros\c-.\n"
"The former Archdemon generals garnered quite a lot of attention, having usurped the throne of Hell with grand marshall \cfErebus Arthamuz\c-, son of the late \cfArchlord Thamuz\c-, then ruling over the realm with an iron fist. Under their ruling, with the royal family exiled at the time, Hell entered an age of war and conquest, bolstered by various advances in the mass production of military units through genetic engineering and industrial-scale breeding. Despite all their efforts, however, their time in control of the realm was cut short following their attempt to conquer \cfEarth\c-, and the resistance they encountered.\n"
"Much is to be said of each individual general, although for the sake of keeping this article concise, a summary will follow:\n"
"\cfErebus Arthamuz:\c- Former marshall of Hell's legions. Grand conqueror of the mountain that bears his name and former celebrity turned military leader. There are many who criticized his skills, but he was quick to silence any opposition. Together with his late father, they constructed the \cfSpire of Dis\c- at the heart of the capital, of which he held the position of keeper. Under the restored ruling, he is to be succeeded by \cfAstaroth\c-, granddaughter of \cfKing Akusei\c-.\n"
"\cfThaar Adarion:\c- Once self-identified \"finest warrior of Hell\", though not without merit. Served as the bodyguard of general Erebus, always by his side. There were rumors that he was romantically interested in him due to how close the two were. His loyalty did waver once he faced an enemy stronger than him, however.\n"
"\cfTaeron Yraisamal:\c- Former propagandist and recruiter of Hell's military. Favored by the other generals as, despite his disinterest in the worship of the \cfTyrant\c-, he showed a deep disdain for the royal family and its roots.\n"
"\cfKaume Irishtanar:\c- Baron of \cfHouse Irishtanar\c- and former leader of the espionage forces, himself dedicated to keeping an eye on the exiled royal family. Known for leading the assassination of the rival \cfHouse Valathor\c-, of which only one member has survived.\n"
"\cfVera Akerastora:\c- Former overseer of the now dismantled spawning grounds. Despite many well-known cannibalism scandals, he had held on to his position, offering his services as breeder of military units in exchange for \"taking a cut\" of the production.\n"
"\cfGyeran Rashaz:\c- Late wife of general Erebus, herself also having held a position of general despite lacking any ability for the job. She oversaw any movements in and out of the capital, as holder of the keys to the city.\n"
"\cfUrthura Vexamal:\c- Former main guard of the outer cities. As follower of an ancient deity known as the \cfHand of Hate\c-, her cruelty is said to have been without match, those settled near the capital having lived in fear of her wrath until her defeat.\n"
"\cfDestora Arathon:\c- A so-called \"blood dancer\" who served as the main trainer of the military forces, and was once also worshipped as an idol by many a noble. She was responsible for the deployment of units both within and outside the realm.\n"
"\cfBerias Ysharan:\c- Once one of the leading slavers in Hell, responsible for having kept the populace under submission. Deemed a traitor to his own kind for his involvement in the forced recruitment of civilians for various purposes.\n"
"\cfAkedas Aximal:\c- Former personal advisor of general Erebus and now only remaining general still holding power over the realm after regaining his position of Archlord. A twisted sorcerer rivaled only by \cfMatriarch Lilith\c- herself, and one of the first demons to be born on Earth. Aximal has witnessed not just the birth of his own kind, but also that of the realm of Hell itself, and most say that such experiences have left him deeply jaded.\n"
"Following the disastrous first campaign on Earth (see \cfDemon Invasion\c- article), as well as other lesser skirmishes, the generals shuffled to maintain their armies under control despite the initial loss of their commander. In 2165, following many other losses, including that of a newly recruited commander, with all their armies in disarray, the generals made their last stand, only to be assassinated one by one, with the exception of Akedas Aximal, who managed to flee, and still controls the realm from the shadows.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe fat bastard and friends. We got the names of all of them, so once you're done with this first mission, you can guess who the next targets are. Man, if we didn't have to keep this one short, we would have gone into detail about ALL of the shit they have done. These fuckers need a serious ass-whooping, seriously. Especially that Kaume dude, he's the fucker who murdered Cytho-sama's family and burned down his entire hometown. Boy, when we were getting documented for this he had A LOT to say about him. I may have learned some swears in Kuristema in the process, which is handy, that way I know what to call these fuckers to their own faces.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, some archdemons are nice, unlike this lot. I mean, I haven't met any of them directly, but the few demons I know speak highly of them. Cytho-sama especially brings up the lady that sits at the top of his old business, though he's a bit disappointed in her for not fighting back, because apparently, if all of his old colleagues joined forces, they could completely outclass the entire military in power (holy shit).\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: They're fucked, all of them. They may keep trying to act like they haven't been totally owned, but they're totally fucking grasping here. Maybe they think they can form some hasty alliances with some alien bastards, but that only shows how desperate they are. I am 100% betting they'll have their asses betrayed.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate 2: Hooooooooooooly shit they got fucked on, oh for sure they did. And that old fart won't last too long either. I say a couple more romps through his home turf and he'll die of a stroke from how much you piss him off. If we can't reach him directly, then that's the best solution we have.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_ASHLEY = "Yui;Saya;Sankaideriha;Gods";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Ashley Knox\c-\n"
" \cf Axaleyu Yanikov (Anarukon name)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf British\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1964-10-31 (before reveal)\c-\n"
" \cf 1887-10-31 (actual)\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Lead Singer, Guitarist (Black Rat's Coven)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @ashley_da_witch (main)\c-\n"
" \cf @stylish_witch (art)\c-\n"
"Born in London in 1887, to \cfYrikha Yanikov\c- and \cfMaxwell A. Knox\c-, \cfAshley\c- is the oldest of three children, the others being \cfAdrian Knox\c-, veteran of both WW1 and WW2, and \cfViola Knox\c-, a witch in training (still as of 2148). She spent most of her childhood in Cornwall, after her mother had to flee due to accusations of witchcraft (which weren't exactly false).\n"
"In 1983, she married \cfFredrik Steiner\c-, the two having a single child, \cfChristopher Knox\c-, in 1989. However, after finding out she was a witch he immediately divorced her, leaving her raising her son all by herself. Despite the hardships they faced, Christopher grew up to become one of the greatest scientific prodigies of the early 21st century.\n"
"Ashley didn't really stick out much until the early 2000's, when, after many years of training to become a guitarist, she formed her own band with a group of friends (some she had met during her time also studying witchcraft in the offworld magical city of \cfSankaideriha\c-).\n"
"Her band, \cfThe Black Rat's Coven\c-, made its debut in 2006, initially composed of \cfAshley\c-, \cfPy Kisun\c- (her brother's girlfriend), \cfWilliam Dusk\c- (Ashley's boyfriend at the time), and, quite notably, the goddess of madness \cfMaruku Sarahabinaku\c-, whom Ashley had somehow managed to befriend. Together they became well known for their very peculiar style, blending the harsh guitars and drums of heavy metal with more classical instruments like the violin and harpsichord, or even in some cases, a full-on pipe organ, which Maruku has shown to be impressively skilled at playing in unconventional ways. Some have taken to define the type of music the band makes as a new genre entirely, aptly named \cf\"Baroque Metal\"\c-.\n"
"In 2027, following some undisclosed incident between her and William, the two broke up, and he left the band. Not content with just leaving, he decided to cause further harm by announcing that he had been cheating on her with her own granddaughter, \cfLyra Knox\c-. William was replaced by \cfMykka Psyann\c-, the goddess of lore.\n"
"Months after her breakup, during a concert in Japan, Ashley met \cfYui Miyamoto\c-, an avid fan of the band for many years. The two began dating shortly after and, the next year, got married. As Ashley declared during an interview, she regretted not having noticed sooner that she's much happier with women.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAhhhhhh man... Bless this lesbian, amen.\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfSeriously tho, Ashley-san is just amazing af, I love her music, I love her... everything. And fucking hell Yu-chan is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky, that she gets to have a cool goth girlfriend who is also a witch and also a cool singer and does really cool furry art and stuff...\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, the other peeps from her band, cool too, really. Good friends with all of them, heck, even the huge one, that Maruku gal. Well, she barely talks and looks a bit scary... but is actually really nice, and one hell of a chuuni. And Mykka... ho boi, all fucking charm. I actually learned most of what I know about gods and stuff from her. She's always happy to talk for hours and hours about \"lore\", and shows me really cool things she can do with her powers too (she can make candy appear out of nowhere, good shit).\c-\n"
"\cfAnd last, in the case of Py, the smol pink girl... I expected her to be all cuteness but she's totally a badass. I hear she's even stronger than her boyfriend, which is crazy considering that guy has been in two world wars. Like... I saw this one thing she did where she grappled him and the guy just took it and... ... I think he liked it? Welp...\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, Ashley-san and her friends are pretty cool.\c-";
"\cf Ballsy Bomb\c-\n"
"\cf Plutoni Incorporated\c-\n"
"\cf Cluster Bomb\c-\n"
"The \cfBallsy Bomb\c- is a special device designed for one thing and one thing only: The delivery of death. Devised by students of the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c-, and featuring technology that is not quite understandable by the untrained mind, this explosive artifact is a must-have for those who want to let their enemies experience what it's like to be pelted by dozens of solid, high-velocity metal balls. When interviewed, the project leader simply stated: \"You're gonna love our balls\".\n"
"\cfPlutoni Incorporated\c-, the armament distribution subsidiary of the university, should not be held responsible for any misuse of this device, and must not be questioned regarding any peculiar behavior that the device's payload may have.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cf\"Peculiar behavior\" is one way of putting it. I saw it during a test fire, I saw what one of the balls did to that chunk of ballistic gel: The whole thing EXPLODED while this fucking... Loud cartoon bonk noise could be heard. There was a flash of light and everything. I was told it's something that happens \"by random chance\"... Good fucking god...\c-\n"
"\cfThose things can deal random crits. I'm not even joking, what the actual hell... No wonder that nerd recommended it to us.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_BELT = "Utility Belt";
SWWM_LOREREL_BELT = "Symnatek;Hammerspace;Keychain";
"\cf Adaptable Magnetic Utility Belt\c-\n"
"\cf Symnatek\c-\n"
"\cf Utility Apparel\c-\n"
"A simple magnetic belt, adaptable to any waist size by detaching or attaching segments. The localized magnetic force of each of these belt segments is strong enough to keep any objects firmly attached no matter how much the user moves. It is therefore ideal for you.\n"
"No matter the situation, no matter how heated the fight, you will never lose the grip on very important items, such as your keychain or the \cfHammerspace™\c- containers at each side, containing your weapons, ammo and others. In addition to all this, the belt is also quite useful to ease the reload process of some weapons (at least those with metallic components in their magazines).\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfDon't EVER get your fingers stuck in there, it hurts like fuck.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_BIGSHOT = "Blackmann;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf John Gunns\c-\n"
" \cxAlias:\c-\n"
" \cf Mr. BIG SHOT\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2110-11-12\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO (BIGSHOT Industries)\c-\n"
" \cf Advisor (Blackmann Arms)\c-\n"
"A man shrouded in mystery, having appeared out of nowhere, announcing himself to be the son of \cfBenellus, God of Shotguns\c-. The believability of this story is quite questionable, despite the insistence of his own mother, who claims that the god descended from the heavens, and giving her one \"blessed shotgun shell\", she was ordered to plant it on the ground, as from it, a man would be born, who would become the \"mightiest wielder of the ultimate firearm\". She said that John, already fully grown, sprung up from the ground only days after the shell was planted, and immediately proceeded to \"make shotguns burst from the ground around himself\", and he used the metals from them to build the very fortress the family has in the Nevada desert.\n"
"Despite all this odd storytelling, the man himself does appear to hold quite a lot of power, as he is the major financial backer of \cfBlackmann Arms\c-, the world renown manufacturer of \"exotic firearms\". He has commissioned several unique weapons from them, most kept private. One unique exception was that of the mythical \cfWallbuster\c-, a behemoth of a shotgun sporting 25 barrels and a unique internal operation mechanism that some have dubbed \cfKraut Deep Space Magic\c- due to its ludicrous complexity. Despite this one weapon being available to the public, no one has dared to acquire a single unit, with the exception of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who immediately jumped in to have that weapon become part of the \cfDemolitionist\c-'s arsenal.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, dude's crazy, but see, THAT thing... I really REALLY wanted it. I even met up with the guy to get my hands on it. That shit is like... completely fucking insane, and I bet no living human would be able to fucking use it, BUT... you definitely can. Just so you know, every time you whip out that ballbusting hunk of metal, I'll be watching, so you better give me some fine entertainment to munch popcorn to.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf John Gunns\c-\n"
" \cxAlias:\c-\n"
" \cf Mr. BIG SHOT\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2110-11-12\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO (BIGSHOT Industries)\c-\n"
" \cf Advisor (Blackmann Arms)\c-\n"
"A man shrouded in mystery, having appeared out of nowhere, announcing himself to be the son of \cfBenellus, God of Shotguns\c-. The believability of this story is quite questionable, despite the insistence of his own mother, who claims that the god descended from the heavens, and giving her one \"blessed shotgun shell\", she was ordered to plant it on the ground, as from it, a man would be born, who would become the \"mightiest wielder of the ultimate firearm\". She said that John, already fully grown, sprung up from the ground only days after the shell was planted, and immediately proceeded to \"make shotguns burst from the ground around himself\", and he used the metals from them to build the very fortress the family has in the Nevada desert.\n"
"Despite all this odd storytelling, the man himself does appear to hold quite a lot of power, as he is the major financial backer of \cfBlackmann Arms\c-, the world renown manufacturer of \"exotic firearms\". He has commissioned several unique weapons from them, most kept private. One unique exception was that of the mythical \cfWallbuster\c-, a behemoth of a shotgun sporting 25 barrels and a unique internal operation mechanism that some have dubbed \cfKraut Deep Space Magic\c- due to its ludicrous complexity. Despite this one weapon being available to the public, no one has dared to acquire a single unit, with the exception of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who immediately jumped in to have that weapon become part of the \cfDemolitionist\c-'s arsenal.\n"
"Following the Demon invasion of 2148, he began broadcasting messages from his fortress about \"a much worse threat\" coming up. In his own words: \"The greatest battle humanity will face, and the greatest face humanity will battle\". No one has yet understood this cryptic message, nor has he explained himself further.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, dude's crazy, but see, THAT thing... I really REALLY wanted it. I even met up with the guy to get my hands on it. That shit is like... completely fucking insane, and I bet no living human would be able to fucking use it, BUT... you definitely can. Just so you know, every time you whip out that ballbusting hunk of metal, I'll be watching, so you better give me some fine entertainment to munch popcorn to.\c-\n"
"\cfHonestly I'm not surprised the guy survived the whole thing, probably blasted a thousand demons himself with the shit he's got in there, too. Also, no fucking clue what that thing about fights and faces and shit is, must've gone even crazier with all the demon invasion stuff happening.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_BLACKMANN = "Hermann;BigShot;Saya";
"\cf Blackmann Arms Ltd.\c-\n"
"\cf Arms Designer and Manufacturer\c-\n"
"\cf Cologne, Germany\c-\n"
"\cf https://blackmannarms.de\c-\n"
"\cfBlackmann Arms\c- was founded in 1924 by \cfDaniel Ischer\c-, initially under the name of \cfSchwarzmann Exotischwaffen\c-, as an \"exotic weapons\" workshop in Cologne, Germany. When the family migrated to America in 1933, in the beginnings of the \cfNazi Regime\c-, the shop \"americanized\" itself under its current name, and quickly rose to fame designing all sorts of ingenious weaponry for the allied forces, and taking all sorts of requests for original designs, their slogan becoming \"if you can imagine it, we can make it\".\n"
"Blackmann became quite popular due to not only the swiftness in designing all kinds of odd firearms clients would request, but also some of their own original inventions, such as the \cfSilver Bullet\c- series of ultra-high caliber anti-materiel rifles, or the \cfPuntzer\c- series of firearms designed to \"penetrate any material, no matter how resilient\", thanks to their patented \cfSpin Motion Wedge (SMW)\c- bullet design.\n"
"As of 2148, the company is handled by \cfHermann E. Ischer\c- the great-great-grandson of its founder, who has made it his personal goal that any newly created weapon to come out of their factories capable of holding more than one bullet should have the ability to shoot out everything at once, or as quickly as possible. The man himself is also quite popular on social media due to his status as the world record holder for \"largest eyebrows\", often showing them off or talking in detail about the maintenance of such a thing.\n"
"A big part of the company's funding comes from \cfMr. BIG SHOT\c-, who, according to reports by Hermann himself, regularly commissions all sorts of ludicrous shotgun designs that no sane man would ever think of using. Out of all these strictly private designs, one sole weapon was eventually made public, the \cfWallbuster\c-, a 25-barrel revolving shotgun, chambered in 6-gauge, and said to be capable of \"cleanly breaching through a barrier of pure lead half a meter thick\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, yeah. Cool guns and stuff, but yeah... The guy... You've seen them, we've all seen them, we've seen THOSE. How the hell he's managed to grow them so big is beyond me... And he never told me why, which is the worst part. Why the hell would he want to have the world's largest eyebrows? Is there a joke I'm not getting here???\c-";
"\cf Blast Suit\c-\n"
"\cf Itamex Military Supplies (a subsidiary of Symnatek)\c-\n"
"\cf Body Armor\c-\n"
"A simple, easy to wear vest, designed to protect against explosives. Its main body is made of very elastic nanofabrics, which should provide additional protection against small arms. The heavy plating on the front is made of a highly shock-absorbing proprietary alloy, which is capable of absorbing most of the brunt of force of any explosion near the wearer. The manufacturer advertises that \"it can even block RPGs\", though this has never been put to the test.\n"
"\cxAnalysis data:\c-\n"
"This piece of armor appears to be able to reduce most incoming damage by a factor of 30%, and also completely halve any explosive impact received by the wearer. It can absorb up to 150 \"units of damage\" before it becomes unusable. Furthermore, it can be worn under other other types of armor, allowing for combined protection.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfDon't even ask about it, I seriously don't know what this about \"units of damage\" means. We had that nerdo from Cyrus Enterprises run the tests for us. I swear, he's always acting like everything's a fucking videogame, just like how he also insists on doing the whole thing of scattering equipment around on purpose for you to pick up. BUT I can't really do jack shit about it. He's the one paying the bills... Yeah, all that cash you're piling up? That's him, he calls it your \"score\". Seriously... fucking nerd...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_CANDYGUN = "ExplodiumGun;Munch;Explodium;Saya";
"\cf \"Taste the Sweetness\" Candy Gun\c-\n"
"\cf Munch Innovations\c-\n"
"\cf Overcharged Sidearm\c-\n"
"A highly boosted variant of the standard \cfExplodium Gun\c-. Its magenta tint comes from its various parts having been \"enriched\" with a mixture of \cfExplodium\c-, strawberry flavored hard caramel and pop rocks, including the ammunition itself. Somehow, this odd combination has resulted in the weapon's typical explosive yield to become a deadly fireworks show with each shot. Not only that, but the fact that the weapon itself also contains Explodium makes it, on its own, quite dangerous for the user, should they accidentally hit it against something, therefore the gun is quite unpopular among the public, making its price skyrocket.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Single shots of explosive sweetness. A direct hit should be lethal on most targets, but if they somehow don't drop dead from that, the additional crackles and pops might do the deed, or spread the damage to nearby targets, too.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Perform an \"explosive reload\", just like with a standard Explodium Gun. Note that unlike its weaker counterpart, the yield is much more extreme. For the sake of practicality, you cannot perform this action unless you have some ammo to reload the weapon afterwards, and you need at least one round in the magazine for it to actually explode.\n"
"\cfCombo Fire:\c- By holding secondary and primary fire (in that order) you can opt to, instead of performing the usual explosive reload, leave the magazine in the gun, armed and ready, then throw the whole weapon as a grenade, for the ultimate destruction. Make sure you at least have a spare and more ammo, or you'll be left with nothing if you do this. You're allowed to carry up to 4 spares in your inventory.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI don't get it, really don't. How is it that mixing that exploding shit with candy does this? Oh, whatever, I still love every second of it, but the pretty fireworks make me really nostalgic, for some reason...\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, one of these days I should take you to see the ones they throw where I live, once you're done saving the world, that is. Think of it as a little gift, for being a good robutt and all.\c-";
"\cf Lucky Chance Box\c-\n"
"\cf Plutoni Incorporated\c-\n"
"\cf Surprise Mechanic\c-\n"
"\cf Guaranteed\c-\n"
"These wondrous little boxes are full of surprises. Every single one, 100%, is guaranteed to provide you with a most precious treasure, should you first be able to track it down, as they will be strategically hidden throughout your mission, as reward for thorough secret-hunting.\n"
"Complete your collection! Among the items you can find in these boxes, there are unique collectibles to obtain, all quite valuable as you might see, selected personally by us, for you.\n"
"Once you obtain a collectible, it will be nicely tracked within your \cfKeychain\c- tab. The item's actual (or estimated) market price will be attached, too, should you be curious about that.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThose two have brought MOTHERFUCKING LOOTBOXES into real life, are you shitting me? They could have used their cool reality bending powers for anything else they wanted, like... making moth girls real or something, but instead, this shit.\c-\n"
"\cfOK yeah maybe the moth girls thing is something that I WOULD want, but you get what I mean.\c-\n"
"\cf... god I wish moth girls were real\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_COLLAR = "Demolitionist;Saya;Ibuki;Yui;Ashley";
"\cf Lucky Collar for Demolitionist\c-\n"
"\cf Saya Miyamoto, Ashley Knox\c-\n"
"\cf Fashion Accessory\c-\n"
"This is a very stylish and fashionable accessory, personally crafted by \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, with much love and care, and additionally infused with protective magical energy by \cfAshley Knox\c-. As long as you wear this, your adventures will become much easier, especially if you're prone to accidentally hitting yourself with your own explosives. It can also absorb most of the damage you receive should you be in REAL danger, potentially allowing you to make an escape. One final detail of note is that no matter what, it will never break.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfIt's just such a cool accessory. It looks good on Ibuki, and so I thought it would look good on you, too.\c-\n"
"\cfOh, also, I forgot to put it there in the main entry, but there's also another thing about the collar. Ashley-san taught me, that when whoever's wearing it is like... about to die, I can \"recall\" you here at will. So yeah, just so you know, if you go down in there and can't do an emergency reboot, you won't be lost forever, I'll make sure to bring you back and patch you up real nice, I promise.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_CRONOS = "SerpentRiders;Saya;Ashley;Parthoris";
"\cf Cronos\c-\n"
"\cf Cluster of interconnected pocket worlds\c-\n"
"\cfCronos\c- is a distant small universe composed of small, self-contained worlds, which are all connected together by quantum gates the locals call \cfEthereal Portals\c-. Historical research says that all these small worlds were once part of a much larger whole, but some unknown \"great cataclysm\" happened thousands of years ago, shattering this world and scattering its many fragments, which could only be rejoined through these portals, the creations of a group of powerful sorcerers known as the \cfFour Sages\c-. Of all of them, currently only the \cfSage of Winter\c- remains, and it's said that once he too passes on, the Ethereal Portals will fade away forever, leaving the many lands of Cronos isolated for all of eternity.\n"
"Within this land, there are three major factions at work, the \cfLegion\c-, the \cfArcanum\c-, and the \cfChurch\c- (really just named that). Once constantly fighting among themselves, they are now all under the control of \cfKorax\c-, the second of the \cfSerpent Riders\c-, and were given enhanced power by him. You may have to take on them and their leaders before you can face the Rider himself pulling the strings, but from your experience in previous missions, it's clear that this won't pose a problem.\n"
"However, what could actually be problematic, is one very special fact about the people from these lands. Their odd obsession with complicated puzzles and other mechanisms, which will test your patience, many times along your journey. Most of these obnoxious time wasters are said to have been devised by a former associate of \cfD'Sparil\c-, a nobleman known as \cfLord Vilkreath\c-, who may have also been behind some of the contraptions you found back in \cfParthoris\c-. There are rumors that him and another old disciple of the Rider have been scheming to resurrect him. This may require further attention eventually.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah yeah, typical dark fantasy stuff here. Especially the whole thing of a \"great cataclysm\" and all, y'know, \"this all used to be a field of daisies before\" and then shit hits the fan. I've heard that story a million times.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, there is one thing that really sticks out to me here, and it's those \"Ethereal Portals\". That stuff got me curious, it's like the portals Ashley-san makes, but they're like... more \"stable\"? One of these days we gotta visit that sage guy before he croaks, and ask him about it.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah also... \"puzzles\"? Knowing our audience, chat's going to be flooded with ResidentSleeper every single time, I bet, huhuhuh...\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_CYRUS = "Cyrus Enterprises";
SWWM_LOREREL_CYRUS = "Reubens;Kereshnovka;Saya;Demolitionist";
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Tech Startup???\c-\n"
"\cf Kopo Island, Kereshnovka, Russia\c-\n"
"\cf https://cyrus.enterprises\c-\n"
"The personal tech company of \cfReubens C. Karnanaiahmani\c-, acting mayor of the town of \cfKereshnovka\c-, representative of all the \cfQurensniv\c- people on Earth, and also second son of king \cfMarc P. Karnanaiahmani\c-. Reubens runs the whole thing all by himself, having no actual employees.\n"
"Cyrus is mainly focused on bringing highly advanced Qurensniv technology to humans. Among the company's most notable creations, there's \cfHammerspace™\c-, a method of \"offworld storage\" which allows individuals to travel light, needing only to carry a small device to store and deploy any objects they need at will. Many comments have been made on the rather \"nerdy\" naming of the company's various products, this being one of them.\n"
"Cyrus Enterprises, furthermore, is the current main backer of the \cfDemolitionist\c- program, providing the required equipment for their missions, and personally paying for every hostile target the Demolitionist takes down, among other things.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfNerdguy's own business. All good and nerdy right there.\c-\n"
"\cfI know I use that word a lot, yeah, but I'm just stating the facts. Guy's a big nerd.\c-\n"
"\cf... And so am I, for that matter.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_CYTHO = "Valathor, Cytho";
SWWM_LOREREL_CYTHO = "Hell;Ellen;Anarukon;DemonInvasion;UAC;Saya;AkariLabs;Demolitionist";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Archduke Cytho of House Valathor\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Kuriste\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2008-10-09\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Independent News Reporter\c-\n"
" \cf Ambassador (Kuriste Kingdom)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @incuvalathor\c-\n"
"Born in the now fallen Iskar township in 2008 as one of the youngest men of the humble \cfHouse Valathor\c-, \cfCytho\c- took to the family business upon reaching adulthood, quickly climbing the ranks and garnering quite a lot of \"cred\" thanks to his various satisfied customers and the many pupils he'd take under his wing. By 2028, he had made of Earth his second home, where he would open up an account on social media for a more modern method of attracting new clientele.\n"
"One day, however, everything changed. Many of his colleagues would report being \"creeped out\" by a woman's unreasonable requests. Curious, Cytho would then set forth to try and find her, to see what exactly they were finding so unreasonable. And that, is how he met \cfElena Yanikov XVI\c-, an \cfAnarukon\c- woman \"struck by the curse of eternal loneliness\", who so desperately wished to find a husband that she eventually resourced to summoning demons and begging for them to marry her. As expected, all of them had rejected her pleas, no matter how hard she tried, as many among demonkind were wary of her kind. Cytho, however, took pity on her, and accepted, on one condition: They would have to go on a date first.\n"
"Some time later, the archduke announced his retirement from business, having \"reformed\" as the faithful husband to an Anarukon woman. While his friends and family celebrated, others saw this as an affront. House Valathor was heavily criticised for not rejecting him right there and then, to the point a small war broke out, as the rival \cfHouse Irishtanar\c- would crush their hometown in \"protest\". That day, Cytho closely witnessed the cruelty of his own kind, as the sole survivor of that massacre.\n"
"Since then, he lives in Boston with his wife and their three children. His social media account's purpose has been shifted to communicating the news of what transpires in his home realm, sourced from the many contacts he's gathered over the years, as representative of the subjugated civilian population. Although the vast majority of Earth's population would not take him seriously, not until the \cfDemon Invasion\c- of 2148 began.\n"
"Denouncing the \cfUAC\c-'s involvements, he posted about the events on \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c- long before the UAC had made them public, and proclaimed that an invasion on Earth was imminent. Still few took him seriously, but one among them was his friend \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, of \cfAkari Labs\c-. As investor in her company, he had already ensured beforehand that she would have the resources and manpower needed for the task he'd ask of her: Build a combat robot that can fight the invaders.\n"
"And thus, through their collaboration, the \cfDemolitionist\c- was born.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSince the very moment I met him, back when I first visited Ellen-san's family, I knew he was more than just a cool, handsome demon grandpa. Yeah, Cytho-sama's the real deal, and the blood that runs through his veins is more noble than that of any pesky, pompous trashlord with a fancy title out there.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd yeah, surprise surprise... He's your dad (well, kinda). But you already knew that, didn't you?\c-\n"
"\cfSeriously, if it wasn't for him, all of this would have never been possible. We owe a lot to him... I just hope I don't have to repay him with my soul or something.\c-\n"
"\cfPS: His name is pronounced \"Kaizo\", you kept saying it wrong every time. But don't worry, you're not the first.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_DECADEMECH = "XAnimen;EngineTech;Nedoshiaan;Saya";
"\cf Decade Mechanics\c-\n"
"\cf Military Research Facility\c-\n"
"\cf Sunkaeze, Xathar outer rim, X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"A large ruined facility found buried under the sands of the barren planet of \cfSunkaeze\c-, within the farthest reaches of \cfXathar\c-. It is the only structure ever found in there, and has been the subject of a lot of exploration and study. Though most of the creations of its former staff have been lost, some have managed to find completely untouched, still working artifacts of various kinds: cloaking devices, personal teleporters, powerful energy weapons, and many others. The cause of this facility falling into ruin is unknown, and according to certain reports, may be connected to the death of the one individual that has been found referenced in most of the retrieved blueprints and research documents, the mechanical demigod \cfMaester Mekes\c-.\n"
"Of the many products successfully retrieved, the \cfBiospark Carbine\c- is one of the most notable. It was devised as the \"signature weapon of \cfDecade Mechanics\c-\", and described as \"a piercing lance of electricity capable of deep thought\". No one has been able to reverse engineer this odd weapon. There are an estimated 30,000 units stored within the facility, and their distribution is currently controlled by \cfTach-Engine Technologies\c-, its founder being the main discoverer of this weapon, who has shown interest in studying this weapon in more detail.\n"
"Furthermore, there are many rumors spread by explorers that the ruins are haunted. Some claim that there are \"angels of death\" roaming the decaying halls of the facility, taking the lives of those that get lost while exploring. There's also the theory that Sunkaeze was the homeworld of the long extinct Kuramoxedyn race, the ancestors of the Izuna people of Nedoshiaan, and that these so-called \"angels\" are their vengeful spirits.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSpooky spirits in a ruined complex in a barren planet... This shit sounds like it came straight out of a movie. The old man seriously found a goldmine of technology in there, too. I've even benefitted from some of it myself, heh.\c-";
"\cf Decade Mechanics\c-\n"
"\cf Military Research Facility\c-\n"
"\cf Sunkaeze, Xathar outer rim, X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"A large ruined facility found buried under the sands of the barren planet of \cfSunkaeze\c-, within the farthest reaches of \cfXathar\c-. It is the only structure ever found in there, and has been the subject of a lot of exploration and study. Though most of the creations of its former staff have been lost, some have managed to find completely untouched, still working artifacts of various kinds: cloaking devices, personal teleporters, powerful energy weapons, and many others. The cause of this facility falling into ruin is unknown, and according to certain reports, may be connected to the death of the one individual that has been found referenced in most of the retrieved blueprints and research documents, the mechanical demigod \cfMaester Mekes\c-.\n"
"Of the many products successfully retrieved, the \cfBiospark Carbine\c- is one of the most notable. It was devised as the \"signature weapon of \cfDecade Mechanics\c-\", and described as \"a piercing lance of electricity capable of deep thought\". No one has been able to reverse engineer this odd weapon. There are an estimated 30,000 units stored within the facility, and their distribution is currently controlled by \cfTach-Engine Technologies\c-, its founder being the main discoverer of this weapon, who has shown interest in studying this weapon in more detail.\n"
"Furthermore, there are many rumors spread by explorers that the ruins are haunted. Some claim that there are \"angels of death\" roaming the decaying halls of the facility, taking the lives of those that get lost while exploring. There's also the theory that Sunkaeze was the homeworld of the long extinct Kuramoxedyn race, the ancestors of the Izuna people of Nedoshiaan, and that these so-called \"angels\" are their vengeful spirits.\n"
"Additional investigation eventually resulted in tracking down of a \cfMekyon\c- woman by the name of \cfMatha Sai\c-, who worked directly under Maester Mekes as his most close associate. She provided more details on the nature of the incident that brought ruin to the facility, having happened around 2734 BC with the containment breach of an experimental psychic weapon. The so-called \"angels of death\" that scavengers reported are specifically that weapon. It's estimated that it'll take several years more for all of them to fully decay, allowing the facility to be rebuilt. However, without Maester Mekes, it may not be possible to return Decade Mechanics to its former glory. Apparently during these past ~4900 years Matha has been searching for an individual capable of retrieving the mechanical demigod's immortal soul in order to siphon it into a new body.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSpooky spirits in a ruined complex in a barren planet... This shit sounds like it came straight out of a movie. The old man seriously found a goldmine of technology in there, too. I've even benefitted from some of it myself, heh.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Interesting story, that. So yeah, demigods can die, BUT apparently their souls don't and can just get put in new bodies. That... I think that still counts as immortality, right?\c-";
"\cf \"Deep Impact\" Airblaster\c-\n"
"\cf Dr. Locke's Wonderful Toys\c-\n"
"\cf Compressed Air Gun\c-\n"
"The \cfDeep Impact\c-, also known by its former commercial name of \cfDr. Locke's Mighty Wolf Breath Airgun\c-, is a potent compressed air gun, allegedly meant to be a toy for children despite its noted lethality. Its maximum pressure allows for expelling blasts of air that could cause severe internal hemorrhaging and crushing of vital organs. Of the many creations of \cfDr. Locke\c-, this is, however, not the most dangerous currently known. After Locke disappeared following his disastrous attempt at world domination, his toy production company also closed its doors, but most of the products he had created found new life being resold as actual weapons around the net.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Quick puffs of compressed air that will push away enemies and projectiles, dealing only minor damage.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Compresses all the air into a single highly destructive shot, an \"air bullet\" capable of penetrating multiple targets, dealing lethal damage and blowing them all away. This mode of operation requires a full air tank before it can be used.\n"
"\cfReload:\c- Refilling the internal air tank is done by repeatedly pulling on the side lever. You will know the tank is full once a smart mechanism locks it in place, preventing the tank from being overfilled and potentially causing it to explode.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI know you're hella strong, so you better not pull on it too hard. Wait, that sounds wrong...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_DEMOLITIONIST = "AkariLabs;Ibuki;Saya;Zanaveth2;Hell;UAC;Nekuratek;Belt;Collar;Propulsor;Hammerspace;Display;Voicebox;Maidbot;EngineTech;Kirin;DemonInvasion;Cytho";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Akari Labs First Generation Autonomous Combat Unit\c-\n"
" \cf Demolitionist (codename)\c-\n"
" \cf Demo Miyamoto (first unit)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2148-01-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Pro Hero\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @demolitionist_bot\c-\n"
"The \cfDemolitionist\c- is one of the crowning achievements of \cfAkari Labs\c- on the field of robotics. An AI-driven combat unit capable of efficiently utilizing any weaponry at its disposition, highly resilient to damage and capable of operating in any environment, including the void of space. It can be seen as the spiritual successor of the \cfRed Oni\c- supersoldier program, in a way, as it also serves the same purpose of defending Earth from an overwhelming invading force. The project has been funded and sponsored by many partners of Akari Labs, and is the brainchild of both \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- and \cfArchduke Cytho Valathor\c-, representative of \cfHell\c-'s civilian population.\n"
"Each unit is equipped with various third-party components of note, such as the \cfJetBurst™ Impulsors\c- on their backs, allowing them to perform rapid mid-air boosts and dashes, a pair of \cfHammerspace™\c- containers, giving them quick access to a wide arsenal, the two being attached to the all-popular \cfSymnatek Magnetic Utility Belt\c-, or the powerful \cfCelestine Microfusion Battery\c-, courtesy of \cfTach-Engine Technology Institute\c-, which provides up to 80 days of autonomy for the unit, at full processing power of its \cfNekuratek IK-349 CPU\c-. More details on the full hardware specifications can be found at the Akari Labs website.\n"
"The AI core of the Demolitionist is built on the same technology as Akari Labs' \cfMaidbots\c-, the \cfNekuronbot AI Framework\c-, which had been provided to \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- herself as a gift of friendship from \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c-, the lead AI engineer and current CEO of \cfNekuratek\c-. Thanks to this technology, and combined with many other features such as the \cfCuteEmotion Display\c- that allows the unit to visibly show emotion through a set of simple animated faces or the \cfLoudboi Voicebox\c- that allows it to speak almost naturally, the Demolitionist is barely indistinguishable from a real person in its behavior and emotional response, making interaction with civilians much more comforting. It can even be said that the Demolitionist has its own little personality, with unique quirks and all.\n"
"The first unit, affectionately known as \cfDemo-chan\c- by Saya, was deployed in June of 2148 on \cfUnion States\c- territory in order to combat the demonic invasion brought upon by the \cfUAC\c-'s interventions on Hell.\n"
"Of this previously mentioned first unit, there are many details known thanks to a Q&A session that Saya had livestreamed months prior to the deployment. The unit has been acknowledged as being part of the Miyamoto household, having been given the full name of \cfDemo Miyamoto\c-. Demo can be described as \"quite chatty\" and fond of joking around to try and put a smile on people's faces, but also very serious and determined in their desire to protect those in need. They are also quite popular within the LGBTQIA+ community due to their fierce support of also protecting the rights of those who face discrimination for their identities, and has even publicly come out themself as non-binary. This didn't really come as a surprise to most due to Saya's own involvements with the collective, however.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHeh, yeah... that stream was fun. People asked so many questions, and your answers sure caught some of them by surprise, huhu...\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, there is also one more thing that makes you unique. It's that \"lucky collar\" I made for you, you know. Ibuki had one, and it sure helped her, so I thought that it was a good idea to give it to you too. Wish people weren't going all \"wow, so you treat them like a pet or something?\", though. They're getting the wrong idea...\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, if you're finished reading about yourself, how about you get back to work? Yes, Demo-chan, I know you are reading this, at this very moment. OoOOoOoOoOooo... spooky, isn't it?\c-\n"
"\cfGet back to work, you silly robutt.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Akari Labs First Generation Autonomous Combat Unit\c-\n"
" \cf Demolitionist (codename)\c-\n"
" \cf Demo Miyamoto (first unit)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2148-01-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Pro Hero\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @demolitionist_bot\c-\n"
"The \cfDemolitionist\c- is one of the crowning achievements of \cfAkari Labs\c- on the field of robotics. An AI-driven combat unit capable of efficiently utilizing any weaponry at its disposition, highly resilient to damage and capable of operating in any environment, including the void of space. It can be seen as the spiritual successor of the \cfRed Oni\c- supersoldier program, in a way, as it also serves the same purpose of defending Earth from an overwhelming invading force. The project has been funded and sponsored by many partners of Akari Labs, and is the brainchild of both \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- and \cfArchduke Cytho Valathor\c-, representative of \cfHell\c-'s civilian population.\n"
"Each unit is equipped with various third-party components of note, such as the \cfJetBurst™ Impulsors\c- on their backs, allowing them to perform rapid mid-air boosts and dashes, a pair of \cfHammerspace™\c- containers, giving them quick access to a wide arsenal, the two being attached to the all-popular \cfSymnatek Magnetic Utility Belt\c-, or the powerful \cfCelestine Microfusion Battery\c-, courtesy of \cfTach-Engine Technology Institute\c-, which provides up to 80 days of autonomy for the unit, at full processing power of its \cfNekuratek IK-349 CPU\c-. More details on the full hardware specifications can be found at the Akari Labs website.\n"
"The AI core of the Demolitionist is built on the same technology as Akari Labs' \cfMaidbots\c-, the \cfNekuronbot AI Framework\c-, which had been provided to \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- herself as a gift of friendship from \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c-, the lead AI engineer and current CEO of \cfNekuratek\c-. Thanks to this technology, and combined with many other features such as the \cfCuteEmotion Display\c- that allows the unit to visibly show emotion through a set of simple animated faces or the \cfLoudboi Voicebox\c- that allows it to speak almost naturally, the Demolitionist is barely indistinguishable from a real person in its behavior and emotional response, making interaction with civilians much more comforting. It can even be said that the Demolitionist has its own little personality, with unique quirks and all.\n"
"The first unit, affectionately known as \cfDemo-chan\c- by Saya, was deployed in June of 2148 on \cfUnion States\c- territory in order to combat the demonic invasion brought upon by the \cfUAC\c-'s interventions on Hell.\n"
"Of this previously mentioned first unit, there are many details known thanks to a Q&A session that Saya had livestreamed months prior to the deployment. The unit has been acknowledged as being part of the Miyamoto household, having been given the full name of \cfDemo Miyamoto\c-. Demo can be described as \"quite chatty\" and fond of joking around to try and put a smile on people's faces, but also very serious and determined in their desire to protect those in need. They are also quite popular within the LGBTQIA+ community due to their fierce support of also protecting the rights of those who face discrimination for their identities, and has even publicly come out themself as non-binary. This didn't really come as a surprise to most due to Saya's own involvements with the collective, however.\n"
"Following their success in fighting off Hell's armies, Saya realized that no other units would ever need to be made, so Demo themself became the \"ultimate weapon\" of Akari Labs, all by their lonesome. Furthermore, they were additionally rewarded with a separate maidbot frame, which Demo freely makes use of during their free time, and has allowed them to truly express their feelings for Saya, becoming her third partner, together with Meido and Ibuki.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou're so cute, Demo-chan. I really outdid myself with that Maidbot body, for sure. It seriously caught me by surprise when, as soon as you swapped over to it, you just... jumped in my arms like that and started kissing me all over and... whew~\c-\n"
"\cfI'm really happy that you're now part of our little Cutie Club (\c-\cg♥\c-\cf), you know.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, no more reading about yourself while you're working. Go away, silly.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Akari Labs First Generation Autonomous Combat Unit\c-\n"
" \cf Demolitionist (codename)\c-\n"
" \cf Demo Miyamoto (first unit)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2148-01-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Pro Hero\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @demolitionist_bot\c-\n"
"The \cfDemolitionist\c- is one of the crowning achievements of \cfAkari Labs\c- on the field of robotics. An AI-driven combat unit capable of efficiently utilizing any weaponry at its disposition, highly resilient to damage and capable of operating in any environment, including the void of space. It can be seen as the spiritual successor of the \cfRed Oni\c- supersoldier program, in a way, as it also serves the same purpose of defending Earth from an overwhelming invading force. The project has been funded and sponsored by many partners of Akari Labs, and is the brainchild of both \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- and \cfArchduke Cytho Valathor\c-, representative of \cfHell\c-'s civilian population.\n"
"Each unit is equipped with various third-party components of note, such as the \cfJetBurst™ Impulsors\c- on their backs, allowing them to perform rapid mid-air boosts and dashes, a pair of \cfHammerspace™\c- containers, giving them quick access to a wide arsenal, the two being attached to the all-popular \cfSymnatek Magnetic Utility Belt\c-, or the powerful \cfCelestine Microfusion Battery\c-, courtesy of \cfTach-Engine Technology Institute\c-, which provides up to 80 days of autonomy for the unit, at full processing power of its \cfNekuratek IK-349 CPU\c-. More details on the full hardware specifications can be found at the Akari Labs website.\n"
"The AI core of the Demolitionist is built on the same technology as Akari Labs' \cfMaidbots\c-, the \cfNekuronbot AI Framework\c-, which had been provided to \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- herself as a gift of friendship from \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c-, the lead AI engineer and current CEO of \cfNekuratek\c-. Thanks to this technology, and combined with many other features such as the \cfCuteEmotion Display\c- that allows the unit to visibly show emotion through a set of simple animated faces or the \cfLoudboi Voicebox\c- that allows it to speak almost naturally, the Demolitionist is barely indistinguishable from a real person in its behavior and emotional response, making interaction with civilians much more comforting. It can even be said that the Demolitionist has its own little personality, with unique quirks and all.\n"
"The first unit, affectionately known as \cfDemo-chan\c- by Saya, was deployed in June of 2148 on \cfUnion States\c- territory in order to combat the demonic invasion brought upon by the \cfUAC\c-'s interventions on Hell.\n"
"Of this previously mentioned first unit, there are many details known thanks to a Q&A session that Saya had livestreamed months prior to the deployment. The unit has been acknowledged as being part of the Miyamoto household, having been given the full name of \cfDemo Miyamoto\c-. Demo can be described as \"quite chatty\" and fond of joking around to try and put a smile on people's faces, but also very serious and determined in their desire to protect those in need. They are also quite popular within the LGBTQIA+ community due to their fierce support of also protecting the rights of those who face discrimination for their identities, and has even publicly come out themself as non-binary. This didn't really come as a surprise to most due to Saya's own involvements with the collective, however.\n"
"Following their success in fighting off Hell's armies, Saya realized that no other units would ever need to be made, so Demo themself became the \"ultimate weapon\" of Akari Labs, all by their lonesome. Furthermore, they were additionally rewarded with a separate maidbot frame, which Demo freely makes use of during their free time, and has allowed them to truly express their feelings for Saya, becoming her third partner, together with Meido and Ibuki. Since May of 2171, they are also additionally engaged to \cfKirin Xanai\c-, leader of the \cfSykhai Empire of Akkou\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou're so cute, Demo-chan. I really outdid myself with that Maidbot body, for sure. It seriously caught me by surprise when, as soon as you swapped over to it, you just... jumped in my arms like that and started kissing me all over and... whew~\c-\n"
"\cfI'm really happy that you're now part of our little Cutie Club (\c-\cg♥\c-\cf), you know.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, no more reading about yourself while you're working. Go away, silly.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_DEMONINVASION = "Hell;UAC;Demolitionist;WhiteScar;Nukuri;Doomguy;Anarukon;Saya;Archdemons";
"\cf Demon Invasion\c-\n"
"\cf Worldwide Catastrophe\c-\n"
"\cf 2145-Now\c-\n"
"Sometime in 2145, following a coup staged by the leaders of \cfHell\c-'s armed forces, the \cfAnarukon\c--led \cfKuriste Royal Family\c- was overthrown and the leading general \cfErebus Arthamuz\c- set himself as new leader of the realm, claiming to \"finally liberate our kind from the tyranny of the undying\", and effectively established a military dictatorship. Around this time, the \cfUAC\c- was conducting several explorations of the realm in order to study it and potentially set up trade routes for valuable materials, especially sources of \cfArdent Energy\c-. The idea of humans treading on their territory and wishing to exploit their resources was most definitely not welcome, especially considering the fact us humans have shunned Demonkind for countless millennia. What followed was a declaration of war (see \cf\"Hell\"\c- entry for more details).\n"
"Following their first incursions in the UAC's Mars bases, which had been kept a close-guarded secret, a whistleblower revealed in early 2148 what had happened, and their next plan of invading \cfEarth\c-. While some had their doubts about such a thing, others took these threats very seriously, and prepared for impending doom. One among these was \cfAkari Labs\c-, a Japanese robotics company, which initiated the \cfDemolitionist\c- program in order to combat the invasion. The project was ready by June, being deployed on the 6th of the same month on \cfUnion States\c- soil (an event which caused certain discontent due to this act being a clear violation of the \cfWhite Scar Treaty\c- as the Demolitionist heavily employs \cfNukuri\c- technology).\n"
"Although some territories could easily fend off the invaders (some coming out exceptionally unscathed, such as the \cfSoviet Union\c-, \cfJapan\c-, \cfAustralia\c- and the \cfUnion of African Republics\c-), the worldwide impact has been devastating, with casualties adding up to millions, especially on territories of the \cfAmericas\c-, where the UAC's influence is more pronounced. Outside help is practically nonexistent, as the invaders have managed to cut all communication with allied worlds, keeping them in the dark regarding our situation. The only hope left is for Earth's own forces to fight back. Several armies across the world, as well as countless specialized mercenaries, have been documented to rise up against the Demons, including the UAC's own marine corps, among them, the \"lone marine\" that had survived the attacks on the bases of \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c-. He's been deemed their \"trump card\" to put an end to the invasion.\n"
"Even at the moment of this article's writing, the invasion is still progressing. There have been evacuation efforts to prevent more civilian casualties, while anyone able-bodied takes part in the fight for Earth's salvation.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI said it in the mission briefing and I say it again: FUCK THE UAC. All this is entirely their fault. They brought this shit upon us all, and we're paying for it.\c-\n"
"\cfWe've mourned long enough before the mission, now it's your time to fight. Everyone is fighting, there's shittons of crazy people around, whole-ass one man armies, it's chaos. You know, I do have high hopes that this will all be over soon. Humanity is very strong, we've been through a lot of shit in half a century. We can keep going.\c-\n"
"\cfIf there's one thing I can take from all this, after all these years, Demo-chan, is that capitalism is a fucking disease. All this greed, this thirst for power, it only serves to fuel war and death. And, I hate being part of it, but I have to if I want things to change.\c-";
"\cf Demon Invasion\c-\n"
"\cf Worldwide Catastrophe\c-\n"
"\cf 2145-2148\c-\n"
"Sometime in 2145, following a coup staged by the leaders of \cfHell\c-'s armed forces, the \cfAnarukon\c--led \cfKuriste Royal Family\c- was overthrown and the leading general \cfErebus Arthamuz\c- set himself as new leader of the realm, claiming to \"finally liberate our kind from the tyranny of the undying\", and effectively established a military dictatorship. Around this time, the \cfUAC\c- was conducting several explorations of the realm in order to study it and potentially set up trade routes for valuable materials, especially sources of \cfArdent Energy\c-. The idea of humans treading on their territory and wishing to exploit their resources was most definitely not welcome, especially considering the fact us humans have shunned Demonkind for countless millennia. What followed was a declaration of war (see \cf\"Hell\"\c- entry for more details).\n"
"Following their first incursions in the UAC's Mars bases, which had been kept a close-guarded secret, a whistleblower revealed in early 2148 what had happened, and their next plan of invading \cfEarth\c-. While some had their doubts about such a thing, others took these threats very seriously, and prepared for impending doom. One among these was \cfAkari Labs\c-, a Japanese robotics company, which initiated the \cfDemolitionist\c- program in order to combat the invasion. The project was ready by June, being deployed on the 6th of the same month on \cfUnion States\c- soil (an event which caused certain discontent due to this act being a clear violation of the \cfWhite Scar Treaty\c- as the Demolitionist heavily employs \cfNukuri\c- technology).\n"
"Although some territories could easily fend off the invaders (some coming out exceptionally unscathed, such as the \cfSoviet Union\c-, \cfJapan\c-, \cfAustralia\c- and the \cfUnion of African Republics\c-), the worldwide impact was devastating, with casualties adding up to millions, especially on territories of the \cfAmericas\c-, where the UAC's influence was more pronounced. Outside help was practically nonexistent, as the invaders had managed to cut all communication with allied worlds, keeping them in the dark regarding our situation. The only hope left was for Earth's own forces to fight back. Several armies across the world, as well as countless specialized mercenaries, were documented to rise up against the Demons, including the UAC's own marine corps, among them, the \"lone marine\" that had survived the attacks on the bases of \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c-. He had been deemed their \"trump card\" to put an end to the invasion.\n"
"In a matter of weeks, the number of invaders thinned as the efforts to fend them off progressed. And then, at the peak of this counterattack, the Demolitionist was finally deployed. In less than a day, they had achieved victory, closing the gate to Hell from the inside and eliminating the commander of the invading army, his severed psychic link causing the death of all forces under his control remaining in Hell. The next day, all the remaining groups on Earth, scattered and without leadership, were suppressed one by one, freeing Earth from the invasion.\n"
"Since then, the possibility of further attacks remained. Some wonder if it may be time to take the war to Hell itself, while others focus on reconstruction, and finding ways to prevent them from invading ever again. \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- of Akari Labs claims that the main issue has been in the UAC's teleportation technology all along, and its lack of safeguarding against hijacking. Suffice to say, the aftermath of this catastrophe hasn't been very kind on the corporation. After severe sanctions and a restructuring of its board of directors, the UAC completely lost hold of its position of power in the American continent, and has been forced to assume full responsibility for repairing the damages the invasion has caused.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, fuck the UAC. That manchild Kelliher got what he deserved. Hordes upon hordes of former employees leaving him all alone to bear the weight of all the shit his company has caused. Some of them came up here to the labs, funny enough. We welcomed them with open arms.\c-\n"
"\cfThings have started to cool off despite some isolated incidents, although now we have to deal with whatever bullshit is cooking between the Demons and the Xevetha. Honestly, if I could I'd build a million more of you and send them all to tear those filthy usurper generals to shreds, but realistically that can't be done, heh. Maybe I can actually move some strings though, check up on some contacts and see what could be done.\c-";
"\cf Demon Invasion\c-\n"
"\cf Worldwide Catastrophe\c-\n"
"\cf 2145-2165\c-\n"
"Sometime in 2145, following a coup staged by the leaders of \cfHell\c-'s armed forces, the \cfAnarukon\c--led \cfKuriste Royal Family\c- was overthrown and the leading general \cfErebus Arthamuz\c- set himself as new leader of the realm, claiming to \"finally liberate our kind from the tyranny of the undying\", and effectively established a military dictatorship. Around this time, the \cfUAC\c- was conducting several explorations of the realm in order to study it and potentially set up trade routes for valuable materials, especially sources of \cfArdent Energy\c-. The idea of humans treading on their territory and wishing to exploit their resources was most definitely not welcome, especially considering the fact us humans have shunned Demonkind for countless millennia. What followed was a declaration of war (see \cf\"Hell\"\c- entry for more details).\n"
"Following their first incursions in the UAC's Mars bases, which had been kept a close-guarded secret, a whistleblower revealed in early 2148 what had happened, and their next plan of invading \cfEarth\c-. While some had their doubts about such a thing, others took these threats very seriously, and prepared for impending doom. One among these was \cfAkari Labs\c-, a Japanese robotics company, which initiated the \cfDemolitionist\c- program in order to combat the invasion. The project was ready by June, being deployed on the 6th of the same month on \cfUnion States\c- soil (an event which caused certain discontent due to this act being a clear violation of the \cfWhite Scar Treaty\c- as the Demolitionist heavily employs \cfNukuri\c- technology).\n"
"Although some territories could easily fend off the invaders (some coming out exceptionally unscathed, such as the \cfSoviet Union\c-, \cfJapan\c-, \cfAustralia\c- and the \cfUnion of African Republics\c-), the worldwide impact was devastating, with casualties adding up to millions, especially on territories of the \cfAmericas\c-, where the UAC's influence was more pronounced. Outside help was practically nonexistent, as the invaders had managed to cut all communication with allied worlds, keeping them in the dark regarding our situation. The only hope left was for Earth's own forces to fight back. Several armies across the world, as well as countless specialized mercenaries, were documented to rise up against the Demons, including the UAC's own marine corps, among them, the \"lone marine\" that had survived the attacks on the bases of \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c-. He had been deemed their \"trump card\" to put an end to the invasion.\n"
"In a matter of weeks, the number of invaders thinned as the efforts to fend them off progressed. And then, at the peak of this counterattack, the Demolitionist was finally deployed. In less than a day, they had achieved victory, closing the gate to Hell from the inside and eliminating the commander of the invading army, his severed psychic link causing the death of all forces under his control remaining in Hell. The next day, all the remaining groups on Earth, scattered and without leadership, were suppressed one by one, freeing Earth from the invasion.\n"
"Since then, the possibility of further attacks remained. Some wondered if the war could be taken to Hell itself, while others focused on reconstruction, and finding ways to prevent them from invading ever again. \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- of Akari Labs claimed that the main issue has been in the UAC's teleportation technology all along, and its lack of safeguarding against hijacking. Suffice to say, the aftermath of this catastrophe wasn't very kind on the corporation. After severe sanctions and a restructuring of its board of directors, the UAC completely lost hold of its position of power in the American continent, and had been forced to assume full responsibility for repairing the damages the invasion has caused, which are estimated to be completed by the turn of the next century.\n"
"In mid-2160, a new threat had surfaced, but was swiftly dealt with by the \cfDoom Marine\c-. After his victory, he chose to remain in Hell to prevent any more incidents. To this day it's unknown if he's still alive, as contacts in Hell have reported that he's gone missing. Five years later, a nation allied to the Kuriste Royal Family sent forth assassins to eliminate the usurper generals one by one. Although they succeeded, this only made things worse, as it gave \cfAkedas Aximal\c-, Erebus's right-hand man, the chance to assume control, keeping hold of the realm in the shadows, scheming to take his revenge. His plans, however, were thwarted time and time by the Demolitionist's regular visits to the \cfSundered Realms\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWe'll get him one day, Demo-chan, I'm sure of it. If it's not us, it'll be someone else. The stuff that happened with those assassins tells me they've got enemies out there, BIG ones. Apparently it was one of those Anarukon \"Free Communities\" that sent them. I don't know much about that stuff beyond what I wrote in the article for it though.\c-";
"\cf Demon Invasion\c-\n"
"\cf Worldwide Catastrophe\c-\n"
"\cf 2145-2165\c-\n"
"Sometime in 2145, following a coup staged by the leaders of \cfHell\c-'s armed forces, the \cfAnarukon\c--led \cfKuriste Royal Family\c- was overthrown and the leading general \cfErebus Arthamuz\c- set himself as new leader of the realm, claiming to \"finally liberate our kind from the tyranny of the undying\", and effectively established a military dictatorship. Around this time, the \cfUAC\c- was conducting several explorations of the realm in order to study it and potentially set up trade routes for valuable materials, especially sources of \cfArdent Energy\c-. The idea of humans treading on their territory and wishing to exploit their resources was most definitely not welcome, especially considering the fact us humans have shunned Demonkind for countless millennia. What followed was a declaration of war (see \cf\"Hell\"\c- entry for more details).\n"
"Following their first incursions in the UAC's Mars bases, which had been kept a close-guarded secret, a whistleblower revealed in early 2148 what had happened, and their next plan of invading \cfEarth\c-. While some had their doubts about such a thing, others took these threats very seriously, and prepared for impending doom. One among these was \cfAkari Labs\c-, a Japanese robotics company, which initiated the \cfDemolitionist\c- program in order to combat the invasion. The project was ready by June, being deployed on the 6th of the same month on \cfUnion States\c- soil (an event which caused certain discontent due to this act being a clear violation of the \cfWhite Scar Treaty\c- as the Demolitionist heavily employs \cfNukuri\c- technology).\n"
"Although some territories could easily fend off the invaders (some coming out exceptionally unscathed, such as the \cfSoviet Union\c-, \cfJapan\c-, \cfAustralia\c- and the \cfUnion of African Republics\c-), the worldwide impact was devastating, with casualties adding up to millions, especially on territories of the \cfAmericas\c-, where the UAC's influence was more pronounced. Outside help was practically nonexistent, as the invaders had managed to cut all communication with allied worlds, keeping them in the dark regarding our situation. The only hope left was for Earth's own forces to fight back. Several armies across the world, as well as countless specialized mercenaries, were documented to rise up against the Demons, including the UAC's own marine corps, among them, the \"lone marine\" that had survived the attacks on the bases of \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c-. He had been deemed their \"trump card\" to put an end to the invasion.\n"
"In a matter of weeks, the number of invaders thinned as the efforts to fend them off progressed. And then, at the peak of this counterattack, the Demolitionist was finally deployed. In less than a day, they had achieved victory, closing the gate to Hell from the inside and eliminating the commander of the invading army, his severed psychic link causing the death of all forces under his control remaining in Hell. The next day, all the remaining groups on Earth, scattered and without leadership, were suppressed one by one, freeing Earth from the invasion.\n"
"Since then, the possibility of further attacks remained. Some wondered if the war could be taken to Hell itself, while others focused on reconstruction, and finding ways to prevent them from invading ever again. \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- of Akari Labs claimed that the main issue has been in the UAC's teleportation technology all along, and its lack of safeguarding against hijacking. Suffice to say, the aftermath of this catastrophe wasn't very kind on the corporation. After severe sanctions and a restructuring of its board of directors, the UAC completely lost hold of its position of power in the American continent, and had been forced to assume full responsibility for repairing the damages the invasion has caused, which are estimated to be completed by the turn of the next century.\n"
"In mid-2160, a new threat had surfaced, but was swiftly dealt with by the \cfDoom Marine\c-. After his victory, he chose to remain in Hell to prevent any more incidents. To this day it's unknown if he's still alive, as contacts in Hell have reported that he's gone missing. Five years later, a nation allied to the Kuriste Royal Family sent forth assassins to eliminate the usurper generals one by one. Although they succeeded, this only made things worse, as it gave \cfAkedas Aximal\c-, Erebus's right-hand man, the chance to assume control, keeping hold of the realm in the shadows, scheming to take his revenge. His plans, however, were thwarted time and time by the Demolitionist's regular visits to the \cfSundered Realms\c-.\n"
"In May of 2171, following a conversation between Saya Miyamoto and \cfAzkhan Konomoru\c-, matriarch of the Kuriste Royal Family, plans were brought forth to put an end to this conflict once and for all, involving the rescue of a demon prince capable of effortlessly slaying the countless armies of Hell still remaining, and reestablishing the peaceful leadership of the Kuriste Royal Family.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWe'll get him one day, Demo-chan, I'm sure of it. If it's not us, it'll be someone else. The stuff that happened with those assassins tells me they've got enemies out there, BIG ones. Apparently it was one of those Anarukon \"Free Communities\" that sent them. I don't know much about that stuff beyond what I wrote in the article for it though.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Haha and now I know everything. EVERYTHING about it. Boy, they're so fucked. You saw, too, we all did. Once we find the missing prince, it's game over for that stupid-ass illusionist schmuck. 9.3 billion demons bred for war? All of them won't stand a chance, it's going to be raining blood for days in hell, if what we heard about him is true.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_DEMOPLUSH = "Nukritas2xx;Demolitionist;Saya";
"\cf Demolitionist Plushie\c-\n"
"\cf Nukritas 2xx\c-\n"
"\cf Plush Doll\c-\n"
"A soft and huggable doll of the great hero \cfDemolitionist\c-, savior of Earth, slayer of Demons, exploder of knees. Caringly crafted by \cfNukritas 2xx\c- herself, this plush doll features quite the attention to detail, sporting a self-illuminating face and glowing tags, just like the real thing! (Jetpacks are not functional, however)\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWell look at that, you're getting famous, Demo-chan. Yeah, even abroad, too. Heard those two have been marketing this stuff pretty heavily out there, heh... Bet Zana-sama has one, she'd definitely do, I know she's all about cute cuddly things (like Misa).\c-\n"
"\cfBut really... this is so cute, just... wanna squeeze it and kiss it and... God, I hope you finish up this mission soon.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_DEVANIKNA = "Unissix;Saya;XAnimen;Xekke;Zanaveth2";
"\cf Devanikna\c-\n"
"\cf Land of warriors\c-\n"
"\cf Ixxeney, Zenna system, X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"\cfDevanikna\c- is one of the two major nations of \cfIxxeney\c-, the largest planet in the \cfZenna system\c-. It is home to a humanoid race known as the \cfDevanikan\c-, fierce warriors who legends say were brought upon this world by an entity known as the \cfAncestor Dragon\c-, which they worship as their god. In their tongue, the name of \"Devanikan\" means \"Dragonblood\".\n"
"Devanikan society is mainly divided in several clans, many of them dating back thousands of years. Currently, the \cfUnissix clan\c- holds the leadership of the whole nation, having been unanimously chosen by the rest of the population following their defeat of the crazed \cfLord Ni'Kai\c-, of the rival \cfDevenko clan\c-, who had previously taken over by force and instated a totalitarian government.\n"
"One of the most notable aspects of the Devanikan race is that fully trained warriors have the ability to transform themselves into dragons. This transformation is entirely magical in nature, as their dragon forms appear to be projections, rather than fully physical bodies. Once in this form, their strength is greatly boosted, and they become more potent conduits for spellcasting, thus giving them the upper hand in most fights. It is, however, quite straining to their bodies, so it's something they only use in exceptional cases.\n"
"The land of Devanikna itself is divided in several cities, most covering the broad forest areas surrounding the Noxan sea, where the capital city of \cfDekhasa\c- is located. The capital is a very popular tourist spot due to its particular geography: massive spires of rock springing forth from the depths, often reaching up to 11 kilometers above sea level. The Devanikan built their homes along the walls of these spires, and pride themselves in the quite impressive durability and stability of their architectural work.\n"
"Among the many clans, there are quite a number of \"heroes of legend\" documented. Warriors whose feats are known and praised by all. Of note are people such as \cfDeva Unissix\c-, son of the clan's founding father, and the one who led his comrades in battle against Ni'Kai, or his granddaughter \cfDeneva Unissix\c-, who singlehandedly defeated the mighty golem \cfMero The Destructor\c-, who for centuries had spread terror across Ixxeney, having even been seen as unbeatable by the powerful titans of the neighbouring nation of \cfXekke\c-.\n"
"Lesser known facts about the Devanikan include their strong defense of racial purity. When princess \cfDevai Unissix\c-, current head of the clan, announced her marriage to \cfSerwand Nerukousei\c-, a chimera constructed by a wandering archwizard, he started receiving threats from the population, calling him a \"beast in man's form\" and accusing him of corrupting the Unissix bloodline as a means to take control of their nation. These threats extended towards their own children too, who were denoted as \"crossbred abominations\" of mixed Devanikan and chimeric blood. It wasn't until Deneva's first major achievements as a warrior that the persecution they faced eventually stopped. Ever since then, the hostility they faced has been gradually fading, as newer generations became much more accepting of race mixing.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, Misa's people are cool af. Well, excluding the whole racism part. That's a load of fucking shit, for sure. I heard from Zana-sama that if she hadn't met Misa back then... Fuck... But at least, she's living happily with Zana-sama (lucky devil), and yeah, things are getting better in there now at least.\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, all this stuff, it reminds me of this one old JRPG series I played many many years ago, that was also all about people of dragon blood too... can't even remember what it was called, though. Heck, I even had Misa play it once and she kept talking about all the parallels and shit. Oh well, cool dragon warriors, fuck yeah.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_DISPLAY = "AkariLabs;Demolitionist;Ibuki;Saya";
"\cf CuteEmotion Display\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Display Device\c-\n"
"The \cfCuteEmotion\c- is a display device designed for use on robots. It can be used to present a wide variety of facial expressions, selected from a user-configurable library of images, each associated to some particular emotion or sentiment the AI may want to convey, thus enhancing the naturality of social interaction with them. The display is one-sided, allowing it to be aligned with the visual receptors of the robot for a more accurate match with any simulated eye movement.\n"
"There are many versions of the device, but the best known is the \"Monoglow\" model, made popular thanks to its use by the \cfDemolitionist\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfY'know, that thing just makes you so cute and huggable... It's, I mean... TOO DAMN CUTE!!!\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah by the way, speaking of hugs, big sorry for that one time, when Ibuki crushed you with one of those bear hugs of her. I seriously thought your chassis could handle it, but holy fuck she's strong enough to bend fucking Almasteel with her bare hands. At least now she knows to hug you like she would any normal person (lucky you, you won't end up with a broken back afterwards).\c-";
"\cf Divine Sprite\c-\n"
"\cf Lifegiver Klokonie\c-\n"
"\cf Divine Artifact\c-\n"
"The \cfDivine Sprite\c- is a crystallization of life-giving power produced by the demigod \cfKlokonie\c-, who is said to be able to revive the long dead, and even build them new bodies if lost. They have done this many times, sometimes going as far as to create new life from pure nothingness. Among other things, their teachings have assisted the ancient \cfIzuna\c- race in the creation of \cfChimeras\c-.\n"
"This shining gem invigorates even the puniest of mundane creatures when crushed firmly in their hands, both soul and body overflowing with vitality. Its effects, however, are not permanent, as neither body nor soul are capable of truly containing so much life force.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThis thing reminds me of the \"lifegems\" from... That game (we don't talk about that one). The big difference is that they don't suck and aren't redundant nonsense.\c-\n"
"\cfAs you may expect, this is also another thing that my god buddies have recommended. Normally these are only provided to heroes by special request... And you are our hero, Demo-chan, so this is for you.\c-\n"
"\cfPS: Don't try to eat it. That is NOT how it feels to chew five gum.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_DOOMGUY = "UAC;Hell;Saya;AkariLabs;Demolitionist;Cytho";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf [CLASSIFIED]\c-\n"
" \cxOther Names:\c-\n"
" \cf Doom Marine\c-\n"
" \cf The Lone Marine\c-\n"
" \cf Doomguy\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf [CLASSIFIED]\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Marine (UAC)\c-\n"
"The \cfDoom Marine\c- is the lone survivor of the demonic invasions on the \cfUAC\c- bases of Phobos and Deimos. Having been transferred to \cfMars City\c- not long before the initial incidents, he was part of the detachment sent to defend the Phobos bases from the invading demons who had somehow hijacked the teleportation systems the UAC was experimenting with. Following this impressive feat of, as a one man army, fighting off the invaders on both Phobos and Deimos, along with taking the fight to \cfHell\c- itself and coming back, he was appointed as the organization's \"problem solver\".\n"
"At the moment of this article's writing, the marine has been tasked with fighting the demon invaders who have appeared on Earth. Most have faith in his success, seeing him as a truly unstoppable demon slaying machine, but others have criticized the UAC's decision to send just one single individual to deal with such a large scale invasion, among them \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who instead opted to place her bets on her own creation, the \cfDemolitionist\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAlright, IMPORTANT THING: don't get close to this guy, don't say anything to him, do not interact. If you two come across each other, stand back and let him work, or he might just go and start shooting you too.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, my congratulations to those UAC goons for how well-guarded they keep all the info about him. We don't even know his actual goddamn name, or his history from before all this shit started, and hell, can't even find any up-to-date pictures either. I haven't heard much of what this guy is like, apart from the little info Cytho-sama could get out of his previous romp through Hell, but there was some mention of him liking rabbits? Cute bunnies?\c-\n"
"\cfWell, maybe then, if you pretend those horns of yours are some bun ears, he might not shoot you on sight, who knows...\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf [CLASSIFIED]\c-\n"
" \cxOther Names:\c-\n"
" \cf Doom Marine\c-\n"
" \cf The Lone Marine\c-\n"
" \cf Doomguy\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf [CLASSIFIED]\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf N/A\c-\n"
"The \cfDoom Marine\c- is the lone survivor of the demonic invasions on the \cfUAC\c- bases of Phobos and Deimos. Having been transferred to \cfMars City\c- not long before the initial incidents, he was part of the detachment sent to defend the Phobos bases from the invading demons who had somehow hijacked the teleportation systems the UAC was experimenting with. Following this impressive feat of, as a one man army, fighting off the invaders on both Phobos and Deimos, along with taking the fight to \cfHell\c- itself and coming back, he was appointed as the organization's \"problem solver\".\n"
"Following his arrival on Earth, the marine was tasked with fighting the demon invaders who had appeared there too. While most had faith in his success, seeing him as a truly unstoppable demon slaying machine, others had criticized the UAC's decision to send just one single individual to deal with such a large scale invasion, among them \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who instead opted to place her bets on her own creation, the \cfDemolitionist\c-, and sure enough, her creation managed to far surpass the marine's abilities, not only swiftly eliminating the invading forces, but also putting an end to the whole invasion by singlehandedly defeating the leader of Hell's armies, the \cfIcon of Sin\c-.\n"
"Despite this \"defeat\", the UAC continued to make use of the Doom Marine for many other demon slaying missions. He was eventually decommissioned by the end of 2149, seeing as no further attempts were made by Hell to attack humanity once again.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfDude's pretty much retired, and boy is it a well deserved rest. He's been into deeper shit than you, being the one to survive all that stuff on Mars and then being thrown around random places to \"save the day\". Last I heard, from Cytho-sama's own words, he had to deal with two other titans that the demon armies had in store. Both pretty much standing at the same level as ol' Baramun.\c-\n"
"\cfWhat surprised me the most is hearing what he said in an interview. That he has no hard feelings about you stealing the spotlight back then, seems to be a fan of your work, even, saying you're \"damn fine at ripping and tearing demon guts\". Neat.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf [CLASSIFIED]\c-\n"
" \cxOther Names:\c-\n"
" \cf Doom Marine\c-\n"
" \cf The Lone Marine\c-\n"
" \cf Doomguy\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf [CLASSIFIED]\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf N/A\c-\n"
"The \cfDoom Marine\c- is the lone survivor of the demonic invasions on the \cfUAC\c- bases of Phobos and Deimos. Having been transferred to \cfMars City\c- not long before the initial incidents, he was part of the detachment sent to defend the Phobos bases from the invading demons who had somehow hijacked the teleportation systems the UAC was experimenting with. Following this impressive feat of, as a one man army, fighting off the invaders on both Phobos and Deimos, along with taking the fight to \cfHell\c- itself and coming back, he was appointed as the organization's \"problem solver\".\n"
"Following his arrival on Earth, the marine was tasked with fighting the demon invaders who had appeared there too. While most had faith in his success, seeing him as a truly unstoppable demon slaying machine, others had criticized the UAC's decision to send just one single individual to deal with such a large scale invasion, among them \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who instead opted to place her bets on her own creation, the \cfDemolitionist\c-, and sure enough, her creation managed to far surpass the marine's abilities, not only swiftly eliminating the invading forces, but also putting an end to the whole invasion by singlehandedly defeating the leader of Hell's armies, the \cfIcon of Sin\c-.\n"
"Despite this \"defeat\", the UAC continued to make use of the Doom Marine for many other demon slaying missions. He was eventually decommissioned by the end of 2149, seeing as no further attempts were made by Hell to attack humanity once again. This didn't last forever, though, as in 2160, a new threat was discovered, a \cfMother Demon\c- had risen to power, replacing the Icon of Sin and reviving the armies that were once defeated. The Doom Marine was immediately re-commissioned and sent to put a stop to this. Following his success in defeating the Mother Demon, he sent one last transmission, noting that he would \"stay in Hell to make sure no demon ever comes out again\". Ever since then, no further communication has been possible with him.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI asked trusty ol' Cytho-sama if he knew what the the dude is up to. Basically, what he knows is that, after making a big fucking mess of Hell, even kicking the asses of some of the lesser Demon Generals (nice), one of the big \"archdemon\" guys, the one that's a fat ugly bastard, poofed him away \"out of this universe\" as soon as he got close.\c-\n"
"\cfSo, that's how the story ends. He's just gone, forever, and those fucks are still running Hell. BUT... I was also told that without anyone left to command their legions they're basically losing control of everything, and might be overthrown soon. Good.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_EBARRIER = "Elemental Coating";
"\cf Elemental Coating\c-\n"
"\cf Eushura Kmonn Jr.\c-\n"
"\cf Protective Barrier\c-\n"
"Part magic, part science, the \cfElemental Coating\c- is one of the crowning achievements in defensive tech from the famous \cfXekkian\c- inventor \cfEushura Kmonn Jr.\c-. Once the device is primed, a thin but resilient coating of elemental repellent wraps itself around the user, providing them with complete protection against scorching magma, corrosive slime, freezing icewater, or even deadly radiation. For as long as the effects last, you can casually stroll around or even take a dip if you want.\n"
"This artifact is quite popular across all of \cfIxxeney\c-, being a frequent purchase among adventurers of all nations.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfLil' recommendation from Misa, this one. If it works as well as she says, you won't have much trouble dealing with all that slimy waste those UAC asshats keep leaking around (boy they sure don't care about the environment, huh). Or... well, I guess the firey flames of Hell won't toast your circuits either.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_ELLEN = "Yanikov, Elena XXI";
SWWM_LOREREL_ELLEN = "Ibuki;Taro;Ashley;Saya;Anarukon;WhiteScar;Hell;Yui;Cytho";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Elena \"Ellen\" Yanikov XXI\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2066-06-06\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Mercenary\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @Mischief_XXI\c-\n"
"Born in Boston in 2066, to \cfElena Yanikov XIX\c- and \cfGottfried Steiner\c-, \cfEllen\c- is the younger of two sisters (both of them are named Elena). This oddity of all women in her family sharing the same name can be traced back to \cfElena Yanikov I\c-, born in 1703, who made this decision, out of some superstitious belief that it would \"preserve their immortality forever\". This was not far off from the truth, however, but it had nothing to do with inheritance of names. It has been verified that \cfAnarukon\c- genes are fully preserved across all female descendants, no matter how many generations, especially so for those from the Yanikov lineage.\n"
"From a young age she showed quite the interest in \"exploring\" every corner of the city, first starting with just nearby abandoned buildings, then further expanding to pretty much any point of interest she could identify in the whole city. She began recording her urban explorations while still in elementary school, and uploading them to video sharing sites, earning quite a lot of popularity.\n"
"In the aftermath of the \cfWhite Scar\c-, Ellen used the skills she had gained in exploration to work as a scavenger alongside her mother, scouring the wasteland for valuable resources to bring back to the various shelters in the area. Through this she eventually met \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-, the \cfRed Oni\c-, who had wandered the wastes for many years, becoming a \"legendary warrior\" of sorts due to her various feats. In the process of Ibuki being recalled back to Japan by \cfTaro Miyamoto\c-, of \cfAkari Labs\c-, Ellen decided that she wanted to go with them, citing that \"wandering around this dump is really boring anyway and I really want to see the world out there\". During her stay in Japan, she'd often spend her time with Taro, the two of them dating some weeks after.\n"
"Apart from her shared ancestry with renowned singer/guitarist \cfAshley Knox\c-, she also shares a much closer relation to her due to the fact her father is the grandson of Ashley's ex-husband, the late \cfFredrik Steiner\c-. Through this, and the fact they both are engaged to members of the Miyamoto family, they have become quite close. Ellen has even considered joining the band at some point, though as of this article's writing, this hasn't yet happened.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSo yeah, between Taro-nii and Yu-chan, the two have scored themselves some immortal cuties, making me jealous as all fuck in the process. Like, seriously, how the fuck could ANYONE even want to date my absolute loser of a brother? I don't know what Ellen-san sees in him...\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, speaking of Ellen-san. She's a goddamn massive prankster, like, the most awfully skilled troll you could ever imagine, even. See, there was this one time... actually, I think I'll keep quiet about it, because it was embarrassing as all hell. My ass is still sore from back then. I'm NOT going to explain, fuck no. Use your imagination, Demo-chan.\c-\n"
"\cfAh, also, one super good thing about having her around. She's got some interesting connections. Yeah, I'm of course talking about her demon grandfather. A certain cutie you may know called Cytho Valathor. Of course, whenever I need to know anything about what's going on in the land of fire 'n brimstone, there's no better source than Ellen-san's gramps.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_ENGINETECH = "Admun;UAC;Nukuri;DecadeMech;Saya;Nekuratek;WhiteScar";
"\cf Tach-Engine Technology Institute\c-\n"
"\cf Advanced Technology Research Foundation\c-\n"
"\cf Perth, Scotland\c-\n"
"\cf https://tachengine.tech\c-\n"
"Founded in 2014 by \cfJ.A. Tachmek-Smith\c-, the \cfTach-Engine Institute\c- is one of the largest tech corporations on Earth, far above the \cfUAC\c-. They were pioneers in the introduction of \cfMicrofusion Technology\c-, allowing for efficient, clean energy production with minimal resources, although most of this work was adapted and refined from existing \cfNukuri\c- technology.\n"
"In a way, Tach-Engine is, both in scale and scope, much like the well known Nukuri tech supergiant \cfNekuratek\c-. Both companies have remained closely associated even after the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c-, as the founder himself managed to negotiate a way out of signing the global treaty that disallowed the use of any Nukuri technology, along with any contact with the Nukuri people themselves. Scotland thus became one of the few countries that still remain allied to them, which has allowed them to vastly surpass the rest of the world in terms of scientific advancements.\n"
"In its association with Nekuratek, they have also collaborated several times on many special projects, including an expedition to the barren planet of \cfSunkaeze\c- in 2045, where the ruins of \cfDecade Mechanics\c- were discovered. Shortly after this event, the company's founder announced the opening of a new subdivision dedicated to studying and reproducing the works of the defunct company, thus marking Tach-Engine's entry into the arms race.\n"
"Of the founder himself, there is not much known. He's not a very outspoken individual, nor truly has much of a public facing personality. After an interview in 2057, there were only more questions to be made about him. He claimed to be over six thousand years old, and also not human. Furthermore, he declared himself to be the \"last living king of Egypt\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWho'd have thought that the land of skirts and bagpipes would join us in NOT signing that stupid treaty. Quite a world we live in, huh? I don't really talk much about this but we're kinda like... acquaintances of sorts. At least that's what I think, my English may be good, but his accent is really hard to understand at times. You've got some of his own tech in there, Demo-chan, pretty nifty stuff. That battery's going to last you for DAYS, you know, no matter how much you screw around blowing shit up. This \"microfusion\" stuff's some real damn blessing, that's for sure. Though I feel that maybe it's part of why you're so damn heavy (no, I'm not calling you fat, just heavy).\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, the stuff he said in that interview? Hell, I'd believe it. At this point, I'd just believe pretty much anything. There's aliens everywhere, gods exist, multiple universes, angels, demons, whatever, ANYTHING is possible.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_EVISCERATOR = "Cyrus;BigShot;Hammerspace;Saya";
"\cf \"Eviscerator\" High Load Flechette Cannon\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Design by Mr. BIG SHOT\c-\n"
"\cf Portable Artillery\c-\n"
"A beastly weapon devised by the one and only \cfMr. BIG SHOT\c-, to \"rain hot steaming metal\" on large groups of enemies, turning them into a fine red mist in mere instants. It has been described as \"the bastard child of a shotgun and a grenade launcher\" by some.\n"
"Its ownership and use was banned on many countries, not only due to the gruesome effects it had on targets, but also the danger it posed even to its own user. However, at the start of the demonic invasion of 2148, the ban on this weapon was lifted, and was deemed justifiable for use against the invading forces.\n"
"Unlike other weapons of similar operation, the \cfEviscerator\c- does not need to be reloaded, thanks to its compatibility with \cfHammerspace™\c- containers, allowing its internal magazine to refill as needed from the operator's own ammo supplies.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Detonates the shell directly, spreading hot steaming metal in front of the user.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Lobs the shell as a grenade, which will detonate on impact with any surface or object and release its payload in the direction it was facing when initially shot.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Toggle between two spread modes for the primary fire. Allowing for either a wide shot with more close range crowd coverage, or a tighter cone which can be beneficial for hitting targets at mid to long range. Toggling to an extended barrel also has the added benefit of increasing the range of the secondary fire.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- The metal fragments shot by this weapon will ricochet all over the place, which makes it very effective for shooting around corners and hitting targets out of sight, or hiding behind cover.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWhy is there an \"owo\" face scribbled on every shell? Who did this? I want answers!\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_EXPLODIUM = "Parker;Munch;Saya;ExplodiumGun";
"\cf Explodium\c-\n"
"\cf Highly explosive material\c-\n"
"\cfExplodium\c- is a proprietary mixture of highly volatile elements that combusts violently when ignited or struck. What sets it apart from all other high-grade plastic explosives is the obscenely high yield of even a single gram of this material, which is comparable to that of a standard issue hand grenade.\n"
"The material was initially invented by a group of anonymous researchers, then bought by \cfParker Munch\c-, son of the founder of \cfMunch Innovations\c-, who in addition obtained all rights to reproduce and commercialize it. Its first use was in the \cfExplodium Gun\c-, an easily portable \"pocket exploder\" that saw massive commercial success, allowing the company to climb the ranks of the world's top arms manufacturers, despite the fact that, had it not been for Parker's interests in weaponizing it, they would have never even considering entering that market, remaining solely as producers of smart appliances.\n"
"Though generally regulated due to the dangers posed by its misuse, it's common knowledge that Explodium is also often sold in black markets, and may have even been employed in the creation of \"small bombs\", used in certain acts of terror and gruesome assassinations.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfFUCKING CALLED IT! And everyone laughed at me, HA!\c-\n"
"\cfSee? The \"small bombs\" theory could have been correct! Yeah, who's laughing now, you fuckers? I AM!\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_EXPLODIUMGUN = "Explodium;Munch;Saya;Hammerspace";
"\cf Explodium Gun\c-\n"
"\cf Munch Innovations\c-\n"
"\cf \"Pocket Exploder\"\c-\n"
"A custom-built semiautomatic handgun designed for proprietary .387 caliber \cfExplodium\c- tipped bullets. One of the crowning achievements of its creator, who had initially only made it as a joke, to later find that thousands of people wanted one. After entering mass production, \cfMunch Innovations\c- became what it is now thanks to the neverending demand for \"pocket exploders\".\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Steady shooting. A direct hit is often lethal, but the splash damage can deal some fine hurt too. Aim at the feet to send smaller targets flying.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Performs what's been commonly named an \"explosive reload\". Each magazine for this weapon has a pin at the bottom, which, when fully pulled, arms it as a grenade, ready to throw at your enemies. The explosive yield of each mag is proportional to the number of bullets left inside. Obviously, this action can only really be performed if you have at least one bullet still left, otherwise nothing will come of it.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Normal reload, nothing will explode here, as when not armed, the magazines are practically indestructible.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- If you can get your hands on a second gun, you can switch to a dual-wield mode. In this mode, secondary fire instead shoots the left hand gun.\n"
"\cfAdditional Notes:\c- Magazines can be used on their own as a \"quick grenade\" while wielding any weapon. They will be thrown farther, but won't bounce. You can also place them on the walls or the floor to set up traps.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThis one's on my main, level three-eighty-seven.\c-\n"
"\cfOK I doubt you'll get the reference, but fuck it, I felt like saying it. Anyway, ancient memes aside... I got a deal going with the guy, and you pretty much have an endless supply of ammo for this thing, so feel free to waste away. Just don't be a dummy and put an armed mag back in your Hammerspace, nerdboy will get really fucking pissed if everything blows up, y'know.\c-";
"\cf Universal Ammo Fabricator\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Ammunition Supplier\c-\n"
"The \cfUniversal Ammo Fabricators\c- are portable devices capable of building any type of ammunition from scratch, through a process of \"subatomic reconfiguration\" of the base construction materials found within it. The exact nature of this process has not been truly explained, but the device is indeed capable of generating pretty much anything, up to a certain limit based on material cost. \cfCyrus\c- provides four models of these devices, each of them increasing in cost but also in its production capabilities (with the highest tier being advertised as \"capable of producing enough ammunition to supply a whole army\"). This distribution model allows even those with a tighter budget to benefit from this technology.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOh, you've got to be fucking kidding me. Now nerdboy's just straight up giving us bullshit gacha nonsense, with tiers and all.\c-\n"
"\cfI swear, he's doing this shit on purpose to piss me off or something.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_FORX = "Forx Aeronautics";
SWWM_LOREREL_FORX = "Propulsor;Saya;UAC";
"\cf Forx Aeronautics\c-\n"
"\cf Propulsion Engine Manufacturer\c-\n"
"\cf Kent, Southern Ireland\c-\n"
"\cf https://forx.ie\c-\n"
"Founded in 2029 by \cfHarold Forx\c-, this company is credited with singlehandedly rescuing Southern Ireland (formerly known as the United Kingdom) from its long fall into ruin after \cfBrexit\c- in 2020, the \cfScottish Independence\c- in 2022 and their losses in the 2026 \cfIrish Reconquest\c- (which happened in retalation to their declaration of war on the island the year prior). Despite these mortal blows, \cfForx Aeronautics\c-, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere, founded by a man who, only years prior had been spending his life scavenging around junkyards, managed to pull in enough cash to rescue the whole territory only mere months after its foundation.\n"
"Forx is currently the #1 supplier of propulsion engines for all types of aircraft, be it commercial jet planes, or even spaceships. Their dominance extends all across the eastern side of the Atlantic, as overseas, in America, the \cfUAC\c- still reigns supreme, with their own in-house technologies.\n"
"Apart from aircraft engines, Forx has also adapted their patented jet propulsion systems for other uses, such as in the \cfJetBurst™ Impulsor\c- series of jetpacks, being the first to be considered \"truly portable\", or in the \cfRapid Jet Compensator\c- recoil dampening system for high caliber firearms, which permits the use of these weapons outside of heavy, unwieldy power armor.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, yeah, the usual \"rags to riches\" story. Homeless orphan becomes a \"self-made\" millionaire through sheer effort and perseverance, yadda yadda. As if. Bet there's something else to this whole thing that he ain't telling anyone. There HAS to be. No one just up and becomes filthy rich out of the fucking blue like that unless they've got some contacts somewhere, I ain't buying that.\c-\n"
"\cfAlso, guy's an asshole, anyway. Like any rich bastard capitalist pig, honestly. Can you believe that the fucker once tried to mow down the orphanage he grew up in? But the thing is, he tried... but failed, and boy was that a sight to see.\c-\n"
"\cfAlright, so as it goes, the guy first tried to tell them to fuck off from there and let him bulldoze the whole place to build some shit in there. They didn't even listen. Then, he goes there in person, and THIS is the fun part. After an argument with the director of the orphanage, who personally knew the guy, he got SLAPPED SO FUCKING HARD he did a complete 180 and ran away crying.\c-\n"
"\cfI fucking kid you not, Demo-chan, that is exactly what I saw. I've watched the archived footage like a hundred times, since it helps me feel better when I'm in a sour mood, and... every time, the part where he gets backhanded across the face by the old geezer and thrown out the fucking door, it never fails. I always lose my shit. It's TOO GOOD.\c-\n"
"\cfSeriously, this is what all those people really need. You don't know how many times I wish I could just go and defenestrate that bastard manchild Kelliher. I'd surely feel much better, yeah. Fuck him, and the UAC too. \"Eat the rich\" is somehow still relevant, but I really want to popularize \"Yeet the rich\".\c-";
"\cf Frispy™ Tasty Corn Snack\c-\n"
"\cf Vestal Foods\c-\n"
"\cf Flavored Corn Nuts\c-\n"
"Delicious crunchy goodness in your mouth, now with intense barbecue flavoring. It's fried, it's crispy... that's Frispy™.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAbsolutely fucking amazing, I will never stop eating it. This stuff is just so addicting, so tasty, so... oh man. I've been told I stuff myself with this so often I basically carry the scent around, and it makes people hungry to eat it too. Did I just turn myself into a walking advertisement?\c-";
"\cf Froggy Chair\c-\n"
"\cf Furniture\c-\n"
"\cf 1440 Bells\c-\n"
"A small price to pay...\n"
"...for \cdFroggy Chair\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfExcuse me what the fuck.\c-\n"
"\cfThose TWO certainly are behind this. I don't know how you did it, they said you only had to \"spell the words\" to summon it, but... yeah, there it is. It is quite literally what it says on the tin, and I hate the fact they know what this is and how much of a MASSIVE MEME it was back in my time.\c-\n"
"\cfSo, from what I know, this thing's indestructible and actually heavier than it looks, so you can probably bust some skulls with it. Also it squeaks, boy does it squeak. It's definitely not going to get annoying in the long run.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, I have to do this, I have to say it or they won't leave me alone:\c-\n"
"\cfWelcome to the \cdFroggy Gang\cf, Demo-chan.\c-";
"\cf Grilled Cheese Sandwich\c-\n"
"\cf Nukritas 1xx\c-\n"
"\cf Food\c-\n"
"\cf Delicious\c-\n"
"This very specific tasty sandwich has been masterfully crafted by the co-founder of the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- to give absolutely anyone the most wonderful boost in health. It also provides them with all the protection they could ever want.\n"
"Do not be deceived by its simple appearance, this edible artifact is imbued with the power of \cfNukritas 1xx\c- himself, and not only does provide its consumer with the benefits previously mentioned, but also allows itself to be eaten by those with the physical inability to do so, through sheer force of will.\n"
"Even if not directly eaten, the sandwich can still prove useful at other moments. For as long as it stays in your possession, it may even disperse its energy on the very moment of your ultimate demise, completely canceling it. You truly can never be without this wondrous artifact.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, these guys write the entries for their own stuff, easy to tell, I know. I don't even know anymore, anything related to them completely fries my brain trying to understand what's happening. Like, when we first tested this stuff, remember?\c-\n"
"\cfThe two just, popped up at the labs out of nowhere and offered this \"sandwich\" to us, and no matter how much I insisted that you couldn't eat it, they kept going on and on about how it was all you needed and shit. And then, THAT happened. OK so, I know it was confusing for you too, but I was watching it all in full, and let me tell you, I felt like reality was falling apart around me, like... nothing made sense anymore. The fact that you somehow ATE the sandwich, and I could see it happening, and then the flash of light, and all that stuff and... fucking hell... I don't know what to think anymore.\c-\n"
"\cfThese Nos-Kora crazies, really, they just drive me up the wall with this stupid shit, that's just all completely nonsensical and makes no sense. Fucking reality benders...\c-";
"\cf Perfectly Generic Cube\c-\n"
"\cf Unknown\c-\n"
"\cf Ancient Artifact\c-\n"
"The \cfPerfectly Generic Cube\c- is an odd object that is perfectly cubic in shape and exactly 128mm across each side. They can sometimes be found in the most unexpected of places, and are well known as a popular collector's item among space travelers. Some suspect that these objects may be unimaginably old, and possibly remnants of a very ancient race, much older even than the highly revered \cfMishe\c-, masters of arcane knowledge with countless aeons of history.\n"
"That was the theory, at least, until the two Mishe founders of the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- were asked for any information on the artifacts. As was told, these are of divine origin, although knowledge of their true purpose has been lost. Nevertheless, they can work perfectly fine as \"fancy paperweights\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOh, those things. Real fucking weird, they are. I recall one of Ibuki's girlfriends has it, that bounty hunter gal, Erika, yeah. She sometimes plays around with it whenever I visit.\c-\n"
"\cfThose things are like... uncomfortably perfect. It seriously makes me uneasy. What the hell were they even made for?\c-";
"\cf Perfectly Generic Cube\c-\n"
"\cf Unknown\c-\n"
"\cf Ancient Artifact\c-\n"
"The \cfPerfectly Generic Cube\c- is an odd object that is perfectly cubic in shape and exactly 128mm across each side. They can sometimes be found in the most unexpected of places, and are well known as a popular collector's item among space travelers. Some suspect that these objects may be unimaginably old, and possibly remnants of a very ancient race, much older even than the highly revered \cfMishe\c-, masters of arcane knowledge with countless aeons of history.\n"
"That was the theory, at least, until the two Mishe founders of the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- were asked for any information on the artifacts. As was told, these are of divine origin, although knowledge of their true purpose has been lost. Nevertheless, they can work perfectly fine as \"fancy paperweights\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOh, those things. Real fucking weird, they are. I recall one of Ibuki's girlfriends has it, that bounty hunter gal, Erika, yeah. She sometimes plays around with it whenever I visit.\c-\n"
"\cfThose things are like... uncomfortably perfect. It seriously makes me uneasy. What the hell were they even made for?\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: OH MY GOD, I FINALLY KNOW. So let me just tell you what happened. I showed this thing to Mykka, y'know, big cute goddess of lore, to see if she knows what it is, and bam! Right away, I get an answer.\c-\n"
"\cfThese cubes are literally an universal safeguard for \"something that no longer exists\". It took me a while to process what that means exactly, but I'll explain. Apparently, there have been cases where pieces of history and reality had to be rewritten. Only gods retain memories of the previous timeline, but everyone else just forgets, and the thing is, this way some things that are forgotten and technically shouldn't exist anymore will stick around, but there has to be a way to \"prevent\" stuff from breaking apart, so this happens. They just turn into that. It's like... you know, when you install a mod in a game, and then you remove it, but there's stuff still in your save that can't be loaded anymore so they just turn into some random fallback thing. This is EXACTLY the same, and I don't like the implications here.\c-";
"\cf Gensokyo\c-\n"
"\cf Isolated Enclave\c-\n"
"\cf Japan\c-\n"
"\cfGensokyo\c- is an isolated pocket of space located somewhere in Japan, which has remained completely hidden from the outside world to this day, much like other spaces of the same nature such as the town of \cfKereshnovka\c- in Siberia, \cfNeissvilla\c- in Eastern Europe, or \cfEureka\c- in America. Most of the information we have related to this land came from the research of a young student named \cfSumireko Usami\c-, who had managed to find a way to pass through its barrier safely.\n"
"The land of Gensokyo does not have a clear political structure, although it appears that there are some individuals who hold some power over what goes on in it, known as the \cfSages of Gensokyo\c-. One potential reason for the fact this place is isolated from the rest of the world may be for the protection of the rest of the world from the creatures that inhabit it.\n"
"Many attempts have been made to communicate with them following the initial research, with no successes to this day but one sole exception: The \cfMiyamoto family\c-, who initially came from that land, then migrated outside. As reported by \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- on social media, the family often travels across the barrier, in order to visit their distant relative, \cfPrincess Kaguya Houraisan\c-. Following these reports, many have tried to approach members of the Miyamoto family to ask for further information, but they have refused to talk about the subject.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfBoy, people sure are interested in that place, huh? But they just won't fucking understand, that things have to stay like this. Those are the rules, or some shit. Can't have both worlds mixing up together or whatever, it's what that old hag told me once. Yeah, the one that doesn't act her age and goes around with a buncha cosplayers. I'm pretty sure she's related to Ashley-san in some way, they've got the same exact eyes. But like hell am I going to go and ask her, I don't like her.\c-";
"\cf Ghost Artifact\c-\n"
"\cf Decade Mechanics (former)\c-\n"
"\cf Tach-Engine Technology Institute (actual)\c-\n"
"\cf Cloaking Device\c-\n"
"One of the many devices from the ruined \cfDecade Mechanics\c- facility on \cfSunkaeze\c-. Successfully reproduced by \cfTach-Engine Technologies\c-, based on recovered blueprints. The so-called \cfGhost Artifact\c-, once activated, generates a distortion bubble around the user that redirects outgoing photons, rendering them completely invisible. After its activation, there is no way to turn this off. Rather, one has to wait for its internal battery to fully drain.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou may become invisible, but you know they'll still hear you, right? This thing might actually not be very useful considering how noisy that body of yours is (my bad). Well, actually, could be useful in SOME situations, I guess. Just... try to keep the noise down if you want to sneak past some baddies. Or... I don't know, strategically make noise on purpose to confuse them?\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_GHOULHUNT = "Kereshnovka;Imanaki;Anarukon;ImanakiT;Kirin";
"\cf The Ghoul Hunt\c-\n"
"\cf Interdimensional Conflict\c-\n"
"\cf 2007-2009\c-\n"
"In the summer of 2007, there was an incident in the town of \cfKereshnovka\c- where a high ranking \cfUAAF\c- officer was found dead, having been brutally murdered by one of the town's many ghouls. After this, a team was formed to hunt down and exterminate these dangerous creatures, thus marking the beginning of the \cfGhoul Hunt\c-, which lasted for two whole years, spreading across the entirety of the town and its many surrounding areas. The hunters were very thorough, and ignored the natives' complaints of them being a \"national treasure\".\n"
"Coincidentally, sometime near the end of this hunt, an envoy of the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c- was caught in the crossfire, while trying to seize one of the ghouls for unknown reasons. That envoy was none other than prince \cfAnthon Anderken\c-. Wounded, he retreated, not without first pointing at the hunters and screaming something, perhaps an announcement of future retaliation, as a couple days after the end of the hunt, during a routine teleportation experiment at the \cfImanaki Corp\c- headquarters in the town, their systems were hijacked, and a vast army of \cfAnarukon\c- soldiers began invading the town, swiftly executing any humans they came across who could be identified as having any relation to the UAAF, which also included the entire staff of Imanaki, with the exception of CEO \cfTetsuya Imanaki\c-, who was not present at the time.\n"
"The Anarukon remained on Kereshnovka for many days, until Anthon was eventually contacted by one of the locals, and convinced to remove his soldiers from the town, as there had been \"enough bloodshed already\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, crazy stuff from back then, huh? People act like the demon invasion of the UAC was the very first, because THEY made sure this one was kept under wraps. Really does sound like the Anarukon alright, at least from what I know, of them having fucking unstoppable warriors and shit.\c-\n"
"\cfStill, what they did was kinda overkill. I mean, even if the guy got hurt, he was immortal and all and would just shrug it off, so no biggie, right? Unless there's something else I'm not quite seeing in all this... I don't know anyone with ties to the Kurenai Kingdom, so I really can't just ask, though. Damn shame.\c-";
"\cf The Ghoul Hunt\c-\n"
"\cf Interdimensional Conflict\c-\n"
"\cf 2007-2009\c-\n"
"In the summer of 2007, there was an incident in the town of \cfKereshnovka\c- where a high ranking \cfUAAF\c- officer was found dead, having been brutally murdered by one of the town's many ghouls. After this, a team was formed to hunt down and exterminate these dangerous creatures, thus marking the beginning of the \cfGhoul Hunt\c-, which lasted for two whole years, spreading across the entirety of the town and its many surrounding areas. The hunters were very thorough, and ignored the natives' complaints of them being a \"national treasure\".\n"
"Coincidentally, sometime near the end of this hunt, an envoy of the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c- was caught in the crossfire, while trying to seize one of the ghouls for unknown reasons. That envoy was none other than prince \cfAnthon Anderken\c-. Wounded, he retreated, not without first pointing at the hunters and screaming something, perhaps an announcement of future retaliation, as a couple days after the end of the hunt, during a routine teleportation experiment at the \cfImanaki Corp\c- headquarters in the town, their systems were hijacked, and a vast army of \cfAnarukon\c- soldiers began invading the town, swiftly executing any humans they came across who could be identified as having any relation to the UAAF, which also included the entire staff of Imanaki, with the exception of CEO \cfTetsuya Imanaki\c-, who was not present at the time.\n"
"The Anarukon remained on Kereshnovka for many days, until Anthon was eventually contacted by one of the locals, and convinced to remove his soldiers from the town, as there had been \"enough bloodshed already\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAlright so, after the wedding with Kirin-kun, we did meet the guy, Anthon. He was wearing an eyepatch and all, and apparently the wound is actually incurable??? What the fuck were those hunters using? I get now why this shit happened, at least. Well, that, and I also learned of the reason why he was there in the first place.\c-\n"
"\cfSee, this links back to your very first mission, Demo-chan. You know, the actual reason why Hell decided to go all murdery on us. Apparently Anthon had been sent there at the request of someone from Hell's royal family, to attempt to bring back a missing heir. THAT missing heir, the one that, had he not been fucking lost, would have prevented the whole uprising and demon invasion and shit.\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, so I hate the UAC even more now. They may have gone by a different name, but same shit. I hope those fucks get what they deserve.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_GODS = "Ashley;SUSAN;Administrators;Kirin";
"\cf Gods\c-\n"
"\cf Exactly what it says on the tin\c-\n"
"\cf All over the world\c-\n"
"For as long as man was sapient, religion has always been there. Mankind has always wondered if there is one, or many supreme beings who created it all. The answer to this question may not be exactly what they expected. \cfGods\c- are indeed very real, but they aren't exactly the almighty entities one would usually imagine.\n"
"There are countless individuals all over the known Universe and even beyond, who can be classified as \"Gods\". So many, in fact, that there is a high likelihood that any one person may have come across a god at least once in their lifetime, without realizing it, as in most cases, they are no different from us in appearance. Gods live among us, hidden in plain sight. Some may even decide to form families with mortals, and from this giving birth to \cfDemigods\c-, who inherit their agelessness, but not their complete immortality.\n"
"Humanity's first contact with an actual, physical deity had been initially thought to be that of \cfUruk'Anth\c-, who arrived on Earth in late 2097, and claimed to be the \cfAbrahamic God\c- himself. It was however later found out that this was all a lie, and his deceit was part of his plan to take over the planet and its resources for himself. Following the destruction of the \cfSUSAN\c- rogue AI that he had devised, which additionally resulted in his own death, it was made very clear that he was, indeed, not a god at all. Rather, investigations of his cult, the \cfFaculty of Illuminated Nobodies\c-, revealed that his true identity was that of a member of an alien species known as the \cfXevetha\c-, native to the remote world of \cfUrkai\c-, who dedicate themselves to acts of deception like these, in an attempt to obtain \"artificial godhood\".\n"
"Instead, the actual first contact had happened far, far sooner than anyone had known. Back in 2006, following the debut of the British band \cfThe Black Rat's Coven\c-, people were introduced to one rather peculiar member of it, \cfMaruku Sarahabinaku\c-, a gigantic, yellow-skinned woman, who even introduced herself as \"Goddess of Madness\", something which was thought as really just some artistic title of sorts, rather than an actual fact. It wasn't until the previously mentioned incident that she was approached for further questioning and, indeed, confirmed that she was indeed a real god, unlike the man who had come to our planet. Furthermore, \cfMykka Psyann\c-, another member of the band, also revealed herself to be a god. No one had even realized this, for many years.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, mindblowing stuff, ain't it? First, there was the big reveal of aliens being very real, which sure fucking changed things around for everyone, then came this. Most were all \"oh they're super powerful aliens\" or some shit, really not even trying to believe in the possibility that maybe gods actually ARE real too.\c-\n"
"\cfCome the fuck on, with all the shit that's going on out there, you're really not going to believe someone's a god even if they get up in your face and say it? Well, there was that one exception, but still... seriously?\c-\n"
"\cfI've actually met those two, personally, y'know. My fave's Mykka-sama, she's real cool and fun to be around, and gives me candies whenever I visit. Then we spend the whole day together with her giving me these cool lore dumps about the \"history of everything\" and all that stuff. I don't really understand most of it but it's still amazing. Like, holy fuck, there's all sorts of things out there, the universe... no, the MULTIVERSE is real fucking huge and super complex and stuff, much more than we could ever imagine... Blows my fucking mind, every single time.\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, some people ask me how I'm still agnostic. I doubt they really know what agnosticism even is.\c-";
"\cf Gods\c-\n"
"\cf Exactly what it says on the tin\c-\n"
"\cf All over the world\c-\n"
"For as long as man was sapient, religion has always been there. Mankind has always wondered if there is one, or many supreme beings who created it all. The answer to this question may not be exactly what they expected. \cfGods\c- are indeed very real, but they aren't exactly the almighty entities one would usually imagine.\n"
"There are countless individuals all over the known Universe and even beyond, who can be classified as \"Gods\". So many, in fact, that there is a high likelihood that any one person may have come across a god at least once in their lifetime, without realizing it, as in most cases, they are no different from us in appearance. Gods live among us, hidden in plain sight. Some may even decide to form families with mortals, and from this giving birth to \cfDemigods\c-, who inherit their agelessness, but not their complete immortality.\n"
"Humanity's first contact with an actual, physical deity had been initially thought to be that of \cfUruk'Anth\c-, who arrived on Earth in late 2097, and claimed to be the \cfAbrahamic God\c- himself. It was however later found out that this was all a lie, and his deceit was part of his plan to take over the planet and its resources for himself. Following the destruction of the \cfSUSAN\c- rogue AI that he had devised, which additionally resulted in his own death, it was made very clear that he was, indeed, not a god at all. Rather, investigations of his cult, the \cfFaculty of Illuminated Nobodies\c-, revealed that his true identity was that of a member of an alien species known as the \cfXevetha\c-, native to the remote world of \cfUrkai\c-, who dedicate themselves to acts of deception like these, in an attempt to obtain \"artificial godhood\".\n"
"Instead, the actual first contact had happened far, far sooner than anyone had known. Back in 2006, following the debut of the British band \cfThe Black Rat's Coven\c-, people were introduced to one rather peculiar member of it, \cfMaruku Sarahabinaku\c-, a gigantic, yellow-skinned woman, who even introduced herself as \"Goddess of Madness\", something which was thought as really just some artistic title of sorts, rather than an actual fact. It wasn't until the previously mentioned incident that she was approached for further questioning and, indeed, confirmed that she was indeed a real god, unlike the man who had come to our planet. Furthermore, \cfMykka Psyann\c-, another member of the band, also revealed herself to be a god. No one had even realized this, for many years.\n"
"In recent years, the world was shaken once more after the discovery of other entities that stand far above these gods: \cfAdministrators\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, mindblowing stuff, ain't it? First, there was the big reveal of aliens being very real, which sure fucking changed things around for everyone, then came this. Most were all \"oh they're super powerful aliens\" or some shit, really not even trying to believe in the possibility that maybe gods actually ARE real too.\c-\n"
"\cfCome the fuck on, with all the shit that's going on out there, you're really not going to believe someone's a god even if they get up in your face and say it? Well, there was that one exception, but still... seriously?\c-\n"
"\cfI've actually met those two, personally, y'know. My fave's Mykka-sama, she's real cool and fun to be around, and gives me candies whenever I visit. Then we spend the whole day together with her giving me these cool lore dumps about the \"history of everything\" and all that stuff. I don't really understand most of it but it's still amazing. Like, holy fuck, there's all sorts of things out there, the universe... no, the MULTIVERSE is real fucking huge and super complex and stuff, much more than we could ever imagine... Blows my fucking mind, every single time.\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, some people ask me how I'm still agnostic. I doubt they really know what agnosticism even is.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: The stuff about the admins is in another article. That really was fucking wild, I swear. There's no way in hell I'll ever forget about what happened the day after our wedding with Kirin-kun, holy fuck...\c-";
"\cf Gravity Suppressor\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Floatation Device\c-\n"
"Yet another display of the technological prowess of the \cfQurensniv\c- people, the \cfGravity Suppressor\c- is a device that, once attached and activated, is capable of completely negating the pull of gravity, allowing its user to freely float around in mid-air. However, while in this weightless state, one may feel disoriented due to the lack of a proper point of reference for where the \"ground\" is, not to mention the difficulty in actually moving around. It is therefore recommended to have some auxiliary equipment for orientation and mobility when using it.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, nerdboi hasn't really explained this, so I gotta ask... If this thing really does \"negate the pull of gravity\", then how come you still follow the orbit of the planet you're on? Wouldn't you just fly off into space as soon as you turn it on? Like, Earth moves pretty damn fast when you really think about it. You'd get fucking YEETED outside of its orbit and end up drifting through space and fucking dying or something... yeah.\c-";
"\cf Pocket Hammerspace™ Container\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Off-world Storage Device\c-\n"
"One of the most ingenious creations of \cfCyrus Enterprises\c-, the \cfHammerspace™\c- container is a small device that fits in a pocket and allows one to have access to their own off-world storage space, with the ability to deposit and withdraw any item from it at will, in the blink of an eye. It has been often compared to the \cfBag of Holding\c-, as known by many a roleplay enthusiast, and even the head of the company has confirmed that it was indeed the main inspiration for this device. He sees it as a way to \"finally bring videogame inventory mechanics to real life\".\n"
"It has been noted that Hammerspace™ containment cannot be used for living beings. No clear explanation has been given as to why, other than \"it will void the warranty\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfVidya inventory system, good, handy, sure. I even got myself TWO contracts, so you get one space for all your guns and other junk, and another entirely for ammo. I don't know how big these things actually are like... physically speaking, but with two of them you definitely will have enough to carry a lot of shit. Enough firepower to beat up whatever you come across. Hell, there's even a way to expand the ammo storage if you really want more, actually. You'll see.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, also: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD.\c-\n"
"\cf\"Hammerspace\"? Really? Goddamn stinky nerd has to be a stinky nerd at naming everything, huh?\c-";
"\cf Hammerspace™ Embiggener\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Storage Expansion Contract\c-\n"
"When \cfHammerspace™\c- containers first started being commercialized, \cfCyrus Enterprises\c- hadn't yet decided on how to handle the needs of those who might not be quite satisfied with the standard storage capacity provided to each customer. Then, one day, a \"revolutionary\" idea came forth, that of an extra \"expansion\" service, where existing customers could pay extra to gain access to additional containers, increasing their total storage. Each of these \cfHammerspace™ Embiggener\c- cards is completely unique, and only available for purchase from Cyrus Enterprises themselves. Customers can expand their storage limit up to eight times with these, which should be enough even for the needs of large armies seeking to store their weapons and ammo efficiently.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe hell, is that a reference to what I think it is? This guy is an even bigger nerd than I thought... also that's not a real word, is it? ... Wait, it is? huh, so it really got accepted... ok then.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah by the way, nerdboi says only your ammo container can be expanded with this, he was going on about something of \"backpacks\" and shit, I walked away before he began ranting for real. When he does that it's like someone scraping a chalkboard right in front of you, ugh...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_HEALTHGEOM = "EngineTech;Saya;XAnimen;Nukuri";
"\cf Health Geodesics\c-\n"
"\cf Unknown\c-\n"
"\cf Healing Artifacts\c-\n"
"The \cfHealth Geodesics\c- are a vast collection of artifacts discovered within some alien ruins in \cfSedna\c-, during mankind's first travels to the other planetary systems in the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c- through a portal located in the remote dwarf planet. These ruins had somehow remained undiscovered by the \cfNukuri\c-, despite their constant usage of the portal to travel between their system and ours. Even after a thorough exploration and study, there is not enough information to clearly identify which civilization they belonged to.\n"
"These artifacts have undergone very thorough study by \cfTach-Engine Technologies\c-, the initial discoverers of the ruins, and right after the very first test on humans, immediately started being sold as \"healing devices\". No side effects of any kind have been found, despite many years of frequent use. \n"
"Once the carrier holds the artifact tightly against their body, the glow from within the artifact will gradually fade, as it emits some unspecified form of \"energy\" that rapidly heals nearby wounds. Depending on the size and shape of the artifact, it may provide more or less healing potency.\n"
"Its effects also appear to not be limited only to healing organic tissue. Machinery is seemingly also affected, with the artifacts being able to repair even complex electronic devices.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK so actually these things are pretty hard to come by, but after I had a lil' talk with the guy, we get to have a lot of them, so you're going to see them all around during your missions. I really don't want you to get hurt, you know, so make sure you use them, k?\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_HEAVYMAHSHEENGUN = "Cyrus;EngineTech;Saya;Kereshnovka;GhoulHunt;UAC";
"\cf \"Sheen\" Heavy Machinegun\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Portable Rotary Cannon\c-\n"
"How much bullet is too much bullet? The answer, according to \cfCyrus Enterprises\c-, is \"never enough\". The \cfSheen Heavy Machinegun\c- is a monstrosity in all aspects when it comes to delivering lead. Steadily feeding directly off \cfHammerspace™\c-, this puppy can be carried anywhere without the need to bring along hefty ammo boxes, ready to rain death upon anything on demand. Additionally, powered by \cfTach-Engine\c-'s \"Magdalene\" Microfusion battery, the weapon can stay in operation for several days without needing to recharge.\n"
"The ammunition employed by this weapon are AP rounds of 14.5x114mm caliber. Unlike the standard heavy ordnance rounds used within the Soviet Union, these are far more potent, employing an alloy of both mundane and exotic elements known as Meta-Telebrium, generally used for fusion reactor parts due to its outstanding resilience to both extreme pressure and heat. As reported following the \cfGhoul Hunt\c- of 2007, this ammunition is quite effective in tearing through demon flesh as if it were jelly.\n"
"While generally meant for mounted use, on-the-go operation is possible, provided the user is equipped with silver-rated power armor at minimum in order to handle its heavy recoil.\n"
"The weapon is rated for three speeds:\n"
"\cf300 RPM:\c- A slow spin. Sustained fire in this mode is theoretically endless, as the heat produced can be efficiently nullified by the internal cooling systems, it is therefore the recommended mode for most situations.\n"
"\cf700 RPM:\c- Much faster spin, with moderate heat buildup. It's still possible to keep firing within operational temperature for an extended period of time, albeit less accurately. If you need to deliver more pain and have the ammunition to spare, choose this.\n"
"\cf2100 RPM:\c- Extremely fast, with the highest heat potential. Sustained fire in this mode may quickly trigger the weapon's safety lock should the rising heat get too close to non-operational temperature. If you want things dead fast and don't care about running out of ammo in a matter of seconds, do pick this.\n"
"By default, the safest firing speed is active. Other speeds can be selected by pulling or pushing on the trigger handle (note that the handle is locked in place while firing, so speed can't be changed on the fly).\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Fire at the selected speed. There is no wind up or wind down in this weapon's operation, so it will begin firing from the moment the trigger is squeezed, and immediately stop once it's released.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Push the trigger handle to increase the firing speed.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Pull the trigger handle to decrease the firing speed.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- There is absolutely no need whatsoever to reload this weapon, as it feeds directly off Hammerspace, requiring only a large supply of ammunition. Hammerspace containers will automatically link all necessary rounds for tethered feeding.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHEAVY MAH-SHEEN GUN!!!\c-\n"
"\cfI don't care if Nerdboi made this, I don't care if this is a reference to what I can tell it is, I love it, it's good, perfect for my severe thirst for dakka, and I'm sure yours too. This thing FUCKS (and so do I).\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way I know what you may be thinking and no, they're not tracer rounds. As I was told, they're actually going so fast they literally catch on fire from air friction. Pretty hardcore, ain't it? Bet the UAC will never beat this shit.\c-\n"
"\cfGod just seeing it in action... Hell, more than that. The Sheen HMG is such a delicious festival of dakka that the mere sound of it firing makes me wild out. It's nuts!\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_HELL = "Imanaki;UAC;Saya;Ellen;Anarukon;Novoskhana;DemonInvasion;Cytho;Archdemons";
"\cf Hell\c-\n"
"\cf Nether realm\c-\n"
"\cfHell\c- is a vast world separate from our own, but still contained within our Universe. In its inception, it was known as \cfKur\c-, a peaceful world that the \cfAnarukon\c- people led out of \cfNovoskhana\c- by \cfNoskas Kurenai\c- had sought as the \"promised land\" where they would live in peace away from the tyranny of the \cfEternal Empress\c-. The peace lasted for almost three thousand years, until the \cfBetrayal of Father Nostros\c- happened in 10,675 BC, wherein one of the descendants of the \cfNine Kings\c- of Kur brought with himself a seemingly endless army of creatures who could only be described as \"demons\" and decided to take the whole land for himself and his new \"followers\". Ever since then, the land of Kur has become what can only be described as \"Hell\", under the reign of Nostros as its \"supreme leader\".\n"
"In 149, following the disappearance of prince heir \cfManakei\c-, who had been summoned to Earth but never returned, internal conflicts arose within the ranks of Hell's royalty. These fights for the succession of the throne, however, never truly escalated as long as Nostros was there to keep the demons at bay. Many attempts were made to locate the heir and bring him back, unsuccessfully.\n"
"In 2145, after the supreme leader of Hell suddenly left the throne for unexplained reasons, leaving only his son, the inexperienced \cfKing Akusei\c- in charge, the various corrupt \cfArchdemon Generals\c- took the chance to stage a coup and overthrow the main royal family, forcing them into exile. This event unfortunately coincided closely with the \cfUAC\c-'s first explorations of Hell. Although curious at first about these odd beings that had entered their realm, they made the decision of exterminating them once they began to show an interest in exploiting their natural resources and in addition had shown hostility when approached. They were almost successful in this, but their plans for sending a full fleet to our own world were swiftly stopped along with their initial invasion of \cfMars City\c-, and couldn't be truly realized until much later, in 2148, when they managed to hijack the UAC's teleporters on Phobos and Deimos, completely overtaking both moon bases and even managing to pull in one of the two moons into their own realm. Following retaliation from a lone soldier, the \cfDoom Marine\c-, they set their sights on Earth, and thus their final invasion began.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, first of all, big thanks to Ellen-san's gramps for the info we could get on this. Cytho-sama is like, our only contact with that fucking place, and you won't even believe the things he's told me.\c-\n"
"\cfFor example, did you know that not everyone in there is \"the root of all evil\"? Obviously, there's all those bloodthirsty demons that blindly follow the generals and are hellbent (heh) on bringing death and suffering, but... there's also a whole lot of \"civilian\" demons who just want to live in peace over there. People just like Cytho-sama himself, basically. A whole lot of people who are completely in disagreement with all the shit that's going on, but can't really do anything about it.\c-\n"
"\cfNow, of course, you may be thinking: \"but aren't all demons supposed to be evil\"? And see, the problem here, is in the naming. Words can really change how you think about stuff and all, yeah. Terms like \"monster\" or \"demon\" make you think of baddies and shit, but what if they aren't? People are all \"oh they're demons, from Hell\", and yeah sure, the first thing that comes to mind is obviously that they're evil because that's what we've all been made to believe. But here's the BIG thing: those are names US humans gave them, immediately after the first contact was made, just because that was the impression everyone got.\c-\n"
"\cfThe inhabitants of Kur have a different name for themselves, that has nothing to do with Hell nor demons nor anything, they're the Kuriste, meaning \"forever scorned\". The whole story here is that they were creatures scattered all over the universe that suffered persecution by others for their \"monstrous\" appearance, and this Nostros guy basically decided to travel around the world bringing them all together under his protection. Sure, he kicked everyone out when he came back, but it was to give them a place to live. Still hate the guy, though. You have to be SERIOUSLY incompetent to go and just leave, letting the worst scum take over and do ALL of this. If I could meet this guy, I'd fucking... just... kick his guts into paste.\c-";
"\cf Hell\c-\n"
"\cf Nether realm\c-\n"
"\cfHell\c- is a vast world separate from our own, but still contained within our Universe. In its inception, it was known as \cfKur\c-, a peaceful world that the \cfAnarukon\c- people led out of \cfNovoskhana\c- by \cfNoskas Kurenai\c- had sought as the \"promised land\" where they would live in peace away from the tyranny of the \cfEternal Empress\c-. The peace lasted for almost three thousand years, until the \cfBetrayal of Father Nostros\c- happened in 10,675 BC, wherein one of the descendants of the \cfNine Kings\c- of Kur brought with himself a seemingly endless army of creatures who could only be described as \"demons\" and decided to take the whole land for himself and his new \"followers\". Ever since then, the land of Kur has become what can only be described as \"Hell\", under the reign of Nostros as its \"supreme leader\".\n"
"In 149, following the disappearance of prince heir \cfManakei\c-, who had been summoned to Earth but never returned, internal conflicts arose within the ranks of Hell's royalty. These fights for the succession of the throne, however, never truly escalated as long as Nostros was there to keep the demons at bay. Many attempts were made to locate the heir and bring him back, unsuccessfully.\n"
"In 2145, after the supreme leader of Hell suddenly left the throne for unexplained reasons, leaving only his son, the inexperienced \cfKing Akusei\c- in charge, the various corrupt \cfArchdemon Generals\c- took the chance to stage a coup and overthrow the main royal family, forcing them into exile. This event unfortunately coincided closely with the \cfUAC\c-'s first explorations of Hell. Although curious at first about these odd beings that had entered their realm, they made the decision of exterminating them once they began to show an interest in exploiting their natural resources and in addition had shown hostility when approached. They were almost successful in this, but their plans for sending a full fleet to our own world were swiftly stopped along with their initial invasion of \cfMars City\c-, and couldn't be truly realized until much later, in 2148, when they managed to hijack the UAC's teleporters on Phobos and Deimos, completely overtaking both moon bases and even managing to pull in one of the two moons into their own realm. Following retaliation from a lone soldier, the \cfDoom Marine\c-, they set their sights on Earth, bringing forth all of their legions, under the command of \cfBaramun\c-, the Titan of the East, who was given the title of \cfIcon of Sin\c-.\n"
"Against all odds, humanity prevailed, and the invaders were defeated, along with their leader. Despite this major defeat, the demon generals organized several other attacks, using their remaining forces, but failed once more. Having realized that humanity was far more resilient than they could ever have imagined, they gave up.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, first of all, big thanks to Ellen-san's gramps for the info we could get on this. Cytho-sama is like, our only contact with that fucking place, and you won't even believe the things he's told me.\c-\n"
"\cfFor example, did you know that not everyone in there is \"the root of all evil\"? Obviously, there's all those bloodthirsty demons that blindly follow the generals and are hellbent (heh) on bringing death and suffering, but... there's also a whole lot of \"civilian\" demons who just want to live in peace over there. People just like Cytho-sama himself, basically. A whole lot of people who are completely in disagreement with all the shit that's going on, but can't really do anything about it.\c-\n"
"\cfNow, of course, you may be thinking: \"but aren't all demons supposed to be evil\"? And see, the problem here, is in the naming. Words can really change how you think about stuff and all, yeah. Terms like \"monster\" or \"demon\" make you think of baddies and shit, but what if they aren't? People are all \"oh they're demons, from Hell\", and yeah sure, the first thing that comes to mind is obviously that they're evil because that's what we've all been made to believe. But here's the BIG thing: those are names US humans gave them, immediately after the first contact was made, just because that was the impression everyone got.\c-\n"
"\cfThe inhabitants of Kur have a different name for themselves, that has nothing to do with Hell nor demons nor anything, they're the Kuriste, meaning \"forever scorned\". The whole story here is that they were creatures scattered all over the universe that suffered persecution by others for their \"monstrous\" appearance, and this Nostros guy basically decided to travel around the world bringing them all together under his protection. Sure, he kicked everyone out when he came back, but it was to give them a place to live. Still hate the guy, though. You have to be SERIOUSLY incompetent to go and just leave, letting the worst scum take over and do ALL of this. If I could meet this guy, I'd fucking... just... kick his guts into paste.\c-";
"\cf Hell\c-\n"
"\cf Nether realm\c-\n"
"\cfHell\c- is a vast world separate from our own, but still contained within our Universe. In its inception, it was known as \cfKur\c-, a peaceful world that the \cfAnarukon\c- people led out of \cfNovoskhana\c- by \cfNoskas Kurenai\c- had sought as the \"promised land\" where they would live in peace away from the tyranny of the \cfEternal Empress\c-. The peace lasted for almost three thousand years, until the \cfBetrayal of Father Nostros\c- happened in 10,675 BC, wherein one of the descendants of the \cfNine Kings\c- of Kur brought with himself a seemingly endless army of creatures who could only be described as \"demons\" and decided to take the whole land for himself and his new \"followers\". Ever since then, the land of Kur has become what can only be described as \"Hell\", under the reign of Nostros as its \"supreme leader\".\n"
"In 149, following the disappearance of prince heir \cfManakei\c-, who had been summoned to Earth but never returned, internal conflicts arose within the ranks of Hell's royalty. These fights for the succession of the throne, however, never truly escalated as long as Nostros was there to keep the demons at bay. Many attempts were made to locate the heir and bring him back, unsuccessfully.\n"
"In 2145, after the supreme leader of Hell suddenly left the throne for unexplained reasons, leaving only his son, the inexperienced \cfKing Akusei\c- in charge, the various corrupt \cfArchdemon Generals\c- took the chance to stage a coup and overthrow the main royal family, forcing them into exile. This event unfortunately coincided closely with the \cfUAC\c-'s first explorations of Hell. Although curious at first about these odd beings that had entered their realm, they made the decision of exterminating them once they began to show an interest in exploiting their natural resources and in addition had shown hostility when approached. They were almost successful in this, but their plans for sending a full fleet to our own world were swiftly stopped along with their initial invasion of \cfMars City\c-, and couldn't be truly realized until much later, in 2148, when they managed to hijack the UAC's teleporters on Phobos and Deimos, completely overtaking both moon bases and even managing to pull in one of the two moons into their own realm. Following retaliation from a lone soldier, the \cfDoom Marine\c-, they set their sights on Earth, bringing forth all of their legions, under the command of \cfBaramun\c-, the Titan of the East, who was given the title of \cfIcon of Sin\c-.\n"
"Against all odds, humanity prevailed, and the invaders were defeated, along with their leader. Despite this major defeat, the demon generals organized several other attacks, using their remaining forces, but failed once more. Having realized that humanity was far more resilient than they could ever have imagined, they gave up. That is, until around August of 2160, when two demonic necromancers, the \cfResurrector Sisters\c-, made their appearance, and brought back to life all those who had fallen, prompting the UAC to recommission their \"problem solver\" once again, who made his way back towards Hell, exterminating the revived demons and swiftly eliminating both of the Resurrector Sisters. Once his initial rampage was over, he sent one final message back to Earth, saying that he had sworn to remain in Hell forever, in order to ensure that the demons would never attempt to attack humanity ever again.\n"
"The Doom Marine spent his days fighting the remaining demon armies on Hell, eventually defeating all of the remaining commanders. Seeing that there was no way to stop this lone human's rampage, the archdemon generals devised a plan to instead \"make him leave\". When the marine entered the capital city of \cfDis\c-, with the clear intent to kill them, he fell straight into their trap. \cfErebus\c-, the leading general, took this opportunity to banish him, as far away as he could, far beyond even the outer limits of this Universe, so that he could never have a chance to return.\n"
"Despite these massive losses, along with the return of Father Nostros and the unexpected assassination of the archdemon generals, one last threat remains: The hidden schemer \cfAkedas Aximal\c-, former right hand man of Erebus, who now rules over Hell in the shadows. No one has been able to find his true hiding place, and still billions of demons are at his command to prevent the exiled royal family from restoring peace. The only hope left is that of the eventual return of Manakei, who is the only demon strong enough to suppress these innumerable hordes.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, first of all, big thanks to Ellen-san's gramps for the info we could get on this. Cytho-sama is like, our only contact with that fucking place, and you won't even believe the things he's told me.\c-\n"
"\cfFor example, did you know that not everyone in there is \"the root of all evil\"? Obviously, there's all those bloodthirsty demons that blindly follow the generals and are hellbent (heh) on bringing death and suffering, but... there's also a whole lot of \"civilian\" demons who just want to live in peace over there. People just like Cytho-sama himself, basically. A whole lot of people who are completely in disagreement with all the shit that's going on, but can't really do anything about it.\c-\n"
"\cfNow, of course, you may be thinking: \"but aren't all demons supposed to be evil\"? And see, the problem here, is in the naming. Words can really change how you think about stuff and all, yeah. Terms like \"monster\" or \"demon\" make you think of baddies and shit, but what if they aren't? People are all \"oh they're demons, from Hell\", and yeah sure, the first thing that comes to mind is obviously that they're evil because that's what we've all been made to believe. But here's the BIG thing: those are names US humans gave them, immediately after the first contact was made, just because that was the impression everyone got.\c-\n"
"\cfThe inhabitants of Kur have a different name for themselves, that has nothing to do with Hell nor demons nor anything, they're the Kuriste, meaning \"forever scorned\". The whole story here is that they were creatures scattered all over the universe that suffered persecution by others for their \"monstrous\" appearance, and this Nostros guy basically decided to travel around the world bringing them all together under his protection. Sure, he kicked everyone out when he came back, but it was to give them a place to live. Still hate the guy, though. You have to be SERIOUSLY incompetent to go and just leave, letting the worst scum take over and do ALL of this. If I could meet this guy, I'd fucking... just... kick his guts into paste.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Got some more info from Ellen-san's cutie demon granddaddy here. Just so you know, most of what you've been reading here hasn't been made public or anything, we're the only ones who know all about this shit. So, here's a lil' thing: I'm not going to sit here doing nothing. I'm going to try and find this Manakei guy, and bring him back there. I want to watch it rain demon guts, oh yes, I do.\c-";
"\cf Hell\c-\n"
"\cf Nether realm\c-\n"
"\cfHell\c- is a vast world separate from our own, but still contained within our Universe. In its inception, it was known as \cfKur\c-, a peaceful world that the \cfAnarukon\c- people led out of \cfNovoskhana\c- by \cfNoskas Kurenai\c- had sought as the \"promised land\" where they would live in peace away from the tyranny of the \cfEternal Empress\c-. The peace lasted for almost three thousand years, until the \cfBetrayal of Father Nostros\c- happened in 10,675 BC, wherein one of the descendants of the \cfNine Kings\c- of Kur brought with himself a seemingly endless army of creatures who could only be described as \"demons\" and decided to take the whole land for himself and his new \"followers\". Ever since then, the land of Kur has become what can only be described as \"Hell\", under the reign of Nostros as its \"supreme leader\".\n"
"In 149, following the disappearance of prince heir \cfManakei\c-, who had been summoned to Earth but never returned, internal conflicts arose within the ranks of Hell's royalty. These fights for the succession of the throne, however, never truly escalated as long as Nostros was there to keep the demons at bay. Many attempts were made to locate the heir and bring him back, unsuccessfully.\n"
"In 2145, after the supreme leader of Hell suddenly left the throne for unexplained reasons, leaving only his son, the inexperienced \cfKing Akusei\c- in charge, the various corrupt \cfArchdemon Generals\c- took the chance to stage a coup and overthrow the main royal family, forcing them into exile. This event unfortunately coincided closely with the \cfUAC\c-'s first explorations of Hell. Although curious at first about these odd beings that had entered their realm, they made the decision of exterminating them once they began to show an interest in exploiting their natural resources and in addition had shown hostility when approached. They were almost successful in this, but their plans for sending a full fleet to our own world were swiftly stopped along with their initial invasion of \cfMars City\c-, and couldn't be truly realized until much later, in 2148, when they managed to hijack the UAC's teleporters on Phobos and Deimos, completely overtaking both moon bases and even managing to pull in one of the two moons into their own realm. Following retaliation from a lone soldier, the \cfDoom Marine\c-, they set their sights on Earth, bringing forth all of their legions, under the command of \cfBaramun\c-, the Titan of the East, who was given the title of \cfIcon of Sin\c-.\n"
"Against all odds, humanity prevailed, and the invaders were defeated, along with their leader. Despite this major defeat, the demon generals organized several other attacks, using their remaining forces, but failed once more. Having realized that humanity was far more resilient than they could ever have imagined, they gave up. That is, until around August of 2160, when two demonic necromancers, the \cfResurrector Sisters\c-, made their appearance, and brought back to life all those who had fallen, prompting the UAC to recommission their \"problem solver\" once again, who made his way back towards Hell, exterminating the revived demons and swiftly eliminating both of the Resurrector Sisters. Once his initial rampage was over, he sent one final message back to Earth, saying that he had sworn to remain in Hell forever, in order to ensure that the demons would never attempt to attack humanity ever again.\n"
"The Doom Marine spent his days fighting the remaining demon armies on Hell, eventually defeating all of the remaining commanders. Seeing that there was no way to stop this lone human's rampage, the archdemon generals devised a plan to instead \"make him leave\". When the marine entered the capital city of \cfDis\c-, with the clear intent to kill them, he fell straight into their trap. \cfErebus\c-, the leading general, took this opportunity to banish him, as far away as he could, far beyond even the outer limits of this Universe, so that he could never have a chance to return.\n"
"Despite these massive losses, along with the return of Father Nostros and the unexpected assassination of the archdemon generals, one last threat remains: The hidden schemer \cfAkedas Aximal\c-, former right hand man of Erebus, who now rules over Hell in the shadows. No one has been able to find his true hiding place, and still billions of demons are at his command to prevent the exiled royal family from restoring peace. The only hope left is that of the eventual return of Manakei, who is the only demon strong enough to suppress these innumerable hordes.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, first of all, big thanks to Ellen-san's gramps for the info we could get on this. Cytho-sama is like, our only contact with that fucking place, and you won't even believe the things he's told me.\c-\n"
"\cfFor example, did you know that not everyone in there is \"the root of all evil\"? Obviously, there's all those bloodthirsty demons that blindly follow the generals and are hellbent (heh) on bringing death and suffering, but... there's also a whole lot of \"civilian\" demons who just want to live in peace over there. People just like Cytho-sama himself, basically. A whole lot of people who are completely in disagreement with all the shit that's going on, but can't really do anything about it.\c-\n"
"\cfNow, of course, you may be thinking: \"but aren't all demons supposed to be evil\"? And see, the problem here, is in the naming. Words can really change how you think about stuff and all, yeah. Terms like \"monster\" or \"demon\" make you think of baddies and shit, but what if they aren't? People are all \"oh they're demons, from Hell\", and yeah sure, the first thing that comes to mind is obviously that they're evil because that's what we've all been made to believe. But here's the BIG thing: those are names US humans gave them, immediately after the first contact was made, just because that was the impression everyone got.\c-\n"
"\cfThe inhabitants of Kur have a different name for themselves, that has nothing to do with Hell nor demons nor anything, they're the Kuriste, meaning \"forever scorned\". The whole story here is that they were creatures scattered all over the universe that suffered persecution by others for their \"monstrous\" appearance, and this Nostros guy basically decided to travel around the world bringing them all together under his protection. Sure, he kicked everyone out when he came back, but it was to give them a place to live. Still hate the guy, though. You have to be SERIOUSLY incompetent to go and just leave, letting the worst scum take over and do ALL of this. If I could meet this guy, I'd fucking... just... kick his guts into paste.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Got some more info from Ellen-san's cutie demon granddaddy here. Just so you know, most of what you've been reading here hasn't been made public or anything, we're the only ones who know all about this shit. So, here's a lil' thing: I'm not going to sit here doing nothing. I'm going to try and find this Manakei guy, and bring him back there. I want to watch it rain demon guts, oh yes, I do.\c-\n"
"\cfAnother Update: OK so, you know we met that Nostros guy at the wedding, right? And surely, I did do exactly what I had promised. I kicked him in the gut as hard as I could, over and over until his wife begged me to stop. Yeah, that's the thing, his wife, Azkhan, the \"Matriarch of Hell\". I had a bit of a private chat with her the next day. And she was really happy to hear of my plans. Ye... happy big goat lady. I've been thinking that, if I bring Azkhan with me when I run the search for that prince guy, it might be easier to bring him back. Y'know, maybe he'll answer goatmom's call or something. They never actually bothered to try that in the first place, even though it's like... real obvious.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_HELLBLAZER = "Imanaki;UAC;Hell;Hammerspace;Saya;Nukuri";
"\cf Hellfire Cannon Mk3 (\"Hellblazer\")\c-\n"
"\cf Imanaki Research Corporation (former)\c-\n"
"\cf Tach-Engine Technology Institute (current)\c-\n"
"\cf Mini-Missile Launcher\c-\n"
"The \cfHellblazer\c- is the third incarnation of the \cfHellfire Cannon\c-, one of the many weapons that \cfImanaki Corp\c- had constructed based on their experiments with harnessing what they called \cfArdent Energy\c-, a power source from the depths of \cfHell\c- itself. It is a direct improvement of the Mark 2 model, the \cfHellrazer\c-, sporting burst-fire capabilities and a simple drum magazine system for easier reloads. As its ammunition, it employs 25mm \"Blazer\" grenades, highly explosive despite their small size, due to the materials contained within.\n"
"The Hellblazer was discontinued following the destruction of the Imanaki Corp headquarters in 2009, but the \cfTach-Engine Technology Institute\c- had managed to reproduce this weapon following their demise. Replicated models do not actually employ this \"Ardent Energy\" however, so they are not as destructive as they were meant to be. Rather, they are powered by the highly volatile \cfSydon\c-, one of the exotic elements involved in the creation of Ardent, as its potential for use in explosives is quite notable.\n"
"Unlike its predecessor, which relied on simple proximity detection, this model can instead interface with targeting arrays in order to provide more precise selective target seeking.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Shoots the loaded ammunition with its propulsion armed and ready. Tap to fire one missile, hold to preload up to 2 additional missiles (secondary fire cancels this process). While held, the weapon will pick one target for each loaded missile with each tap of tertiary fire. Tapping reload clears all marked targets.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Lobs the loaded ammunition unarmed, as a bouncing grenade. Tap to fire one grenade, hold to preload up to 2 additional grenades (primary Fire cancels this process). Target seeking also affects grenades, as they will attempt to steer themselves towards the target on bounce.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Does nothing unless the weapon is locked for fire (see above).\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Refills the current magazine, quite easily through the \cfHammerspace™\c- container.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- The grenades will automatically detonate on proximity to any hostile targets (unless explicitly seeking one), so you may still land the shot even if you merely grazed them. It is unclear how exactly they detect the targets, or know that they are hostile.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cf\"Ardent Energy\"? What's that? Energy extracted from a demon's ass after it ate too much curry? Whatever, anything coming from Hell is best left untouched, y'know. Just look at what happened to the fucking UAC, going around sticking their paws where they shouldn't.\c-\n"
"\cfActually, making the replicas use Sydon was a pretty clever thing. That stuff's naturally occurring in a bunch of exoplanets so it's easy to come by. By the way, did you know the Nukuri use it as a hair dye? Well, they use a non-reactive isotope, but still...\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_HERMANN = "Ischer, Hermann E.";
SWWM_LOREREL_HERMANN = "Blackmann;WhiteScar;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Hermann Edward Ischer\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf German-American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2079-09-17\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO (Blackmann Arms)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @ischerman\c-\n"
"Born in \cfCologne, Germany\c- in 2079 as the older of two siblings, \cfHermann\c- was chosen by his father to lead the family business upon his retirement, much to the disappointment of his more competent younger sister.\n"
"Known for his radiant charisma, the man is quite popular online, and made his fame through possibly one of the most peculiar methods: By growing out his eyebrows as much as possible. As of this article's writing, he still holds the world record for it.\n"
"As a lover of fine weaponry, his main goal as head of \cfBlackmann Arms\c- would be to further expand on high-caliber weaponry, especially with the worldwide popularity of his grandfather's iconic \cf.50 OMG\c- cartridge. In the period of post-war following the \cfWhite Scar\c-, potent weaponry to defend the home front was highly requested, and thus came the \cf\"big booms\"\c- race, which he entered with the first incarnation of the \cfSilver Bullet\c- series of rifles, and the \cf.850 BIG\c- cartridge. The rest is history, but suffice to say, he did win that race.\n"
"Hermann is also known to indulge in ways to maximize the speed of fully automatic fire, with mixed results, and somehow managing to get all-encroaching firearms regulation groups to look the other way. Some would say that the weaponry featuring these \"hilariously broken\" rates of fire were simply too ludicrous to even be taken seriously, and there was no need for any regulation when no one in their right mind would even dare to employ such a thing in actual warfare.\n"
"In regards to his personal life, he is happily married to internet celebrity \cfJonathan Alfredo Bortson Borges III\c-, and sometimes appears as a guest in his husband's streams.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe babyfaced man of massive eyebrows himself. As far as Americans go, he's pretty cool actually, and I like to hang out with him despite how cringe he can be about Japanese culture.\c-\n"
"\cfThe boyfriend is... ... Well, special. He doesn't talk, beyond uttering a few grunts and mumbles every now and then, but he sure is eloquent as hell in text form. Now, look, I'm not going to judge, but his obsession with that one anime character... It goes places. Nice cosplay, though.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_IBUKI = "Miyamoto, Ibuki";
SWWM_LOREREL_IBUKI = "AkariLabs;WhiteScar;Taro;Saya;Madcat;Marisa";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Ibuki Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cf Red Oni (codename)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2074-09-09\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Mercenary, Model, Vlogger\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter\c-\n"
" \cf @red_oni_74\c-\n"
"\cfIbuki\c- is the result of the \cfRed Oni\c- supersoldier program, devised by \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- of \cfAkari Labs\c-. The existence of this project was kept completely secret until her public reveal in June of 2077. There was much controversy surrounding the Red Oni program, including Saya's personal involvement in it, having accepted a 40 billion USD payment in exchange for it (which was found to be related to Texas having been sold back to Mexico many weeks before). Despite her clear potential and outstanding combat abilities, she was deployed too late, as only moments later, the \cfWhite Scar\c- happened, and with it, the complete devastation of the \cfUnited States\c-.\n"
"Many years after the incident, Ibuki was successfully retrieved from the scorched wastelands, having spent a long time as a sort of \"roaming mercenary\". She returned to Japan in June of 2091, and once settled in, began working odd jobs until finding her true vocation as a model. Other hobbies include vlogging (with varied topics), as well as still occasionally performing independent mercenary work.\n"
"Having been created from Saya's own DNA, she has effectively inherited the total immortality of the Miyamoto family, on top of this, further enhancements were performed which have given her increased strength and reflexes, along with effectively making her skin bulletproof. It's even been proven that she can survive an orbital blast.\n"
"Additionally, citing Saya's rather \"interesting\" decisions, there is the fact of her particular physical traits beyond those of her strength, as despite being her own clone, the two barely resemble each other. When asked for details regarding these discrepancies, she refused to answer.\n"
"Although Ibuki is legally part of the Miyamoto family, she opted to live on her own. She shares a house with two other mercenary friends, as well as other people who joined in later. Some of Ibuki's closest friends are individuals of renown, such as game developer \cfKris Danae\c-, or the demi-Anarukon witch-warrior \cfMarisa Azanth\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThose American idiots come to me with a shitload of cash and tell me to make them a supersoldier. Yeah, I suppose they were listening in on all that stuff I had been posting of getting into bioengineering and shit. Boy, they sure were desperate, huh... It was honestly pathetic.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd now, it's time for me to confess... Given the chance to make a copy of myself, and to enhance said copy, I ended up fulfilling one of my fantasies. What if I could be taller? And prettier? ... In hindsight, it was really stupid of me, I guess. But there she is, a version of myself that is a big strong goth gf.\c-\n"
"\cfI spent like three years on that whole thing, growing her in a damn tube. It was my first time doing all of that, but I somehow got lucky and it was a big success. Though... when they began to notice the \"abnormality in the subject's breast growth\" I started to get nervous. What if they pull the plug on it? I ended up admitting to it being intentional, saying some random shit that came through my mind, like \"distraction tactics\" or something, I forgot. In the end they let it slide.\c-\n"
"\cfDespite everything, even after confessing to her that I made her that way on purpose, even after all the stuff with the war, she loves me and she's thankful for being alive. She really is too nice to me, seriously...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_IMANAKI = "ImanakiT;Kereshnovka;UAC;Hell;GhoulHunt;Saya;SUSAN";
"\cf Imanaki Research Corporation\c-\n"
"\cf Top Secret Research Facility\c-\n"
"\cf Kereshnovka, Russia\c-\n"
"The \cfImanaki Research Corporation\c- was founded in 2004 by \cfTetsuya Imanaki\c-, with its main headquarters in the town of \cfKereshnovka\c-, in northern Siberia.\n"
"While they attempted to keep all their work a well-guarded secret, a lot of information would frequently be leaked by anonymous sources. It is well known that Imanaki Corp engaged in interdimensional travel experiments, specifically to the realm of \cfHell\c-. Much was studied of that world, and with the knowledge gained of their research, the corporation would then delve into the combination of Demon and Human technology. It was not known exactly how they got the technology for interdimensional travel in the first place, until documents from the \cfFaculty of Illuminated Nobodies\c- were discovered in late 2099 showing their collaboration, and that most of this technology was of \cfXevetha\c- origin, just like the \cfSUSAN\c- AI.\n"
"Following an incident where some of the town's local ghouls attempted to attack the installations, Imanaki Corp contacted the \cfUAAF\c- in order to request armed defense. When the man they sent to negotiate their contract arrived at the town, he was murdered on sight by one of the ghouls. This prompted the UAAF to immediately send soldiers to the area, in order to exterminate those creatures, as it seemed that they maybe were more hostile than they expected. This \"hunt\" for the ghouls started in mid-2007, and lasted for two whole years, as the entirety of the town and its surroundings were thoroughly combed and every single encountered creature was exterminated, except for one.\n"
"The very last ghoul they encountered proved to be much more resilient than all the others, taking many lives with it as it caused an immense fire within the Nuskar forest. The locals had warned them that this was no ordinary monster, but something much more powerful that they could never defeat. It took many days to weaken that lone ghoul, and when finally they attempted to go for the killing blow, a man approached the soldiers, and stood between them and the downed beast. He was definitely not one of the locals, and the language he spoke could not be identified by anyone. Despite being ordered to step aside, he did not move, pointing at the soldiers and shouting at them. They eventually decided to open fire on him. This was one of the biggest mistakes humanity would ever make.\n"
"That man was none other than \cfPrince Anthon Anderken\c-, one of the most important members of \cfAnarukon\c- royalty, who had, by sheer chance, come to Earth in order to seize that one specific ghoul, for undetermined reasons, at the same exact moment the hunt had started. After being shot down, the ghoul became enraged, and used the last of its strength to engulf everyone in blazing fire. The roar of this explosion of blinding flame was heard all over the world. None of the soldiers survived, as the whole forest was reduced to ashes in an instant. It is unknown what happened to Anthon or the ghoul, but most would assume they both survived.\n"
"After this rather spectacular incident, Imanaki Corp resumed their operations, now freed from the threat of the ghouls, although they faced much criticism from the locals for their decision to destroy what they deemed a \"national treasure\". This relative peace would not last long, however, as the consequences of the attack on Anthon would eventually catch up to them. In December of 2009, before yet another routine expedition to Hell, their portals were hijacked by an unidentified attacker, and from them, a swarm of Anarukon soldiers sprung forth, annihilating everyone they'd find within the installations and their surroundings. The Imanaki Corp building was completely destroyed, and the Anarukon forces remained in the town for many days, before eventually returning to their world, satisfied with the destruction they had caused in retaliation.\n"
"Some time after these events, a small recon team managed to salvage some of the research material and other documents from the ruins, which would later fall into the hands of the \cfUAC\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI've talked about the ghoul hunt stuff in another entry, so I won't go into detail here, but yeah, would you look at that. The \"great and mighty\" UAC, stealing shit from those people.\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, when they started talking about delving into teleportation tech, I KNEW. I knew right away that they were using all that shit they stole. Fucking bastards, they even claimed to be \"the very first\", too.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_IMANAKIT = "Imanaki, Tetsuya";
SWWM_LOREREL_IMANAKIT = "Onoke;Saya;GhoulHunt;Imanaki";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Tetsuya Imanaki\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1983-01-01\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO (Imanaki Corp)\c-\n"
"The founder and CEO of \cfImanaki Corp\c-, and also last surviving member of the Imanaki family following the \cfOnoke Mansion Murders\c- of 2003. \cfTetsuya\c- had always been a very secretive individual, so nothing is really known of his personal life.\n"
"During the events of the \cfGhoul Hunt\c-, and later the \cfHellbound Incident\c-, he once again avoided death thanks to his absence from the Imanaki Corp installations. However, no one knew where he was exactly, and ever since these events he's completely vanished. Some speculate that since he's the last of the Imanaki, this is in order to avoid being located by members of the \cfYanasha Clan\c-, rivals to the family for centuries.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfShort article, I know. There really is nothing on this guy, seriously. It's like... he never left any trace of himself other than just... the fact he once existed and was in charge of all that stuff.\c-\n"
"\cfI mean, there's that one photo, although it's not clear if that's actually him. Either way I can't deny he looks really pretty...\c-";
"\cf Total Safety Device\c-\n"
"\cf \"Fucking Invinciball\" (commercial name)\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Protection Device\c-\n"
"The \cfFucking Invinciball\c-, alternatively known as the \cfTotal Safety Device\c-, is a protective artifact that renders its user impervious to all harm that could come to them, even if self-inflicted. The exact nature of these effects is not clear, it is yet another mystery of \cfCyrus Enterprises\c-'s highly advanced technology.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, is that seriously a fucking MGR reference??? Does this nerdo even know how OLD the first game is at this point? That's the deadest meme he could go for, holy shit!\c-\n"
"\cfOh, I guess you don't know what I'm talking about huh, well yeah. It was a pretty cool game series about slicing and dicing stuff, and memes, and something like that. I'll show you one day, but I bet you can't beat Misa's highest scores.\c-\n"
"\cfSpeaking of Misa, there's a little thing about this thingamajig that you should know. Sure, it makes you \"invincible\", but that fucking ultraweapon she made, the \"Death Cannon\" or whatever, it will NOT work against that. I think it's pretty amusing but also... really, you gotta be VERY CAREFUL with that thing.\c-\n"
"\cfOh man... you know what, maybe I should play some more. The sequel is really REALLY damn good. Like seriously, life would have sucked SO MUCH if they had actually gone through with kicking this guy out.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_ITAMEXHAMMER = "Symnatek;Saya;Ragekit";
"\cf Itamex Reinforced Combat Hammer\c-\n"
"\cf Itamex Military Supplies (a subsidiary of Symnatek)\c-\n"
"\cf Sledgehammer\c-\n"
"Strong, reliable, and packing a mighty wallop, the \cfReinforced Combat Hammer\c- from \cfItamex Military Supplies\c- has become a staple weapon for the most serious of \cfEDF\c- operatives. Thanks to the usage of Itamex's highest grade proprietary alloys, said to be ten times stronger than tungsten carbide with only twice the density, this slamming tool can withstand endless hours of action without ever wearing down.\n"
"The Reinforced Combat Hammer is primarily meant to be used in quickly dismantling barricades or tearing down reinforced barriers, but many have taken to more creative uses, such as in the destruction of armored vehicles, or improvised demolition work of whole buildings. It should also be noted that in actual combat it can prove to be very lethal (and bloody) against unarmored targets.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Rapid strikes. Good for quickly plowing through enemy hordes.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Hold to raise the hammer over your head, release to let it drop on whatever poor fool is standing in front of you. The longer you hold, the stronger the hit. This attack can potentially break down doors, among other things.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Perform a potent spin attack, smashing away everything around you. Consecutive presses of tertiary fire while spinning will keep the motion going for longer. Being a combat robot, you should be free from any motion sickness that a human would typically develop while performing this action. However, you won't be able to control where this spin move takes you.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- It's a sledgehammer. There's no reloading, go bash some skulls.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- Being a pure melee weapon, the hammer benefits directly from the effects of the \cfRagekit\c-, multiplying its damage potential eightfold.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfShit's strong AND good. Perfect for a Demolitionist such as yourself, huhu. And you know what else is good? It can be even MORE powerful once you pop a Ragekit. You'll become UNSTOPPABLE.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah! Hammer time!\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_JOJO = "Josephson, Joanna";
SWWM_LOREREL_JOJO = "Symnatek;Mixom;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Joanna Josephson IV\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Australian\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2107-08-24\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Chairman (Symnatek)\c-\n"
" \cf Chief of Engineering (Itamex)\c-\n"
"Born in California in 2107, \cfJoanna\c- is the fourth heir to the \cfJosephson\c- lineage, and the current head of the \cfAlliance Industries (Symnaki Tekkanosei)\c- conglomerate, the largest and most powerful industry titan of the \cfAustralian\c- territory.\n"
"Looming over others around her by standing at 6'11\", her imposing presence has ensured that no one even dares challenge the absolute reign of her company on its home turf. Despite this, however, it is known that she is in good terms with competitor \cfMixom\c-'s CEO \cfKasumi Tanaka\c-.\n"
"While being the head of the main company, she is far more involved in the arms manufacturing side of the \cfItamex\c- subsidiary, both in terms of engineering and testing, as well as the promotion of company products.\n"
"Joanna has certain fame due to her various feats of strength, including a bone-chilling encounter with a wild grizzly bear which turned out far more bone-chilling for the animal itself. When interviewed, she jokingly stated that the bear \cf\"will need a physiotherapist\"\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThis woman has singlehandedly kept muscle girl artists afloat for ages, and it is very understandable. She is huge, built like a motherfucking truck, and I almost peed myself when I first met her.\c-\n"
"\cfPlease forget I said that last part.\c-\n"
"\cfHuh? What do you mean the dictation system doesn't understand that?\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_KERESHNOVKA = "Reubens;Saya;Onoke;GhoulHunt;Imanaki;SUSAN;Luna";
"\cf Kereshnovka\c-\n"
"\cf Qurensniva (local)\c-\n"
"\cf Isolated Enclave\c-\n"
"\cf Siberia\c-\n"
"\cfKereshnovka\c- is a small region located somewhere in the north-central bounds of Siberia. A more exact location cannot be properly pinpointed, as it appears to exist within some sort of isolated pocket of space that defies the laws of space-time. The region is home to the namesake town of Kereshnovka, which is inhabited almost entirely by members of the \cfQurensniv\c- race who, in 130 BC, had fled their home planet, escaping persecution from mad dictator king \cfMarc P. Karnanaiahmani\c-, by then leader of the entire planet of \cfKarnanaiahma\c-, in the neighboring \cfXathar system\c-. Since its foundation, \cfReubens C. Karnanaiahmani\c-, second son of said king and organizer of this mass exodus, has acted as mayor of the town.\n"
"The town of Kereshnovka is surrounded by various out-of-place landmarks that make it even more difficult to truly deduce its location. It is delimited by sea at the north, and the closest land to it is the small island of Kopo (\"Midnight\" in Qurensniv). Extending from the east and south is the large Nuskar forest, which is off limits to foreigners due to the \"ghouls\" that inhabit it and prey upon those not native to the region. To the west, past a rather sizable mountain ridge, is the Bakie village, a small rural settlement, and to the south/southwest, the arid Yakendere desert.\n"
"The town has been host to numerous odd incidents, starting from the \cfGreat Fire of Kereshnovka\c- in the year 149, when a Qurensniv druid by the name of \cfDaos Khomax\c- summoned a large demon into the town that proceeded to burn it all down. Most people thankfully survived, and the demon fled after the local defense forces arrived. The mad druid was executed, but not before claiming that he would return, for he had \"bound his immortal soul to the great forest spirits\". Days after his burial, his grave was found empty, and ever since then some of the locals have reported seeing a strange hooded figure roam the forests, assuming it to be the late druid, now having become one of the many ghouls.\n"
"Other events, in chronological order, include:\n"
"\cfThe Killings of \"Hynnykka the Great Witch\" (1731):\c- A series of gruesome murders across the town, perpetrated by a self-proclaimed \"great witch\". The culprit always left her signature at the crime scene, along with a hint for the \"next target\". Despite many attempts, she was never caught. In some cases, the murders would still happen despite all attempts at protecting the target. At the last of the murder scenes, the note she left contained only four words: \"now everyone will die\". However, nothing happened afterwards.\n"
"\cfThe \"Spectral Shockwave\" (1987):\c- As described by eyewitnesses, a large explosion of teal fire emanating from the abandoned oil rig that \cfDr. Häzel Hoodth\c- had been using as his personal laboratory. His body was never found, so he was assumed dead. It was reported however that the flames that burst from the location had an odd form reminiscent of the man himself. Much later, others reported seeing a strange \"specter\" blinking around random locations across the Nuskar forest, also bearing the same resemblance to the late doctor.\n"
"\cfThe Onoke Mansion Murders (2003):\c- A large fire breaks out at the \cfOnoke Mansion\c-, where the \cfOnoke\c- and \cfImanaki\c- families were currently reunited to celebrate the union of two of their members. All were found brutally murdered, in some odd ritual manner. The only survivor of this whole incident was \cfTetsuya Imanaki\c-, who decided not to attend citing important work reasons.\n"
"\cfThe Ghoul Hunt (2007):\c- After a high ranking member of the \cfUAAF\c- was murdered by one of the local ghouls following a business visit to the \cfImanaki Corp\c- headquarters, a hunt immediately began for the creatures, despite the cries of \"destroying national treasures\" from the locals. This hunt lasted for two years, and crowned into the reappearance of the demon that had caused the great fire of 149, who, this time, set ablaze the entire Nuskar forest after being cornered by UAAF soldiers. Following that, all the ghouls were gone, along with the demon itself.\n"
"\cfThe Hellbound Incident (2009):\c- During a routine teleportation experiment at Imanaki Corp, their systems were hijacked by an unknown attacker, which altered the destination of their portals. Following this, an army of \cfAnarukon\c- warriors went on a rampage all around the facility, eliminating every single Imanaki employee along with all UAAF soldiers placed there in charge of defense. Afterwards, the entire building was destroyed, and the warriors remained there for several days, attacking anyone that approached, until mayor \cfReubens C. Karnanaiahmani\c- managed to contact their leader and request them to leave, as \"enough human blood has been shed already\".\n"
"\cfSUSAN (2018-2021, 2097-2099):\c- In the winter of 2018, a gigantic structure rose from the seas near the town, and began broadcasting a message of \"world purification\": It announced itself to be \cfSUSAN\c-, the \cfSpear of Unmaking, Severance, Annihilation and Nullification\c-, created to rid the world of all humans in order to purify it. Following this announcement, Russia's nuclear missile systems were hijacked by it, and it began to emit a countdown of three years until this \"purification\". This would eventually be stopped in 2021 following the \cfLuna Event\c-. SUSAN was successfully neutralized, but could still not be destroyed. It remained inactive until 2097, when it was reactivated again by its very creator, an alien entity called \cfUruk'Anth\c-. This time, the countdown was of two years. Without anyone to stop it this time, all hope was lost, but somehow, in the last minute, something failed, and SUSAN self-destructed, taking the life of its creator with it in the process.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfA whole lot of shit happens in this town, huh? I mean, over at Gensokyo there's even more \"incidents\" than this, but it's not like outsiders know, huhuhu...\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, quite the backstory for nerdboi, who would have thought that the guy's a prince. PRINCE NERD! Yeah, that's what he is. Boy, I sure hope he doesn't go murdercrazy like his dad did if he ever rises to king (which would make him KING NERD lol).\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_KEYCHAIN = "Saya;Demolitionist;Belt;Hammerspace";
"\cf Keychain\c-\n"
"\cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
"\cf Keychain\c-\n"
"A simple keychain decorated with various charms, personally chosen by \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-. Safely attached to your \cfUtility Belt\c- so you don't lose them.\n"
"Do note that this physical keychain you have on yourself is unrelated to the \cfKeychain\c- tab of your \cfDemolitionist Menu\c-, which keeps a listing of keys and other important items stored into \cfHammerspace\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, yeah, I put some cute things in there that you might like. So, there's one of the bomb emoji, because I mean, you like exploding things don't you? It was kind of an obvious choice, that one.\c-\n"
"\cfNext is that silly thing that amused you so much, the \"butt bots gonna bot\" seal, heh. I have no clue what it even references, must be some obscure in-joke from somewhere...\c-\n"
"\cfOf course, there's also a lil' chibi face of me. Think of it as a way for me to always be there with you, wherever you go, hehehe.\c-\n"
"\cfAND, very most importantly, oh yes. Don't you think I forgot about that, it sure got engraved right in my mind. Yeah, what happened on our little stream. You really are the sweetest and best bot, Demo-chan. Come on, say it with me, loud and clear:\c-\n"
" \c[TransBlue]██████████████████████\c-\n"
" \c[TransPink]██████████████████████\c-\n"
" \cj██████████████████████\c-\n"
" \c[TransPink]██████████████████████\c-\n"
" \c[TransBlue]██████████████████████\c-\n"
SWWM_LORETAG_KIRIN = "Xanai, Kirin";
SWWM_LOREREL_KIRIN = "Anarukon;Novoskhana;Saya;GhoulHunt;Alakir";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Kirin Xanai\c-\n"
" \cxTitle:\c-\n"
" \cf Sykhai Emperor of Akkou\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Akkouxhei\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2080-04-13\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Communal Advisor (Sykhai Empire)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @kiririn_xanai\c-\n"
"Born in 2080 to \cfSyrakha Yanikov\c- and \cfAzya Xanai\c-, \cfKirin\c- became the emperor of \cfAkkou\c- at the young age of 12, having shown great interest in following the steps of his mother.\n"
"Despite having the title of \"Emperor\", he actually holds no real power over the people of Akkou, and instead acts more like a political and economical advisor. As a matter of fact, the \cfSykhai Empire\c- couldn't be described as an empire either. Most would describe it as something closer to a collection of anarchist communes than anything else, unlike the actual, tyrannical \cfEmpire of Novoskhana\c- that they had seceded from.\n"
"For decades as the leader of Akkou, Kirin had remained single, as no one dared to approach him with the intention of marrying, for he was revered as an icon of \"untarnished purity\", in part due to his own name, Kirin, meaning \"innocence\" in the \cfAnarukon\c- language. It wasn't until a chance meeting with \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- in 2171 that this eventually changed. After a rather busy month, in which the young emperor additionally came to meet Saya's other partners, love bloomed, eventually culminating in a collective marriage (\cg♥\c-) in May 8th of 2171, with their union marking the beginning of a great alliance between mankind and the Anarukon, additionally helping heal the old wounds of the \cfHellbound Incident\c-, as this alliance extended to the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c- too, through the shared friendship with \cfQueen Andreki Anderken\c-. Outside of marriage, Kirin is additionally in a close relationship with \cfAlakir of Kanaiarkar\c-, consul of a neighboring nation he's assisted in the past.\n"
"Kirin himself can be described as a rather \"down to earth\" leader. Being quite close to the people of Akkou, and fond of making friends. He is also absolutely adorable. When not attending his duties as advisor of the people, Kirin engages in many of his hobbies, such as painting (being quite skilled at drawing portraits, for example), or the practice of magic alongside his mother. He is also quite fond of videogames, anime, and many other forms of modern entertainment, and is often seen talking extensively on social media about the subject, happily introducing the people of Earth to popular games and shows from his homeworld.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cg♥\c- \caKIRIN-KUN!!!!!! YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfAhhhhh, Demo-chan, isn't he the best husband ever? He just makes me so happy, and he's just so good and... Yeah~\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfSeriously, I never.. NEVER EVER thought that this could happen. That I... That we all... Could get our own wonderful immortal cutie. It really is a dream come true, you know...\c-\n"
"\cfI just can't stop thinking about him when he's not here... Or even when he IS here (guess what). Kirin-kun is just... Nggghh... I'm going to go hug him right now.\c-\n"
"\cfOh he says hi by the way. I told him this isn't a live chat but whatever, hi from our cute husband. Wait, actually... Gonna let him write stuff here, why the hell not.\c-\n"
"\cgKirin's Notes:\c-\n"
"\caHello, Demo-chan. I hope you are doing well in your adventures. I wish I could attend the live stream that Sayacchi makes of this, but I am currently a bit busy withghfghfdgsddfh\c-\n"
"\caMy apologies, Saya tickled me. I wish she wouldn't do that when I'm in the middle of writing. As I was attempting to say before that interruption, I'm busy with some important work, but I really would have wished to watch you instead, I am really curious about what you do out there, fighting for justice and helping those in need. Sayacchi makes it all sound so exciting...\c-\n"
"\caI hope that you return to us soon once your mission is completed. I'd be very happy to spend more time with you and Sayacchi, together. Please stay safe, Demo, my beloved.\c-\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Oh my god that's so adorable!!!!\c-\n"
"\cfhehe, yeah, I did go straight for his waist again. His weak spot, huhuhu~\c-\n"
"\cfBTW don't tell him but... That \"important work\" he's busy with? It's actually just another game I got him to play. Seriously, it's been only a couple weeks and he's almost finished my whole library. Forget what he said about not watching you though, I'm definitely going to force him to if necessary. I really want to see how he reacts to your wacky antics.\c-";
"\cf I Married A Cherry Boy Emperor But It Turns Out He's Really Cute In Lingerie!?\c-\n"
"\cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
"\cf Comedy, Ecchi, Romance\c-\n"
"\cfSynopsis:\c- When her family moved to the Ruby Empire, Alissa felt like a fish out of water. This was so much different to the rural lifestyle she was used to, everything was new and confusing, but then she met a handsome young man, who happily helped her along. As the two grew closer, she would eventually be struck by the most unexpected of revelations: He was none other than the emperor of the land himself! Kind, caring, pure-hearted and innocent, he was a polar opposite of her, but despite their differences, the love they felt for each other would only grow stronger. One day, having been invited to the imperial palace, Alissa would bear witness to a side of the emperor he had never shown anyone before. And thus, her new life began.\n"
"An unexpected return to manga writing from \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, co-lead of \cfAkari Labs\c-, yet again a romantic story sprinkled with a comedic ecchi tone. Despite its short length, it has received much praise online, many wishing for a sequel, or a spin-off centered around the emperor's charismatic maid. Saya herself has made no promises, but has stated that both of these may be considered, someday.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHeh, I wrote this in like three days. Drawing everything, however, took a whole week. Yeah, I'm not that good, I mean, even though I shamelessly trace over 3D models and all (that I make, at least).\c-\n"
"\cfIt's obvious what this is all based on. I mean come on, you'd have to be blind af not to realize. The first time we dressed Kirin-kun up just... gave me such a burst of inspiration that I HAD to write it all down. Oh it was just so adorable, wasn't it? Trying out all sorts of cute things on him... Oh man...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_KIRINPLUSH = "Nukritas2xx;Saya;Kirin";
"\cf Emperor Kirin Plush\c-\n"
"\cf Nukritas 2xx\c-\n"
"\cf Plush Doll\c-\n"
"\cxCuteness Level:\c-\n"
"\cf Off The Charts\c-\n"
"A very soft and very huggable plush doll of the one and only \cfEmperor Kirin Xanai\c-, beloved leader of the \cfSykhai Empire of Akkou\c-. Crafted with much love and care by \cfNukritas 2xx\c- and officially blessed by the emperor himself, additionally imbued with the pure-hearted gentle warmth of his magic.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfKIRIN-KUN GOT ONE TOO!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfHaaaaa... It's so cute, and you can hear him giggle when you squeeze it, oh my god it's just... absolutely adorable! I'm sure you'll be at the ready to squish and hug it once you get it, too. God damn... Kirin-kun... I need the real deal right now, gonna give the soft boi a BIG HUG!\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_KIRINSIPPY = "Kirin;Vestal;Anarukon";
"\cf Toot Froot™ Peach Juice\c-\n"
"\cf Vestal Foods\c-\n"
"\cf Flavored Milk Beverage\c-\n"
"Lactose intolerance? No problem! Our synthetic milk is perfectly safe for consumption by all, no odd side effects, no alien mutations, no apocalyptic effects! It's milk, in a box. Toot Froot™, the world's first synthetic milk beverage, with natural fruit flavoring.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfIf there's a bond that we all share, it has to be our love for this juice, ever since we met Kirin-kun.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_KMONN = "Kmonn, Eushura Jr.";
SWWM_LOREREL_KMONN = "XAnimen;EngineTech;Gods;Xekke";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Eushura Kmonn Jr.\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Xekkian\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 8731 BC\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CTO (Kmonn Shuna)\c-\n"
" \cf Advisor (Tach-Engine Technology Institute)\c-\n"
"\cfEushura Kmonn Jr.\c-, son of \cfEushura Kmonn Sr.\c-, is a skilled inventor from the \cfKingdom of Xekke\c-, in the planet of \cfIxxeney\c-. From a young age he was raised to achieve the same grand goals as his father, and it wasn't long until he managed to earn his own fame after years of working under him as an assistant. His creativity and imagination knew no bounds, and he's been credited with a grand total of 279 major achievements in the fields of both offensive and defensive military technology, which has helped strengthen the kingdom's forces, making them one of the most trusted and requested across the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c- for allied defense tasks.\n"
"Among some of his most notable creations, there's the \cfRay-Khom\c-, the standard-issue weapon for Xekkian soldiers, the \cfIsonomic Motor\c-, which powers the FTL engines of all coalition ships and the \cfElemental Coating\c-, a semi-magical protection device for use in extreme environments.\n"
"Alongside his father, he was one of the many engineers behind the famous \cfK79-D Metareality Driver\c- project. A weapon of legend whose name is well known by many, but none remember what it did, not even those involved in its creation.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWow this guy is OLD. I know that those peeps pretty much live forever but, wow, that's even more than the old man from Tach-Engine. I mean, I've met his father too, and oh boy... Beyond ancient.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, the article mentions the K79-D. Real fucking weird shit there. I actually DO know what happened to it, because Maruku-sama told me, since she was present, and is a god and all that. Apparently the weapon tried to directly violate causality during the test fire, so a \"self-preservation mechanism\" of the universe flipped out and it was erased instantly along with all the info on how it was created (even going as far as doing memory wipes, holy fuck).\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_KNOWLEDGEBASE = "Demolitionist;AkariLabs;Taro;Saya";
"\cf Demolitionist Library\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Internal Knowledge Base\c-\n"
"The \cfDemolitionist Library\c- is what you're currently reading. This internal database will provide you with additional information on obtained items during your mission, along with related information on various people and organizations, or interesting bits of lore. The library is updated automatically with each item you obtain and each additional entry you read, based on their related information, so be sure to check it out once in a while, if you feel like having a nice read. This is especially important for the various items you can use, or your weapons, as the entries for them will instruct you on how to adequately operate them.\n"
"Please note that the quality of articles may vary, depending entirely on how motivated the editor (\cfTaro\c-) or the lead writer (\cfSaya\c-) felt when writing them. Additional language options are available thanks to community contributors, plus an official Spanish localization handled by \cfAkari Labs\c-' very own professional translator, \cfAna Blanco\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, you can also find notes like this one here in a couple articles if I feel like saying something extra that doesn't \"fit the tone\" of the whole thing, I guess.\c-\n"
"\cfOh and by the way, many thanks to Ana-san for the Spanish translation. I couldn't resist, because really, she was so happy to do it and she's so cute... She told me that it's really funny how all my ramblings sound in her language, huhu.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_LOCKE = "Kereshnovka;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Janus Locke Hoodth\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Qurensniv\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1980-07-30\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Inventor\c-\n"
"\cfJanus Locke\c- is the younger brother of the late \cfDr. Häzel Hoodth\c- known by many as the \cfMad Doctor of Kereshnovka\c-. After hearing the news of Häzel's death in 1987 (specifically, receiving them 10 years after the fact, while he was studying abroad), in an oil rig explosion near the town while he was performing an experiment to \"obtain the essence of immortality\", Locke changed entirely. He decided to continue his brother's work, while at the same time still maintaining his current job as a toy maker. However, the madness into which he fell would extend even to that, with the various products that would come out under his brand of \cfDr. Locke's Wonderful Toys\c- becoming increasingly dangerous, or even outright lethal.\n"
"His insanity peaked in 2049, when he attempted to \"take over the world\". This event, however, backfired so spectacularly that afterwards he completely disappeared from the public eye. Once he was gone, the various deadly toys he had made found new life being resold as actual weapons in many online marketplaces.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSo, yeah... guy's totally a lost case. aaaaall screws loose. But yeah, as you could read there, those \"toys\" of his, they're quite reliable weapons, so I got my hands on some of 'em and shoved one in your arsenal (wait, that sounds wrong if you don't read that last word in full, doesn't it).\c-\n"
"\cfJust in case, you better be REALLY careful with these things. Who knows... shit could probably backfire catastrophically at any moment, JUST LIKE HIS PLANS FOR WORLD DOMINATION DID WWWWWWWWWWWW\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_LOVESIGNALSCD = "Maidbot;Saya;AkariLabs;Ashley";
"\cf Love Signals\c-\n"
"\cf Meidobot (lead singer)\c-\n"
"\cf Various collaborators\c-\n"
"\cf 2020\c-\n"
"\cf J-Pop\c-\n"
"Released in 2020 to critical acclaim, \cfLove Signals\c- is the debut album of AI idol \cfMeidobot\c-, created in 2017 by \cfAkari Labs\c-. It's been described as a \"declaration of love\" from the idol to her creator, \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-.\n"
"\cfTrack Listing:\c-\n"
" 1. A Song From the Heart\n"
" 2. Synthetic Romance\n"
" 3. Binding Pulse\n"
" 4. Do Robots Dream of Electric Love\n"
" 5. Algorithm of Desire\n"
" 6. Compile my Feelings\n"
" 7. Love Signals\n"
"The album is a collaborative effort between Meidobot herself and the various independent artists that have made their fame composing melodies for her to sing to. Its beginning track, the unfairly sweet \cfA Song From the Heart\c-, remained at the top of several rankings for many years since its release, gaining even more fame after it was revisited in Meidobot's fifth album, \cfLove, Robots, and Everything Between\c- (2043), with \cfAshley Knox\c- of the British band \cfBlack Rat's Coven\c- singing alongside her.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfMeido-chan~\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfIt's so good, her singing voice... Getting her into this whole thing, of being an idol, one of my best ideas ever. Even if J-Pop isn't 100% my kinda thing, I still love it because it's her, and I love her, so much...\c-\n"
"\cfHeh, did you know that when we were first dating she would sometimes personally serenade me? God, that was so cliched, but I loved it. Wish she'd still do that, but she's not really into singing anymore ever since she retired, long before you were born. Maybe if the two of us get together for this we could convince her, wouldn't you think?\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_LUNA = "Nukuri;WhiteScar;Saya;SUSAN;Kereshnovka;XAnimen";
"\cf Luna Event\c-\n"
"\cf Alien Contact\c-\n"
"\cf February 2021\c-\n"
"During the final days of the \cfSUSAN\c- rogue AI incident, when all hope was lost for mankind's survival, one very unexpected event happened. An emergency message was sent from the Moon, overtaking all video and radio signals. It was the announcement of an alien species making their presence known. The full transcript is as follows:\n"
"\cf\"This is a message for all of humankind. We are the Nukuri. For thousands of years we have observed you, studied you, while in hiding. We were to ensure absolute secrecy, and avoid influencing your developments in any way, until the time was right for our first contact. However, the current circumstances call for this contact to happen much sooner than we had planned. Your world is in immediate danger of ultimate destruction, and we shall not stand still and watch. Do not fear, the threat will be dealt with soon. May the stars shine bright on you.\"\c-\n"
"Following the announcement, SUSAN's countdown to destruction was halted, and control of Russia's missile systems was reestablished. The \cfNukuri\c- had somehow remotely neutralized the AI at its core, as nothing could truly be observed by the units stationed right outside the range of its self-defense systems, the whole structure simply shut itself down.\n"
"Shortly after, and over many days, regular communications with the Nukuri would happen. Many questions would be answered, such as their origins (a remote solar system called \cfXathar\c-, located in the Andromeda galaxy), how long had they been studying us (since 1309 BC), and if they were peaceful (to this last one, there was a long pause before getting a simple \"yes\", which raised some concerns).\n"
"On May 11th of 2021, an alliance between humans and Nukuri was finally signed, after the first reunion of \cfEmperor Ledora Yathai\c- with the leaders of the major nations of Earth. By the end of the year, many among the Nukuri had already made themselves at home in our planet, most coming from the \cfLuna Research Institute for Human Studies\c-, who desired to have a more in-depth experience of our culture.\n"
"In addition, the alliance provided humanity with a major boost in technological development, thanks to their various advances and knowledge being made available to us. Among other things, the Nukuri put a lot of effort into making their own computer technology compatible with ours, resulting in the powerful \cfNekern Architecture\c-. They also helped alleviate the struggles for clean energy by introducing us to the \cfNokorokinylum Microfusion Engine\c-, a method of cold fusion requiring little space and equipment, but also rather exotic elements (which are thankfully easily available in their homeworld).\n"
"These major changes also brought the attention of other species, neighbors of the Nukuri, who also showed interest in us. Humanity was made aware of just how, despite the vast emptiness of it all, the universe has much more life in it that one could have imagined. Plans had been made, for Earth to become part of the so-called \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-, an interplanetary association the Nukuri were part of.\n"
"However, it all came to a sudden end when, in June of 2073, \cfWorld War 3\c- began. In a single year, our alliance, all the great advancements, everything was completely undone, in what is often cited as the biggest mistake in human history: \cfThe White Scar\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfEveryone really thought it was all over by then. Even us, with our damn anti-apocalypse bunker of a house. There was no way that we'd survive what that thing was going to do, practically setting off all the fucking nukes it could reach at once. And then THAT happened, kind of cliched af to be done right at the very last moment, a fucking heroic save like that. Bet they did it on purpose to look cool, heh.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, life was good back then, with all those Nukuri cuties hanging out with us. You could see so many of them in the street, and well, that was also when I met Zana-sama too, best goddamn Christmas gift of my life, heh. Really REALLY miss those days, you know, pretty much hanging out with her every weekend or so. Nowadays, life just plain sucks, and I can only ever get the chance to like, send and get messages super-rarely by passing them through the Lunar Embassy (when those stupid-ass rabbits actually do their jobs).\c-\n"
"\cfI really wish things would go back to how they used to be. I mean, sure, since our country didn't sign the bullshit White Scar treaty we can still use their tech, but they can't come here themselves, nor are we allowed to go there either. Fuck all that shit.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_MADCAT = "Saya;AkariLabs;Demolitionist;UAC;Ibuki";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Kris \"MADCAT\" Danae\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf German\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2124-06-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Founder, Lead Programmer (MADCAT Studio)\c-\n"
" \cf Senior Software Engineer (Akari Labs)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @danae_kris\c-\n"
"\cfKris Danae\c- was born in 2124, as the younger sister of \cfStefan Danae\c-. Not much is known about her parents, but she has stated they're scientists from Bavaria, Germany, involved in genetic research. From this, it can be deduced that both herself and her brother are among the many documented \cfGenetically Engineered Catfolk\c- that have been appearing since the 2090s.\n"
"Unlike her less skilled brother, Kris is highly intelligent, and excels in computer-related tasks. She has a knack for programming, which allowed her to earn quite a fame releasing retro games under the label of \cfMADCAT Studio\c-. The simple, yet addictive \cfCat Catcher\c- has been installed in over 10 billion mobile and desktop devices worldwide since its release in 2140. That same year, she was approached by \cfHamsick Co-op\c- in order to co-develop a revival of the popular \cfRed Roger\c- series, to be released on its 60th anniversary, two years later.\n"
"Her popularity eventually drew the attention of \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who in 2143 offered her a position as senior software engineer, assisting in various aspects of interface design. In addition, she would later be given the task of creating \cfDemolitionist\c--themed games in order to promote the program (suspiciously around the same time the first person shooter \cfDoom\c-, themed after the \cfUAC\c-'s most famous marine, was announced).\n"
"Not much is known of Kris's personal life. She lives with her brother in a small house in Aoshima, Japan, surrounded by many stray cats they feel a kinship towards. In regards to relationships, Kris has been found to be dating the \cfRed Oni\c-, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-, whom she pays visits to every weekend. Despite her new position at Akari Labs, she continues to develop independent titles.\n"
"Body of Work:\n"
"- MADCAT Minigames (2135)\n"
"- Stray Cat (2137)\n"
"- Stray Cat 2 (2137)\n"
"- Bandit Fang (2138)\n"
"- Nekoprint Solitaire (2138)\n"
"- Stray Cat 3: Catastrophe (2139)\n"
"- Cat Catcher (2140)\n"
"- Stray Cat Collection (2141)\n"
"- Red Roger Returns (2142, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- Nekopocalypse (2143)\n"
"- Nekopocalypse EX (2144)\n"
"- Red Roger in Capital Struggle (2145, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- DemolitionOS (2148, w/ Saya and Taro Miyamoto)\n"
"- Demo Land Adventure (2148)\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfGood ol' Kris-san. Can't have enough of her mad skills, for sure. You know her, when she gets an idea, she has to make it into a game, that's just how it is. And most of her projects obviously have to be cat-themed. Nyaa and all that stuff.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, all the visual interfaces you see through your eyes? She designed them. Pretty simplistic, sure, but it works nicely. I knew she'd be able to work flawlessly for a target resolution of 640x400. You know me, I'll forever be an advocate for the superiority of 16:10. Ultrawide be damned, that stupid fad hasn't died even in this century.\c-\n"
"\cfUh, so what else is there to say... The two of us kinda think alike at times, and that amuses me. People even say we LOOK alike, but honestly, I ain't seeing it.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Kris \"MADCAT\" Danae\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf German\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2124-06-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Founder, Lead Programmer (MADCAT Studio)\c-\n"
" \cf Senior Software Engineer (Akari Labs)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @danae_kris\c-\n"
"\cfKris Danae\c- was born in 2124, as the younger sister of \cfStefan Danae\c-. Not much is known about her parents, but she has stated they're scientists from Bavaria, Germany, involved in genetic research. From this, it can be deduced that both herself and her brother are among the many documented \cfGenetically Engineered Catfolk\c- that have been appearing since the 2090s.\n"
"Unlike her less skilled brother, Kris is highly intelligent, and excels in computer-related tasks. She has a knack for programming, which allowed her to earn quite a fame releasing retro games under the label of \cfMADCAT Studio\c-. The simple, yet addictive \cfCat Catcher\c- has been installed in over 10 billion mobile and desktop devices worldwide since its release in 2140. That same year, she was approached by \cfHamsick Co-op\c- in order to co-develop a revival of the popular \cfRed Roger\c- series, to be released on its 60th anniversary, two years later.\n"
"Her popularity eventually drew the attention of \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who in 2143 offered her a position as senior software engineer, assisting in various aspects of interface design. In addition, she would later be given the task of creating \cfDemolitionist\c--themed games in order to promote the program (suspiciously around the same time the first person shooter \cfDoom\c-, themed after the \cfUAC\c-'s most famous marine, was announced).\n"
"Not much is known of Kris's personal life. She lives with her brother in a small house in Aoshima, Japan, surrounded by many stray cats they feel a kinship towards. In regards to relationships, Kris has been found to be dating the \cfRed Oni\c-, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-, whom she pays visits to every weekend. Despite her new position at Akari Labs, she continues to develop independent titles.\n"
"Body of Work:\n"
"- MADCAT Minigames (2135)\n"
"- Stray Cat (2137)\n"
"- Stray Cat 2 (2137)\n"
"- Bandit Fang (2138)\n"
"- Nekoprint Solitaire (2138)\n"
"- Stray Cat 3: Catastrophe (2139)\n"
"- Cat Catcher (2140)\n"
"- Stray Cat Collection (2141)\n"
"- Red Roger Returns (2142, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- Nekopocalypse (2143)\n"
"- Nekopocalypse EX (2144)\n"
"- Red Roger in Capital Struggle (2145, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- DemolitionOS (2148, w/ Saya and Taro Miyamoto)\n"
"- Demo Land Adventure (2148)\n"
"- Felix Arcana (2150)\n"
"- Red Roger and the Demon Deed (2151, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 2 (2153)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 2: Sky Crown (2154)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 2: Blade Soul (2154)\n"
"- Cat Catcher Revolution (2158)\n"
"- Felix Arcana: Radiant Edition (2160)\n"
"- Red Roger vs. Blue Baron (2161, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 3 (2163)\n"
"- Interstellar Demolitionist (2171)\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfGood ol' Kris-san. Can't have enough of her mad skills, for sure. You know her, when she gets an idea, she has to make it into a game, that's just how it is. And most of her projects obviously have to be cat-themed. Nyaa and all that stuff.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, all the visual interfaces you see through your eyes? She designed them. Pretty simplistic, sure, but it works nicely. I knew she'd be able to work flawlessly for a target resolution of 640x400. You know me, I'll forever be an advocate for the superiority of 16:10. Ultrawide be damned, that stupid fad hasn't died even in this century.\c-\n"
"\cfUh, so what else is there to say... The two of us kinda think alike at times, and that amuses me. People even say we LOOK alike, but honestly, I ain't seeing it.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Kris \"MADCAT\" Danae\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf German\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2124-06-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Founder, Lead Programmer (MADCAT Studio)\c-\n"
" \cf Senior Software Engineer (Akari Labs)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @danae_kris\c-\n"
"\cfKris Danae\c- was born in 2124, as the younger sister of \cfStefan Danae\c-. Not much is known about her parents, but she has stated they're scientists from Bavaria, Germany, involved in genetic research. From this, it can be deduced that both herself and her brother are among the many documented \cfGenetically Engineered Catfolk\c- that have been appearing since the 2090s.\n"
"Unlike her less skilled brother, Kris is highly intelligent, and excels in computer-related tasks. She has a knack for programming, which allowed her to earn quite a fame releasing retro games under the label of \cfMADCAT Studio\c-. The simple, yet addictive \cfCat Catcher\c- has been installed in over 10 billion mobile and desktop devices worldwide since its release in 2140. That same year, she was approached by \cfHamsick Co-op\c- in order to co-develop a revival of the popular \cfRed Roger\c- series, to be released on its 60th anniversary, two years later.\n"
"Her popularity eventually drew the attention of \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, of \cfAkari Labs\c-, who in 2143 offered her a position as senior software engineer, assisting in various aspects of interface design. In addition, she would later be given the task of creating \cfDemolitionist\c--themed games in order to promote the program (suspiciously around the same time the first person shooter \cfDoom\c-, themed after the \cfUAC\c-'s most famous marine, was announced).\n"
"Not much is known of Kris's personal life. She lives with her brother in a small house in Aoshima, Japan, surrounded by many stray cats they feel a kinship towards. In regards to relationships, Kris has been found to be dating the \cfRed Oni\c-, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-, whom she pays visits to every weekend. Despite her new position at Akari Labs, she continues to develop independent titles.\n"
"Body of Work:\n"
"- MADCAT Minigames (2135)\n"
"- Stray Cat (2137)\n"
"- Stray Cat 2 (2137)\n"
"- Bandit Fang (2138)\n"
"- Nekoprint Solitaire (2138)\n"
"- Stray Cat 3: Catastrophe (2139)\n"
"- Cat Catcher (2140)\n"
"- Stray Cat Collection (2141)\n"
"- Red Roger Returns (2142, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- Nekopocalypse (2143)\n"
"- Nekopocalypse EX (2144)\n"
"- Red Roger in Capital Struggle (2145, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- DemolitionOS (2148, w/ Saya and Taro Miyamoto)\n"
"- Demo Land Adventure (2148)\n"
"- Felix Arcana (2150)\n"
"- Red Roger and the Demon Deed (2151, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 2 (2153)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 2: Sky Crown (2154)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 2: Blade Soul (2154)\n"
"- Cat Catcher Revolution (2158)\n"
"- Felix Arcana: Radiant Edition (2160)\n"
"- Red Roger vs. Blue Baron (2161, w/ Hamsick Co-op)\n"
"- Felix Arcana 3 (2163)\n"
"- Interstellar Demolitionist (2171)\n"
"- Demolition Quest (2171)\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfGood ol' Kris-san. Can't have enough of her mad skills, for sure. You know her, when she gets an idea, she has to make it into a game, that's just how it is. And most of her projects obviously have to be cat-themed. Nyaa and all that stuff.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, all the visual interfaces you see through your eyes? She designed them. Pretty simplistic, sure, but it works nicely. I knew she'd be able to work flawlessly for a target resolution of 640x400. You know me, I'll forever be an advocate for the superiority of 16:10. Ultrawide be damned, that stupid fad hasn't died even in this century.\c-\n"
"\cfUh, so what else is there to say... The two of us kinda think alike at times, and that amuses me. People even say we LOOK alike, but honestly, I ain't seeing it.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_MAIDBOT = "Miyamoto, Meido";
SWWM_LOREREL_MAIDBOT = "Saya;Ibuki;Luna;Nukuri;Zanaveth2;Nekuratek;AkariLabs;Kirin";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Meido Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cf Meidobot (artistic name)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2017-07-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Idol\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @meidobot\c-\n"
"As \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-'s very first AI project, \cfMeido\c- was initially rather rough around the edges, mainly serving as a cleaner robot with rather limited intelligence, mostly capable of taking simple orders. Over time, Saya would expand on her abilities, allowing for more complex interactivity, but still too limited. Saya had always felt that despite all her efforts, despite how close Meido gradually got to be more \"life-like\", it was never enough. In the end, she was \"still a machine\".\n"
"Of note was Saya's attempt to get her into singing, something which was an unexpected success, actually. After her initial debut, more and more artists would compose songs for Meido to perform. By 2020, Meido had become a full-fledged \"Artificial Idol\", famous enough to take part in the Tokyo Olympics, singing the national anthem.\n"
"Following the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021, Saya received the visit of \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c-, head of AI research at \cfNekuratek\c-, the largest \cfNukuri\c- tech conglomerate. Curious about human culture, she decided to meet her, as they had quite similar interests. Zanaveth was quite impressed by all \cfAkari Labs\c- had achieved, and showed special interest in Meido, too.\n"
"Having quickly befriended Saya at this point, she offered to enhance Meido's AI with the more advanced technology her people had: The \cfNekuronbot AI Framework\c-. Having accepted this offer, Meido was \"reborn\" from her previous, limited form. She was now fully capable of individual thought, free will, and most importantly, emotion.\n"
"It was not surprising that Saya had always felt something towards her, while still being fully aware of the impossibility of her being able to love her back, but now, everything had changed. Meido knew, and confessed that in her new form, she could \"feel something\" too. Over time, she came to better understand these feelings, and would become Saya's first girlfriend.\n"
"After these events, Meido became a full member of the family, adopting the Miyamoto name. Much later, and with Zanaveth's assistance, Saya would begin the creation of more Maidbots, wishing for the whole world to be able to \"have a Meido of their own\". An adoption service was set up in 2023, where Maidbots, who'd be raised and prepared at Akari Labs, would hold interviews with potential adopters, allowing them to have the final choice on who to live with. This service was entirely free, as the company already had more than enough funds coming from their other services, which increased their popularity even more. Everyone wished to have their own Maidbot, and the Maidbots themselves were more than happy to live with their new families.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfMeido-chan is so sweet~ And her voice is so nice~\c-\n"
"\cfIt's nice that you two are so close, like good sisters. Cutie robutts must stick together, indeed.\c-\n"
"\cfAh, Zana-sama, bless you and your super mad skills, making my dreams come true. I remember I'd always fantasize about Meido-chan becoming self-aware and confessing her love to me, and I'd think that was TOTALLY impossible. Heh... silly ol' me.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Meido Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cf Meidobot (artistic name)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2017-07-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Idol\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @meidobot\c-\n"
"As \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-'s very first AI project, \cfMeido\c- was initially rather rough around the edges, mainly serving as a cleaner robot with rather limited intelligence, mostly capable of taking simple orders. Over time, Saya would expand on her abilities, allowing for more complex interactivity, but still too limited. Saya had always felt that despite all her efforts, despite how close Meido gradually got to be more \"life-like\", it was never enough. In the end, she was \"still a machine\".\n"
"Of note was Saya's attempt to get her into singing, something which was an unexpected success, actually. After her initial debut, more and more artists would compose songs for Meido to perform. By 2020, Meido had become a full-fledged \"Artificial Idol\", famous enough to take part in the Tokyo Olympics, singing the national anthem.\n"
"Following the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021, Saya received the visit of \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c-, head of AI research at \cfNekuratek\c-, the largest \cfNukuri\c- tech conglomerate. Curious about human culture, she decided to meet her, as they had quite similar interests. Zanaveth was quite impressed by all \cfAkari Labs\c- had achieved, and showed special interest in Meido, too.\n"
"Having quickly befriended Saya at this point, she offered to enhance Meido's AI with the more advanced technology her people had: The \cfNekuronbot AI Framework\c-. Having accepted this offer, Meido was \"reborn\" from her previous, limited form. She was now fully capable of individual thought, free will, and most importantly, emotion.\n"
"It was not surprising that Saya had always felt something towards her, while still being fully aware of the impossibility of her being able to love her back, but now, everything had changed. Meido knew, and confessed that in her new form, she could \"feel something\" too. Over time, she came to better understand these feelings, and would become Saya's first girlfriend.\n"
"After these events, Meido became a full member of the family, adopting the Miyamoto name. Much later, and with Zanaveth's assistance, Saya would begin the creation of more Maidbots, wishing for the whole world to be able to \"have a Meido of their own\". An adoption service was set up in 2023, where Maidbots, who'd be raised and prepared at Akari Labs, would hold interviews with potential adopters, allowing them to have the final choice on who to live with. This service was entirely free, as the company already had more than enough funds coming from their other services, which increased their popularity even more. Everyone wished to have their own Maidbot, and the Maidbots themselves were more than happy to live with their new families.\n"
"In May of 2171, together with Saya and her other partners, she married \cfEmperor Kirin Xanai\c-, of the \cfSykhai Empire\c-, and thanks to him, her passion for singing returned once again.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfMeido-chan is so sweet~ And her voice is so nice~\c-\n"
"\cfIt's nice that you two are so close, like good sisters. Cutie robutts should stick together, indeed.\c-\n"
"\cfAh, Zana-sama, bless you and your super mad skills, making my dreams come true. I remember I'd always fantasize about Meido-chan becoming self-aware and confessing her love to me, and I'd think that was TOTALLY impossible. Heh... silly ol' me.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: By the way, I'm really happy that Kirin-kun managed to get her into singing again. Of course, how could she even resist his charms, right?\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_MARISA = "Azanth, Marisa";
SWWM_LOREREL_MARISA = "Ibuki;WhiteScar;Sankaideriha;Saya;Hell;Anarukon;UAC;XAnimen;Parthoris;Kirin;Demolitionist";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Marisa Azanth\c-\n"
" \cf Child of Ash (nickname)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1989-10-04\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Mercenary (Demon Hunter)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter\c-\n"
" \cf @marisa_ashen\c-\n"
"Born in \cfSankaideriha\c- from the union of the \cfDemonic\c- grim reaper \cfAkari Shiroko\c- and the nomadic \cfAnarukon\c- pyromancer \cfSarkha Azanth\c-, \cfMarisa\c- is the result of a blasphemous relationship between members of two conflicting civilizations, those of Demons and Anarukon. Despite their differences and the clear belonging to two factions at war, the love between her parents is undeniable, demonstrating that both sides can set aside their differences and enjoy a fruitful life together.\n"
"Having been raised by such an odd couple of outcasts, Marisa lacks certain social aptitudes, but excels in other skills, such as magic and swordfighting. Upon reaching adulthood, she began to take odd jobs as a mercenary, slaying stray demons and other beasts throughout various locations. Around 2084, one of these jobs brought her to \cfEarth\c-. Specifically, to the \cfWashington DC\c- exclusion zone. While oblivious to the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c-, she was visibly confused by the ruined state of the city, but nevertheless, she tracked down her target. To her surprise, however, the kill had already been claimed, by none other than the \cfRed Oni\c-, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-.\n"
"The two spent some time working together, and a peculiar friendship bloomed. Unfortunately, when it was time for her to return home, she realized that the warp gate she had used could only take one person. Ibuki let her go, with the promise that they'd surely meet again once all was over. And so, almost 10 years later, following the Red Oni's return to \cfJapan\c-, their awaited reunion took place. Marisa had settled down at her own home in \cfKasukabe\c-, and arranged for Ibuki to move there too. Along the way, their spacious shared home would seemingly grow more cramped with the introduction of various other roommates, as well as the occasional visits of Marisa's boyfriend, an \cfOdmorian\c- ranger called \cfCinnamon Valentine\c-.\n"
"To this day, Marisa continues to slay demons as her main occupation, so, as expected, the ongoing invasion has kept her and many others busy. Aware of the \cfDemolitionist\c-'s mission, she's somewhat \"taking it easy\", however. As of this article's writing, she was last seen heading to \cfNagoya\c-, one of the main invasion hotspots in Japan, thanks in part to the existence of various \cfUAC\c- installations within.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, now this is one gal you haven't personally met. I mean, what with her job basically keeping her out there slicing and dicing all day. Ibuki told me that she almost gave up at one point, but when she told her about you and your mission, she got a huge confidence boost. Of course, both her and Ibuki are out in the wild doing their work. I'm sure they turned this into a competition now that you've factored in on the whole situation. That's typical of them.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd what can I say about her? Well, she's the quiet type, really. Less talking, more acting, you know. Lets her sword do the speaking, kinda. And boy, is it a sword. It's HUGE, the thing she has. I heard she even got a bigger one in reserve, a sort of award she got for being super-strong or whatever. Fucking thing is just a massive, raw hunk of metal, very... Gutsy.\c-\n"
"\cfReally hope you get to meet her someday, bet she'll find you cute. Speaking of which, I know her weakness: Capybara. Yeah, put one of 'em in front of her and she'll melt away from cuteness. Little trick I learned from her boyfriend.\c-\n"
"\cfOh, and the boyfriend? Well, a really cool guy. We don't talk much, but he's been my main source for learning about Odmorian culture. Cleared some misconceptions real fast, and was very nice about it, too. His name is cute, too. Cinnamon, heh. Mari-san calls him Cinnabun, which is even cuter. But don't be deceived, despite all the cuteness, he's also a battle-hardened warrior like her, real tough guy, even has this HUGE gun too.\c-\n"
"\cfYou REALLY need to meet them, seriously.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Marisa Azanth\c-\n"
" \cf Child of Ash (nickname)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1989-10-04\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Mercenary (Demon Hunter)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter\c-\n"
" \cf @marisa_ashen\c-\n"
"Born in \cfSankaideriha\c- from the union of the \cfDemonic\c- grim reaper \cfAkari Shiroko\c- and the nomadic \cfAnarukon\c- pyromancer \cfSarkha Azanth\c-, \cfMarisa\c- is the result of a blasphemous relationship between members of two conflicting civilizations, those of Demons and Anarukon. Despite their differences and the clear belonging to two factions at war, the love between her parents is undeniable, demonstrating that both sides can set aside their differences and enjoy a fruitful life together.\n"
"Having been raised by such an odd couple of outcasts, Marisa lacks certain social aptitudes, but excels in other skills, such as magic and swordfighting. Upon reaching adulthood, she began to take odd jobs as a mercenary, slaying stray demons and other beasts throughout various locations. Around 2084, one of these jobs brought her to \cfEarth\c-. Specifically, to the \cfWashington DC\c- exclusion zone. While oblivious to the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c-, she was visibly confused by the ruined state of the city, but nevertheless, she tracked down her target. To her surprise, however, the kill had already been claimed, by none other than the \cfRed Oni\c-, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-.\n"
"The two spent some time working together, and a peculiar friendship bloomed. Unfortunately, when it was time for her to return home, she realized that the warp gate she had used could only take one person. Ibuki let her go, with the promise that they'd surely meet again once all was over. And so, almost 10 years later, following the Red Oni's return to \cfJapan\c-, their awaited reunion took place. Marisa had settled down at her own home in \cfKasukabe\c-, and arranged for Ibuki to move there too. Along the way, their spacious shared home would seemingly grow more cramped with the introduction of various other roommates, as well as the occasional visits of Marisa's boyfriend, an \cfOdmorian\c- ranger called \cfCinnamon Valentine\c-.\n"
"Her participation in the \cfDemon Invasion\c- of 2148 was commendable, with a body count in the tens of thousands, and a special, shared accolade with Ibuki Miyamoto for the swift cleanup of the demon-infested \cfUAC\c- installations in \cfNagoya\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, now this is one gal you haven't personally met. I mean, what with her job basically keeping her out there slicing and dicing all day. Ibuki told me that she almost gave up at one point, but when she told her about you and your mission, she got a huge confidence boost. Of course, both her and Ibuki are out in the wild doing their work. I'm sure they turned this into a competition now that you've factored in on the whole situation. That's typical of them.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd what can I say about her? Well, she's the quiet type, really. Less talking, more acting, you know. Lets her sword do the speaking, kinda. And boy, is it a sword. It's HUGE, the thing she has. I heard she even got a bigger one in reserve, a sort of award she got for being super-strong or whatever. Fucking thing is just a massive, raw hunk of metal, very... Gutsy.\c-\n"
"\cfReally hope you get to meet her someday, bet she'll find you cute. Speaking of which, I know her weakness: Capybara. Yeah, put one of 'em in front of her and she'll melt away from cuteness. Little trick I learned from her boyfriend.\c-\n"
"\cfOh, and the boyfriend? Well, a really cool guy. We don't talk much, but he's been my main source for learning about Odmorian culture. Cleared some misconceptions real fast, and was very nice about it, too. His name is cute, too. Cinnamon, heh. Mari-san calls him Cinnabun, which is even cuter. But don't be deceived, despite all the cuteness, he's also a battle-hardened warrior like her, real tough guy, even has this HUGE gun too.\c-\n"
"\cfYou REALLY need to meet them, seriously.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Oh boy, what an encounter. You know, I said it many times, I wish I could have snapped a pic of the face you made when you saw that gun she has. Yeah, should've told you she's not just about big swords, but also big guns. But hey, she admires you too, and that's pretty neat. Hell, I bet that once we put you into the mission to Parthoris, she'll want to go in right after. That's just how she is.\c-\n"
"\cfI hope she doesn't cause too much trouble, because I also plan on sending Ibuki to do some scouting in a couple places.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Marisa Azanth\c-\n"
" \cf Child of Ash (nickname)\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1989-10-04\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Mercenary (Demon Hunter)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter\c-\n"
" \cf @marisa_ashen\c-\n"
"Born in \cfSankaideriha\c- from the union of the \cfDemonic\c- grim reaper \cfAkari Shiroko\c- and the nomadic \cfAnarukon\c- pyromancer \cfSarkha Azanth\c-, \cfMarisa\c- is the result of a blasphemous relationship between members of two conflicting civilizations, those of Demons and Anarukon. Despite their differences and the clear belonging to two factions at war, the love between her parents is undeniable, demonstrating that both sides can set aside their differences and enjoy a fruitful life together.\n"
"Having been raised by such an odd couple of outcasts, Marisa lacks certain social aptitudes, but excels in other skills, such as magic and swordfighting. Upon reaching adulthood, she began to take odd jobs as a mercenary, slaying stray demons and other beasts throughout various locations. Around 2084, one of these jobs brought her to \cfEarth\c-. Specifically, to the \cfWashington DC\c- exclusion zone. While oblivious to the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c-, she was visibly confused by the ruined state of the city, but nevertheless, she tracked down her target. To her surprise, however, the kill had already been claimed, by none other than the \cfRed Oni\c-, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-.\n"
"The two spent some time working together, and a peculiar friendship bloomed. Unfortunately, when it was time for her to return home, she realized that the warp gate she had used could only take one person. Ibuki let her go, with the promise that they'd surely meet again once all was over. And so, almost 10 years later, following the Red Oni's return to \cfJapan\c-, their awaited reunion took place. Marisa had settled down at her own home in \cfKasukabe\c-, and arranged for Ibuki to move there too. Along the way, their spacious shared home would seemingly grow more cramped with the introduction of various other roommates, as well as the occasional visits of Marisa's boyfriend, an \cfOdmorian\c- ranger called \cfCinnamon Valentine\c-.\n"
"Her participation in the \cfDemon Invasion\c- of 2148 was commendable, with a body count in the tens of thousands, and a special, shared accolade with Ibuki Miyamoto for the swift cleanup of the demon-infested \cfUAC\c- installations in \cfNagoya\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, now this is one gal you haven't personally met. I mean, what with her job basically keeping her out there slicing and dicing all day. Ibuki told me that she almost gave up at one point, but when she told her about you and your mission, she got a huge confidence boost. Of course, both her and Ibuki are out in the wild doing their work. I'm sure they turned this into a competition now that you've factored in on the whole situation. That's typical of them.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd what can I say about her? Well, she's the quiet type, really. Less talking, more acting, you know. Lets her sword do the speaking, kinda. And boy, is it a sword. It's HUGE, the thing she has. I heard she even got a bigger one in reserve, a sort of award she got for being super-strong or whatever. Fucking thing is just a massive, raw hunk of metal, very... Gutsy.\c-\n"
"\cfReally hope you get to meet her someday, bet she'll find you cute. Speaking of which, I know her weakness: Capybara. Yeah, put one of 'em in front of her and she'll melt away from cuteness. Little trick I learned from her boyfriend.\c-\n"
"\cfOh, and the boyfriend? Well, a really cool guy. We don't talk much, but he's been my main source for learning about Odmorian culture. Cleared some misconceptions real fast, and was very nice about it, too. His name is cute, too. Cinnamon, heh. Mari-san calls him Cinnabun, which is even cuter. But don't be deceived, despite all the cuteness, he's also a battle-hardened warrior like her, real tough guy, even has this HUGE gun too.\c-\n"
"\cfYou REALLY need to meet them, seriously.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Oh boy, what an encounter. You know, I said it many times, I wish I could have snapped a pic of the face you made when you saw that gun she has. Yeah, should've told you she's not just about big swords, but also big guns. But hey, she admires you too, and that's pretty neat. Hell, I bet that once we put you into the mission to Parthoris, she'll want to go in right after. That's just how she is.\c-\n"
"\cfI hope she doesn't cause too much trouble, because I also plan on sending Ibuki to do some scouting in a couple places.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate 2: Can't believe it took until our wedding with Kirin to meet her parents. You saw, we all saw, that Sarkha gal is a total nutcase, I can see who she takes after, at least in part, because her other mom is the surprisingly nicest, kindest woman I've ever met. Like, even with the whole thing of being an assassin and stuff... Aaaaand then I learned, that she's descended from Hell royalty. No wonder the demons are so intimidated by her, makes a lot of sense.\c-\n"
"\cfI swear, between her and her two moms, they all look like Dark Souls characters.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_MILKBREADS = "Kirin;Anarukon;Saya";
"\cf Akkouxhei Milk Bread\c-\n"
"\cf Sykhai Empire\c-\n"
"\cf Pastry\c-\n"
"A delicacy of Akkouxhei cuisine, \cfMilk Breads\c- as they are commonly called by the locals are a soft, sugary pastry typically eaten during special events, such as birthdays or weddings. Soft, fluffy buns of sweet bread enhanced with the refined sap of the native \cfYranakha\c- trees and mixed with condensed \cfGray Beast\c- milk, they melt in the mouth with each bite, becoming increasingly sweeter.\n"
"Though it is not generally a problem for the native \cfAnarukon\c-, the obscene sugar content of these has proven to be dangerous to mortals unless consumed in moderation, potentially resulting in the development of cardiovascular diseases or even death.\n"
"Nevertheless, they are quite popular around the world. Many visit the \cfSykhai Empire\c- solely to have a chance at eating them, and may even stay for more. It is even said that they might be one of the secrets behind the nation's rapid growth.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, learning that the milk comes from THOSE THINGS has absolutely not changed at all my opinion. This stuff is heavenly, it's the most delicious thing ever created, it's so sweet I'd just die for them. I mean, it kinda happened once when I overdosed on them (good god that was embarrassing). Yeah, no wonder I fucking died when I had more sugar than blood in my body. I remember Kirin-kun said he actually heard my heart explode, but I bet he was just being dramatic. There's no way that's what happened.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, and there's a myth going around that if you eat enough of these your boobs will get huge. I totally don't believe that's possible, of course not. What kind of fool would purposefully overdose on them?\c-";
"\cf Mortal Rifle\c-\n"
"\cf \"Mister\" (common nickname)\c-\n"
"\cf Plutoni Incorporated\c-\n"
"\cf Multi-Purpose Battle Rifle\c-\n"
"The \cfMortal Rifle\c- was devised in the early 2100s by students of the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- who thought there were simply too many different guns by different armies of different species, so... They would make something that'd be truly \"universal\" for everyone.\n"
"It is chambered in a peculiar 4.44x44.4mm caliber, sporting a barrel length of 44.4cm, and employs odd square shaped ammunition, the nature of which, along with its firing mechanisms, are an enigma. These compact, high-explosive telescoped rounds pack more power in them than the ammunition of most human-made battle rifles of higher calibers. In addition, it also employs 44.4mm grenades from an under-barrel lobber. These grenades burst into lesser target-seeking bombs on impact, making them ideal for scattered targets.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Steady shooting of the primary ammunition.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Launches an under-barrel grenade. If empty, loads a new one. Best used against large groups of enemies, as this will allow a more uniform distribution of sub-grenade target designations for maximum damage coverage.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Alternates between operation modes for the rifle. Switching between \"precision shot\" (semi-auto, pinpoint accuracy), \"cluster shot\" (15-round buckshot, high spread), \"stream shot\" (4-subround burst, low accuracy), and \"overpressure shot\" (high-power penetrating bolt).\n"
"\cfReload:\c- One of the few operations that does what you'd logically expect.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- Each of the fire modes has a specific situation they're optimimal for, make sure to experiment and study their behavior so you may then increase your efficiency in the battlefield.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAt this point I can't even be bothered to be confused by anything that comes out of there, seriously.\c-\n"
"\cfThis thing is an assault rifle, a shotgun, a machine gun and an anti-tank rifle all in one, with the same exact ammo. And it makes no sense, sure, but it works, however it does.\c-\n"
"\cfAlso those grenades are even weirder. You put a ruler to them and they're clearly 25mm or so, but somehow they GROW to full size after they're shot. AND THE WHOLE AUTO-TARGET FUNCTIONALITY TERRIFIES ME CONCEPTUALLY. THIS WAS MADE WITH CARPET BOMBING IN MIND, 100% SURE OF IT.\c-\n"
"\cfSeriously, don't get too comfortable with it. I bet once it starts to grow on you you won't be able to go back to any other weapon, and you'll be cursed for life or something.\c-";
"\cf Mixom Tools\c-\n"
"\cf Industrial Equipment Manufacturer\c-\n"
"\cf Japan\c-\n"
"\cf https://mixom.co.jp\c-\n"
"\cfMixom\c- is the world's largest supplier of industrial equipment, with almost worldwide coverage (extending even beyond Earth thanks to their long time partnership and dealings with the \cfUAC\c-, having produced most of their basic equipment and infrastructure). The only ones stopping them from fully dominating the market are the Australian \cfSymnatek\c- and the Scottish \cfTach-Engine Technologies\c-, along with their one direct competitor, \cfMoxim\c-.\n"
"The conflicts between Mixom and Moxim very often make the news, due to their rapidly escalating \"lawsuit wars\" over who delivers the best quality for a certain product.\n"
"Mixom is, in addition, one of the last bastions of capitalism remaining in the country of Japan since the major reforms done by the \cfJapanese Communist Party\c- in 2048.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfMoney and power, absolute dominance, bullshit capitalism. Disgusting... I hope they all explode.\c-\n"
"\cfExcept the CEO, she's the only sane person in there but they throw her under the bus whenever she tries to change things. I do commend her for the effort, but this is clearly a losing battle. She should quit already and come here.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, you can't take two steps without coming across something made by them, they are FUCKING EVERYWHERE. Like, for example, all the screws in your body? Mixom branded. The liquid cooling? Also Mixom... I could keep going, but it makes me feel gross saying their name so often.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_MODERNSPARKSTER = "EngineTech;Nekuratek;DecadeMech;Saya;WhiteScar";
"\cf Class x3 Sparkster Rifle\c-\n"
"\cf Tach-Engine Technology Instutute\c-\n"
"\cf Nekuraku Tekkanosei\c-\n"
"\cf Plasma Artillery Launcher\c-\n"
"The \cfSparkster\c- began as an attempt by \cfTach-Engine Technologies\c- to replicate the energy weapons of the defunct \cfDecade Mechanics\c-. The first two prototypes were a failure, as it was seen that there was no way to create anything even remotely resembling Biosparks, a semi-sentient form of energy ammunition.\n"
"Then, a breakthrough came: Why try to copy something that can't ever be truly understood? Why not keep the same internal principles of the weapon but employ different, easily obtainable ammunition? And thus, the \"modern\" Sparkster lineup was born. Employing high-density \cfNokron\c- and \cfKinylum\c- plasma charges, the x3 series can reach the same destructive potential as heavy artillery, with lesser weight, size, and hassle of operation.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Hold to charge a glob of Kinylum plasma, release to let it out into the world. The destructive potential is relatively small, but has a notable lingering burn both across the path it takes, and in a dense cloud where it impacted.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Hold to charge a glob of Nokron plasma, release to let it out into the world. While more immediately destructive than the primary ammunition, this one is less stable, and tends to come out as a searing blast, rather than a projectile.\n"
"\cfPrimary Reload:\c- Load in a Kinylum cell. Up to 4 can be loaded in.\n"
"\cfSecondary Reload:\c- Load in a Nokron cell. Same capacity.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- Projectile charge can be held indefinitely, as the weapon will vent regularly to stabilize its peak ignition potency. This could allow one to simply charge from cover and pop out to release the shot when needed. Additionally, the possibility to press both triggers at once is also documented, which allows for a potent release of Nokorokinylum plasma, comparable to a miniature nuke in destructive potential. It is not recommended to perform a combined attack unless the target is far away enough so as to not endanger the user.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYooooooooo this is the shit right here. It's kind of a pre-war relic, but it works so well that the x4 and x5 models are apparently just minor revisions of it, from what the old man told me. We can't have the new ones due to some deep White Scar Treaty fuckery, sadly, so this one will do.\c-\n"
"\cfThis is seriously so cool, tho. It's basically a plasma rocket launcher and shotgun all in one. Also don't get me started on the design, it's so futuristic and sleek... That's kinda the thing with Nekuratek, really. God it's making me nostalgic for the olden days when I actually got to visit Nahkami and saw their factories and stuff and everything was so bright and clean... Oh man.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_MOTHLAMP = "Sankaideriha;Saya";
"\cf Companion Lamp\c-\n"
"\cf Sankai Exports\c-\n"
"\cf Magic Light Source\c-\n"
"The \cfCompanion Lamp\c- is one of the most popular souvenirs among visitors of \cfSankaideriha\c-, the island of magic. This enchanted metal oil lantern, once acquired and bonded to its owner, will follow them around wherever they go. It can be lit and unlit through sheer force of will, thanks to its strong link to its owner. While active, it will illuminate the area around you with a bright green light. It's recommended to only keep it on when truly needed, to conserve its limited oil supply.\n"
"Please do note that these lamps have a tendency to attract moths, however, this can be used for your advantage, as the lamp's enchantment will extend to them too, imbuing them with the desire to protect the lamp's owner from harm, which will cause them to immediately attack once the lamp is unlit and they are no longer entranced by its glow.\n"
"The lamp always stays by its owner's side, without fail. Should they disappear from view or move too far away for the lamp to catch up with, it will instantly transport itself nearby.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI totally did not get this thing because I like moths or anything, well actually MAYBE I did. I mean, when the lady at the store told me about it I uhhh, kinda just asked without thinking if moth girls would also be attracted by it. She laughed at me :T\c-\n"
"\cfBut... actually, afterwards I think she did say that \"maybe\". Which honestly, does sound kinda... whew. In a way, I'd like the idea, but at the same time... I hope we don't end up regretting this.\c-\n"
"\cfOh god imagine if moth girls actually are real, I'd just... ffffffdfgdgfgsfgggghghffhghg\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_MOTHPLUSHY = "Nukritas2xx;MothLamp;Saya";
"\cf Moth Girl Plush\c-\n"
"\cf Nukritas 2xx\c-\n"
"\cf Plush Doll\c-\n"
"A lovely handcrafted moth girl plush doll. Like all moths, she enjoys the light of a good lamp. If you provide her with the soothing glow of a \cfSankai Companion Lamp\c-, you may get yourself a loyal friend. Just, please do be quiet, you may startle her.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThere's a pile of these in my bedroom, you know. One for every time those two have pissed me off. It's scary that they know me so well, seriously.\c-\n"
"\cfOh by the way, I've been told that that specific one you're getting, from their stupid gachashit, is potentially cursed. I do NOT like the sound of that... or maybe... What if you actually attract a real moth girl with it? Oh god oh man I want to see that please PLEASE.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_MUNCH = "Munch Innovations";
SWWM_LOREREL_MUNCH = "Parker;Saya;Explodium;ExplodiumGun";
"\cf Munch Innovations\c-\n"
"\cf Smart Home Appliance Manufacturer\c-\n"
"\cf Arms Manufacturer\c-\n"
"\cf Texas\c-\n"
"\cf https://munch.home\c-\n"
"Initially starting its days producing smart appliances for home use, \cfMunch Innovations\c- suddenly entered the weapons market without a second thought after \cfParker Munch\c-, son of company founder \cfAllen Munch\c- and well-known gun enthusiast, made the decision to acquire all the research material and patents on a new plastic explosive known as \cfExplodium\c-.\n"
"Following the success of Parker's \cfExplodium Gun\c-, he went on to announce an \"invent as many guns as I can in one week\" challenge on his Twitter, furthermore going through each and every one of the various designs he'd come up with. Not many of those succeeded, although a much more powerful (albeit dangerous) new model of the Explodium Gun did gain some recognition (mainly among people crazy enough to want to use it).\n"
"Many of the designs that did succeed would enter the market under the Munch Innovations brand, however, and sell like hotcakes, especially on US territory.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfGotta love how in this day and age, pretty much anyone can start making guns. I mean, for those american idiots, it's not unexpected, but yeah.\c-\n"
"\cfAlso is it just me or... that guy's name sounds hella familiar? I swear, I've heard that name before... or something similar, maybe? If my brain wasn't so scrambled from living this long I'd remember it right away, fml.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_MYKRADVO = "Mykradvo Artifact";
SWWM_LOREREL_MYKRADVO = "Nedoshiaan;Devanikna;Saya";
"\cf Mykradvo Artifact\c-\n"
"\cf Nukurines Mei Mess\c-\n"
"\cf Nekorosen Nerukousei\c-\n"
"\cf Magic Bomb\c-\n"
"The \cfMykradvo (Vengeful Heart)\c-, also known as the \cf\"Great Anomaly\"\c- by some, is a magic artifact that releases tendrils of searing hot plasma onto any visible targets within 100 meters that bear ill will towards the person who crushes it in their hands (though it is also capable of detecting targets out of sight within 10 meters who show high hostility).\n"
"A joint project between \cfNukurines Mei Mess\c- and \cfNekorosen Nerukousei\c-, initiated back when they served under the tyrant god \cfNedoshiaan\c-, the Mykradvo is best described as the \"ultimate panic button\". Even long after their master's death, newer instances of this artifact would still be produced, as its usefulness in battle was seen to outweigh the concerns about the evil nature of its conception.\n"
"All newly created artifacts have only a fraction of the power of the original, retrieved together with other artifacts of the dead god during a \cfDevanikan\c- expedition to the ruined planet where Nedoshiaan's empire once stood. However, this is for the best, considering the dangers upon the world that would be unleashed should the original article be detonated.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfBig fuckoff orb of DIE. That's what this thing is. You give it a firm ol' squish and BOOM, everything around you dies. Definitely can see why people call it a panic button, yeah.\c-\n"
"\cfI remember one time I squeezed it by accident and it didn't do anything. I guess it's smart enough to not blow up if there's no one around who wants you dead. Handy.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_NANA = "Miyamoto, Nana";
SWWM_LOREREL_NANA = "Ryuji;Saya;Gensokyo;Yui;Taro;Kirin";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Nana Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1907-07-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Homemaker\c-\n"
"\cfNana\c- is the sole daughter of \cfKaguya Houraisan\c-, the exiled \cfLunarian\c- princess who made \cfGensokyo\c- her home. Having been raised and homeschooled entirely within \cfEientei\c- she did not know much of the outside world, and would have spent the rest of her immortal life there, had it not been for a chance encounter with \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c- in the 60's. Having fled the \cfHuman Village\c-, he came across Nana. The two became close friends, and the young boy made a promise to marry her when he grew up, and take her outside, so she could \"see the world\". This would happen in 1973, with the two leaving Gensokyo to form a family of their own.\n"
"Being related to royalty, Nana has become quite famous on Japan, even appearing on several talk shows. She is also well known for her skills in several martial arts, and has won many tournaments over the years. Other hobbies of hers include painting and woodworking, and she's also a very fine cook.\n"
"Nana has three children, who, like her, have also inherited the immortal blood of the moon princess: \cfTaro\c-, \cfSaya\c- and \cfYui\c-. Each of them have been quite successful in their own exploits too, something Nana often extensively talks about, in a very proud manner.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe bestest mom in the world, not gonna lie. She may be strict at times, or get mad at me for staying up late (if she actually finds out, heh), but she really is the best. You haven't actually met her yet, Demo-chan, but I bet she'd really like you. I assure you she's real nice despite how scary she may look sometimes. She totally is not like Kaguya obaa-san, who I swear always has that aura about her that's like... no wonder people are scared of her.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Nana Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1907-07-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Homemaker\c-\n"
"\cfNana\c- is the sole daughter of \cfKaguya Houraisan\c-, the exiled \cfLunarian\c- princess who made \cfGensokyo\c- her home. Having been raised and homeschooled entirely within \cfEientei\c- she did not know much of the outside world, and would have spent the rest of her immortal life there, had it not been for a chance encounter with \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c- in the 60's. Having fled the \cfHuman Village\c-, he came across Nana. The two became close friends, and the young boy made a promise to marry her when he grew up, and take her outside, so she could \"see the world\". This would happen in 1973, with the two leaving Gensokyo to form a family of their own.\n"
"Being related to royalty, Nana has become quite famous on Japan, even appearing on several talk shows. She is also well known for her skills in several martial arts, and has won many tournaments over the years. Other hobbies of hers include painting and woodworking, and she's also a very fine cook.\n"
"Nana has three children, who, like her, have also inherited the immortal blood of the moon princess: \cfTaro\c-, \cfSaya\c- and \cfYui\c-. Each of them have been quite successful in their own exploits too, something Nana often extensively talks about, in a very proud manner.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOkaa-san is so happy that you're out there doing good work. It was nice to see that she likes you. I did tell you, after all.\c-\n"
"\cfMan, I swear she's started making tuna pie more often just because of you. It's nice that you get to eat your favorite dish and all, but you should know that what you need in your diet is carbs, right?\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Nana Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1907-07-07\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Homemaker\c-\n"
"\cfNana\c- is the sole daughter of \cfKaguya Houraisan\c-, the exiled \cfLunarian\c- princess who made \cfGensokyo\c- her home. Having been raised and homeschooled entirely within \cfEientei\c- she did not know much of the outside world, and would have spent the rest of her immortal life there, had it not been for a chance encounter with \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c- in the 60's. Having fled the \cfHuman Village\c-, he came across Nana. The two became close friends, and the young boy made a promise to marry her when he grew up, and take her outside, so she could \"see the world\". This would happen in 1973, with the two leaving Gensokyo to form a family of their own.\n"
"Being related to royalty, Nana has become quite famous on Japan, even appearing on several talk shows. She is also well known for her skills in several martial arts, and has won many tournaments over the years. Other hobbies of hers include painting and woodworking, and she's also a very fine cook.\n"
"Nana has three children, who, like her, have also inherited the immortal blood of the moon princess: \cfTaro\c-, \cfSaya\c- and \cfYui\c-. Each of them have been quite successful in their own exploits too, something Nana often extensively talks about, in a very proud manner.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOkaa-san is so happy that you're out there doing good work. It was nice to see that she likes you. I did tell you, after all.\c-\n"
"\cfMan, I swear she's started making tuna pie more often just because of you. It's nice that you get to eat your favorite dish and all, but you should know that what you need in your diet is carbs, right?\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, and what happened during the wedding... Man, that caught us by surprise. She went and got herself a girlfriend. And it was Ashley-san's mom, no less. It's still a bit awkward but... I guess it's fine since she's much happier now.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NEDOSHIAAN = "Devanikna;Unissix;Saya;XAnimen;Gods";
"\cf Nedoshiaan\c-\n"
"\cf Dead Planet\c-\n"
"\cf Mondakan outer rim, X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"\cfNedoshiaan\c- is a dead world, once ruled by a mad dictator of the same name, millions of years ago. As the stories go, this \"tyrant god\" was assassinated by one of his most trusted associates, in a suicidal attack that resulted in the massive crater that reaches deep into the planet's frozen core. Very few survived, who still live to this day, and witness accounts are rather bare.\n"
"In 2005, an expedition by \cfDevanikan\c- adventurers resulted in the discovery of several artifacts at the very bottom of this crater. These were the so-called \cfArtifacts of Nedoshiaan\c-, a set of weapons devised by the dictator god himself and created by his loyal engineer \cfNukurines Mei Mess\c-, who among others had all survived this incident and no longer wished to associate themselves with it. These artifacts were immediately put under the protection of the \cfUnissix Clan\c-, and to this day they tightly control any research and reproduction of them.\n"
"Only four artifacts were found, of the five that had been allegedly constructed. It's widely accepted that this fifth artifact was the one responsible for the death of the deity, and had been lost in the process. The known artifacts are as follows:\n"
"\cfMykradvo:\c- Also known as the \cfGreat Anomaly\c-, an orb of pure energy that, in the hands of a single individual, would allow them to smite all around them in an instant. Its power is, however, very limited, and a great deal of time is needed for it to recharge itself after use, making it more of a last resort weapon for emergencies.\n"
"\cfKyshyje:\c- The \cfAmulet of Misfortune\c- that, when worn by an individual, would bring absolute destruction and madness to all those who desired to harm them. At least, that's what it was meant to do, as once tested, it appeared to instead attract misfortune to whoever wore it, perhaps as a sign of them not being \"worthy\" of wearing it, as some theorized.\n"
"\cfYnykron:\c- Known by most as the \cfDeath Cannon\c-. One of two surviving artifacts that could be counted as an actual, physical weapon. Fueled by the \"essence of countless tortured souls\", it is capable of channeling it all into an unstoppable beam of energy that tears through space-time, erasing from existence anything it comes in contact with.\n"
"\cfNekrodero:\c- One artifact that has been forbidden from ever being used, due to the very nature of its operation, and the effects it has on those who are struck by it. Details on what exactly it does are impossible to obtain, but it has been described as \"the most abhorrent display of cruelty that not even the most twisted of minds could have imagined\".\n"
"\cfInshtrometanykha:\c- The fifth and missing artifact, the \cfGod Slayer\c-. Named this due to the fact this was the only known weapon that could actually destroy a god across the three layers of existence. Its effectiveness is very clear, taking into account what happened. Only two deities survived the blast, having been just grazed by it, however one became unable to take on a physical form, requiring an artificial body, and the other suffered severe damages that have put them in a \"deep sleep\".\n"
"Of these artifacts, the \cfYnykron\c- was successfully reproduced and re-engineered for more \"mundane\" use, after \cfMisa Unissix\c- obtained its original blueprints from Mei Mess himself. Its usage still is very strictly controlled, of course.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfDictator gods, weapons of ultimate destruction, \"fueled by tortured souls\"... This shit's crazy, seriously. This fucking world never runs out of ridiculous ways to surprise me.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, props to Misa for letting us use that thing, by the way. Sure, it's not as \"world-ending\" as the original (supposedly), but it still beats the UAC's prized \"BFG\", by a huge margin, holy shit.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NEKURATEK = "Nukuri;Zanaveth2;Saya;WhiteScar";
"\cf Nekuraku Tekkanosei\c-\n"
"\cf Technology Conglomerate\c-\n"
"\cf Akane, Nahkami\c-\n"
"\cf ubn://nkr/nekuraku.ts\c-\n"
"\cfNekuratek\c- was founded by \cfZanata Nekuraku I\c- in 1744, initially under the name of \cfNekuraku Rafana Sakosai (Nekuraku Arms Manufactory)\c-. It quickly became the main provider of weaponry for the \cfYathai Empire\c-, which secured the Nekuraku family's position among the \"high class\" citizens of the Empire. With this new status, Zanata even managed to secure a position as provincial leader of Akai, one of the largest and richest in \cfNahkami\c-. With this absolute dominion of that region, Nekuratek would extend itself with practically no limits, thus becoming the largest corporation on the planet.\n"
"Zanata remained at the head of the company until 1870, after a malfunction in Nekuratek's first \cfNokorokinylum Fusion Reactor\c- prototype resulted in an explosion that took her life and those of several other workers. Following the suicide of Zanata's husband, and with their two children, \cfDokuro\c- and \cfNokoi\c-, showing no interest in the family business, the only potential successor that remained was her granddaughter, \cfZanata II\c-.\n"
"Once in charge of Nekuratek, Zanata II began to diversify into other fields, such as robotics and information technology, and gradually cut down on the fabrication of weaponry. It was not clear at first, the reason for this sudden change in direction, but following the fall of the Yathai Empire, she eventually revealed her long time disdain for the tyrannical regime, and her wish to distance herself and her family from \"being architects of death\".\n"
"During the initial period of \"deescalation\", her son \cfZanaveth I\c- had been in charge of the arms manufacturing division, and was responsible for the creation of \cfThe Emperor's Wrath\c-, a low orbit weapon that would be used in the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c- incident. After having witnessed what his creation had done, he resigned from his position and spent several years in solitude. He never involved himself with the company ever since.\n"
"During the massive overhaul to the political and economic systems of the nation in the period of transition of 2104-2108, Nekuratek was one of the very first to reform itself into a publicly owned organization, with the Nekuraku family serving merely as \"symbolic leaders\". In 2128, Zanata II retired and left \cfZanaveth II\c- in charge of the company.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfGreat people to work with (even back during their old \"unchecked capitalism\" phase), tbh. I didn't actually have much of a contact with the old \"big boss\", but Zana-sama was always there anyway, and it was real nice to talk to her, even about boring business stuff.\c-\n"
"\cfIt's really pretty cool that these people so openly embraced the right way to do things™. Though... it's sorta something very expected considering the shit that was happening at the time. I don't know how Zanata-sama even managed to do all that right under the noses of those bastards. She was sooooo obviously anti-empire you'd have to be fucking blind to not realize. And she did have a GOOD reason to be, too, losing family in the war and whatnot.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, because of the stupid \"White Scar\" everything went to shit, and we haven't really been in touch, so I hope they're all doing okay. God, I miss Zana-sama... Absolute cutie...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NOSKORA = "Nukuri;Saya;Nukritas1xx;Nukritas2xx";
"\cf University of Nos-Kora\c-\n"
"\cf The world's most unorthodox source of knowledge\c-\n"
"\cf Mishe Embassy, Akai Province, Nahkami\c-\n"
"\cf ubn://nkr/noskora.kv\c-\n"
"The \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- was founded in 1308 by the brothers \cfNukritas 1xx\c- and \cfNukritas 2xx\c-, sole ambassadors of the mysterious \cfMishe\c- race in \cfNahkami\c-. This rather peculiar place of study is world renown for being host to all sorts of exotic courses, some even promising to provide students with hidden knowledge that no other institution in the entire universe could be capable of delivering.\n"
"Being part of the Mishe, the two brothers have what can only be described as \"reality manipulation\" powers. This has only been witnessed on rare occasions, however, such as during the final moments of the \cfNukuri Seventh World War\c-, where one of them managed to singlehandedly put a stop to the conflict, shrugging off the attacks of imperial soldiers while making his way to the throne, whereupon reaching it, he punched emperor \cfLedora Yathai\c- off his seat, launching him across the room in a perfectly straight line towards the nearest window, and sending him off into low orbit. His body was never recovered, and he was presumed dead.\n"
"The popularity of the university skyrocketed following this success in dismantling a whole empire and ultimately bringing forth the creation of the \cfNahkami Unified Government\c-. Many people wish to learn of what these odd beings have to teach, although the various courses are quite difficult for the average individual.\n"
"Some of the more popular courses one can take at the University of Nos-Kora include:\n"
"\cfMechanics of Truth:\c- A special course on the fundamental unified theory of existence, said to be the very foundation upon which the knowledge and ability of the Mishe race was built.\n"
"\cfPancake Engineering:\c- An oddly-named course on the principles of the three layers of reality and their interactions, along with methods for \"bending them to your will\". This course has one of the highest dropout rates, as most students are driven to insanity during the first few years.\n"
"\cfFoundations of Astronomic Engineering:\c- A course on the basics of creating whole planets from scratch. Also covers some topics of bioengineering. This one is generally only open to deities, or other species capable of such an act.\n"
"\cfEssential History:\c- Recommended to anyone seeking to know every last detail of the universe's growth and evolution, although it's best to be from a species that lives long enough to be capable of surviving this 730 year long course. The brothers have said that this is all that's needed to cover \"the essentials\" of history, though.\n"
"On the side, the university and its two founders also manage their own little store, \cfPlutoni Incorporated\c-, where various odd artifacts and services from the founders themselves or their most successful pupils are made available for purchase.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI have to say it, those guys are crazy, like, REALLY damn crazy, all fucking screws loose. But it's actually kind of a good thing, once you get used to it (it took me a while). Getting past the complete insanity, you get to be showered with all sorts of forbidden knowledge... or random facts about geese, like that one time... (but I think that was just them trying to avoid answering some sensitive questions).\c-\n"
"\cfMad props tho for ending a fucking war (and ending a fucking emperor too) just like that. Fucking... yeeting the guy into orbit, wow. You really don't want to mess with them when they go into serious mode, holy fuck.\c-";
"\cf Undying Eternal Empire of Novoskhana\c-\n"
"\cf Largest empire in existence\c-\n"
"\cf Novoskhana\c-\n"
"The \cfEmpire of Novoskhana\c- was founded in 45306 BC by \cfEternal Empress Sythana Va Sarkha Daia Mykha Azanth Serei Yanikov I\c-. It is a tyrannical super-state spanning most of the habitable territory of the world it shares a name with, with an estimated population of 13 billion. Despite showing clear signs of physical and mental degradation, having lived for tens of thousands of years, the Eternal Empress has remained as its sole leader ever since its creation, with any and all potential successors being personally executed or exiled by her, and any who attempt an assassination being quite colorfully disemboweled by her in the process.\n"
"The societal structure of the empire is strictly matriarchal, all men exist only to serve their wives and provide them with children. In addition, most if not all women born in Novoskhana are raised for warfare, especially those of lower classes. Due to this fact, no one has dared to start any sort of war or conflict with the empire, as it is always at the ready to strike back, with its unstoppable armies of immortal warriors.\n"
"The Eternal Empress and her many daughters hold absolute power over all of Novoskhana, and make all important decisions, including the creation of new laws. Of all the various laws that have come from them, many have become so controversial that it has resulted in large groups of people \"splitting off\" from the empire to form their own separate nations. The Empress's eldest granddaughter, Executioner Eryukha Yanikov, personally directs (and often herself delivers) all punishment of citizens that are deemed \cf\"Deviants\"\c-, a term used for all those who do not obey the empire's strict laws.\n"
"Two of the major bodies that split from the Empire are the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c-, initially founded by the \cfVexx Sisterhood\c- as a safe haven for enemies of the state, and the \cfSykhai Empire\c-, an ironically named anarcho-communist collective founded by a branch of the Yanikov family that disagreed strongly with the \"broken system\" of the Empire. A large part of the free \cfAnarukon\c- population in the multiverse is contained in these two, while the rest have settled in various other places, including Earth.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHoly shit, dude. If there ever was a contest for who's the most cartoonishly evil dictator in the history of the whole world, this fucker would get first place. Wonderful, simply wonderful...\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, I would never want to even get close to that place, holy fuck. I'd get my head yeeted clean off for pretty much ALL reasons or something, as soon as I set foot in there. What I really don't understand is... Like, how anyone would want to live in there at all, under such an absurd dictatorship??\c-\n"
"\cfOh, who am I kidding, of course there are people who'd be perfect with a shithole like that, there always are. If history has taught us anything, I mean... Yeah... Some people are shit enough to follow a leader like that, or worse...\c-";
"\cf Undying Eternal Empire of Novoskhana\c-\n"
"\cf Largest empire in existence\c-\n"
"\cf Novoskhana\c-\n"
"The \cfEmpire of Novoskhana\c- was founded in 45306 BC by \cfEternal Empress Sythana Va Sarkha Daia Mykha Azanth Serei Yanikov I\c-. It is a tyrannical super-state spanning most of the habitable territory of the world it shares a name with, with an estimated population of 13 billion. Despite showing clear signs of physical and mental degradation, having lived for tens of thousands of years, the Eternal Empress has remained as its sole leader ever since its creation, with any and all potential successors being personally executed or exiled by her, and any who attempt an assassination being quite colorfully disemboweled by her in the process.\n"
"The societal structure of the empire is strictly matriarchal, all men exist only to serve their wives and provide them with children. In addition, most if not all women born in Novoskhana are raised for warfare, especially those of lower classes. Due to this fact, no one has dared to start any sort of war or conflict with the empire, as it is always at the ready to strike back, with its unstoppable armies of immortal warriors.\n"
"The Eternal Empress and her many daughters hold absolute power over all of Novoskhana, and make all important decisions, including the creation of new laws. Of all the various laws that have come from them, many have become so controversial that it has resulted in large groups of people \"splitting off\" from the empire to form their own separate nations. The Empress's eldest granddaughter, Executioner Eryukha Yanikov, personally directs (and often herself delivers) all punishment of citizens that are deemed \cf\"Deviants\"\c-, a term used for all those who do not obey the empire's strict laws.\n"
"Two of the major bodies that split from the Empire are the \cfKurenai Kingdom\c-, initially founded by the \cfVexx Sisterhood\c- as a safe haven for enemies of the state, and the \cfSykhai Empire\c-, an ironically named anarcho-communist collective founded by a branch of the Yanikov family that disagreed strongly with the \"broken system\" of the Empire. A large part of the free \cfAnarukon\c- population in the multiverse is contained in these two, while the rest have settled in various other places, including Earth.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHoly shit, dude. If there ever was a contest for who's the most cartoonishly evil dictator in the history of the whole world, this fucker would get first place. Wonderful, simply wonderful...\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, I would never want to even get close to that place, holy fuck. I'd get my head yeeted clean off for pretty much ALL reasons or something, as soon as I set foot in there. What I really don't understand is... Like, how anyone would want to live in there at all, under such an absurd dictatorship??\c-\n"
"\cfOh, who am I kidding, of course there are people who'd be perfect with a shithole like that, there always are. If history has taught us anything, I mean... Yeah... Some people are shit enough to follow a leader like that, or worse...\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Man, I look back at this article now and... yeah. The empress may have BEEN evil in the past, but she sure did go through a redemption arc from what we learned back at the wedding (even though she's still somewhat icky). In the end it's her fucking descendants that are spreading the shit, being even worse than she is. How unexpected, huh?\c-\n"
"\cfMaybe it's time for an uprising. A lil' bit of rebellion over there. But I don't know if that's even doable at this point. Fucking sucks.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NUGGET = "Saya;EngineTech";
"\cf Health/Armor Nuggets\c-\n"
"\cf Unknown, assumed natural formation\c-\n"
"\cf Healing Artifacts\c-\n"
"These so-called \cfHealth and Armor Nuggets\c- are small chunks of indeterminate composition that were found in large amounts within a cave system below the ancient alien ruins discovered in Sedna during an expedition by the \cfTach-Engine Technology Institute\c-. It appears that, when held tightly in one's grasp, the glowing substance within \"melts\" into the body, and either heals one's wounds or strengthens their natural resistances. These effects hence resulting in their naming of \"Health\" and \"Armor\" nuggets.\n"
"Despite many extensive studies performed, no negative side effects have been observed, nor does it seem that there are any risks from excessive usage. One positive side effect, however, is well known, one arising from the \"overload\" of Armor Nuggets, wherein they will also have an immediate healing effect upon being harmed, as their effects gradually wear off with each hit.\n"
"The composition of the Health Nuggets appears similar to that of other healing artifacts found within the ruins, those denoted as \cfHealth Geodesics\c-. No equivalents in this form have been found for the Armor Nuggets, however.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfCan I just add that this shit is videogamey af? No, seriously. Stuff that you just go and touch and it heals you or gives you armor... I mean, come on. I bet that nerdboi would be all over this, he keeps talking about how life is like a videogame and shit.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NUKRITAS1XX = "NosKora;Nukritas2xx;XAnimen;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Subject 1xx, Sub-Type Nukritas\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Mishe\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1030-10-10\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Director (University of Nos-Kora)\c-\n"
"\cfNukritas 1xx\c- is the second last of the \cfMishe\c- born aboard the artificial moon of \cfDeishe\c-, long after the destruction and subsequent extinction of all prior native Mishe in their home world in 8135 BC following a one-sided war with the neighboring \cfGoshun\c- race.\n"
"Like his twin sister, he is designated as a \"Nukritas Sub-Type\", meaning he was born and raised for the purpose of representing the survivors of his race and propagate their knowledge through the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-. For this, and together with his sister, they founded the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- in \cfNahkami\c-.\n"
"Since these tasks don't really take much of his time, 1xx has taken to various hobbies, such as writing. He has penned various novels that not many have fully understood, though all claim to have definitely read from start to finish. He is also an avid cook, and enjoys learning of the various recipes of each civilization he meets together with his sister. His personal favorite is grilled cheese sandwiches.\n"
"Like all members of the Mishe race, he is rather eccentric, his immense knowledge appears to be quite exhaustive, though the subjects he dominates are all over the place. It appears that him and his sister share a common train of thought, as they seamlessly continue each other's sentences during common conversations.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, I know, seems a bit bare-bones, but these two don't exactly have a biography or something that we can look up.\c-\n"
"\cfThis guy... The way he smiles gives me the creeps sometimes. I wonder if he can read my thoughts or something.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NUKRITAS2XX = "NosKora;Nukritas1xx;XAnimen;Gods;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Subject 2xx, Sub-Type Nukritas\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Mishe\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1030-10-10\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Director (University of Nos-Kora)\c-\n"
"\cfNukritas 2xx\c- is the last of the \cfMishe\c- born aboard the artificial moon of \cfDeishe\c-, long after the destruction and subsequent extinction of all prior native Mishe in their home world in 8135 BC following a one-sided war with the neighboring \cfGoshun\c- race.\n"
"Like her twin brother, she is designated as a \"Nukritas Sub-Type\", meaning she was born and raised for the purpose of representing the survivors of her race and propagate their knowledge through the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-. For this, and together with her brother, they founded the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- in \cfNahkami\c-.\n"
"Since these tasks don't really take much of her time, 2xx has taken to various hobbies, such as painting. She has crafted various art pieces that not many have fully understood, though all claim to have definitely seen them from top to bottom. She is also an avid doll maker, and enjoys creating plush dolls of the friends she makes together with her brother. Her personal favorite is a doll of the \cfBlue God\c-, who offered to become the patron of her people as thanks.\n"
"Like all members of the Mishe race, she is rather eccentric, her immense knowledge appears to be quite exhaustive, though the subjects she dominates are all over the place. It appears that her and her brother share a common train of thought, as they seamlessly continue each other's sentences during common conversations.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThis one's like the other, yeah. Not exactly a lot of information available out there, you know...\c-\n"
"\cfI kinda like her, the dolls she makes are cute. I mean, you've seen them, right? They're just adorable!\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NUKURI = "Luna;XAnimen;Zanaveth2;Unissix;Saya";
"\cf Nukuri (lit.: \"White\")\c-\n"
"\cf Alien Race\c-\n"
"\cf Nahkami, Xathar system, X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"The \cfNukuri\c- are a pale-skinned humanoid race native to \cfHebeku\c-'s frozen moon of \cfNahkami\c-, in the \cfXathar System\c- (part of the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-). They are among the most technologically advanced within the entire Coalition, and are seen as a shining example of progress and dedication, although they've had an extensive history of war and conflict, along with having been involved in notable atrocities. Such a dark past is something they are well aware and ashamed of, ever since the end of their seventh world war and the massive political and economic reform they underwent afterwards.\n"
"In the past, Nahkami was a ruthless warmongering empire ruled with an iron fist by the \cfYathai\c- royal family. However, following the reform, and with emperor \cfLedora Yathai\c- being \"forced into exile\" by the founders of the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c-, who led said reform, the \cfNahkami Unified Government\c- was created, with \cfZanata Nekuraku II\c- personally appointed as \"transitional\" prime minister.\n"
"As someone who had suffered the loss of her mother and her husband in the previous wars, Zanata had always been opposed to the empire and its practices, including their decision to attack humanity at the peak of WW7, in what was known as the \cfWhite Scar\c- incident. Following the establishment of the new government, she attempted to make amends with us, but nothing came of it. After this had happened, she stepped down both from her position as prime minister, and also as leader of \cfNekuratek\c-, the company her family has run for many generations. As of this article's writing, the current prime minister of Nahkami, elected by the vast majority, is \cfSaya Kowayanau\c-, who is also the governor of the province of \cfSaya\c-.\n"
"The Nahkami Unified Government can be seen as one of the various examples of successful transitions away from dictatorial regimes to something more open. Its form of government is self-described as a \"communist omnicracy\", where everyone stands in equal terms and no voice is left unheard. Its method of allowing all its inhabitants to take part in decision-making, the \"fractal vote\", was widely praised by other neighboring nations. In a way, everything is ultimately decided by all people within the nation, no voice is left unheard. In terms of its economy, there are no concepts of currency, or private ownership. All previous businesses are now publicly owned, however with their founders still holding what's basically a \"symbolic\" position of leadership, being still involved in their management, under government supervision.\n"
"It's also well known that the Nukuri still possess a very strong military force, but they only serve to defend the nation from external threats (something that has rarely happened). In addition, the manufacture and use of weapons is heavily supervised, too.\n"
"As of 2148, Nahkami is divided in 17 provinces: Vutai (current capital), Akai, Renko, Namonai, Kobei, Vuzena, Denkou, Kunei, Saya, Vikou, Okuu, Keshou, Nomio, Esevei, Dokaku, Osaka and Asau. There are also two major \"off-world\" settlements, the space station of Toku and the \cfLuna Research Institute\c- on Earth's moon. It should be noted that since the signing of the \cfWhite Scar Treaty\c-, the Luna Institute has remained closed, however.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfMan, talk about a shady history, huh? Recovering from all that and pretty much going and undoing all the shit that happened before (or at least attempting to) takes some guts, though. Honestly, really wish people weren't shit over here and turned them down (why). A premature end to this stupid restriction nonsense would have been so good...\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, I also get a lot of shit on the internet for talking about it, but yeah, lookie here, more communism that WORKS! But idiots on the internet will be idiots on the internet, anyway.\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, I really wish I could live there now. God... imagine, being in there, surrounded by Nukuri cuties... ohohohoho...\c-";
"\cf NUTATCO™ Chocolate Bar\c-\n"
"\cf Vestal Foods\c-\n"
"\cf Peanut & Caramel Chocolate Bar\c-\n"
"The finest milk chocolate, cream caramel and crunchy peanut bits, in a bar. NUTATCO™, a savage taste in each bite.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfFun fact, I named this one myself. They were going to call them Vestal Bars, like, as a pun on Mars Bars I guess, but I felt inspired and needed to get this out. It was the perfect time to flex my ancient meme knowledge, you know.\c-\n"
"\cfSadly not many people get the reference. What a shame.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_NUUTEK = "Nukuri;Saya;Nekuratek;Zanaveth2";
"\cf Nuusana Tekkanosei\c-\n"
"\cf Electronic Component Manufacturer (current)\c-\n"
"\cf Arms Manufacturer (former)\c-\n"
"\cf Vutaki, Nahkami\c-\n"
"\cf ubn://nkr/nuutek.ts\c-\n"
"\cfNuutek\c- was founded by \cfAranai Raikishionen\c- in 1945 BC, as a company dedicated to constructing weaponry for the \cfYathai Empire\c-. They were pioneers in the introduction of \"futuristic\" alternatives to military technology of the era. Specifically, their research in weaponizing plasma. Not much changed for them in a long time, staying in the lead of the market for centuries, always innovating, thinking bigger, feeding more into the endless wars that ravaged \cfNahkami\c-, hoping that one day the vile empire that had overthrown the Raikishionen family would be destroyed by the weapons they had created.\n"
"Things changed in 1744, with the fledgling \cfNekuratek\c- entering the scene, and quickly becoming their main competitor. The two companies raced to surpass one another, but soon enough they were defeated, Nekuratek had become the empire's favorite, and through this grew so fast it was now impossible to beat. In an interview, \cfRaik L Raikishionen\c-, CEO at the time, admitted his company's defeat, stating that \cf\"their plans are far more devious than we could ever imagine, they deserve to lead us into a new era\"\c-. Interpretations of this statement vary, but following the fall of the empire in 2104, it was made clear that they too knew of Nekuratek's final goal.\n"
"Since then, the company has shifted their efforts to the manufacture of electronic components, many of which are used in products developed by Nekuratek. Their former weapon tech is discontinued, but it has all been open sourced and anyone with the right materials can build them if they want.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWhew, plasma weapons that far back. The Nukuri sure were ahead of us by A WHOLE LOT. I mean, they just casually traveled from another galaxy to our Moon and built their own research station there back when humans were like... still only just figuring out iron. On top of that, they even saw through the fucking barrier to the Lunar Capital. Like, what the fuck, man.\c-\n"
"\cfOK, let's not get sidetracked. I pretty much have no contact with anyone from there, Zana-sama did all of that herself, so whatever we get from them goes though her first. Plasma guns are fun, and we get to play around with one of their flagship \"blasters\". Hope it's as face-melting as it sounds.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_OMNISIGHT = "AkariLabs;Demolitionist;Saya";
"\cf Omnisight Mapping Unit\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Demolitionist Plug-In\c-\n"
"The \cfOmnisight\c- is a programmable plugin device for the \cfDemolitionist\c- that can provide the unit with mapping data for the current area. Not only can it provide a general outline for their internal area map, but also additional information for the targetting array, such as the location of key items (in most cases literal keys), and also the position and distance to the nearest exits.\n"
"Omnisight devices can be easily filled in by surveying operators thanks to \cfAkari Labs\c-'s specialized software and hardware tools, and are readily compatible with most major Linux distributions. Drivers for other platforms can be downloaded from the Akari Labs website, though their stability is not guaranteed.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfJust so you know, a lot of people risk their lives filling in the data for these things, so you better pay some respects whenever you come across one. They may be volunteers, but their lives are as valuable as anyone else's.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_ONOKE = "Onoke Murders";
SWWM_LOREREL_ONOKE = "Imanaki;ImanakiT;Kereshnovka;Ashley;Saya";
"\cf Onoke Mansion Murders\c-\n"
"\cf Unsolved murder mystery\c-\n"
"\cf Kereshnovka\c-\n"
"In October of 2003, a fire broke out in the \cfOnoke Mansion\c-, at the outskirts of \cfKereshnovka\c-, during a meeting between the \cfImanaki\c- and \cfOnoke\c- families. When the firefighters arrived, they found everyone dead, all having been poisoned and their bodies desecrated. The culprit was never found.\n"
"There are many theories about what could have happened. Most point towards this having been the work of \cfHynnykka the Great Witch\c-, a serial killer from centuries ago (or a possible successor), remarking on the fact that her last note could have the potential interpretation of having been directed towards these two powerful families (\"everyone will die\"). This is not only seen as a considerable stretch, but there are clear doubts that something like this could have been done by a single individual.\n"
"Another theory points to ritual suicide, though there would be no clear explanation for why such a thing would be done in the first place. Both families were in quite good standing, and this reunion had been in celebration of the marriage between two of their members, marking the start of a very beneficial partnership.\n"
"Many other theories, each increasingly wilder and crazier than the last, mention possibilities such as attacks by cultists, the town's ghouls, or some sort of clearly planned assassination by rival families (none of which were known to be involved).\n"
"To this day, no one knows exactly what had happened then, and the case remains unsolved. Only one person survived this, \cfTetsuya Imanaki\c-, CEO of \cfImanaki Corp\c-, but solely because he had been absent from the event.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSome real shit in there, huh? I gotta say it's not as exciting as that one other murder mystery from the 80's, the one that happened here in Japan. Yeah, I still remember that shit, the theorizing and other nonsensical craziness about it took a while to die down. People actually still went on about it when I was a kid. I especially remember the meme about \"small bombs\" or some shit. It was a dumb meme theory but Taro and I thought it was really funny.\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, that one gal from Ashley-san's band, Mykka, she was also all over it, being a self-professed \"detective\" and all. She was one of the few who pretty much pushed hard for all of it being the work of witches. Yeah, when you're one yourself that's what you'd go with, heh...\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_PARKER = "Munch, Parker";
SWWM_LOREREL_PARKER = "Munch;Explodium;Hermann;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Parker Edgar Munch III\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf American\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf (Undisclosed)\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Chief Engineer (Munch Innovations)\c-\n"
"Born and raised in \cfAustin, Texas\c-, \cfParker\c- is the eldest son of \cfMunch Innovations\c- founder and CEO \cfAllen Munch\c-. Unlike his father, however, his interests lie beyond the world of smart home appliances.\n"
"As an avid collector of firearms, he would strive to create his own homemade weaponry, already from a young age. The various contraptions he'd create would get shared online. The feedback he'd receive helped him become more and more skilled in his craft, much to the disappointment of his father. However, the success of this side business was not to be ignored, and so, the little workshop he had created on his own soon became part of his father's company as well.\n"
"Parker's most notable creation in recent years was that of the \cfExplodium Gun\c-, the very first firearm created to employ \cfExplodium\c- as a high-explosive payload through the proprietary \cf.387EX\c- cartridge.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfNow, I look at that picture and something still irks me. Why does he look so familiar? I swear to god, it's like it's right there in the back of my brain and I can't pick it out.\c-\n"
"\cfI don't even know that much about this dude. Like I said, he just showed up out of nowhere and asked to have his gun be featured in your arsenal, and then casually walked out after we shook hands.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd seriously, I also could barely find any info on him other than his short bio on the Munch website. Who even is this guy?\c-";
"\cf Parthoris\c-\n"
"\cf Alternate world\c-\n"
"\cfParthoris\c- is one of the various extra-universal worlds that were discovered during the initial stages of \cfAkari Labs\c-'s interportal experiments, as part of the \cfAkari Project\c-. At its core is a land divided in seven major nations, at a stage of development that could be described as \"medieval\", although there is a clear presence of magical force. There have, however, been reports of oddly advanced technology in a certain location, far beyond the mainland, which have been identified as the lair of some sort of powerful lich.\n"
"When this world was first located, clear signs were found of it having gone through some major battle. The seven nations are all under the control of an individual known as \cfD'Sparil\c-, who had taken over them by force with his armies. The exact causes of this are not yet known, but as of the article's writing, the \cfDemolitionist\c- has been sent to investigate, and eliminate any threats in the process.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThere's a buncha stuff in here that's pretty interesting and I'm going to be keeping close watch on the livestream. This is pretty much the first time we're doing a full-on exploration here, you know, so I really REALLY want to see as much as possible of this place.\c-\n"
"\cfDunno if you're going to get any close to that one place. I'm hella curious about it, the fact that somehow there's one guy with access to modern tech in this medieval fantasy wonderland.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_PLASMABLAST = "Nuutek;Nekuratek;Saya;Zanaveth2";
"\cf Plasma Blaster\c-\n"
"\cf Nuusana Tekkanosei\c-\n"
"\cf Plasma Gun\c-\n"
"Developed by \cfNuutek\c- in their days of old, nowadays discontinued but still being produced by enthusiasts from its public blueprints, the \cfPlasma Blaster\c- was the very first plasma weapon of \cfNukuri\c- manufacture, designed to replace common ballistic sidearms of that time. Releasing small discharges of ignited \cfNokorokinylum\c-, it is capable of rapidly neutralizing any small target.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Rapid shots of scorching plasma. The projectiles will travel quite fast, but dissipate after a certain distance.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Charged shot. Hold and release. A slower, but much stronger and destructive projectile, especially if charged from a full cell. The gun has to be held with both hands, as the instability induced by internal plasma charge may make aiming far more difficult single-handed.\n"
"\cfReload:\c- Replace the ammo cell on the weapon. Each can power up to 8 shots.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- Obtaining a second Plasma Blaster allows switching to dual-wield mode. Secondary fire in this mode shoots the left hand gun.\n"
"Due to the high availability of the materials used, and a shared friendship between Nuutek and their former competitor \cfNekuratek\c-, you have free access to a practically endless supply of ammunition for this weapon.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfY'know, if you feel like melting knees is cooler than exploding them, this one's a good option too. Heard there's a buncha crazy variants of this gun around, since it's open source and all. It's been turned into shotguns, rifles, even flamethrowers using Sydon plasma, whew.\c-\n"
"\cfAlso because of my very valuable friendship with Zana-sama, as you can see there we get free ammo for the thing. Fairly convenient, that. Wish it could be the case for your entire arsenal, but life ain't that easy.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_PROPULSOR = "Forx;Saya;Ibuki;Unissix";
"\cf Forx JetBurst™ Impulsor\c-\n"
"\cf Forx Aeronautics\c-\n"
"\cf Portable Jetpack\c-\n"
"The \cfJetBurst™ Impulsor\c- is one of the very first truly portable jetpack units, being not only lightweight but also efficient in its fuel usage. This device allows the user to perform \"boosts\" in mid-air, and also rapid dashes and dodges in any direction, further enhancing their mobility on any situation. It should be noted that for its adequate operation, it's recommended to wear protective clothing, otherwise, harm may come to the wearer from extended use (this is not necessary for exosuits or power armor, along with autonomous robots, however).\n"
"Thanks to its patented self-regenerating fuel cells, the unit is guaranteed to remain available for use for many years, needing only a constant supply of hydrogen (which may even come from just the air around itself).\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, Ibuki used to have one of these too, as part of the whole armored exoskeleton they gave her for the war back then. She could fly and pull other crazy stunts and whatnot, but I guess you really can't, actually. I mean, I'm not exactly calling you fat or anything... but... well, you do weight 500kg, that is a fact.\c-\n"
"\cfSeriously... had I known almasteel is that heavy, I wouldn't have used such thick plating on your body, like, I kinda did say I wanted it \"EXTRA THICC\" when Misa asked me, as a bit of a meme, but she really took it way too seriously.\c-\n"
"\cf*sigh* If you were a bit lighter, I totally could have had you sit on my lap during that Q&A livestream. Ahhhhh, damn it...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_PUNTZERBETA = "Blackmann;Hermann;Saya;Hammerspace";
"\cf Puntzer \"Beta\" Revolver\c-\n"
"\cf Blackmann Arms Ltd.\c-\n"
"\cf Semi-Automatic Revolver\c-\n"
"The \cfPuntzer\c- series of weapons from \cfBlackmann Arms\c- are prime examples of the potential of their patented \cfSpin Motion Wedge (SMW)\c- perforating ammunition.\n"
"The \cfPuntzer Beta\c- is a six-round semi-automatic top-break revolver, equipped with very robust parts.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Slow, accurate shots.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Engage \"quick unload\" mode, upon which the next pull of the trigger will cause six shots to go off in rapid succession.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Twirl the hell out of the gun, for fun.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Reloads the gun. Thanks to the rapid reloading system provided by your \cfHammerspace™ Container\c-, you merely need to hold your open palm over the cylinder, the bullets will be loaded automatically.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, the revolver, a very classic gun, made famous by all those american \"wild west\" movies. But this one's special, oh yes. It's a rarity to see a semi-auto revolver already, but one with a full auto mode? And those fucking corkscrew bullets are some serious shit too, spinning like crazy and drilling through stuff. Hermann-senpai is feeding us with the \".05\" types specifically, which are the strongest of them all, and supposedly can drill cleanly through walls and everything. That's going to be fun.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_PUNTZERGAMMA = "Blackmann;Saya;Hammerspace";
"\cf Puntzer \"Gamma\" Assault Carbine\c-\n"
"\cf Blackmann Arms Ltd.\c-\n"
"\cf Submachine Gun\c-\n"
"The \cfPuntzer\c- series of weapons from \cfBlackmann Arms\c- are prime examples of the potential of their patented \cfSpin Motion Wedge (SMW)\c- perforating ammunition.\n"
"The \cfPuntzer Gamma\c- is a mostly compact submachine gun, featuring a peculiar helical magazine arrangement where, unlike in other weapons where it's either top or bottom mounted, here it's lodged onto the side of the weapon's frame. The Gamma is also notorious for being capable of delivering \"Fuller Auto\" ultra-rapid fire, as seen in many other automatic weapons of Blackmann Arms manufacture, to deplete an entire magazine as quickly as possible.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Full auto shooting.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Switches between two firing speeds.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Reloads, as expected. Your \cfHammerspace™ Container\c-'s autoloaders will provide you with a fresh mag every time.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfMy legs are OK.\c-\n"
"\cfIn all seriousness, that's pretty cool. Very fast gun that shoots very spinny drill bullets. What kind of license do you even need to use this in any situation other than a demonic invasion? There's no way something this ridiculous could be legal otherwise.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way I just realized something: SMW bullets are 6.9mm.\c-\n"
"\cf Quadravol (\"Ardent Cross\")\c-\n"
"\cf Eushura Kmonn Jr.\c-\n"
"\cf Incendiary Pistol(?)\c-\n"
"A powerful incendiary weapon coming from \cfKmonn Shuna\c-, prized among \cfXekkian\c- commanders. The \cfQuadravol\c- shoots blazing balls of fire that explode spectacularly in contact with anything, releasing intense heat and kinetic force. It is seen to be very useful against crowds as the force of impact is potent enough to disperse them quickly. One very distinctive trait of the weapon is the fact that the flames that burst out of it will burn brightly even underwater.\n"
"The name of the weapon comes from the \cfXekkas\c- language, and it stands for \cf\"Ardent Cross\"\c-. This name is taken from a verse of the old legend of the heroic general \cfAntikalapsus\c-, who in 17381 BC defeated the \cfInshta Ereuma\c- and his \cfMinistry of Destruction\c-. As the verse narrates:\n"
"\cf\"Saida shuna hoskaxar ter quadravol sundara vostoshakera serai, doro ultirukoda bos naaxakka ter usosmodu bura tasaskil.\"\c-\n"
"\cf(For the flames of the ardent cross spread throughout the horde, and cleansed this holy land of the corruption they had brought.)\c-\n"
"The Ardent Cross was the name of the general's sword which, when imbued with magic, would release deadly cross slashes of burning flame.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Large fireball shots, which will ignite nearby targets on impact.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Pumps additional fuel, increasing the strength of your shots, but also their drift, making them less accurate. Excess overcharge will result in a wildly inaccurate misfire, but even this has its uses.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Switch weapon stances between two-handed and one-handed. This serves no real purpose other than looking cooler when pumping, your accuracy with the weapon is unaffected but you won't shoot it as quickly.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Insert up to five fuel cells into the weapon's tube magazine. Each cell is immediately emptied into the weapon's internal \"crucible\", so you can keep loading additional ammo while boosting your charge.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- The weapon has a certain \"extra effective\" special move should you be close enough to your target. Plunging the four bayonets into an enemy and immediately pulling the trigger afterwards will result in a potent point blank explosion that will send them flying, covered in flames.\n"
"The various charge levels of the internal crucible appear to dramatically alter the behavior of fired projectiles. The most notable changes are reflected as such:\n"
"\cfLevel 1:\c- Fast and steady projectile, with moderate blast radius.\n"
"\cfLevel 2:\c- Slower projectile with some drift, increased blast radius and damage.\n"
"\cfLevel 3:\c- Slow, massive, erratic projectile, with much more dramatic blast potential. Ruptures into sub-projectiles on impact.\n"
"\cfLevel 4:\c- Projectile splits into multiple fragments as it leaves the barrel. Each sub-projectile is only slightly weaker than a level 1 fireball.\n"
"\cfLevel 5:\c- At this point, whatever projectile was to be fired will instantly explode outwards. This attack is very destructive, and its damage and range may increase further if a full cell is still chambered.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfTypical overly dramatic Xekkian stuff. The \"Ardent Cross\", really... But it's as badass as it sounds, at least.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd of course it's huge af too for something that's supposedly a pistol. Honestly, with these people, you just never know. Their \"light sidearms\" are humongous.\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, motherfucking fireballs, that work underwater??? Gonna need to see the science behind this because that makes no fucking sense and yet... it's there.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, leverguns make me wild out. You know it, we all know it, they're just SO GOOD.\c-";
"\cf Rafan-Kos (\"Ultimate Weapon\")\c-\n"
"\cf Nekuraku Tekkanosei\c-\n"
"\cf Particle Beam Cannon\c-\n"
"Devised by a reportedly \"insane\" and \"derranged\" engineer at \cfNekuratek\c-'s Advanced Arms Division, this weapon's development was cut short of its initial ambitious plans. Citing that this engineer whose name won't be revealed \"played too many videogames\", he was stopped before he could add a whopping 15 different modes of operation to the weapon, rendering it extremely convoluted, costly and \"completely ridiculous\".\n"
"The \cfRafan-Kos\c- project (\"Ultimate Weapon\" in Nukuribaku) would only be partially completed once chief engineer \cfZanaveth Nekuraku I\c- personally stepped in to ask for this \"inanity\" to cease. The end result seemed satisfactory enough despite complaints from its creator, and would be eventually commercialized... For a short time.\n"
"The weapon employs \cfKabbadon\c- as fuel, a common byproduct of \cfNokorokinylum\c- fusion, thus making it fairly easy to produce. However, the density and degree of purity required in the creation of a single fuel pod make its price escalate dramatically.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Release a radiant blast of energy that punches its way through anything, sending sparks flying in all directions along its path and burning other nearby targets. The blast burns for up to ten seconds at full pod charge.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Releases several scattered blasts in a wide cone, with only a fraction of the full destructive potential in each. The pod will drain twice as fast in this mode.\n"
"\cfReload:\c- Loads in a new magazine, each holding four pods. The currently loaded pod must be fully discharged before a new one can be chambered in (spent pod ejection is automated).\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- Due to using a singular trigger at different pressures, alternating between both fire modes is completely seamless.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cf\"Ultimate Weapon\"? Talk about pretentious... But you know, something about this was making my brains itch, and then it clicked. This is basically like that one spellcard, the Master Spark. Hell, it almost even sounds and looks the same...\c-\n"
"\cfThat's fucking cool, actually. I like it, so I put it in the same slot as the other massive fuckoff gun. You know, as a safer alternative that you're less likely to kill yourself with. Gotta admit, Misa-Misa sure loaded us up with some powerful material bringing these two along.\c-\n"
"\cfPS: Don't try to eat the pods, okay?\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_RAGEKIT = "AkariLabs;Demolitionist;Saya;DecadeMech";
"\cf Ragekit\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Robot Steroids\c-\n"
"The \cfRagekit\c- is an experimental strengthening device for \cfDemolitionist\c- use. It is partially based on research material from the defunct \cfDecade Mechanics\c-, and allows for a boost to the unit's speed, resistance, and close combat ability.\n"
"Should be noted that while under its effects, the speed boost may make it hard to move around in tight spaces, as the unit will likely bump on every wall along the way. Additionally, as the force of impact is increased, it's possible to tear down doors or other obstacles when dashing.\n"
"Due to some rather unstable aspects of it, while its effects are active the unit may experience discomfort, and the desire to scream. This is perfectly safe, and it's been noted that the unit does not feel pain in any way, only anger.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, so, I don't know what causes the screaming. It's a completely unintended side effect that I seriously can't figure out how to fix. Big sorry for that, Demo-chan. That's why this is classified as \"experimental\", I guess.\c-\n"
"\cfNow, I know you're worried about it, but trust me, it'll be fine. Even if you're going around bashing skulls while dropping F-bombs every half second, to me, you're still Demo-chan, my cute robutt.\c-";
"\cf Ragekit\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Robot Steroids\c-\n"
"The \cfRagekit\c- is an experimental strengthening device for \cfDemolitionist\c- use. It is partially based on research material from the defunct \cfDecade Mechanics\c-, and allows for a boost to the unit's speed, resistance, and close combat ability.\n"
"Should be noted that while under its effects, the speed boost may make it hard to move around in tight spaces, as the unit will likely bump on every wall along the way. Additionally, as the force of impact is increased, it's possible to tear down doors or other obstacles along the way when dashing.\n"
"Due to some rather unstable aspects of it, while its effects are active the unit may experience discomfort, and the desire to scream. This is perfectly safe, and it's been noted that the unit does not feel pain in any way, only anger.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, so, I don't know what causes the screaming. It's a completely unintended side effect that I seriously can't figure out how to fix. Big sorry for that, Demo-chan. That's why this is classified as \"experimental\", I guess.\c-\n"
"\cfNow, I know you're worried about it, but trust me, it'll be fine. Even if you're going around bashing skulls while dropping F-bombs every half second, to me, you're still Demo-chan, my cute robutt.\c-\n"
"\cfThough... Kirin-kun does worry a whole lot about it. I've told him it's fine, that you're really not in pain or anything, but he really can't stand to watch the stream whenever you nab one of these. Poor guy...\c-\n"
"\cfHeh... still, he remarks on all the swearing, as if he's any better. I've heard all the stuff he shouts when he's mad at a game. Anarukonokxhaai swears sound so ridiculously violent, it's actually amusing af to hear all that come out of his mouth tho. Damn cutie...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_RAYKHOM = "Kmonn;Xekke;Saya;Unissix";
"\cf Ray-Khom (\"Plasma Gun\")\c-\n"
"\cf Eushura Kmonn Jr.\c-\n"
"\cf High-Reactive Plasma Coilgun\c-\n"
"Ever since its creation by \cfProfessor Eushura Kmonn Jr.\c-, the \cfRay-Khom\c- has taken a permanent spot in every \cfXekkian\c- soldier's loadout. Reliable, efficient, needing little to no maintenance due to lacking any moving parts beyond its feeding mechanism. Ammunition is additionally quite easy to come by, at least locally, as exports carry with them heavy taxing.\n"
"The weapon is powered entirely by a compact quad-cell Korberon-Eneiebium battery pack, providing a plentiful supply of energy. Ammunition is fed from 10-round magazines. The ammunition itself, slim 40mm caseless magnetized bolts, fitted with a hyperdense Dyratin ignition charge, releasing potent discharges of ultra-high temperature plasma on impact, capable of melting quickly through anything short of high resonant Almasteel plating and causing strong, stinging burns to Xekkian skin (or severe corrosion of muscle and bone tissue to anything weaker).\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Steady shooting, quick and precise. Minimal recoil due to the electromagnetic operation, mostly quiet as the projectiles are shot ever so slightly below the speed of sound. Your enemies are guaranteed to not take notice of your attacks until it's too late.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Engages the concentrated pulse emitters along the weapon's blades, emitting a potent discharge of electricity in front of the user, temporarily stunning anything that stands too close. May cause death on weak targets. Should be noted that this action mustn't be performed willy-nilly, as the capacitors require a long time to fully recharge, also temporarily disabling the main fire function.\n"
"\cfReload:\c- Reloads the weapon.\n"
"\cfZoom:\c- Use the scope for long distance shooting. Zoom level is automatically adjusted based on distance probes, and the reticle will furthermore simulate projectile trajectory on the fly, so you can know exactly where to aim.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- Secondary fire increases in lethality if used on conductive liquids such as water. Just make sure to not be standing in it yourself.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSo by Xekkian standards this is a \"light weapon\", really now??? It's a good thing that your hands can somehow adapt to the grip of this thing, because holy fucking hell...\c-\n"
"\cfThis shit is like, where do I start. It's some serious fucking ass destroyer, that's what. Out of all the stuff in your arsenal, I'd say this is the third largest weapon we've got. Misa actually delivered it herself way back when, and then we had a talk with the old man from Tach-Engine to have it available for purchase, since he does have that deal going with Kmonn and all (I'm pretty sure what those two have is more than just a business partnership, if you know what I mean).\c-\n"
"\cfWhen she came through the door lugging that thing around on her shoulders I knew it had to be ours.\c-";
"\cf Refresher\c-\n"
"\cf Unknown\c-\n"
"\cf Healing Artifact\c-\n"
"These ancient relics were encountered while exploring the ancient alien ruins in Sedna, near the portal to the \cfXathar system\c-. Unlike many other findings in this exploration, these ones in particular gave a potential hint to the origins of all this. The specific shape of the relics, that of the Egyptian Ankh, symbol of life, came as a revelation to the founder of the \cfTach-Engine Technology Institute\c-, who led this expedition. He theorized that these ruins might have been part of a \"staging area\" that his ancestors could have used when they first came to Earth, to found their colony in Egypt.\n"
"This specific artifact, called \cfRefresher\c-, has strong rejuvenating effects, much more potent than those of other similar healing devices previously discovered. Any wounds or afflictions are instantly healed once the artifact is held tightly against someone's chest. Like with the others, the nature of these effects is entirely unknown, and \cfJ.A. Tachmek-Smith\c- himself has dedicated most of his time to research.\n"
"One important, additional characteristic of the Refresher is the fact that it somehow has the ability to \"automatically activate\" its healing effects, should an individual carrying it be in immediate danger of death. Even so, its effect may not be potent enough to prevent such an outcome in all cases.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAncient Egyptian Aliens™. Cool, neat, fun, good stuff. But these things sure are handy, it's almost like... ah, fuck, I'm going to sound like that nerdo here but yeah, it's like... extra lives, kinda?\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_REUBENS = "Cyrus;Kereshnovka;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Reubens Cyrus Karnanaiahmani\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Qurensniv\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 244 BC\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO, CTO (Cyrus Enterprises)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @rbkhmani\c-\n"
"\cfReubens\c- is the second child of the late \cfMarc Pyurgi Karnanaiahmani\c-, former leader of the old \cfKingdom of Karnanaiahma\c-, now reformed as the \cfRepublic of Karnanaiahma\c- by his older brother \cfRubin Mhul Karnanaiahmani\c-. During his late father's tyrannical rule, he fled the country together with various individuals who had been marked as \"traitors\" by the demented monarch, all as a result of a peculiar prophecy which claimed that \cf\"a Qurensniv man with blonde hair and green eyes will cause the downfall of the kingdom\"\c-. The result of this exodus was the foundation of the town of \cfKereshnovka\c- in central \cfSiberia\c-, of which he is the mayor to this day.\n"
"In addition, as a man of great intellect and an interest in bolstering the evolution of technology, he founded his own startup, \cfCyrus Enterprises\c-, of which he's also the sole employee. Despite this, many great achievements have come of this small business, thanks mainly to the various other companies that offer funding and manufacturing resources for him to keep creating and selling all sorts of tech implements, especially those with military applications.\n"
"Reubens is well known for not only being a cunning inventor, but also an expert in hand to hand combat, being a ten times \cfKo-Ron-Jai\c- (Qurensniv martial arts) champion, and also an excellent sharpshooter, able to land a hit on the head of a matchstick from 1km away with a mere revolver (this last fact hasn't yet been confirmed, however). He's also an avid gamer, and is often noted to draw comparisons between real life and videogames, to a worrying degree at times.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHe's a nerd, NEEEEEEEERD, BIG STINKIN' NERD!\c-\n"
"\cfThere, I said it. Like, sure, the stuff he makes, cool and all, but GOOD LORD he gets on my nerves sometimes with his videogamey nerdiness. Not letting you go in fully armed and instead deciding to fucking YEET your shit all over the place for you to pick up? That's one thing. Deciding that after every mission you have to RETURN all the stuff you got, that's another, too. Dropping some cash every time you blow up baddies, that I can accept, though, helps cover the costs of everything.\c-\n"
"\cfYou know, he may get on my nerves, sure, but the guy was the first serious business partner I ever had, and damn, he's not that bad outside of all the nerditude he expels... I mean, to be honest, I'm also a big stinky nerd too, and you can quote me on that.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_RYUJI = "Miyamoto, Ryuji";
SWWM_LOREREL_RYUJI = "Nana;Taro;Saya;Yui;AkariLabs;Gensokyo";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Ryuji Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1956-03-12\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Death:\c-\n"
" \cf 2054-06-22\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Inventor\c-\n"
"\cfRyuji\c- was born in \cfGensokyo\c- in 1956, spending most of his life within the \cfHuman Village\c-, the only one settlement within the region inhabited entirely by humans, rather than Youkai. During his early teens, he became quite rebellious, desiring to leave the village and have \"adventures\". One day, he fled, and got himself lost in the bamboo forest surrounding \cfEientei\c-. There, he came across \cfNana\c-, the daughter of \cfKaguya Houraisan\c-, and the two became friends. After guiding him back to the village, Ryuji promised her that he'd return one day, to marry her, and take her with him to see the outside world.\n"
"Ryuji and Nana made their \"escape\" in 1973, and settled in the city of Kasukabe, where the two formed a family, starting with their first son, \cfTaro\c- in 1985, who would be followed later on by \cfSaya\c- in 1993 and \cfYui\c- in 2009.\n"
"While working a typical office job to support the family, Ryuji would additionally have one notable hobby on the side, as an \"inventor\". He would often come up with all sorts of clever tools and machines to help make work around the house easier, and would even get extra money selling some of them to neighbors. His skills gradually improved with time, every year rising one step further in their complexity and scale. Earning him fame throughout the whole city.\n"
"One of his most notable achievements is the very house the Miyamoto family lives in. By 2015, their old house was completely reconstructed into a high security underground facility, that would keep the family safe from any catastrophe that might happen to the world. This initial underground home was later expanded even further, as the company formed by Saya and Taro, \cfAkari Labs\c-, kept growing. And as of this article's writing, it is large enough to host most of the workforce of the company.\n"
"In 2035, seeing that Akari Labs was pulling in more money than he ever could, he decided to retire early and take a back seat, watching over his children and their work.\n"
"Ryuji unfortunately passed away in 2054, after being unable to recover from a stroke he suffered during a daily jog. This came as a surprise, as he was known to be in good health, despite being 98 at the time, in his words, having reached such an age thanks to \"leading a healthy and happy lifestyle\". After a long period of mourning, Nana brought his ashes to Gensokyo and spread them in the bamboo forest surrounding Eientei, where the two had first met.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHe was the best dad, and I learned so much from him, and he was always super happy to see me get interested in inventing things just like him. He was really proud of us, and worked a lot so we could get to where we are now. Akari Labs... it would have never existed if it wasn't for dad.\c-\n"
"\cfUgh, thinking back to those days, it really is no good, damn it. We all knew, that he wasn't immortal like us and we'd lose him one day, but we really weren't ready, especially mom. It was really, really painful...\c-\n"
"\cfI'm not crying, I swear.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SAFETYTETHER = "AkariLabs;LuckyCollar;Parthoris;Sidhe;Cronos;Saya;UAC;Unissix";
"\cf Safety Tether\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Unissix Crafts\c-\n"
"\cf Short-distance Emergency Teleporter\c-\n"
"What you see here is an extension of the magic employed in your \cfLucky Collar\c-, repurposed and adjusted to allow you to transport yourself on demand back to the entrance of the current area you're in. This is quite useful to have in case you find yourself trapped in some inescapable room, and have no other resources to break out. The world of \cfParthoris\c- is a treacherous one, as the \cfSidhe\c- would inform us, and so these are a must, and may be found in areas where \"trap rooms\" have been reported.\n"
"Simply twist both ends in opposing directions, and the device will prime. If the user is already standing close enough to the destination, the warp will be cancelled in order to prevent an accidental misuse, otherwise, the lights will turn blue and the warp will be performed.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, the perfect way to escape from a closed room...\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, this is actually based on your collar, works similarly too, except I'm not the one who activates whenever you're in mortal danger, and its effects are more \"dramatic\" (you'll see). It's simple magic stuff, really. Those idiots at the UAC would shit themselves if they knew we've had the magic to do long distance teleports, even across universes, long before their experiments existed.\c-\n"
"\cfI hope Misa doesn't mind that I pretty much repurposed one of her grenade designs for this.\c-";
"\cf Safety Tether\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Unissix Crafts\c-\n"
"\cf Short-distance Emergency Teleporter\c-\n"
"What you see here is an extension of the magic employed in your \cfLucky Collar\c-, repurposed and adjusted to allow you to transport yourself on demand back to the entrance of the current area you're in. This is quite useful to have in case you find yourself trapped in some inescapable room, and have no other resources to break out. The world of \cfParthoris\c- is a treacherous one, as the \cfSidhe\c- would inform us, and so these are a must, and may be found in areas where \"trap rooms\" have been reported. It is assumed that \cfCronos\c- may feature the same sorts of traps, so be careful.\n"
"Simply twist both ends in opposing directions, and the device will prime. If the user is already standing close enough to the destination, the warp will be cancelled in order to prevent an accidental misuse, otherwise, the lights will turn blue and the warp will be performed.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, the perfect way to escape from a closed room...\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, this is actually based on your collar, works similarly too, except I'm not the one who activates whenever you're in mortal danger, and its effects are more \"dramatic\" (you'll see). It's simple magic stuff, really. Those idiots at the UAC would shit themselves if they knew we've had the magic to do long distance teleports, even across universes, long before their experiments existed.\c-\n"
"\cfI hope Misa doesn't mind that I pretty much repurposed one of her grenade designs for this.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_SALTBOT = "Battle-Boi Sentry";
SWWM_LOREREL_SALTBOT = "AkariLabs;Hammerspace;ScoreSystem;Saya";
"\cf Battle-Boi Sentry\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Portable Defense System\c-\n"
"The \cfBattle-Boi\c- is a portable remote controlled turret equipped with dual, semi-automatic, \cfHammerspace\c--fed shotguns. There are multiple ammunition options available, but the units currently available for your mission are loaded with 10-gauge Kinylum saltshot, fairly useful for crowd control due to both its stopping power on direct impact, and the lingering radiation that the salt fragments leave along their path.\n"
"Each unit can remain operational for days on end, provided they are resupplied when needed. \cfScore Points\c- are earned from any enemies they kill, so this may potentially reduce the cost of resupply.\n"
"Should damage be taken, they can be repaired free of charge by returning them to storage. Keep in mind placed units are not recalled if you stray too far from the designated area. If you leave them behind, they will stay there and automatically deactivate.\n"
"Due to the remote-controlled nature of the device, only one unit can be in use during your missions. Please be kind to the operator, as they cannot directly communicate with you in any way, and are simply trying their best to assist you.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI won't tell you who's manning them. It's a secret.\c-\n"
"\cfNo, it's not me. I can't stay awake 24/7.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SANKAIDERIHA = "Nukuri;Saya;Ashley;Gods;Kirin";
"\cf Sankaideriha (\"Capital of Magic\")\c-\n"
"\cf Floating City-Island\c-\n"
"\cf Self-Contained\c-\n"
"The city of \cfSankaideriha\c- was founded countless aeons ago by \cfLS\c-, one of the three primordial deities, who represents all magic. It is located atop a large floating island, hovering onto an endless ocean of pure magic essence. Sankaideriha is home to thousands of magic users from all fields and levels of expertise, and also serves as a refuge to creatures of magical nature that face persecution, such as the last remaining members of the \cfPynn\c- race. The city also hosts a variety of places of study, along with several shops, these serving as its main source of income.\n"
"The city is led by the \cfHigh Tribunal of Witches\c-, of which LS is part of, along with other witches of renown, such as \cfKana Sankai\c-, head of the \cfCounter-Inquisition\c-, the city's main military force who serve not just to protect the city itself, but also magic users living abroad who are endangered by anti-mage persecutors, and \cfSaniuke Okusainaya\c-, who is well known for being the first \cfNukuri\c- technomancer, successful in bridging the gap between the arcane and the modern.\n"
"The main way in and out of Sankaideriha is a very well-guarded secret among its inhabitants, essentially making it an \"invitation only\" location. Nonetheless, any skilled mage can simply create a portal to it as needed.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI've been there with Ashley-san a couple times. It's SUPER PRETTY, seriously. Most damn beautiful place I've ever seen in my entire life, holy fuck. The view from up there, it's literally out of this world. And all the stuff in there, so good too, ah damn...\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, first time I went, I met the big god. They're uhhhh... interesting, to say the least. Didn't mind having a chat with some random nobody like me who has super-mediocre magic skills, which was fun. One of these days, when I retire, I might move there and study a lot of cool magic.\c-";
"\cf Sankaideriha (\"Capital of Magic\")\c-\n"
"\cf Floating City-Island\c-\n"
"\cf Self-Contained\c-\n"
"The city of \cfSankaideriha\c- was founded countless aeons ago by \cfLS\c-, one of the three primordial deities, who represents all magic. It is located atop a large floating island, hovering onto an endless ocean of pure magic essence. Sankaideriha is home to thousands of magic users from all fields and levels of expertise, and also serves as a refuge to creatures of magical nature that face persecution, such as the last remaining members of the \cfPynn\c- race. The city also hosts a variety of places of study, along with several shops, these serving as its main source of income.\n"
"The city is led by the \cfHigh Tribunal of Witches\c-, of which LS is part of, along with other witches of renown, such as \cfKana Sankai\c-, head of the \cfCounter-Inquisition\c-, the city's main military force who serve not just to protect the city itself, but also magic users living abroad who are endangered by anti-mage persecutors, and \cfSaniuke Okusainaya\c-, who is well known for being the first \cfNukuri\c- technomancer, successful in bridging the gap between the arcane and the modern.\n"
"The main way in and out of Sankaideriha is a very well-guarded secret among its inhabitants, essentially making it an \"invitation only\" location. Nonetheless, any skilled mage can simply create a portal to it as needed.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI've been there with Ashley-san a couple times. It's SUPER PRETTY, seriously. Most damn beautiful place I've ever seen in my entire life, holy fuck. The view from up there, it's literally out of this world. And all the stuff in there, so good too, ah damn...\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, first time I went, I met the big god. They're uhhhh... interesting, to say the least. Didn't mind having a chat with some random nobody like me who has super-mediocre magic skills, which was fun. One of these days, when Kirin-kun retires, we're going to move there and study lots of magic together. I'm so looking forward to it...\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_SAYA = "Miyamoto, Saya";
SWWM_LOREREL_SAYA = "Nana;Ryuji;Taro;Yui;Maidbot;Demolitionist;Kirin;AkariLabs;Ashley;UAC;Ibuki";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1993-03-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CTO, Human Resources (Akari Labs)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @AkariSaya\c-\n"
"\cfSaya Miyamoto\c- was born in 1993 as the middle child of \cfNana Miyamoto\c- and \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c-, her older brother being \cfTaro Miyamoto\c-, born in 1985, and her younger sister being \cfYui Miyamoto\c-, born in 2009. As a child, Saya already showed interest in science and technology, proudly looking up to her father and his inventions. She excelled greatly in school, having even been described as a \"child prodigy\". At the surprisingly early age of 13, having proven her outstanding abilities, she got herself into \cfMIT\c-, where she graduated in \cfComputer Science\c-.\n"
"In 2010, together with her brother Taro, the two founded \cfAkari Labs\c-, where her first project was an autonomous house-cleaning robot, which would later evolve into the modern \cfMaidbot\c-, one of the most popular creations of their company. She also would devise many other types of robots, all driven by rather complex in-house AI that she had personally designed together with her brother.\n"
"In 2018, Saya \"ceased to age\", due to the effects of the immortality she had inherited from her mother. She initially saw this as a blessing, allowing her to work on everything she ever wanted, without any time limits, but afterwards, remarked on the fact that this meant she would outlive a lot of people in her life, and was not all too happy about that prospect.\n"
"Saya would frequently be nicknamed \cf\"Not-Tomoko\"\c- around the net, in reference to a character from a popular manga series that people compared her with. It was noted that \"in term of personality and looks, the resemblance is definitely there\". Saya is well known for being quite blunt when talking to people, if she ever actually does so, as she's not very talkative in person. Online, however, she changes entirely, openly talking to anyone she comes across, casually shoving herself into random conversations, or extensively ranting about various topics, and debating fiercely with haters.\n"
"Saya's way of speaking is rather uncouth at times, as she's known to casually swear on the regular in the middle of conversations. It is one among various of her bad habits that she has trouble addressing, and which have resulted in multiple misunderstandings and awkward situations. Nevertheless, she is always quick to apologize when called out.\n"
"Saya has many hobbies, including programming (her language of choice being \cfHaskell\c-), collecting videogames (most of which she doesn't actually play), drawing, 3d modeling and writing. Her fascination with anime and manga got her to write her very own: a three-volume series called \cfMy Wife Is A Maid Robot\c-, partially based around her experiences with dating \cfMeido Miyamoto\c-. It became so popular it managed to get its own anime adaptation years later. Saya also wrote a science fiction novel, \cfThe Akari Project\c-, a story about teleportation experiments and interdimensional travel \"that doesn't go to shit like all the others\". Following the disaster on the \cfUAC\c- bases in regards to teleportation, she announced that she wished to make the Akari Project real, \"just to fuck those idiots over\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou like reading about me, don't you? I bet you do, silly. Alright, here's some more about me, just for you.\c-\n"
"\cfMy favorite color is red, favorite animal is the otter and favorite dish is pepperoni pizza. Got that? Good, let's keep going then. I like a lot of music, including Industrial, Metal, Drone, Dark Ambient, and I guess Baroque Metal since Ashley-san's band is so good. I absolutely ABSOLUTELY despise peppers, and eggs (though I can make an exception for meringue, that shit's delicious). I also hate skirts. Make me wear a skirt and I'll punch you. I prefer pants a million times more, though it's best if they're not skin-tight, that stuff's weird. I don't like clothes being stuck to me like that, egh, so yeah, if it's nice and baggy, that's excellent, good shit. Alright, what else? My favorite editor is vim, and uh, btw I use Arch, I guess. Also I love moth girls, they're cool and pretty. Oh, and maids, of course, and goth fashion, even though I'm too awkward to try dressing like that myself.\c-\n"
"\cfWell, are you satisfied, Demo-chan? Have I sated your thirst for Saya Facts™? Good, then you should go back to work.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1993-03-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CTO, Human Resources (Akari Labs)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @AkariSaya\c-\n"
"\cfSaya Miyamoto\c- was born in 1993 as the middle child of \cfNana Miyamoto\c- and \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c-, her older brother being \cfTaro Miyamoto\c-, born in 1985, and her younger sister being \cfYui Miyamoto\c-, born in 2009. As a child, Saya already showed interest in science and technology, proudly looking up to her father and his inventions. She excelled greatly in school, having even been described as a \"child prodigy\". At the surprisingly early age of 13, having proven her outstanding abilities, she got herself into \cfMIT\c-, where she graduated in \cfComputer Science\c-.\n"
"In 2010, together with her brother Taro, the two founded \cfAkari Labs\c-, where her first project was an autonomous house-cleaning robot, which would later evolve into the modern \cfMaidbot\c-, one of the most popular creations of their company. She also would devise many other types of robots, all driven by rather complex in-house AI that she had personally designed together with her brother.\n"
"In 2018, Saya \"ceased to age\", due to the effects of the immortality she had inherited from her mother. She initially saw this as a blessing, allowing her to work on everything she ever wanted, without any time limits, but afterwards, remarked on the fact that this meant she would outlive a lot of people in her life, and was not all too happy about that prospect.\n"
"Saya would frequently be nicknamed \cf\"Not-Tomoko\"\c- around the net, in reference to a character from a popular manga series that people compared her with. It was noted that \"in term of personality and looks, the resemblance is definitely there\". Saya is well known for being quite blunt when talking to people, if she ever actually does so, as she's not very talkative in person. Online, however, she changes entirely, openly talking to anyone she comes across, casually shoving herself into random conversations, or extensively ranting about various topics, and debating fiercely with haters.\n"
"Saya's way of speaking is rather uncouth at times, as she's known to casually swear on the regular in the middle of conversations. It is one among various of her bad habits that she has trouble addressing, and which have resulted in multiple misunderstandings and awkward situations. Nevertheless, she is always quick to apologize when called out.\n"
"Saya has many hobbies, including programming (her language of choice being \cfHaskell\c-), collecting videogames (most of which she doesn't actually play), drawing, 3d modeling and writing. Her fascination with anime and manga got her to write her very own: a three-volume series called \cfMy Wife Is A Maid Robot\c-, partially based around her experiences with dating \cfMeido Miyamoto\c-. It became so popular it managed to get its own anime adaptation years later. Saya also wrote a science fiction novel, \cfThe Akari Project\c-, a story about teleportation experiments and interdimensional travel \"that doesn't go to shit like all the others\". Following the disaster on the \cfUAC\c- bases in regards to teleportation, she announced that she wished to make the Akari Project real, \"just to fuck those idiots over\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou like reading about me, don't you? I bet you do, silly. Alright, here's some more about me, just for you.\c-\n"
"\cfMy favorite color is red, favorite animal is the otter and favorite dish is pepperoni pizza. Got that? Good, let's keep going then. I like a lot of music, including Industrial, Metal, Drone, Dark Ambient, and I guess Baroque Metal since Ashley-san's band is so good. I absolutely ABSOLUTELY despise peppers, and eggs (though I can make an exception for meringue, that shit's delicious). I also hate skirts. Make me wear a skirt and I'll punch you. I prefer pants a million times more, though it's best if they're not skin-tight, that stuff's weird. I don't like clothes being stuck to me like that, egh, so yeah, if it's nice and baggy, that's excellent, good shit. Alright, what else? My favorite editor is vim, and uh, btw I use Arch, I guess. Also I love moth girls, they're cool and pretty. Oh, and maids, of course, and goth fashion, even though I'm too awkward to try dressing like that myself.\c-\n"
"\cfSatisfied? Good, but here's one last Saya Fact™ for ya: I love you, Demo-chan~\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfNow go back to work, silly robutt.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Saya Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1993-03-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CTO, Human Resources (Akari Labs)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @AkariSaya\c-\n"
"\cfSaya Miyamoto\c- was born in 1993 as the middle child of \cfNana Miyamoto\c- and \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c-, her older brother being \cfTaro Miyamoto\c-, born in 1985, and her younger sister being \cfYui Miyamoto\c-, born in 2009. As a child, Saya already showed interest in science and technology, proudly looking up to her father and his inventions. She excelled greatly in school, having even been described as a \"child prodigy\". At the surprisingly early age of 13, having proven her outstanding abilities, she got herself into \cfMIT\c-, where she graduated in \cfComputer Science\c-.\n"
"In 2010, together with her brother Taro, the two founded \cfAkari Labs\c-, where her first project was an autonomous house-cleaning robot, which would later evolve into the modern \cfMaidbot\c-, one of the most popular creations of their company. She also would devise many other types of robots, all driven by rather complex in-house AI that she had personally designed together with her brother.\n"
"In 2018, Saya \"ceased to age\", due to the effects of the immortality she had inherited from her mother. She initially saw this as a blessing, allowing her to work on everything she ever wanted, without any time limits, but afterwards, remarked on the fact that this meant she would outlive a lot of people in her life, and was not all too happy about that prospect.\n"
"Saya would frequently be nicknamed \cf\"Not-Tomoko\"\c- around the net, in reference to a character from a popular manga series that people compared her with. It was noted that \"in term of personality and looks, the resemblance is definitely there\". Saya is well known for being quite blunt when talking to people, if she ever actually does so, as she's not very talkative in person. Online, however, she changes entirely, openly talking to anyone she comes across, casually shoving herself into random conversations, or extensively ranting about various topics, and debating fiercely with haters.\n"
"Saya's way of speaking is rather uncouth at times, as she's known to casually swear on the regular in the middle of conversations. It is one among various of her bad habits that she has trouble addressing, and which have resulted in multiple misunderstandings and awkward situations. Nevertheless, she is always quick to apologize when called out.\n"
"Saya has many hobbies, including programming (her language of choice being \cfHaskell\c-), collecting videogames (most of which she doesn't actually play), drawing, 3d modeling and writing. Her fascination with anime and manga got her to write her very own: a three-volume series called \cfMy Wife Is A Maid Robot\c-, partially based around her experiences with dating \cfMeido Miyamoto\c-. It became so popular it managed to get its own anime adaptation years later. Saya also wrote a science fiction novel, \cfThe Akari Project\c-, a story about teleportation experiments and interdimensional travel \"that doesn't go to shit like all the others\". Following the disaster on the \cfUAC\c- bases in regards to teleportation, she announced that she wished to make the Akari Project real, \"just to fuck those idiots over\".\n"
"Currently, Saya, as well as Meido Miyamoto, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c- and the \cfDemolitionist\c-, are all engaged to \cfKirin Xanai\c-, leader of the \cfSykhai Empire\c- of \cfAkkou\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYou like reading about me, don't you? I bet you do, silly. Alright, here's some more about me, just for you.\c-\n"
"\cfMy favorite color is red, favorite animal is the otter and favorite dish is pepperoni pizza. Got that? Good, let's keep going then. I like a lot of music, including Industrial, Metal, Drone, Dark Ambient, and I guess Baroque Metal since Ashley-san's band is so good. I absolutely ABSOLUTELY despise peppers, and eggs (though I can make an exception for meringue, that shit's delicious). I also hate skirts. Make me wear a skirt and I'll punch you. I prefer pants a million times more, though it's best if they're not skin-tight, that stuff's weird. I don't like clothes being stuck to me like that, egh, so yeah, if it's nice and baggy, that's excellent, good shit. Alright, what else? My favorite editor is vim, and uh, btw I use Arch, I guess. Also I love moth girls, they're cool and pretty. Oh, and maids, of course, and goth fashion, even though I'm too awkward to try dressing like that myself.\c-\n"
"\cfSatisfied? Good, but here's one last Saya Fact™ for ya: I love you, Demo-chan~\c- \cg♥\c-\n"
"\cfNow go back to work, silly robutt.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SAYABEAN = "Nukritas2xx;Saya";
"\cf Haunted Saya Bean Plush\c-\n"
"\cf Nukritas 2xx\c-\n"
"\cf Plush Doll\c-\n"
"\cf Very Yes\c-\n"
"\cfHaunted Saya Bean Plush\c- that eats your snacks and calls you a nerd.\n"
"This object isn't actually haunted. Or is it...?\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK, considering who made it, I AM betting this thing's really haunted. And of course I can tell what this is referencing. Just how does she even know anyway? It has to be some reality bending nonsense again.\c-\n"
"\cfStill, it's beautiful... A work of art, yes. I'm sure you won't resist its cuteness and you'll already be squeezing it between your arms. Oh, I'll know, I will hear it giggle on stream when you do so.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SAYASMUG = "Taro;Saya;Demolitionist";
"\cf Moth Pussy Mug\c-\n"
"\cf Taro Miyamoto\c-\n"
"\cf Customized Gift\c-\n"
"A customized coffee mug, once given as a birthday gift to \cfSaya Miyamoto\c- by her brother \cfTaro\c-, by personal request. The stencils on each side feature a picture of a moth girl, with the text \"MOTH PUSSY\" under it. When asked about what this references, the siblings simply said it was an \"ancient meme\".\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfMy love for moth girls is eternal, Demo-chan.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, I made sure to wash it thoroughly before those two put it in their gacha nonsense, just in case the demons could track you by the scent of coffee.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SCORESYSTEM = "Demolitionist;Cyrus;Saya";
"\cf Demolitionist Score System\c-\n"
"\cf Cyrus Enterprises\c-\n"
"\cf Point-based Reward System\c-\n"
"The \cfScore System\c- allows you to accrue points for performing certain tasks during your mission, which can then be exchanged for rewards at the store in your \cfDemolitionist Menu\c-. Although being equivalent in assumed value as the \cfYen\c-, it is not interchangeable with any actual currency, and therefore has no real value.\n"
"Points are earned through the suppression of hostiles (relative to their threat level), recovery of high value items, and discovery of hidden caches. Some additional rewards are also available for 100% completion of elimination, retrieval and discovery. Rapid elimination of hostiles, along with certain special conditions in doing so, may grant higher rewards.\n"
"Carried items may also be refunded for additional points, allowing you to exchange them for anything else you'd prefer instead. This process is automated when obtaining weapons you already possess, or reach the carry limit for certain items.\n"
"Please do note that there is an imposed limit of 999999999 points, which, in practice, should take a very, very long time to reach.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAlright, I'll be honest here: This is more videogamey stuff from nerdboy. But I think it's good, in a way. There's something about the rush of seeing the numbers go up, you know, and you can get something nice out of it too. I can't exactly hide this from you but it's something we both agreed on, for your sake.\c-\n"
"\cfLook, putting you right into a war zone and telling you to kill monsters, I'm sure that it's going to be a stressful experience. But, just think of it like it's a game, and you're being rewarded for being good at it, racking up points and raising that high score. Sometimes you really need to dissociate from the horrible things that are happening around you. I know it's hard, and maybe it sounds fucked up. But really, I'm just worried, is all.\c-\n"
"\cfPlease stay safe out there, Demo-chan.\c-";
"\cf Serpent Riders\c-\n"
"\cf Demonic Conquerors\c-\n"
"\cf Undetermined\c-\n"
"The \cfSerpent Riders\c- are a trio of demons originating from \"the chaos beyond\", as told in historical documents of the worlds they have dominated. It's said that they are only a few of an endless many outside these worlds, and their only desire is to bring chaos to it all. The three Riders are:\n"
"\cfD'Sparil:\c- The youngest of the three, a powerful sorcerer who claimed the land of \cfParthoris\c-, and commands vast armies of undead and beastly creatures.\n"
"\cfKorax:\c- The middle \"brother\" of the three. We don't yet have enough information about him.\n"
"\cfEidolon:\c- The oldest and most powerful. No further information is available, either.\n"
"It is unclear if these demons have an actual connection to the \cfHell\c- of our own universe, or if there are, perhaps, many different realms one could call \"Hell\" in each world across the vast multiverse. What is clear, however, is that they are a major threat to the peace of these worlds we have found, and must be eliminated.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, I'm sure you can wipe out all these idiots without any issue. You've wiped the floor with thousands of 'em before, after all, so what threat could just three of them pose anyway? They have no idea of how strong you are (or of what you are, now that I think of it). These worlds hardly seem to stand at the same level of technological progress as us, they're more like... medieval-y dark fantasy sort of stuff? Yeah...\c-";
"\cf Serpent Riders\c-\n"
"\cf Demonic Conquerors\c-\n"
"\cf Undetermined\c-\n"
"The \cfSerpent Riders\c- are a trio of demons originating from \"the chaos beyond\", as told in historical documents of the worlds they have dominated. It's said that they are only a few of an endless many outside these worlds, and their only desire is to bring chaos to it all. The three Riders are:\n"
"\cfD'Sparil:\c- The youngest of the three, a powerful sorcerer who claimed the land of \cfParthoris\c-, and commands vast armies of undead and beastly creatures.\n"
"\cfKorax:\c- The middle \"brother\" of the three. A hideous black beast, considerably stronger than D'Sparil, and known to employ a great deal of trickery in his evil deeds.\n"
"\cfEidolon:\c- The oldest and most powerful. No further information is available.\n"
"It is unclear if these demons have an actual connection to the \cfHell\c- of our own universe, or if there are, perhaps, many different realms one could call \"Hell\" in each world across the vast multiverse. What is clear, however, is that they are a major threat to the peace of these worlds we have found, and must be eliminated.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfLittle red riding hood back there was such an easy kill, I doubt someone \"considerably stronger\" would make much of a difference, don't you think? Besides, you're smart enough to not fall for anyone's tricks and traps, aren't ya. He doesn't stand a chance, huhu...\c-\n"
"\cfPS: Still think it's stupid they call themselves serpent riders when only one of them rides one.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SHARKPLUSH = "Nukritas2xx;Demolitionist;Saya";
"\cf Dr. Shorky\c-\n"
"\cf Nukritas 2xx\c-\n"
"\cf Plush Doll\c-\n"
"A handcrafted plush doll of a popular shark, dressed in medical garb. Features a coat, stethoscope and head mirror. Yet another of \cfNukritas 2xx\c-'s creations, commissioned as a gift to the \cfDemolitionist\c-.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfExplaining to people how we even came up with this would take hours, heheh.\c-\n"
"\cfOh well, at least I figured that you'd want him along for the ride. Not like he's going to get damaged considering the ridiculous quality of whatever the hell it's made of. I never even asked her, really.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SIDHE = "Parthoris;Saya;SerpentRiders;Demolitionist";
"\cf Sidhe\c-\n"
"\cf Elvish Race\c-\n"
"\cf Parthoris\c-\n"
"The \cfSidhe\c- are one of the main native species of the world of \cfParthoris\c-. Quite close to fantasy elves, in a way. They have a natural bond with magic, and are also known to be skilled fighters, too. Before the arrival of the \cfSerpent Riders\c-, they had served as sacred guardians of the seven nations, but once these demonic creatures made themselves present, they were the only ones who refused to serve them, unlike how the rest had so easily surrendered themselves.\n"
"Those who once revered the Sidhe people had now turned against them, under the control of the Riders, and the armies of the seven kingdoms were sent forth to destroy them. Very few have survived, scattered throughout the world. While most have decided to hide themselves, others have plans for revenge. Of note is a small group which we made our first contact with, and from whom we learned about most of the situation in this world. They had placed their hope on a lone Sidhe, named \cfCorvus\c-, who showed quite a lot of promise. However, once faced with the \cfDemolitionist\c-, he instead opted for us to take the lead here. It is now our mission to save these people, and their world.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, these elves were quick to just shove all this hero stuff onto you, weren't they. But it's fine, it's all good fun for you, I can tell. You really like playing that part, don't ya?\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, how do you even pronounce that? This \"Sidhe\" name... Is it like... \"sidey\"? nah, that doesn't sound right... hm, whatever.\c-\n"
"\cfI just hope they don't get angry if we use things made out of wood, that'd be a major problem.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SILVERBULLET = "Blackmann;Forx;Explodium";
"\cf Silver Bullet JET\c-\n"
"\cf Blackmann Arms Ltd.\c-\n"
"\cf Forx Aeronautics\c-\n"
"\cf Ultra-High Caliber Anti-Materiel Rifle\c-\n"
"The \cfSilver Bullet JET\c- is the 1.150 member of the \cfSilver Bullet\c- series of ultra-high caliber rifles manufactured by \cfBlackmann Arms\c-. It was created as a lighter, more \"reasonable\" alternative to the 1.350 \cfBehemoth\c- model. Weighing 43 kilograms and sporting a total length of 2.4 meters, it is sufficiently compact for non-augmented human use.\n"
"The ammunition designed for this specific model is the 1.150 \cfXSB (eXplosive Super Burst)\c-. This beastly 30x140mm cartridge employs a low density \cfExplodium\c- shaped charge as propellant, allowing high velocity while still being safe for use. The bullets themselves are composed of a tungsten carbide core, snugly wrapped in an aluminum jacket, and decorated with a thin silver plating for aesthetic appearance (Silver Bullets are, indeed, NOT really made of silver). XSB rounds can penetrate several targets before eventually stopping, depending on their size, they may also do the same for thin walls.\n"
"In order to compensate for its massive recoil, the weapon redirects a part of the gasses from round ignition into a set of jet compensators designed by \cfForx Aeronautics\c-. Although partially cooled in the process, it is still hot enough to cause some damage to users not wearing adequate protection.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Shoot the bullet. Any small targets hit by it are pretty much turned to paste. A second press after firing will chamber another round.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Cycle the bolt, chambering a new round if available. Note that you may eject unfired rounds as well.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Reloads the weapon. Each magazine holds 5 rounds. An extra round can also be kept chambered.\n"
"\cfZoom:\c- Custom-tailored adjustable telescopic sight, up to 16x. Equipped with a soft foam covering to protect the user's face during scoped fire.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- When going prone to use the bipod, the recoil compensators will automatically disengage, resulting in increased firepower at the cost of less mobility.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWhat was that quote again, \"there is no kill like overkill\"? Yeah, sounds about right for this thing.\c-\n"
"\cfThe fuck are you even supposed to hunt with it, wild tanks? I suppose... bigass beefy demons could also count, but there's not going to be anything left of them other than a fine red mist.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_SPARKSTER = "Biospark Carbine";
SWWM_LOREREL_SPARKSTER = "DecadeMech;EngineTech;Saya";
"\cf Model S-5 Biospark Carbine\c-\n"
"\cf Decade Mechanics\c-\n"
"\cf Ancient Alien Energy Weapon\c-\n"
"The \cfBiospark Carbine\c-, also known by its nickname of \cf\"Sparkster\"\c-, was the flagship weapon of \cfDecade Mechanics\c-, back when it was still active. It is described as being powered by \"sentient lightning\", although it does not show any signs of being truly electric in nature.\n"
"Blueprints were found for all models from the S-1 to S-6 (the latter being in early prototyping stages, and not yet functional), but it proved impossible to truly recreate them. Fortunately, over 30,000 ready-made S-5 units were stockpiled deeply inside the ruined facility in \cfSunkaeze\c-, all ready for use. Currently, \cfTach-Engine Technologies\c- and its associated partners manage the distribution of these units, and are also studying the weapons in detail for potential redesigns and enhancements.\n"
"One notable detail about the Biospark Carbine is how its \"sentient\" energy drives shot projectiles to seek nearby targets, somehow telling apart friend from foe, relative to the weapon's user. Arcs of lightning have a tendency to spread out from them, dealing additional damage.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Small blobs of stabilized energy with slight target-seeking abilities. Leave a trail of arcs that gravitate towards them as they move, then spread out on impact, homing on hostile targets.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Concentrated, penetrating beam shot. Also has some slight seeking.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- If the loaded charge is at least at 50%, the containment capsule inside will be ejected through the main barrel and detonated as a massive sphere of pure energy that tracks down nearby targets. The weapon must be reloaded afterwards.\n"
"\cfReload:\c- Reloads, obviously. Do note that the loaded charge has to be depleted completely before it can be removed. It's possible to attach a second Biospark Unit, for an additional 4-shot charge and less reload downtime, at the expense of some instability. No more than two units can be connected without causing a critical malfunction, however, as some have unfortunately found out.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- If the secondary beam comes in contact with an energy blob it will be detonated with increased damage and range. This requires precise timing and aim to be truly effective.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfFunny how these rusty-ass things somehow still work. And holy fuck do they work well, too... Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen a weapon that can do that double mag thing, pretty ingenious. Kinda grew to call it the \"double stacc\", heh.\c-\n"
"\cfI'm also surprised that that nickname caught on. Most people nowadays probably won't even get the reference at all.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SPREADGUN = "Blackmann;Saya;NosKora;Explodium";
"\cf \"Rhino Stopper\" Spreadgun\c-\n"
"\cf Blackmann Arms Ltd.\c-\n"
"\cf Single-shot \"Slide-action\" Shotgun\c-\n"
"The \cfSpreadgun\c- is a simple single-shot shotgun with a rather unconventional reload mechanism. Unlike other weapons of the same fashion, the Spreadgun employs an odd variant of break action that \cfBlackmann Arms\c- has described as \"slide-action\", whereas rather than being hinged, the barrel slides horizontally at the press of two side buttons, with a small metal bit springing up and ejecting the loaded shell. After loading in another round, the user merely has to push the barrel back into its closed position. Some have doubts about the practicality of this operation, or its safety, but it's been guaranteed that the gun will not misfire no matter the force exerted to push the barrel back in.\n"
"The weapon is chambered for rather sizable 6ga shells. The ideal load that you'll find on the field are #00 buckshot rounds. Do note that the spread caused by the shortness of the barrel may make it difficult to reach distant targets, but at close range it should be very effective.\n"
"There is additionally an exclusive secondary load available, so-called \cfGolden Shells\c-, highly rare and expensive, with unmatched destructive power. Each round fires a sabot packing a high-grade, high-density \cfExplodium\c- charge, along with gold glitter (which is apparently just for show). Anything directly hit by it is guaranteed to be completely vaporized by the ensuing blast.\n"
"The Spreadgun can be a versatile weapon, once you look past its tedious manual reloading. Still, there are plans to make a much more comfortable semi-automatic, recoil operated variant of this weapon, with prototypes already being tested.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Shoot the loaded shell.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Reloads with golden shells, if available. Note that if the currently loaded round was not spent, it will be returned to its ammo pool. Should there not be enough storage space for it, it will be dropped on the ground instead.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Reloads with standard ammunition, if available. Same rules apply here.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, this shit looks impractical af, and I don't know how no one has shot a hole through their hand reloading the damn thing. BUT it's powerful as all fuck, what with the absolute girth of that caliber and all.\c-\n"
"\cfAlso, there's the whole thing of those golden bois. We can't buy them ourselves, so nerdo made another of his nerdy deals and said that he might reward you every now and then with one for eliminating \"high level targets\" or something like that. Can't wait to see what that shit is like, a fucking... golden shower of pain.\c-\n"
"\cfPlease don't misinterpret that last thing I said, btw.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SUSAN = "Kereshnovka;Gods;Saya;Nukuri;Luna;Ashley;WhiteScar;Imanaki;UAC";
"\cf Spear of Unmaking, Severance, Annihilation and Nullification (SUSAN)\c-\n"
"\cf Rogue AI\c-\n"
"\cf Weapon of Mass Destruction\c-\n"
"\cf Kereshnovka\c-\n"
"Built in secrecy by \cfQurensniv\c- members of the \cfFaculty of Illuminated Nobodies\c-, a doomsday cult that dates back millions of years into the past, \cfSUSAN\c- is an AI-controlled megastructure a dozen kilometers tall (though most of it is underwater). Its construction was finalized in 2018, and was then immediately activated, after which it began its mission to \"purify the world\" by hijacking Russia's nuclear missile systems (since they were the closest), then over time spreading its control further, reaching other major countries with nuclear weaponry. By the start of 2019 it had already assumed control of all nukes in the entire planet, and a broadcast began, announcing a countdown of three years before all weapons were armed and detonated in unison, bringing forth \"World Purification\".\n"
"Many attempts were made to stop this rogue AI, but all failed. Its main structure, located off the coast of \cfKereshnovka\c- proved impenetrable, and any who approached would be swiftly eliminated by its weapons. It was clear that destroying it directly was an impossibility, but some suggested an alternative: Finding a way to \"counter-hack\" it. In mid-2020, a group of the world's most skilled hackers finally neutralized the AI, completely overtaking it. They were so successful, in fact, that they even managed to install various operating systems and programs freely, as it appeared to be based on the same architecture as any standard desktop computer. During many months, people celebrated, having prevented the extinction of all of mankind.\n"
"After some analysis of files found in SUSAN, the masterminds behind this doomsday device could be tracked down and brought to justice: Doctor \cfDaniel Perkman\c-, a senior IT engineer at \cfImanaki Corp\c-; \cfHiroshi Yuramaki\c-, Dr. Perkman's assistant and \cfUmbrelle N. Owen\c- (assumed name), current lead of the Qurensniv branch of the FIN. During questioning, Ms. Owen managed to escape, and days later, SUSAN was rebooted and resumed its countdown, but this time, its internal security had been hardened, and all hope was lost for it to be stopped again.\n"
"Earth could do nothing but stand in wait, watching the digits of the countdown drop, one by one, with the estimated \"purification\" being set for August of 2021. With only mere months left, there were mass panics, whole cities up in flames, it was chaos. But then, in February of 2021, something unexpected would happen: The \cfLuna Event\c-.\n"
"A broadcast was sent from somewhere in the Moon. It was not of human origin, and it overtook all radio and television ranges. The \cfNukuri\c- were announcing their presence, having watched and studied us for countless years. They had remained neutral to all of our various conflicts, but this time they had seen that we were unable to overcome the upcoming disaster, so they would break their vow of non-intervention there and then. Only moments after the broadcast, in an instant, SUSAN was shut down completely, being struck by a blinding flash of light from above. It was clear that this alien race far surpassed us, if they could get rid of it that easily.\n"
"It was determined that truly destroying SUSAN would be excessively dangerous for the planet, so it merely remained there, as a massive piece of useless junk drifting around the Arctic Sea. Dismantling it could also be an option, but it would prove too expensive and time consuming of an ordeal.\n"
"In 2097, long after the events of \cfWorld War 3\c- and the \cfWhite Scar\c-, with the Nukuri race no longer allied to us and available to defend us, an unidentified alien entity arrived on Earth. A large, floating humanoid figure, clad in white robes and with the appearance of an old man, who announced himself to be \cfGod\c-. Many had a hard time believing such a thing, but others were quick to acknowledge that this was definitely the Abrahamic God himself descending onto Earth from the Heavens. \cf[ed. note: bunch of idiots is what they are]\c-\n"
"After making his presence known all across the world, he then approached the deactivated SUSAN structure, and entered it. Those expecting that it would be destroyed were the ones most shocked by what happened next: It was reactivated, and once again resumed all its operations, this time with a much shorter countdown of two years. The words of the godly entity now resonated all over the world. Mankind had proven to be unworthy of walking the Earth, and it was his wish to undo it all, to wipe the planet and start anew, from a clean slate. We had previously interrupted his will, conducted through his most faithful followers, but this time he would not allow that to happen again. Those were his words, and once again, all went back to chaos.\n"
"Wounded by the previous war, and now having voluntarily discarded all their technological advances of Nukuri origin, along with cutting all contact with them, there was no chance to fight back. In the last moments of the countdown, the whole world was ready to accept death. What came at the end of this countdown was, however, not that, but something else entirely.\n"
"With a roaring shockwave that cleared the skies of the whole planet, a massive explosion erupted from atop SUSAN, expelling large pieces of its internal machinery into space. The cause of this explosion was unknown, but it happened just in time to prevent a much bigger disaster. Many days later, the charred remains of the alien entity were retrieved from the ruins of the megastructure. Many studies would be conducted on the biology of what was assumed to be a dead god.\n"
"Religious groups all over the world condemned what was seen as \"the murder of God\" \cf[ed. note: these fucking people...]\c-, but they were all eventually silenced. In a post on social media, \cfMaruku Sarahabinaku\c-, pianist of \cfThe Black Rat's Coven\c- stated that \"the dead one is not one of us\", in response to an article on his autopsy. Questioned about the exact meaning of their response, Maruku would go on to reveal everything about his true nature. The \"false god\" was a man named \cfUruk'Anth\c-, and came from the \cfXevetha\c- race, who were infamous for their attempts to \"achieve artificial godhood\", furthermore, they added that if people wanted to see an actual god, \"you could have just talked to me\".\n"
"The reveal of Maruku Sarahabinaku as being an actual deity was followed by that of another member of the band, drummer \cfMykka Psyann\c-. She remarked on actually having known Uruk'Anth, back when he was \"a servant of the tyrant god\". Confusion and disbelief would intermix for a long time, but all eventually settled on accepting what had been said by these two individuals.\n"
"SUSAN was finally dismantled in 2130 by the \cfUnion Aerospace Corporation\c-, who would go on to study its various components for potential \"beneficial applications\".\n"
"Even though these events have all long passed, everyone remembers. The story of these incidents had not only shown us how easily and quickly all we had ever done could be destroyed, but also came with its two major revelations, one being that we are not alone in the universe, that many alien races exist out there, some peaceful, some hostile; and the other, that gods are more real and truer than anyone could have thought, and that some live among us, without us having ever realized.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfBig one, this article, huh? All this stuff happened waaaay back before you were even born, Demo-chan, but I thought it'd be good that you read up on it.\c-\n"
"\cfIt's a pretty crazy story, I know, but it all happened. Don't really remember a lot of it, personally, it was veeeery long ago, heh. I do remember though that one thing, that when they hacked the big ol' machine, they put a fucking Minecraft server on it, and it could host a shitton of players without a hitch. They also tried running Crysis, and when they noticed that it ran too smoothly, they started 29 more instances of it, and it still kept being silky smooth. God that was such a fucking mess (and the MC server was still running btw).\c-\n"
"\cfAnyway, won't rant more about things you're too young to understand. So yeah, this fucking thing came up and wanted to destroy us all, but with all that we learned that the Nukuri were there, and it was good, and then I met Zana-sama and we became friends, and all that... which obviously got fucking undone by the White Scar (ugh).\c-\n"
"\cfAnd yeah, gods. Fucking... GODS. Real damn gods. I actually already knew those two from Ashley-san's band, so yeah, was also quick to have my doubts about that old geezer. Dude just pops up from nowhere looking like a stereotypical \"god of christianity\" and everything. Come on, that's just too fucking obvious.\c-\n"
"\cfPS: Taro is currently seething in his seat. He can't stand religious crazery. Honestly, he'd be tipping his fedora if he had one.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_SYMNATEK = "JoJo;Mixom;Saya;Nukuri;WhiteScar";
"\cf Symnatek\c-\n"
"\cf Industrial Equipment Manufacturer\c-\n"
"\cf Brisbane, Australia\c-\n"
"\cfSymnatek\c- was founded in 2040 by \cfJoanna Josephson\c-, initially acting as a local manufacturer of adopted \cfNukuri\c- technology (mainly for industrial purposes). Its nature was additionally signified by choosing a Nukuribaku name for itself: \"Symnaki Tekkanosei\" (Alliance Creations). In less than a year it became the dominant force in industrial manufacturing within its home country.\n"
"Following \cfWorld War 3\c-, and with the \cfWhite Scar Treaty\c- in effect, the company was forced to abandon its usage of Nukuri technology, which pretty much meant closing its doors completely. Rather than give up, they decided to simply have a \"change of direction\", dedicating themselves to technology of human origin instead (going against their very founding principles). As an aside, to better compensate for any potential losses in this shift, the child company of \cfItamex\c- was also founded, serving as a provider of supplies for the military.\n"
"As of this article's writing, Symnatek remains king in its home turf, managing even to fend off the almost-global domination of \cfMixom\c-, making Australia one of the few countries where they have any real competition.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh yes, the well known strategy of \"if we're losing money, just contribute to the military\". Works every time, huh?\c-\n"
"\cfYes I know it sounds hypocritical of me to say that, what with the stuff with Ibuki, and my collaborations with the EDF, and all that... But think about it, it's almost like it's inevitable, in this day and age, in this economy, that you have to do stuff like that to stay afloat, isn't it?\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_TARO = "Miyamoto, Taro";
SWWM_LOREREL_TARO = "Nana;Ryuji;Saya;Ellen;Ibuki;WhiteScar;AkariLabs";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Taro Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1985-10-06\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO, Public Relations (Akari Labs)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @AkariTaro\c-\n"
"Born in 1985 to \cfNana\c- and \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c-, \cfTaro\c- is the oldest of three siblings, despite what his looks might show. As a child, he was rather conflictive, but also notably studious. Having finished high school with excellent grades, he went on to study at many prestigious universities across the world, fueled by the desire to expand his knowledge, especially that of computer technology, which he was infatuated with. Alongside \cfSaya\c-, his younger sister, they founded \cfAkari Labs\c-, a company that specializes in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, among others. There, Taro's specialties are Software Engineering and Design, and he's also in charge of managing public relations, due to Saya not being \"much of a people person\" unlike him.\n"
"Taro is a highly skilled programmer, proficient in several languages, and has quite a lot of projects to his name, along with many contributions to notable open source projects, including the \cfLinux Kernel\c-. He's also a self-proclaimed \"culture archivist\", noting that he's basically a walking library when it comes to aspects of popular culture that for most are lost to time, thanks to the immortality inherited from his mother, and his strong memory. He's also quite popular online for his rather comedic anime reviews, under the persona of \cf\"The Waifu Wizard\"\c-.\n"
"In 2091, Taro was chosen to personally retrieve the \cfRed Oni\c-, \cfIbuki Miyamoto\c-, after the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c-. Following the tracking signal of her collar, he easily located her, and was about to take her back to Japan when a young girl approached him. It was \cfElena Yanikov XXI\c-, a scavenger who had befriended Ibuki during her time wandering that scorched wasteland. She asked Taro to bring her along, and he readily accepted. Not long after that, the two somehow started dating, eventually getting married in 2097.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHOW EVEN did my absolute loser of a brother get a girlfriend? I just don't understand. God, looking at the article after he's edited it, there's so much in there that's just him showing off, pathetic...\c-\n"
"\cfYeah, he's that kinda guy. He loves to show off, what with all of his \"amazing skills and achievements\" and all. Not that I should be the one to complain when I'm also too proud at times of my own work. The two of us are alike a lot, it's why we're so close even if we fight sometimes over stupid shit. We're a pair of gremlins, and we're proud of it.\c-\n"
"\cfThough, all that aside, Taro-nii can be very serious when he needs to. And at times like that he basically becomes the Tsukkomi to my Boke. If you don't know what that means you can go look it up, Demo-chan.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_UAC = "Doomguy;Saya;Hell;DemonInvasion";
"\cf Union Aerospace Corporation\c-\n"
"\cf Scientific and Military Research Conglomerate\c-\n"
"\cf Earth, Mars and Jupiter\c-\n"
"\cf https://ua-corp.com\c-\n"
"Founded in 2015 by \cfThomas Kelliher\c- as a shell company of the \cfUnion Aerospace Armed Forces (UAAF)\c-, the \cfUAC\c-'s rise to power began in 2025 with its famous \cfJoint Mars Expeditions\c-. After which their current headquarters, a vast complex known as \cfMars City\c-, were built on the red planet, along with several posts on the moons of \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c-. There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding this megacorporation, who not only is known to delve into all sorts of experimentation that has quite blatant potential for disaster (not to mention most of it having military applications), but also faces countless accusations of workers' rights violations.\n"
"Following the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c- in 2077, the UAC was one of the main bodies involved in the reconstruction of the fallen \cfUnited States\c-, eventually securing their position of power in the reformed \cfUnion States\c-, as not just the largest military body on Earth, but also one with vast economic and political control.\n"
"In recent years, the UAC has been involved in teleportation technology experiments. Through these, they eventually found a way to travel to other worlds. Specifically, to \cfHell\c-. Despite the clearly dangerous implications of such a thing, much was researched of that world ever since the first contact in 2144, and although hostility had been witnessed from the natives, it didn't seem that there was any sign of these creatures becoming a major threat... until a year had passed.\n"
"This arrival on Hell from the UAC had unfortunately coincided with a period of major political unrest, which in 2145 reached its boiling point, as the archdemon generals staged a coup, overthrowing the \cfKuriste Royal Family\c-, and setting themselves up as the new rulers. Mad with power, they set their sights on war and conquest, and it just so happened that humans were there, so we became their first target.\n"
"Having turned a member of the UAC's science team to their side, he assisted them with the first incursion on Mars City, which served as a first test of their newly built armies. However, they were defeated, having severely underestimated the abilities of humans, and their superior firepower. Their initial plans had to be revised, their armies needed to be stronger, larger. Humanity would be overwhelmed by numbers alone. During the time until their next attack, it's estimated that the population of Hell grew from 370 million to 9.3 billion, thanks to an obscene expansion of their spawning grounds, and improvements on demonic biosynthesis.\n"
"In early 2148, with the UAC not having learned their lesson, teleportation experiments resumed, this time limited entirely to short-scale travels between the outposts on Phobos and Deimos. Over time, volunteers who had gone through the portals began to suffer hideous mutations, in some cases being said to result in eventual \"full body explosion\". It wasn't long until they realized what was happening: their portal was being hijacked. Soon enough, demon invaders began warping in from both sides, in vast numbers. Both moon bases eventually fell, and a detachment from Mars City was sent to investigate this \"radio silence\" that had so suddenly happened.\n"
"What happened then was the beginning of what's been called the \cfDoom Episodes\c-. As was told by the UAC following these events, one lone marine managed to, by his lonesome, defeat all the invading forces, taking the fight even to Hell itself. However, the exploits of the so-called \cfDoom Marine\c- only served to enrage the archdemon generals even more, and that's when the invasion of Earth began. Although most have seen this as \"the end of the world as we know it\", the UAC still sends a message of hope to all, saying that all will be resolved.\n"
"\cxSaya's Note:\c-\n"
"\cfOh, the \"great and mighty\" UAC, bunch of capitalist pigs, that's what they are. Look right here, this is what unchecked capitalism does to you, y'all. Yeah, you can guess by now that I hate these people with the rage of a thousand suns.\c-\n"
"\cfSo... Illegal military experiments? Check. Fucking around with interdimensional travel? Check. Potentially causing the end of the world? Also check. These bastards really ARE a stereotypical evil megacorp, fucking hell...\c-\n"
"\cfBut you know what? I'm not going to sit on my ass and wait for their supposed \"problem fixer\" legendary hero soldier boy to fix it all up. As if THAT is going to happen. No, this is precisely why YOU are here, Demo-chan. This is what you are destined to change (wow ok I'm starting to sound a bit uhhhh, cliche-y here). But yeah, we've prepared you for it, you are the ultimate combat robot, the pride of Akari Labs and all that jazz, you CAN save the world, I'm sure of it.\c-";
"\cf Union Aerospace Corporation\c-\n"
"\cf Scientific and Military Research Conglomerate\c-\n"
"\cf Earth, Mars and Jupiter\c-\n"
"\cf https://ua-corp.com\c-\n"
"Founded in 2015 by \cfThomas Kelliher\c- as a shell company of the \cfUnion Aerospace Armed Forces (UAAF)\c-, the \cfUAC\c-'s rise to power began in 2025 with its famous \cfJoint Mars Expeditions\c-. After which their current headquarters, a vast complex known as \cfMars City\c-, were built on the red planet, along with several posts on the moons of \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c-. There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding this megacorporation, who not only is known to delve into all sorts of experimentation that has quite blatant potential for disaster (not to mention most of it having military applications), but also faces countless accusations of workers' rights violations.\n"
"Following the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c- in 2077, the UAC was one of the main bodies involved in the reconstruction of the fallen \cfUnited States\c-, eventually securing their position of power in the reformed \cfUnion States\c-, as not just the largest military body on Earth, but also one with vast economic and political control.\n"
"In recent years, the UAC has been involved in teleportation technology experiments. Through these, they eventually found a way to travel to other worlds. Specifically, to \cfHell\c-. Despite the clearly dangerous implications of such a thing, much was researched of that world ever since the first contact in 2144, and although hostility had been witnessed from the natives, it didn't seem that there was any sign of these creatures becoming a major threat... until a year had passed.\n"
"This arrival on Hell from the UAC had unfortunately coincided with a period of major political unrest, which in 2145 reached its boiling point, as the archdemon generals staged a coup, overthrowing the \cfKuriste Royal Family\c-, and setting themselves up as the new rulers. Mad with power, they set their sights on war and conquest, and it just so happened that humans were there, so we became their first target.\n"
"Having turned a member of the UAC's science team to their side, he assisted them with the first incursion on Mars City, which served as a first test of their newly built armies. However, they were defeated, having severely underestimated the abilities of humans, and their superior firepower. Their initial plans had to be revised, their armies needed to be stronger, larger. Humanity would be overwhelmed by numbers alone. During the time until their next attack, it's estimated that the population of Hell grew from 370 million to 9.3 billion, thanks to an obscene expansion of their spawning grounds, and improvements on demonic biosynthesis.\n"
"In early 2148, with the UAC not having learned their lesson, teleportation experiments resumed, this time limited entirely to short-scale travels between the outposts on Phobos and Deimos. Over time, volunteers who had gone through the portals began to suffer hideous mutations, in some cases being said to result in eventual \"full body explosion\". It wasn't long until they realized what was happening: their portal was being hijacked. Soon enough, demon invaders began warping in from both sides, in vast numbers. Both moon bases eventually fell, and a detachment from Mars City was sent to investigate this \"radio silence\" that had so suddenly happened.\n"
"What happened then was the beginning of what's been called the \cfDoom Episodes\c-. As was told by the UAC following these events, one lone marine managed to, by his lonesome, defeat all the invading forces, taking the fight even to Hell itself. However, the exploits of the so-called \cfDoom Marine\c- only served to enrage the archdemon generals even more, and that's when the invasion of Earth began. And, as soon as it did, it was quickly brought to an end. The \cfDemolitionist\c-, a collaborative effort of \cfAkari Labs\c- and its many associates, singlehandedly put an end to the invasion, efficiently eliminating every single demon that had come out from the portals, and after that, making their way through Hell itself, much like the Doom Marine, and defeating the \cfIcon of Sin\c-, who commanded the invading armies.\n"
"Following this event, the UAC suffered a major restructuring, as most of its board of directors had been lost during the invasions. Now free from its control, the US government tightly supervised their actions, ensuring that they would no longer become a liability. Despite this, three other incidents happened, despite much tighter security protocols. Within one of their bases on Io, yet again they continued their teleportation experiments, this time being prepared for anything. As predicted, a small group of demons came through, but they were swiftly dealt with. What they did NOT predict, however, was that this had merely been a distraction. An unidentified ship had suddenly approached the base, initially assumed to be the usual yearly supply drop. This ship was of demonic construction, imitating the very technology the UAC had. An overwhelming amount of demons were unleashed onto the base, and most were quickly killed or possessed. However, the Doom Marine was also there, and as expected, he once again did what he does best.\n"
"One other incident soon followed, within a research facility of undisclosed location. There, the UAC had been working on one way to actively prevent these invasions from ever happening, through something they called \cfQuantum Accelerator Devices\c-. These machines would allegedly serve to close any gates the demons could produce to enter our world, and they did, at first. One gate spawned within the facility, and although some demons managed to make their way in, it was promptly closed and these scarce invaders were gunned down. It seemed then that the experiment was a success, but the demons quickly caught on, and the next day, seven gates opened simultaneously throughout the facility. It took one hour for six of them to be closed, but at that point the invading forces had become overwhelming in numbers, and soon enough everything fell into chaos again. And sure enough, once again, the UAC decided to send their formidable errand boy to deal with it, and so he did, again, as usual. \cf[ed. note: Saya, your sarcasm is showing]\c-\n"
"With one final strike to the \cf\"Gatekeeper\"\c-, the titanic demon responsible for the creation of these gateways, it seemed that the invasions would finally be stopped for good. Sure enough, in the following years, all was quiet, and no more incidents were reported. The Doom Episodes were then archived, and the Doom Marine was decommissioned.\n"
"In 2150, the company finally closed off all of its teleportation experiments, and in a public announcement, CEO \cfIan Kelliher\c- states that the company will now shift its main focus into repairing all the damages that their actions had brought to Earth. Something which, according to initial estimates, may take over fifty years.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfCrazy stuff, all because of the UAC being shit and bad. I'm happy though, because I got to see that pathetic brat's fall from glory, that idiot, who once claimed to be the \"most important man in the world\", now turned into the US government's personal lap dog. It's so hilarious my sides have gone into orbit, I swear.\c-";
"\cf Union Aerospace Corporation\c-\n"
"\cf Scientific and Military Research Conglomerate\c-\n"
"\cf Earth, Mars and Jupiter\c-\n"
"\cf https://ua-corp.com\c-\n"
"Founded in 2015 by \cfThomas Kelliher\c- as a shell company of the \cfUnion Aerospace Armed Forces (UAAF)\c-, the \cfUAC\c-'s rise to power began in 2025 with its famous \cfJoint Mars Expeditions\c-. After which their current headquarters, a vast complex known as \cfMars City\c-, were built on the red planet, along with several posts on the moons of \cfPhobos\c- and \cfDeimos\c-. There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding this megacorporation, who not only is known to delve into all sorts of experimentation that has quite blatant potential for disaster (not to mention most of it having military applications), but also faces countless accusations of workers' rights violations.\n"
"Following the events of the \cfWhite Scar\c- in 2077, the UAC was one of the main bodies involved in the reconstruction of the fallen \cfUnited States\c-, eventually securing their position of power in the reformed \cfUnion States\c-, as not just the largest military body on Earth, but also one with vast economic and political control.\n"
"In recent years, the UAC has been involved in teleportation technology experiments. Through these, they eventually found a way to travel to other worlds. Specifically, to \cfHell\c-. Despite the clearly dangerous implications of such a thing, much was researched of that world ever since the first contact in 2144, and although hostility had been witnessed from the natives, it didn't seem that there was any sign of these creatures becoming a major threat... until a year had passed.\n"
"This arrival on Hell from the UAC had unfortunately coincided with a period of major political unrest, which in 2145 reached its boiling point, as the archdemon generals staged a coup, overthrowing the \cfKuriste Royal Family\c-, and setting themselves up as the new rulers. Mad with power, they set their sights on war and conquest, and it just so happened that humans were there, so we became their first target.\n"
"Having turned a member of the UAC's science team to their side, he assisted them with the first incursion on Mars City, which served as a first test of their newly built armies. However, they were defeated, having severely underestimated the abilities of humans, and their superior firepower. Their initial plans had to be revised, their armies needed to be stronger, larger. Humanity would be overwhelmed by numbers alone. During the time until their next attack, it's estimated that the population of Hell grew from 370 million to 9.3 billion, thanks to an obscene expansion of their spawning grounds, and improvements on demonic biosynthesis.\n"
"In early 2148, with the UAC not having learned their lesson, teleportation experiments resumed, this time limited entirely to short-scale travels between the outposts on Phobos and Deimos. Over time, volunteers who had gone through the portals began to suffer hideous mutations, in some cases being said to result in eventual \"full body explosion\". It wasn't long until they realized what was happening: their portal was being hijacked. Soon enough, demon invaders began warping in from both sides, in vast numbers. Both moon bases eventually fell, and a detachment from Mars City was sent to investigate this \"radio silence\" that had so suddenly happened.\n"
"What happened then was the beginning of what's been called the \cfDoom Episodes\c-. As was told by the UAC following these events, one lone marine managed to, by his lonesome, defeat all the invading forces, taking the fight even to Hell itself. However, the exploits of the so-called \cfDoom Marine\c- only served to enrage the archdemon generals even more, and that's when the invasion of Earth began. And, as soon as it did, it was quickly brought to an end. The \cfDemolitionist\c-, a collaborative effort of \cfAkari Labs\c- and its many associates, singlehandedly put an end to the invasion, efficiently eliminating every single demon that had come out from the portals, and after that, making their way through Hell itself, much like the Doom Marine, and defeating the \cfIcon of Sin\c-, who commanded the invading armies.\n"
"Following this event, the UAC suffered a major restructuring, as most of its board of directors had been lost during the invasions. Now free from its control, the US government tightly supervised their actions, ensuring that they would no longer become a liability. Despite this, three other incidents happened, despite much tighter security protocols. Within one of their bases on Io, yet again they continued their teleportation experiments, this time being prepared for anything. As predicted, a small group of demons came through, but they were swiftly dealt with. What they did NOT predict, however, was that this had merely been a distraction. An unidentified ship had suddenly approached the base, initially assumed to be the usual yearly supply drop. This ship was of demonic construction, imitating the very technology the UAC had. An overwhelming amount of demons were unleashed onto the base, and most were quickly killed or possessed. However, the Doom Marine was also there, and as expected, he once again did what he does best.\n"
"One other incident soon followed, within a research facility of undisclosed location. There, the UAC had been working on one way to actively prevent these invasions from ever happening, through something they called \cfQuantum Accelerator Devices\c-. These machines would allegedly serve to close any gates the demons could produce to enter our world, and they did, at first. One gate spawned within the facility, and although some demons managed to make their way in, it was promptly closed and these scarce invaders were gunned down. It seemed then that the experiment was a success, but the demons quickly caught on, and the next day, seven gates opened simultaneously throughout the facility. It took one hour for six of them to be closed, but at that point the invading forces had become overwhelming in numbers, and soon enough everything fell into chaos again. And sure enough, once again, the UAC decided to send their formidable errand boy to deal with it, and so he did, again, as usual. \cf[ed. note: Saya, your sarcasm is showing]\c-\n"
"With one final strike to the \cf\"Gatekeeper\"\c-, the titanic demon responsible for the creation of these gateways, it seemed that the invasions would finally be stopped for good. Sure enough, in the following years, all was quiet, and no more incidents were reported. The Doom Episodes were then archived, and the Doom Marine was decommissioned.\n"
"In 2150, the company finally closed off all of its teleportation experiments, and in a public announcement, CEO \cfIan Kelliher\c- states that the company will now shift its main focus into repairing all the damages that their actions had brought to Earth. Something which, according to initial estimates, may take over fifty years.\n"
"Ten years after this announcement, some worrying news soon reached Earth. Demonic forces had been sighted on several abandoned UAC bases, which were previously thought to all having been thoroughly wiped by radiation bombings. Something had managed to survive there, and was steadily reviving the decayed corpses of the countless fallen demons. Seeing no other choice, the Doom Episodes are reopened, and the very disgruntled Doom Marine was re-commissioned and sent there, this time, after his eventual success, making the decision to stay in Hell, forever, to make sure the demons never attempt an attack ever again. Ever since then, no contact could be made with him.\n"
"What little information could be recovered from the other side of all this, that of Hell itself, is that his rampage was unstoppable. He defeated the remaining demon commanders. Tens of thousands of demons, in their mindless rage, all marched towards their deaths by his hand. There was hope among the civilian population that this one human soldier would put an end to the tyranny of the archdemon generals, but they had their plans for him. They were fully aware that should he make his way to the capital city of \cfDis\c- once again, they would not be able to stop him. So a trap was set, and he fell right into it. It was then that \cfErebus\c-, the leading general, banished him, far away, beyond the confines of this universe, so that he may never be able to return to this world.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfCrazy stuff, all because of the UAC being shit and bad. I'm happy though, because I got to see that pathetic brat's fall from glory, that idiot, who once claimed to be the \"most important man in the world\", now turned into the US government's personal lap dog. It's so hilarious my sides have gone into orbit, I swear.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd so, here ends the story of these Dumb Epistles or whatever, one of the shining examples of the consequences of unchecked capitalism™.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_UNISSIX = "Unissix, Misa A.";
SWWM_LOREREL_UNISSIX = "Devanikna;Nedoshiaan;Zanaveth2;Zanaveth3;Nukuri;Saya;Yui;Taro;Ashley;Ellen;Sankaideriha";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Misa Azadeku Unissix\c-\n"
" \cxAlias:\c-\n"
" \cf Unissix Bokurou Azadeku\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Devanikan\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1992-02-29\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Blacksmith (Unissix Crafts)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @misamisa_unissix\c-\n"
"\cfMisa Azadeku Unissix\c- is the youngest member of the \cfUnissix Clan\c-, who leads the nation of \cfDevanikna\c-. She's the second child of \cfDevai Unissix\c- and \cfSerwand Nerukousei\c-, being the younger sister of \cfDeneva Unissix\c-, one of the most renowned warriors in the entire nation.\n"
"Due to being a child of mixed blood (as her father is not Devanikan, but rather a \"Chimera\", a term used to describe people born artificially through alchemical means), Misa was often shunned by members of other clans, who would describe her as a \"crossbred monstrosity\", and accuse her father of polluting the Unissix bloodline with nefarious intentions. Her sister would receive the same treatment, but was much more capable of ignoring it, while Misa however suffered a great deal during her whole life.\n"
"One thing that set her apart from her sister, was that she was much less physically capable, being \"too weak\" and \"not suited to be a dragonblood warrior\", it was noted too that unlike her brethren, she could not perform a dragon form summoning, either. All of this would also be used against her by the people who regularly bullied her. Her family eventually decided for her to always stay indoors, shut off from the outside world. It was through this that she eventually found her main hobby: Smithing.\n"
"Misa found great enjoyment in creating all sorts of armor and weaponry, which would then be used by her family, or sold to other clans (who did not know who made them, but were very impressed by the quality), this was the beginning of \cfUnissix Crafts\c-, her little workshop/store. Expressing her creativity through it helped a lot to keep her thoughts away from all that was happening outside, and she felt much more relaxed.\n"
"With time, and as she kept improving her skills, she found interest in greater challenges, such as far more complex weaponry than mere blades and others. To satisfy this desire, her family would bring to her books on \"weapons of legend\", which the young Misa managed to replicate almost to perfection, much to the surprise of all. She was quite proud of what she had achieved, and this further boosted her popularity, which resulted in personal requests for many of those replicas to be made.\n"
"In 2016, the Unissix Clan received the visit of a \cfNukuri\c- woman, \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c-, who wished to study their culture and history. She was welcomed to stay at their home for as long as she wanted, as it was quite rare for them to have any visitors, and they were also intrigued by this individual from a species they had never seen before. During her stay, she'd eventually get to meet Misa, and would frequently watch her work. Misa initially felt quite shy around this odd white-as-snow woman who had appeared so suddenly, but as the days passed, and they got to interact more, they became quite close.\n"
"One morning, Misa's parents were given some surprising news. Zanaveth II wished to marry their daughter, and bring her to her homeworld, citing that she'd be much safer by her side. They very happily agreed to this proposition, and thanked her for what she had done. Ever since that day, Misa has never left Zanaveth II's side, always being with her, wherever she went. In 2042, during a stay on Earth with a mutual friend, the two had a child, \cfZanaveth Nekuraku III\c-.\n"
"Although Misa was quite happy living with her wife, there was a major issue that popped up once she had moved in to \cfNahkami\c- with her: Her identity. Around that time, the \cfYathai Empire\c- was known to have a very negative \cf[ed. note: more like \"murdery\"]\c- stance on what the emperor saw as \"degeneracy\". Knowing that Misa would potentially be executed just like other members of family had been in the past, Zanaveth II had to ensure that the fact her wife was transgender was kept secret, much to her discomfort, having to then publicly present as male to the whole world, and additionally being unable to receive any treatment.\n"
"In 2068, When WW7 broke out, the two, along with their child, took the chance to flee to \cfSankaideriha\c-, the island of magic. There, Zanaveth II introduced Misa to a certain alchemist, \cfArchmage Kounan\c-, who was famous for providing what was known popularly as \"magic-based HRT\". For Misa, this was nothing short of miraculous, as in a matter of minutes, she would find herself in a body she could call her own, all solely by drinking one potion.\n"
"Misa and her wife stayed in the island until 2108, when they were notified about the end of the war, along with the fall of the empire, and the rise of a more fair and welcoming society. These were wonderful news for them, and after saying their goodbyes to the people of the land of magic, they returned home. Ever since then, and with Zanaveth II being elected as \"Minister of Interspecies Relations\", the two now travel around the world together.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfWehhhhhh, Misa-Misa, you damn cutie...\c-\n"
"\cfShe really is the sweetest lil' cinnamon roll, I tell ya. Just seeing her smile melts my goddamn heart. Right next to Zana-sama they're both a full combo of maximum cuteness.\c-\n"
"\cfIt's kinda sad to read on how things used to be a long time ago, but at the same time I'm also really happy that everything got better for them. Bless Zana-sama with that timely rescue there, like, from what I heard, all that awful bullying was REALLY getting to her, poor thing. Zana-sama talks about it a lot, the night she confessed to her, and how she begged for her to take her away from that hellhole. She's a goddamn angel, that gal.\c-\n"
"\cf*sigh* You know, I'm kind of a sucker for romantic stories like these (don't tell anyone pls).\c-\n"
"\cfOh yeah, also Misa is one hell of a pro gamer, holy shit. Anything I got her to play, she would just blaze through like it was nothing. Yeah, even THOSE games. It's fun to watch her, and she's specially fond of adventure stuff, I guess because it's the kinda thing she could never do irl.\c-\n"
"\cfAlso, funny story. The first time I visited them when they were in Sankaideriha, Misa gave me one hell of a scare with that sudden transformation she went through. It's like... she was a completely different person entirely. Like, I had never seen her so happy before, it was really something else, and honestly I was also happy for her too.\c-\n"
"\cfGod, they just are the cutest of couples. I can't stop saying it.\c-";
"\cf Vestal Foods\c-\n"
"\cf Snack and Beverage Production Cooperative\c-\n"
"\cf Vesta Research Colony\c-\n"
"\cf https://vestal.org/foods\c-\n"
"\cfVestal Foods\c- was formed in 2098 by members of the \cfVesta Research Colony\c- established in the namesake asteroid, initiated as a way of showcasing the results of food cultivation in an off-Earth colony. They have gained traction recently thanks to the sponsorship of \cfAkari Labs\c-, with their repertoire gradually increasing over time as they receive requests for more varied snacks.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfThe folks at Vestal really know how to make the finest snacks, and it's a shame that they're not as well known because they're just a tiny coop made by scientists in some asteroid colony instead of a multi-billion dollar megacorp. I fiercely support them with all my love (and receive tasty treats in return).\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_VOICEBOX = "Loudboi Voicebox";
SWWM_LOREREL_VOICEBOX = "AkariLabs;Ibuki;Demolitionist";
"\cf Loudboi Voicebox\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Voice Synthesizer\c-\n"
"The \cfLoudboi\c- is a simple and lightweight device for AI units. Easy to install and program, perfect for those building on a budget. There are a wide variety of options for the voice type, along with multiple language support, including Japanese. Those who are rather displeased with the uncannily \"too human\" default voice synthesis also have the option of enabling a built-in \"robot voice\" filter.\n"
"The \cfAkari Labs\c- community offers a variety of custom-made voice packs for this device, too. Please visit our forums for more information.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHeh... I just love that cute voice you've got, it's a perfect complement to that sassy personality of yours. And what amuses me the most is how quickly you picked up all our little quirks and mannerisms, especially Ibuki's. In a way it's almost like you're sometimes a smol version of her, but in cute robot form.\c-";
"\cf Loudboi Voicebox\c-\n"
"\cf Akari Labs\c-\n"
"\cf Voice Synthesizer\c-\n"
"The \cfLoudboi\c- is a simple and lightweight device for AI units. Easy to install and program, perfect for those building on a budget. There are a wide variety of options for the voice type, along with multiple language support, including Japanese. Those who are rather displeased with the uncannily \"too human\" default voice synthesis also have the option of enabling a built-in \"robot voice\" filter.\n"
"The \cfAkari Labs\c- community offers a variety of custom-made voice packs for this device, too. Please visit our forums for more information.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfHeh... I just love that cute voice you've got, it's a perfect complement to that sassy personality of yours. And what amuses me the most is how quickly you picked up all our little quirks and mannerisms, especially Ibuki's. In a way it's almost like you're sometimes a smol version of her, but in cute robot form.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: And then... Your true vocal chords as a maidbot came to be, no filters or anything, and my love for your charming voice only increased. My heart melts at the sound of it, seriously...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_WALLBUSTER = "Blackmann;Hermann;Bigshot;Demolitionist;Saya;Taro;Belt";
"\cf \"Wallbuster\" Heavy Armor Breaching Shotgun\c-\n"
"\cf Blackmann Arms Ltd.\c-\n"
"\cf Design by Mr. BIG SHOT\c-\n"
"\cf Revolver Shotgun\c-\n"
"The \cfWallbuster\c- is a beefy beast of a shotgun, sporting a total of 25 barrels divided into individually rotating 5-barrel cylinders. Like other shotguns from \cfBlackmann Arms\c-, it is chambered for the somewhat ludicrous 6-gauge. This huge weapon was commissioned by \cfMr. BIG SHOT\c- himself, and of the many others \cfBlackmann Arms\c- has made for him, it is the only one that was made public, and it's said that the others may be even more ludicrous.\n"
"The internal mechanisms driving this weapon have such a degree of complexity that they've been described as \cf\"Kraut Deep Space Magic\"\c- by some. Only \cfHermann E. Ischer\c- himself knows every detail about their operation. With each twist of the main trigger, the topmost barrel is primed, and then its cylinder spins counter-clockwise, with the next round ready for shooting. On a complete rotation, or when the secondary trigger is used, the main body spins afterwards, switching to another cylinder.\n"
"Taking into account the semi-automatic nature of the weapon, allowing for a quick succession of shots or even shooting multiple shells simultaneously, the Wallbuster is a quite mighty companion.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Shoots the topmost barrel.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Shoots the topmost cylinder.\n"
"\cfTertiary Fire:\c- Shoots it all, if you really want to.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- Once the side lever is pulled down, the cylinders can be safely detached and reloaded individually. A rapid reload routine will execute that automatically makes you top up the gun as much as possible. You can cancel this at any moment by pressing reload again or either fire button.\n"
"\cfTechniques:\c- True to its name, you can destroy all sorts of obstacles along the way, provided you're dealing enough damage relative to their size (requiring secondary or tertiary fire). This even includes locked doors, so you won't have to bother with key hunting anymore.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfOK so, this hunk of metal. Yeah, now ain't that some good shit...\c-\n"
"\cfDon't worry about reloading this taking a long-ass time, btw. DemolitionOS comes with a quick reload routine that'll make it nice and easy for you. The ammo will be queued up in your Hammerspace, and then all you have to do is hold out your hand above the barrels, and they'll get deployed right inside, takes around 10 seconds to top it up, more or less. Nifty, huh? Taro did most of the work on that, so yeah, you can thank him.\c-\n"
"\cfOh and... y'know... this whole thing, that name and all... Well, the joke already makes itself.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_WARARMOR = "Unissix;Devanikna;Cyrus";
"\cf War Armor\c-\n"
"\cf Unissix Crafts\c-\n"
"\cf Body Armor\c-\n"
"A very robust and durable plate armor made of the finest almasteel in \cfDevanikna\c-. Part of the standard lineup from \cfUnissix Crafts\c-, designed for the skilled adventurer who needs decent protection from the attacks of mighty beasts. It is also imbued with defensive magic that enhances elemental resistances on the wearer. Generally, this chestpiece is also distributed along with other parts comprising a full armor set, but it's not like you can wear all of them, with the body type you have.\n"
"\cxAnalysis data:\c-\n"
"This piece of armor offers a massive reduction to incoming damage of basic elemental nature (i.e.: heat, cold, electricity, etc.), the factor being of 80%. In addition, the plating itself offers a 50% reduction to damages of other natures, plus a 70% absorption of explosive impacts. The total absorption amounts to 250 units of damage before it's entirely worn out. Due to its size, it can easily be worn over lighter armors.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfNerdboi and his \"armor analysis\" once again. This guy, seriously... Life isn't a goddamn videogame, so please PLEASE stop talking in terms like \"damage units\" and \"reduction factors\".\c-\n"
"\cfAaaaanyway, Misa makes some pretty nifty stuff. I feel that it's a bit redundant that you're wearing armor made of the same stuff as your chassis. I mean, a robot wearing armor... Well, nothing wrong with some extra protection, I guess.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_WHITELADY = "MothPlushy;Chancebox;MothLamp;XAnimen;Demolitionist;Saya";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Andira Kyse\c-\n"
" \cxTitle:\c-\n"
" \cf White Lady of Aldabura\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Kantharei\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2674 BC\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Mercenary\c-\n"
"The \cfWhite Lady of Aldabura\c- is one of the most skilled mercenaries known within the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-. As one of the \cfAldabura\c-, moth-like humanoids native to the small planet of \cfKantharo\c-, she is quite sensitive to bright lights, and is often easily charmed by them. At the same time, she's quite timid and prefers to focus on her work, rather than on any social interaction.\n"
"Despite her gentle appearance, she's quite deadly, being able to quickly tear her enemies to shreds with her bare hands. When she gets in the mood for murder, she is practically unstoppable, shrugging off everything that's thrown at her, not just due to her high pain threshold, but also her quick regenerative abilities.\n"
"The White Lady has worked for many individuals and organizations over the years, but recently, she's been hired by the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c- in order to collaborate with the \cfDemolitionist\c- in their missions.\n"
"Demolitionist, this message is for you. Your love for the \cfMoth Girl Plush\c- from our \cfLucky Chanceboxes\c- has made her contract effective, and thus, whenever you have a \cfSankai Companion Lamp\c- in your possession, the White Lady shall readily work alongside you, and slay any enemies you may encounter.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfPlease excuse me while I have a moment to wild out over the fact that moth girls actually exist.\c-\n"
SWWM_LOREREL_WHITESCAR = "Nukuri;NosKora;Nukritas1xx;Saya;Zanaveth2";
"\cf The White Scar\c-\n"
"\cf Interplanetary Conflict\c-\n"
"\cf 2073-2077\c-\n"
"In June of 2073, the \cfNukuri Seventh World War\c- began. It was one more attempt by the \cfNahkami Liberation Front\c- to put an end to the oppressive rule of the \cfYathai Empire\c-, this time expected to be their final. When the news of this conflict reached Earth, \cfPresident Dick Richardson\c- of the \cfUnited States\c- made some rather noxious comments on social media directed at \cfLedora Yathai\c-, head of the Nukuri empire. As expected, they were not very well received, and an escalation of insults ensued. Many Nukuri who had settled on Earth fled in protest, as the ball kept rolling. At its boiling point, the Nukuri emperor, fed up with all this, officially declared war on the United States, ready to launch a direct attack as \"punishment for their insolent attitude\". Ground units were deployed in September of 2074, and thus the war began.\n"
"There were many losses on both sides, including civilians, in a chaotic confrontation between people who, not long before, had been peacefully allied for half a century. In three years, the vastly superior Nukuri armies neutralized all opposition, and set their sights on the very heart of the country. Wishing to \"slay the beast from within\", a small team managed to locate and capture the president. He was given one last choice, right there and then. He could either surrender and publicly apologize for his affront to the empire, or he could refuse, and watch as the \cfEmperor's Wrath\c- falls down upon him.\n"
"He chose the latter option, and what followed was nothing short of unimaginably despicable and cruel. All Nukuri forces retreated, and they evacuated any remaining civilian Nukuri who still remained. Then, in an instant, a succession of blinding flashes of scorching light reduced all major cities across the United States territory to ashes, coming from the experimental orbital weapon the empire had built many years prior. It was its very first test fire, and the actual scale and effects of it were not yet known. Some say that the apocalyptic effects it had were not truly intended, that the plan was not to put an end to all life, but rather only cause destruction on a more \"technical\" level, disabling all electronic devices and machinery. Suffice to say, when the lead designer of this weapon, \cfZanaveth Nekuraku I\c-, saw what had happened, he suffered a severe mental breakdown, and disappeared from the public eye for many years.\n"
"With this attack, the flames of the war against the empire only got stronger. In addition, all the remaining Nukuri on Earth were forced to leave, and with the exception of a select few countries, the \cfWhite Scar Treaty\c- was signed almost unanimously, putting an end to half a century of Nukuri contributions to the evolution of our science and technology. Those who had signed had to reject anything made by them, and no longer make any contact with any member of their species. In addition, they were no longer allowed to remain on their Moon colony either, forcing the \cfLuna Research Institute\c- to close its doors after almost four thousand years.\n"
"Everyone wanted the emperor's head. Not only had it been a major mistake for humanity to have enraged him, but it had been an even bigger mistake from HIS part to have used that weapon. 30 years into the chaotic seventh war, a member of the Nekuraku family notified one very specific group of what had happened: The \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c-. Serving as the embassy of the ancient \cfMishe\c- race, the University had always stayed neutral to the various internal conflicts among the Nukuri, but this time, they stepped in. What the emperor had done, in the eyes of the founding \cfNukritas Brothers\c-, was unforgivable. It was described by them as \"the second most disappointing display of heartless destruction\" they had ever witnessed.\n"
"\cfNukritas 1xx\c- would then, by himself, walk all the way down from the northernmost region of Akane to the imperial capital in Vutaki. His advance could not be stopped, he shrugged off any attempts by imperial soldiers, he destroyed their weapons merely by looking at them. Once he reached the imperial palace, he kicked the doors open and made his way to the throne, there, emperor Ledora Yathai, frozen in terror, received a single punch across the gut from the Mishe ambassador, and was sent flying in a straight line out the window, reaching such a velocity that he completely vanished into the void of space. Then, the University made their announcement, the \cfNos-Kora Ultimatum\c-. The Nukuri race was given eight years to resolve their conflicts and make peace. Should they have failed to do so, the University would close its doors forever, and the Mishe would formally leave the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-, taking their valuable knowledge with them.\n"
"This threat was taken very seriously, as the Mishe were one of the most important members of this interplanetary alliance, and so a massive reform followed. Both sides were now united in their mission to rebuild Nahkami in its entirety as a new nation. In 2108, only halfway through the time limit they had set, the \cfNahkami Unified Government\c- was finally established, with \cfZanata Nekuraku II\c- as \"transitional\" prime minister. Following this, an attempt was made to reestablish relations with Earth, but it was useless, they were completely ignored, save for two countries who had not signed the treaty: Scotland and Japan.\n"
"These two countries were host to powerful corporations that had been long time partners of Zanata's own company, \cfNekuratek\c-, and were fully aware of the truth of the situation, hence why they had refused to break bonds with them. Of note regarding this were various statements on social media from \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, head of the Japanese \cfAkari Labs\c-, condemning all those who had signed the treaty for their \"gross generalization\" in seeing the entirety of the Nukuri as an enemy.\n"
"No further attempts have been made ever since to try once again to reestablish the former alliance, not even during many major events that would threaten Earth once again, where they would have gladly come to our aid as they had done in the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021. Earth was, in addition, barred from the possibility of entering the X'Animen Coalition due to this fierce opposition.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfLo and behold, here it be, the darkest moment in human history (to date). Seriously, it fucks me up thinking again about what had happened, it was some awful shit. Like, not just the whole burnination of an entire country, but also what was going down on the other side too, all the stuff Zana-sama told me about.\c-\n"
"\cfI mean, sure, from this one can guess that the Nukuri were anything but peaceful, but that's not even half of it. The empire, the fucking empire, it was all the goddamn stinking empire. That megalomaniacal evil-ass emperor running the show, doing whatever he wanted. All those wars, it was all people who wanted him gone, and he'd crush them, over and over, with no remorse. He ran the place, and he could do whatever he wanted to them. Yeah, I heard all of it. The executions, the torturing and massacring of people who were seen as \"traitors\" and \"deviants\"... Zana-sama lost a lot of her family because of that. I seriously hate that stuff like this keeps happening all over the world...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_XANIMEN = "Luna;Nukuri;Saya;Xekke;Devanikna;Gods";
"\cf X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"\cf Interplanetary Alliance\c-\n"
"\cf Xathar System\c-\n"
"\cf Zenna System\c-\n"
"\cf Kryudon System\c-\n"
"\cf Mondakan System\c-\n"
"\cf Sumayon System (former)\c-\n"
"The \cfX'Animen Coalition\c- is the name given to an alliance among various planetary systems, comprising several inhabited worlds, all connected through portals located on key planets. The coalition was first formed after the arrival of the \cfKnights of Ix\c- on these worlds, a group of seven ancient deities. They had searched through the vast universe, seeking inhabited planets, with the mission to connect them all together. For this purpose, one among them, \cfIx Xeuriges\c-, constructed warp gates linking the various systems they'd come across, one by one. The knights then settled on each of these systems, watching over their people.\n"
"The central capital, \cfZestal\c-, is located in the godly realm of \cfKurain\c-, where overseer knight \cfKennegenomk Ix\c- resides.\n"
"The current systems and planets that comprise the coalition are as follows:\n"
"A system located within the Andromeda galaxy, and the most populated, despite only having four habitable planets.\n"
"\cfJunifh:\c- Closest to its parent star. A scorching hot planet, practically uninhabitable but with many underground communities. This is the planet chosen by \cfIx Konro\c- as his home, and in it, he brought into existence the peculiar \cfOnkou\c- race, distinguished by being almost identical in appearance to him.\n"
"\cfTerasana:\c- A blooming oasis, and home to the \cfSanais\c-, who once had visited Earth in the distant past, and were revered by the ancient Egyptians as gods. Although listed here, they are not members of the coalition.\n"
"\cfHebeku:\c- A warm, mountainous planet, somewhat akin to Earth, but with less water. This is the home of the \cfVotrexxian\c- race, almost once brought to the brink of extinction following a conflict with their immediate neighbors, the \cfNukuri\c-, inhabiting the planet's lone moon of \cfNahkami\c-. Hebeku also hosts a gate connecting to the human solar system, specifically, to the dwarf planet \cfSedna\c-.\n"
"\cfKarnanaiahma:\c- A world of large oceans, and the homeworld of the \cfQurensniv\c-, a race almost indistinguishable from humans. Some of its inhabitants fled to Earth in 130 BC, forming the town of \cfKereshnovka\c-.\n"
"\cfBuran:\c- A formerly lush planet teeming with wildlife, which is now entirely covered by a matryoshka brain superstructure known as the \cfBleaknet\c-. It is the homeworld of the \cfBurakan\c- race, of which only one surviving member remains: the lead engineer of the Bleaknet project. This oddly named structure in addition serves as a nexus of information for the entire coalition, linking together their various networks through complex space-time distortion technology.\n"
"\cfSora, Yasakuna, Sunkaeze:\c- Two gas giants and one barren planet in the outer rim of the system. All uninhabitable, although it's been noted that \cfSunkaeze\c- once housed a facility owned by \cfDecade Mechanics\c-.\n"
"The second most populated system, and with the most inhabited planetary bodies. It is located within the Triangulum galaxy.\n"
"\cfAdke:\c- A barren planet on the inner rim. Red, scorched, almost hellish in appearance. There are however some scattered mining outposts around it, as the planet is rich in \cfAlmasteel\c-.\n"
"\cfDhetis:\c- The most racially diverse planet within the coalition (to an almost comedic level, by some accounts), host to the following: \cfDerkoi\c- (human-like, but characterized by having odd blackened beak-like noses), \cfMetlei\c- (elvish race characterized by a wide size range and their long, pointy noses), \cfNamaneku\c- (humanoids of small stature and frame, but of considerable strength, noticeable for their dark, beady eyes and sharp teeth), \cfNekkesa\c- (similar in appearance to dark elves of fantasy works), \cfNokretin\c- (almost indistinguishable from humans, except for the fact they all appear to have the same hairstyle: six \"spikes\" of hair), \cfSalman\c- (towering humanoid giants. all men are bald and have mustaches), \cfSxjyanjn\c- (a species of human-shaped jelly/slime creatures, notable for having a language that's impossible to speak by anyone but themselves), \cfOdmorian\c- (yet another race with an elvish appearance, notable for their specific shiny dark brown skin and silvery white hair), \cfRixa\c- (a race of dwarfish humanoids notable for the fact every single member of it is technically a king in their society), \cfUvixa\c- (also known as \cfNeba\c-, a race of pint-sized humanoids), \cfVik\c- (almost identical to humans, appearing even to be an exact imitation of caricature vikings). The ridiculous level of diversity in this planet, along with the notably odd characteristics of each, has been the subject of much study, often being cited as \"the work of either a very bored or very creative god (or both)\".\n"
"\cfIxxeney:\c- A large planet orbited by the fastest known moon. It is home to the \cfXekkian\c-, fierce titan warriors, and the \cfDevanikan\c-, warriors of dragon blood, along with other lesser known races such as the \cfFossiara\c-, \cfWareyan\c-, \cfAssida\c- and \cfRakity\c-.\n"
"\cfNekemekya:\c- A semi-artificial planet covered by a large metallic shell. It is home to \cfIx Nemeke\c-, and the \cfMekyon\c-, a race of mechanical beings he had created.\n"
"\cfXeryuga:\c- A highly hostile magma-filled hellscape planet, inhabited by the lagomorph-like \cfXeura\c- race, along with \cfIx Xeuriges\c-, their creator.\n"
"\cfUrai, Erusa, Sethia:\c- A trio of gas giants rich in valuable materials. The exploitation of these resources is currently contested by members of the system.\n"
"\cfUnukugoshuenike:\c- A gigantic planet of glass and gemstone, and home of the \cfGoshun\c-, a race of semi-humanoid gemstone creatures. Due to their history of conflict, they are not part of the coalition.\n"
"\cfUnuenishe:\c- Former homeworld of the \cfMishe\c- race, destroyed thousands of years ago during a war against the Goshun. The planet's artificial moon of \cfDeishe\c- serves as their new home.\n"
"The third most populated system in the coalition. Like Xathar, it is also located within Andromeda.\n"
"\cfKrako:\c- Barren planet rich in mineral resources.\n"
"\cfLok:\c- A dark planet shrouded in fog and rain. It is home to the \cfLokan\c- and the \cfRokana\c- races. Not part of the coalition.\n"
"\cfKayo:\c- An overpopulated city-planet, and homeworld of the \cfKyon\c-. Also not part of the coalition.\n"
"\cfKantharo:\c- A small planet rich in fossil fuels. Home of the \cfKanethe\c- and \cfAldabura\c-, and also to \cfIx Pyskou\c-.\n"
"\cfKruon:\c- Ash-covered volcanic planet. Home of the \cfKruniin\c-, and ruled by \cfDread Overlord Nuoma\c-.\n"
"\cfFurona, Sena:\c- Icy twin planets. Uninhabited.\n"
"This system is not located within the observable universe.\n"
"\cfSoya:\c- A molten rock that was once mistaken as a second sun.\n"
"\cfMon:\c- A planet with odd similarities to Earth. It is home to its namesake race, the \cfMon\c-, plus many others. Also serves as home to \cfIx Xekkene\c-.\n"
"\cfKuranite:\c- Rocky planet, home of various species, such as the \cfForozen\c-, \cfKuranit\c- and \cfOkonova\c-.\n"
"\cfNedoshiaan:\c- Formerly a member of the coalition before the protector god of the native \cfIzuna\c- race was driven mad, and then subsequently assassinated by his own followers, resulting in the planet being almost entirely destroyed.\n"
"\cfKumon:\c- A gas giant. Many of its moons have been conquered by the Mon.\n"
"A system from our own galaxy, used to house one lone planet, until a great cataclysm happened.\n"
"\cfSenekeye Keinukyenei Bhekeyuni:\c- Homeworld of the \cfKeinun\c- and former home of \cfIx Sumai\c-. Was shattered to a thousand pieces and pushed out of its orbit after a great cataclysm.\n"
"In addition, two other systems were considered for joining in. Negotiations fell apart for one of them due to hostilities towards another member of the coalition, and another is currently pending, as its sole native species has several unresolved internal conflicts that have yet to be dealt with.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cf\"Negotiations fell apart\" is one way to put it. God, imagine... just IMAGINE for a moment that things had gone better. We would be part of a huge interplanetary alliance! That stuff is like... straight out of some sci-fi novel or something.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, I don't know if you've just skimmed through it or actually read the whole thing, but did you SEE the entry on that one planet? What the fresh heck is up with that??? It's like some overly creative elementary schooler came up with all of that. Did a god really do that? Or... is it just the most ridiculous coincidence imaginable...?\c-\n"
"\cfI don't even know, Demo-chan... at this point, anything could be, from what I've seen out there.\c-";
"\cf X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"\cf Interplanetary Alliance\c-\n"
"\cf Xathar System\c-\n"
"\cf Zenna System\c-\n"
"\cf Kryudon System\c-\n"
"\cf Mondakan System\c-\n"
"\cf Ura System\c-\n"
"\cf Sumayon System (former)\c-\n"
"The \cfX'Animen Coalition\c- is the name given to an alliance among various planetary systems, comprising several inhabited worlds, all connected through portals located on key planets. The coalition was first formed after the arrival of the \cfKnights of Ix\c- on these worlds, a group of seven ancient deities. They had searched through the vast universe, seeking inhabited planets, with the mission to connect them all together. For this purpose, one among them, \cfIx Xeuriges\c-, constructed warp gates linking the various systems they'd come across, one by one. The knights then settled on each of these systems, watching over their people.\n"
"The central capital, \cfZestal\c-, is located in the godly realm of \cfKurain\c-, where overseer knight \cfKennegenomk Ix\c- resides.\n"
"The current systems and planets that comprise the coalition are as follows:\n"
"A system located within the Andromeda galaxy, and the most populated, despite only having four habitable planets.\n"
"\cfJunifh:\c- Closest to its parent star. A scorching hot planet, practically uninhabitable but with many underground communities. This is the planet chosen by \cfIx Konro\c- as his home, and in it, he brought into existence the peculiar \cfOnkou\c- race, distinguished by being almost identical in appearance to him.\n"
"\cfTerasana:\c- A blooming oasis, and home to the \cfSanais\c-, who once had visited Earth in the distant past, and were revered by the ancient Egyptians as gods. Although listed here, they are not members of the coalition.\n"
"\cfHebeku:\c- A warm, mountainous planet, somewhat akin to Earth, but with less water. This is the home of the \cfVotrexxian\c- race, almost once brought to the brink of extinction following a conflict with their immediate neighbors, the \cfNukuri\c-, inhabiting the planet's lone moon of \cfNahkami\c-. Hebeku also hosts a gate connecting to the human solar system, specifically, to the dwarf planet \cfSedna\c-.\n"
"\cfKarnanaiahma:\c- A world of large oceans, and the homeworld of the \cfQurensniv\c-, a race almost indistinguishable from humans. Some of its inhabitants fled to Earth in 130 BC, forming the town of \cfKereshnovka\c-.\n"
"\cfBuran:\c- A formerly lush planet teeming with wildlife, which is now entirely covered by a matryoshka brain superstructure known as the \cfBleaknet\c-. It is the homeworld of the \cfBurakan\c- race, of which only one surviving member remains: the lead engineer of the Bleaknet project. This oddly named structure in addition serves as a nexus of information for the entire coalition, linking together their various networks through complex space-time distortion technology.\n"
"\cfSora, Yasakuna, Sunkaeze:\c- Two gas giants and one barren planet in the outer rim of the system. All uninhabitable, although it's been noted that \cfSunkaeze\c- once housed a facility owned by \cfDecade Mechanics\c-.\n"
"The second most populated system, and with the most inhabited planetary bodies. It is located within the Triangulum galaxy.\n"
"\cfAdke:\c- A barren planet on the inner rim. Red, scorched, almost hellish in appearance. There are however some scattered mining outposts around it, as the planet is rich in \cfAlmasteel\c-.\n"
"\cfDhetis:\c- The most racially diverse planet within the coalition (to an almost comedic level, by some accounts), host to the following: \cfDerkoi\c- (human-like, but characterized by having odd blackened beak-like noses), \cfMetlei\c- (elvish race characterized by a wide size range and their long, pointy noses), \cfNamaneku\c- (humanoids of small stature and frame, but of considerable strength, noticeable for their dark, beady eyes and sharp teeth), \cfNekkesa\c- (similar in appearance to dark elves of fantasy works), \cfNokretin\c- (almost indistinguishable from humans, except for the fact they all appear to have the same hairstyle: six \"spikes\" of hair), \cfSalman\c- (towering humanoid giants. all men are bald and have mustaches), \cfSxjyanjn\c- (a species of human-shaped jelly/slime creatures, notable for having a language that's impossible to speak by anyone but themselves), \cfOdmorian\c- (yet another race with an elvish appearance, notable for their specific shiny dark brown skin and silvery white hair), \cfRixa\c- (a race of dwarfish humanoids notable for the fact every single member of it is technically a king in their society), \cfUvixa\c- (also known as \cfNeba\c-, a race of pint-sized humanoids), \cfVik\c- (almost identical to humans, appearing even to be an exact imitation of caricature vikings). The ridiculous level of diversity in this planet, along with the notably odd characteristics of each, has been the subject of much study, often being cited as \"the work of either a very bored or very creative god (or both)\".\n"
"\cfIxxeney:\c- A large planet orbited by the fastest known moon. It is home to the \cfXekkian\c-, fierce titan warriors, and the \cfDevanikan\c-, warriors of dragon blood, along with other lesser known races such as the \cfFossiara\c-, \cfWareyan\c-, \cfAssida\c- and \cfRakity\c-.\n"
"\cfNekemekya:\c- A semi-artificial planet covered by a large metallic shell. It is home to \cfIx Nemeke\c-, and the \cfMekyon\c-, a race of mechanical beings he had created.\n"
"\cfXeryuga:\c- A highly hostile magma-filled hellscape planet, inhabited by the lagomorph-like \cfXeura\c- race, along with \cfIx Xeuriges\c-, their creator.\n"
"\cfUrai, Erusa, Sethia:\c- A trio of gas giants rich in valuable materials. The exploitation of these resources is currently contested by members of the system.\n"
"\cfUnukugoshuenike:\c- A gigantic planet of glass and gemstone, and home of the \cfGoshun\c-, a race of semi-humanoid gemstone creatures. Due to their history of conflict, they are not part of the coalition, although some expect this may change following a \"much-needed revolution\".\n"
"\cfUnuenishe:\c- Former homeworld of the \cfMishe\c- race, destroyed thousands of years ago during a war against the Goshun. The planet's artificial moon of \cfDeishe\c- serves as their new home.\n"
"The third most populated system in the coalition. Like Xathar, it is also located within Andromeda.\n"
"\cfKrako:\c- Barren planet rich in mineral resources.\n"
"\cfLok:\c- A dark planet shrouded in fog and rain. It is home to the \cfLokan\c- and the \cfRokana\c- races. Not part of the coalition.\n"
"\cfKayo:\c- An overpopulated city-planet, and homeworld of the \cfKyon\c-. Also not part of the coalition.\n"
"\cfKantharo:\c- A small planet rich in fossil fuels. Home of the \cfKanethe\c- and \cfAldabura\c-, and also to \cfIx Pyskou\c-.\n"
"\cfKruon:\c- Ash-covered volcanic planet. Home of the \cfKruniin\c-, and ruled by \cfDread Overlord Nuoma\c-.\n"
"\cfFurona, Sena:\c- Icy twin planets. Uninhabited.\n"
"This system is not located within the observable universe.\n"
"\cfSoya:\c- A molten rock that was once mistaken as a second sun.\n"
"\cfMon:\c- A planet with odd similarities to Earth. It is home to its namesake race, the \cfMon\c-, plus many others. Also serves as home to \cfIx Xekkene\c-.\n"
"\cfKuranite:\c- Rocky planet, home of various species, such as the \cfForozen\c-, \cfKuranit\c- and \cfOkonova\c-.\n"
"\cfNedoshiaan:\c- Formerly a member of the coalition before the protector god of the native \cfIzuna\c- race was driven mad, and then subsequently assassinated by his own followers, resulting in the planet being almost entirely destroyed.\n"
"\cfKumon:\c- A gas giant. Many of its moons have been conquered by the Mon.\n"
"A small system located within the Milky Way, surprisingly close to ours.\n"
"\cfAreka, Tyresa:\c- Barren planets within the inner rim.\n"
"\cfUrkai:\c- A lush planet wrapped in a multicolored atmosphere, and home of the \cfXevetha\c- people. It is also home to \cfIx Muringe\c-, append knight and adopted child of Ix Xeuriges.\n"
"\cfThosana, Sentora, Merase:\c- Another barren planet and two gas giants closing off the system's outer rim.\n"
"A system from our own galaxy, used to house one lone planet, until a great cataclysm happened.\n"
"\cfSenekeye Keinukyenei Bhekeyuni:\c- Homeworld of the \cfKeinun\c- and former home of \cfIx Sumai\c-. Was shattered to a thousand pieces and pushed out of its orbit after a great cataclysm.\n"
"In addition, one other system was considered for joining in, however negotiations fell apart due to hostilities towards another member of the coalition. There are plans still by the Nukuri to reestablish their peace so they may take part in this great alliance, but many see this as a lost cause.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cf\"Negotiations fell apart\" is one way to put it. God, imagine... just IMAGINE for a moment that things had gone better. We would be part of a huge interplanetary alliance! That stuff is like... straight out of some sci-fi novel or something.\c-\n"
"\cfBy the way, I don't know if you've just skimmed through it or actually read the whole thing, but did you SEE the entry on that one planet? What the fresh heck is up with that??? It's like some overly creative elementary schooler came up with all of that. Geez. Did a god really do that? Or... is it just the most ridiculous coincidence imaginable...?\c-\n"
"\cfI don't even know, Demo-chan... at this point, anything could be, from what I've seen out there.\c-\n"
"\cfUpdate: Oh, now that I'm revising this one, there it is. The planet that Nuoma is running. So it's in there, huh? \"Dread Overlord Nuoma\", heh... if only they knew.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_XEKKE = "XAnimen;Gods;Devanikna;Saya;Nukuri;Zanaveth2";
"\cf Xekke\c-\n"
"\cf Land of giants\c-\n"
"\cf Ixxeney, Zenna system, X'Animen Coalition\c-\n"
"\cfXekke\c- is the largest nation in \cfIxxeney\c-, itself also the largest planet of the \cfZenna system\c-. Covering the mountainous regions west of the neighboring nation of \cfDevanikna\c-, it is the home of the \cfXekkian\c-, a race of gigantic humanoids (averaging at 3 meters of height).\n"
"The nation is led by the king and queen of Xekke, currently \cfMal Kuratagon\c-, grandson of madness deity \cfMaruku Sarahabinaku\c- and \cfMysu Adasake\c-, youngest daughter of the \cfAdasake Mask Bearers\c-. In addition, the madness deity also serves as patron of the Xekkian people.\n"
"Among the various member civilizations of the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-, the Xekkian are one of the most technologically advanced, though only a few steps behind the \cfNukuri\c-. They are well known for all their achievements in the military field, and many of their weapons are famous throughout, as well as the strength of the titan armies. As a matter of fact, a majority of the coalition members often hire Xekkian mercenaries for their defense.\n"
"Structurally speaking, the whole nation is divided into only five cities, each of them very broadly separated from each other, and located in some strategic spot among the mountains. The smallest of them is the capital city of Adkesa, standing atop the tallest peak of Ixxeney, and from which it's said that the king can clearly see the other four cities. Also in the capital city is the Nukuri embassy, which in 1793 BC had fallen to a terrorist attack in response to general displeasure with the \cfYathai Imperial Family\c-. It would remain in ruins until the fall of the empire, after which it was promptly rebuilt to signify the Xekkian people's approval of the \cfNahkami Liberation Front\c-'s victory.\n"
"Of the people themselves, what is first noted is their eloquence. The Xekkas language spoken by all feels rather ominous and potent with each word spoken, well-suited for the intense personalities most of them exude. However, although they may appear to be fierce and imposing, they also know well to show kindness to those who need it, as is taught by their patron deity.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfI've only seen pics of the place, from Zana-sama. It's definitely cool, all those rocky mountains, the sprawling cities around them, the lakes and waterfalls, the volcanic areas with huge rivers of magma and PEOPLE BATHING IN IT (holy shit)...\c-\n"
"\cfAnd yeah, that's basically Maruku-sama's home right there. She's got the whole family and everything in there. Heh, she even told me that being surrounded by titans makes her less self-conscious about being so huge.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_YNYKRON = "Ynykron Artifact";
SWWM_LOREREL_YNYKRON = "Unissix;Nedoshiaan;Saya";
"\cf Ynykron Artifact\c-\n"
"\cf Nukurines Mei Mess\c-\n"
"\cf Unissix Crafts (current)\c-\n"
"\cf Concentrated Energy Cannon\c-\n"
"The \cfYnykron (Divine Fury)\c- is a high power energy weapon capable of efficiently erasing any living entities struck by its beam shot, both organic or artificial.\n"
"In its original incarnation, built by \cfNukurines Mei Mess\c- during his time serving as lead engineer of \cfNedoshiaan\c-'s empire, it could stand to even destroy the physical bodies of deities. As ammunition, it employed the concentrated energy extracted from slaves who had undergone years of constant torture, their suffering acting as fuel to bring forth this \"Divine Fury\".\n"
"When it was retrieved from the depths of the dead planet along with the other artifacts, it fell into the hands of the \cfUnissix Clan\c-, who have safeguarded it since then.\n"
"\cfMisa Unissix\c-, the young master crafter of the clan, had a lot of interest in weapons of legend, specifically, in making her own versions of them, so when she learned of the \cfDemolitionist\c- project, she saw this as the perfect opportunity to put her skills to the test once more, providing the Demoltionist with what would be \cf\"the ultimate weapon to defeat all evil\"\c-. Although at first she hit a wall due to the inability to dismantle and properly reverse engineer it, she eventually managed to get her hands on the original blueprints of the artifact, thanks to her grandfather from her father's side, \cfNekorosen Nerukousei\c-, who was an old friend of Mei Mess.\n"
"The replica Ynykron uses a highly volatile mixture of exotic elements, in stable crystallized form, with considerable destructive power once a simple beam of light is directed through it. Misa sees this as a more \"ethically reasonable\" alternative to the intended ammunition of the original, additionally having the benefit of being easy to manufacture with the right materials and time. Nevertheless only two have been manufactured so far, one belonging to Misa herself, and the other being part of the Demolitionist's arsenal.\n"
"It should be noted that this weapon's usage is highly restricted. Special permission from a member of the Unissix clan is required.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Charges the shot. Once complete, pulling the trigger releases it. The beam's effective range is of approximately 400 meters, after which it will rapidly dissipate. Nothing can stop its advance, walls merely slow it down.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Reorients the ammo box, allowing for an alternate fire mode. A \"vortex shot\", a concentrated negative energy void that will pull in everything around itself for a short time, tearing it apart with strong tidal forces. It is generally not recommended to ever use this.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- If the weapon is charging, or ready for shooting, this will be canceled and no ammunition will be used, but the weapon will have to vent for a while. Otherwise, a new crystal is loaded.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSometimes I wonder if Misa actually realizes the dangers of the stuff she makes. This thing... it's maybe a bit too much, you know... Even compared to all the other stuff in the arsenal. I still ended up accepting it, anyway, because you know how I am, and how cute Misa is. I can't say no to that face. Besides, she made it for us, specifically.\c-\n"
"\cfSo yeah, here it is, the \"Divine Fury\" in all its glory. A blast of goddamn blinding whiteness that just... absolutely fucking obliterates everything it's aimed at. Sure is a weapon, huh?\c-\n"
"\cfAlso, that alternate mode... I know you'll probably do it anyway out of curiosity. Just... be careful, okay?\c-\n"
"\cfOh, and just so you know, this thing is the reason why I make backups of your core before every mission. With any other weapon, I wouldn't be worried 'cause your body's pretty damn resilient, but this thing is on a different level entirely. I gotta say it again, BE VERY CAREFUL. If you get caught in the blast you're gone forever, got it?\c-";
"\cf Ynykron Artifact\c-\n"
"\cf Nukurines Mei Mess\c-\n"
"\cf Unissix Crafts (current)\c-\n"
"\cf Concentrated Energy Cannon\c-\n"
"The \cfYnykron (Divine Fury)\c- is a high power energy weapon capable of efficiently erasing any living entities struck by its beam shot, both organic or artificial.\n"
"In its original incarnation, built by \cfNukurines Mei Mess\c- during his time serving as lead engineer of \cfNedoshiaan\c-'s empire, it could stand to even destroy the physical bodies of deities. As ammunition, it employed the concentrated energy extracted from slaves who had undergone years of constant torture, their suffering acting as fuel to bring forth this \"Divine Fury\".\n"
"When it was retrieved from the depths of the dead planet along with the other artifacts, it fell into the hands of the \cfUnissix Clan\c-, who have safeguarded it since then.\n"
"\cfMisa Unissix\c-, the young master crafter of the clan, had a lot of interest in weapons of legend, specifically, in making her own versions of them, so when she learned of the \cfDemolitionist\c- project, she saw this as the perfect opportunity to put her skills to the test once more, providing them with what would be \cf\"the ultimate weapon to defeat all evil\"\c-. Although at first she hit a wall due to the inability to dismantle and properly reverse engineer it, she eventually managed to get her hands on the original blueprints of the artifact, thanks to her grandfather from her father's side, \cfNekorosen Nerukousei\c-, who was an old friend of Mei Mess.\n"
"The replica Ynykron uses a highly volatile mixture of exotic elements, in stable crystallized form, with considerable destructive power once a simple beam of light is directed through it. Misa sees this as a more \"ethically reasonable\" alternative to the intended ammunition of the original, additionally having the benefit of being easy to manufacture with the right materials and time. Nevertheless only two have been manufactured so far, one belonging to Misa herself, and the other being part of the Demolitionist's arsenal.\n"
"It should be noted that this weapon's usage is highly restricted. Special permission from a member of the Unissix clan is required.\n"
"\cfPrimary Fire:\c- Charges the shot. Once complete, pulling the trigger releases it. The beam's effective range is of approximately 400 meters, after which it will rapidly dissipate. Nothing can stop its advance, walls merely slow it down.\n"
"\cfSecondary Fire:\c- Reorients the ammo box, allowing for an alternate fire mode. A \"vortex shot\", a concentrated negative energy void that will pull in everything around itself for a short time, tearing it apart with strong tidal forces. It is generally not recommended to ever use this.\n"
"\cfReloading:\c- If the weapon is charging, or ready for shooting, this will be canceled and no ammunition will be used, but the weapon will have to vent for a while. Otherwise, a new crystal is loaded.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfSometimes I wonder if Misa actually realizes the dangers of the stuff she makes. This thing... it's maybe a bit too much, you know... Even compared to all the other stuff in the arsenal. I still ended up accepting it, anyway, because you know how I am, and how cute Misa is. I can't say no to that face. Besides, she made it for us, specifically.\c-\n"
"\cfSo yeah, here it is, the \"Divine Fury\" in all its glory. A goddamn blast of blinding whiteness that just... absolutely fucking obliterates everything it's aimed at. Sure is a weapon, huh?\c-\n"
"\cfAlso, that alternate mode... I know you'll probably do it anyway out of curiosity. Just... be careful, okay?\c-\n"
"\cfOh, and just so you know, this thing is the reason why I make backups of your core before every mission. With any other weapon, I wouldn't be worried 'cause your body's pretty damn resilient, but this thing is on a different level entirely. I gotta say it again, BE VERY CAREFUL. If you get caught in the blast you're gone forever, got it?\c-\n"
"\cfPS: We've confirmed it (well, Misa did, directly), it is effective against gods too. Not enough to kill, but it does have some very... notable destructive effects. Pretty crazy story, right? The next day after our wedding, Misa just popped up carrying her personal Ynykron and challenged the goddess of war herself to a duel, right there and then. She ate up the whole damn blast, burned through most of her body leaving bones exposed. After that very painful experience, Misa was declared the second strongest warrior in the universe, just like that. Oh yeah, and Erika described the experience as \"being struck by a condensed supernova\". That's metal as hell.\c-\n"
"\cfAh... and I think this will be the last time we can use ours in a mission. Misa wants nothing to do with this anymore. Once it's all over we have to deliver it to her for destruction, and I totally understand, this kind of weapon maybe shouldn't exist.\c-";
SWWM_LORETAG_YUI = "Miyamoto, Yui";
SWWM_LOREREL_YUI = "Nana;Ryuji;Taro;Saya;Ashley";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Yui Miyamoto\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Japanese\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2009-07-02\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf Neurosurgeon (Kasukabe Central Hospital)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @yuchan09\c-\n"
"Born in 2009 to \cfNana\c- and \cfRyuji Miyamoto\c-, \cfYui\c- is the youngest of three siblings. She's quite an empathetic and sociable person, completely unlike her relatively gloomier, more reclusive older sister and brother \cfSaya\c- and \cfTaro\c-, having always shown a clear interest in helping other people. Since her childhood, her wish had been to become a doctor, \"to save lives\". This wish came to fruition after persevering through her studies, and many years slowly \"ascending the ranks\". As of this article's writing, Yui currently works as a neurosurgeon at \cfKasukabe Central Hospital\c-, and has received several awards for her outstanding achievements.\n"
"On a more personal side, Yui has a wide variety of interests, which some have noted as amusing in how contrasting they can be. For example, she's known to be an avid fan of wrestling, but she's just as crazy about it as she is for chess. She also enjoys various types of music that would normally be felt as \"conflicting\" with each other. Truly, Yui Miyamoto is a woman of contrasts. \cf[ed. note: thanks, spat all over my keyboard here]\c-\n"
"For a long time, Yui had been a fan of a certain British band, \cfThe Black Rat's Coven\c-. She really enjoyed their music, and was absolutely enamored with the lead singer, \cfAshley Knox\c-. She often fantasized about dating her, much to the mockery of her friends, and truly, seriously wished one day she'd show up at her door, asking her to be her girlfriend.\n"
"All of this was clearly never going to happen, and she knew it, but one day, the band visited Japan during one of their tours, and she got to see them live. Yui and her sister, who was also a fan, were quick to get tickets for the concert and head there as fast as they could. The experience was something else, being so close to them. Yui could swear that sometimes, Ashley would look at her and smile, but she dismissed it as probably being her imagination, or something.\n"
"After the concert, she excitedly lined up to get an autograph, and that's when the impossible became possible. Once in front of the \cf\"Stylish Witch of the West\"\c-, Yui nervously asked her, but what she got instead were some words that left her frozen in place: \"You're a very cute gal. Wanna go out with me?\". Suffice to say, the two are now happily married.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfghfjksdhfsjkghsdkfjsfgj I was so happy for her, but god, when that happened I thought she was going to pass out, cool goth witch asking her out like that out of the blue, good lord...\c-\n"
"\cfSo apparently, Yu-chan is EXACTLY her type, talk about a crazy coincidence, huh? A match made in heaven right there. Honestly, this stinks so much of cliche-y love-at-first-sight romance that, whew... I bet it's hard to believe such a story. Ashley-san even jokingly said that \"love at first sight\" is something that runs in her family. Pffff... Come on...\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_ZANAVETH2 = "Nukuri;Devanikna;Unissix;Nekuratek;Zanaveth3;Kirin;WhiteScar;XAnimen";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Zanaveth Nekuraku II\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Nukuri\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1969-08-10\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO, AI Engineer (Nekuratek)\c-\n"
" \cf Minister of Interspecies Relations (NUG)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @purple_emotion\c-\n"
"\cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c- was born in 1969, as the single child of \cfZanaveth Nekuraku I\c- and \cfDanakorn Kiyanou\c-. During her childhood, she showed great promise, being quite the quick learner, but rather than pressuring her to study harder, or putting her on a higher level place of study, her parents decided instead on letting her keep going at her own pace, which was something unheard of at the time.\n"
"Having finished secondary studies in 2005, Zanaveth II opted to spend some time working at the family business, \cfNekuratek\c-, where she'd come to learn the ins and outs of AI and robotics, a field she had a lot of interest in. In 2009, Coinciding with the opening of new courses at the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c-, and under recommendation by her grandmother, \cfZanata II\c-, Zanaveth II enrolled in \cfExtraspecies Studies\c-, as it appeared to be the perfect way for her to see the world, having only ever spent all of her life at the time in her home province of Akai.\n"
"As part of this course, Zanaveth II would travel all over the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-, being introduced to the many species that inhabit the various allied planets, and studying their diverse cultures and stories. Zanaveth II also spent some time in the \cfLuna Research Institute\c-, between 2013 and 2014, learning about the \cfNinuma\c- (the common word for humans across the coalition, coined by one of its co-founders). In 2016, as internal conflicts between warring clans of the \cfDevanikan\c- people had finally subdued, Zanaveth II took the chance to pay them a visit, previously having been unable to. It was during this visit that she met \cfMisa Azadeku Unissix\c-, her current wife. Zanaveth II graduated in 2019, after which she became a full time worker at the Luna Institute.\n"
"Following the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021, in December of the same year, Zanaveth II came into contact with \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, wishing to learn of her company and its involvements in AI and robotics. The two quickly became close friends, and as proof of this friendship, Zanaveth II agreed to provide \cfAkari Labs\c- with the advanced \cfNekuronbot AI Framework\c- to further improve their creations.\n"
"Through her weekly visits to Japan, Zanaveth II became quite interested in the country's culture and entertainment. She was quick to point out notable similarities between them and the Nukuri, extending even to their language, something that greatly amused her. On social media, her usual posts would often be drowned out by extensive rants about anime and videogames, often intertwining with those of Saya Miyamoto.\n"
"In August 20th of 2042, Zanaveth II and Misa had a child, \cfZanaveth Nekuraku III\c-, the first Nukuri born and raised on Earth. Due to the restrictive laws at the time, however, the family had to return to Nahkami once their child was ready to enter school by the age of 4. They would occasionally still visit Earth once again, during holidays, though.\n"
"In the wake of the \cfNukuri Seventh World War\c- of 2068, Zanaveth II fled with her wife and child to \cfSankaideriha\c- with the help of Nukuri witch \cfSaniuke Okusainaya\c-, old friend of her family. Two years later, after showing notable difficulties settling in, the family decided to leave Zanaveth III in Saya's care. This would last until 2077, when the \cfWhite Scar\c- incident prompted the expulsion of all Nukuri on Earth. Zanaveth III was then sent to live with her grandparents for the time being, until the end of the war in 2104, when her parents returned to Nahkami once again.\n"
"Since the formation of the \cfNahkami Unified Government\c- in 2108, Zanaveth II holds the position of \"Minister of Interspecies Relations\", thanks in part to her outstanding achievements during her time as a student of the University of Nos-Kora.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAhhhhhh, damn. She really is the sweetest and cutest gal I've ever met, let me tell ya. And it's one hell of an achievement for me to get this alien cutie to become a complete weeb too, heh...\c-\n"
"\cfOh man, meeting her was the best christmas gift ever, and also her precious lil' cinnamon roll of a wife, too. It was hella fun to hang out with them, especially because of how excited Zana-sama was about everything around the city. She was like a little kid in a candy shop at times. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.\c-\n"
"\cfNowadays with the White Scar bullshit, we haven't been in touch much. Misa managed to visit a couple times, but it really wasn't the same, and I could tell that she wasn't enjoying it either. Yeah, I hope it ends someday and I can get the two in here again.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Zanaveth Nekuraku II\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Nukuri\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 1969-08-10\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf CEO, AI Engineer (Nekuratek)\c-\n"
" \cf Minister of Interspecies Relations (NUG)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @purple_emotion\c-\n"
"\cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c- was born in 1969, as the single child of \cfZanaveth Nekuraku I\c- and \cfDanakorn Kiyanou\c-. During her childhood, she showed great promise, being quite the quick learner, but rather than pressuring her to study harder, or putting her on a higher level place of study, her parents decided instead on letting her keep going at her own pace, which was something unheard of at the time.\n"
"Having finished secondary studies in 2005, Zanaveth II opted to spend some time working at the family business, \cfNekuratek\c-, where she'd come to learn the ins and outs of AI and robotics, a field she had a lot of interest in. In 2009, Coinciding with the opening of new courses at the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c-, and under recommendation by her grandmother, \cfZanata II\c-, Zanaveth II enrolled in \cfExtraspecies Studies\c-, as it appeared to be the perfect way for her to see the world, having only ever spent all of her life at the time in her home province of Akai.\n"
"As part of this course, Zanaveth II would travel all over the \cfX'Animen Coalition\c-, being introduced to the many species that inhabit the various allied planets, and studying their diverse cultures and stories. Zanaveth II also spent some time in the \cfLuna Research Institute\c-, between 2013 and 2014, learning about the \cfNinuma\c- (the common word for humans across the coalition, coined by one of its co-founders). In 2016, as internal conflicts between warring clans of the \cfDevanikan\c- people had finally subdued, Zanaveth II took the chance to pay them a visit, previously having been unable to. It was during this visit that she met \cfMisa Azadeku Unissix\c-, her current wife. Zanaveth II graduated in 2019, after which she became a full time worker at the Luna Institute.\n"
"Following the \cfLuna Event\c- of 2021, in December of the same year, Zanaveth II came into contact with \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, wishing to learn of her company and its involvements in AI and robotics. The two quickly became close friends, and as proof of this friendship, Zanaveth II agreed to provide \cfAkari Labs\c- with the advanced \cfNekuronbot AI Framework\c- to further improve their creations.\n"
"Through her weekly visits to Japan, Zanaveth II became quite interested in the country's culture and entertainment. She was quick to point out notable similarities between them and the Nukuri, extending even to their language, something that greatly amused her. On social media, her usual posts would often be drowned out by extensive rants about anime and videogames, often intertwining with those of Saya Miyamoto.\n"
"In August 20th of 2042, Zanaveth II and Misa had a child, \cfZanaveth Nekuraku III\c-, the first Nukuri born and raised on Earth. Due to the restrictive laws at the time, however, the family had to return to Nahkami once their child was ready to enter school by the age of 4. They would occasionally still visit Earth once again, during holidays, though.\n"
"In the wake of the \cfNukuri Seventh World War\c- of 2068, Zanaveth II fled with her wife and child to \cfSankaideriha\c- with the help of Nukuri witch \cfSaniuke Okusainaya\c-, old friend of her family. Two years later, after showing notable difficulties settling in, the family decided to leave Zanaveth III in Saya's care. This would last until 2077, when the \cfWhite Scar\c- incident prompted the expulsion of all Nukuri on Earth. Zanaveth III was then sent to live with her grandparents for the time being, until the end of the war in 2104, when her parents returned to Nahkami once again.\n"
"Since the formation of the \cfNahkami Unified Government\c- in 2108, Zanaveth II holds the position of \"Minister of Interspecies Relations\", thanks in part to her outstanding achievements during her time as a student of the University of Nos-Kora.\n"
"As of 2171, Zanaveth II has also been involved in negotiations with the \cfAnarukon\c- people, as part of a \"multiversal expansion\" of the \cfBleaknet\c-. In addition, through a deal with \cfAkari Labs\c-, Earth will also receive its own node to the Bleaknet Nexus. This last action is part of a greater plan to restore relations between Humans and Nukuri, putting an end to the White Scar Treaty.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAhhhhhh, damn. She really is the sweetest and cutest gal I've ever met, let me tell ya. And it's one hell of an achievement for me to get this alien cutie to become a complete weeb too, heh...\c-\n"
"\cfOh man, meeting her was the best christmas gift ever, and also her precious lil' cinnamon roll of a wife, too. It was hella fun to hang out with them, especially because of how excited Zana-sama was about everything around the city. She was like a little kid in a candy shop at times. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.\c-\n"
"\cfNow that the White Scar trash treaty is going to get all torn to shreds, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing her around once again. God, when she popped up after the wedding with Kirin-kun I almost broke down crying. I missed her so much, like... seriously.\c-";
SWWM_LOREREL_ZANAVETH3 = "Nukuri;Unissix;Zanaveth2;NosKora;Saya;WhiteScar";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Zanaveth Nekuraku III\c-\n"
" \cxAliases:\c-\n"
" \cf The Corruptor\c-\n"
" \cf Unissix Bokurou Azadeku II\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Nukuri\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2042-08-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf AI Engineer (Nekuratek)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @zanaveth\c-\n"
"\cfZanaveth Nekuraku III\c- is the sole daughter of \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c- and \cfMisa Azadeku Unissix\c-. She spent most of her early childhood on Earth, where she was born, though her and her family had to move back to \cfNahkami\c- once she turned four, since by law, she had to study at a Nukuri school. It was in school that the young child began to have notable issues.\n"
"Zanaveth III was a frequent victim of bullying by her classmates, due to her odd personality and mannerisms. Due to the inaction of the school staff at the time, her mother opted to move her to a different school across the province.\n"
"In the wake of the \cfNukuri Seventh World War\c-, Zanaveth III and her parents fled temporarily to \cfSankaideriha\c-, aided by a friend of the Nekuraku family. During their stay there, it would be noted that their child had difficulty settling in, citing that being there gave her \"mind shock\". A formal diagnosis noted that she was reacting negatively to the natural flux of magic within the island, and it was suggested that she stayed with someone else, outside the island. The two eventually would put Zanaveth III in the care of \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, a friend her mother had made during her first visit to Earth.\n"
"Zanaveth III stayed on Earth with Saya until the flames of war spread there, with the \cfWhite Scar\c- incident. Due to the Nukuri expulsion, she had to return to Nahkami and live with her grandparents. Her parents wouldn't be able to reunite with her until 2104, when the war finally ended.\n"
"In 2120, Zanaveth III enrolled in the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c-, taking on the very difficult course of \cfPancake Engineering\c-, which she successfully finished 20 years later. After this, she announced the beginning of her \"plan for world domination\".\n"
"During her stay on Earth, Zanaveth III has had quite a noteworthy history on social media and online forums, arising from her strange personal dialect of English and nonsensical ramblings. Saya Miyamoto has come to label her as \cfChuunibyou\c-, an old Japanese term used to denote the kind of traits she shows, such as the noted self-importance and desire to stand out, along with pretending to have special powers / possess arcane knowledge, and other fanciful sentiments.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfLil' chuuni Zana-chan. Sure, she may look cold and distant and antisocial and stuff, but that really can be blamed on how shit people have been to her. God I wish I could just beat up all of her bullies. I remember how she'd often come to me crying, all angry and frustrated after getting into trouble and I'd just sit her down on my lap and give her headpats and hugs. I'm basically like a cool auntie to her, hehe.\c-\n"
"\cfI miss that stuff, I really do. Petting that soft fluffy blue hair of hers, listening to all of her stories, how she'd show me all the cool drawings of her characters and all that. Wish I knew what she's up to now, that whole thing of \"world domination\" totally does sound like her thing wwwww\c-\n"
"\cfWell, if she comes here to Earth I'd welcome my new chuuni overlord with open arms.\c-";
" \cxFull Name:\c-\n"
" \cf Zanaveth Nekuraku III\c-\n"
" \cxAliases:\c-\n"
" \cf The Corruptor\c-\n"
" \cf Unissix Bokurou Azadeku II\c-\n"
" \cxNationality:\c-\n"
" \cf Nukuri\c-\n"
" \cxDate of Birth:\c-\n"
" \cf 2042-08-20\c-\n"
" \cxOccupation:\c-\n"
" \cf AI Engineer (Nekuratek)\c-\n"
" \cxTwitter:\c-\n"
" \cf @zanaveth\c-\n"
"\cfZanaveth Nekuraku III\c- is the sole daughter of \cfZanaveth Nekuraku II\c- and \cfMisa Azadeku Unissix\c-. She spent most of her early childhood on Earth, where she was born, though her and her family had to move back to \cfNahkami\c- once she turned four, since by law, she had to study at a Nukuri school. It was in school that the young child began to have notable issues.\n"
"Zanaveth III was a frequent victim of bullying by her classmates, due to her odd personality and mannerisms, this was further intensified due to the effects of her Yikazoroi (lit. \"Stress Burst\"), a disorder prevalent among Nukuri children (though only developed by 1 in 200), which caused the constant bullying to eventually result in violent outbursts, which then further intensified the bullying. Due to the inaction of the school staff at the time, her mother sued them, and she had to be moved to a different school across the province.\n"
"In the wake of the \cfNukuri Seventh World War\c-, Zanaveth III and her parents fled temporarily to \cfSankaideriha\c-, aided by a friend of the Nekuraku family. During their stay there, it would be noted that their child had difficulty settling in, citing that being there gave her \"mind shock\". A formal diagnosis noted that she was reacting negatively to the natural flux of magic within the island, and it was suggested that she stayed with someone else, outside the island. The two eventually would put Zanaveth III in the care of \cfSaya Miyamoto\c-, a friend her mother had made during her first visit to Earth.\n"
"Zanaveth III stayed on Earth with Saya until the flames of war spread there, with the \cfWhite Scar\c- incident. Due to the Nukuri expulsion, she had to return to Nahkami and live with her grandparents. Her parents wouldn't be able to reunite with her until 2104, when the war finally ended.\n"
"In 2120, Zanaveth III enrolled in the \cfUniversity of Nos-Kora\c-, taking on the very difficult course of \cfPancake Engineering\c-, which she successfully finished 20 years later. After this, she announced the beginning of her \"plan for world domination\".\n"
"During her stay on Earth, Zanaveth III has had quite a noteworthy history on social media and online forums, arising from her strange personal dialect of English and nonsensical ramblings. Saya Miyamoto has come to label her as \cfChuunibyou\c-, an old Japanese term used to denote the kind of traits she shows, such as the noted self-importance and desire to stand out, along with pretending to have special powers / possess arcane knowledge, and other fanciful sentiments.\n"
"During a moment of confusion immediately after the demonic invasion of 2148, Zanaveth III made her appearance on Earth, setting forth a rather nonsensical plan for world domination, which backfired due to internal conflicts with one of her \"henchmen\". Following this defeat, she managed to evade the authorities for some time, hiding at the \cfAkari Labs\c- headquarters, but had to eventually return to Nahkami.\n"
"\cxSaya's Notes:\c-\n"
"\cfAh, my precious little chuuni. It was such a surprise to see her pop up at my place out of nowhere like that, gave me a good scare. But there we were once again, reunited like in the old times. She was covered in bruises and burns and her makeup was all over the place from crying, poor thing. I gave her lots of hugs and pets, all she needed. After a nice warm bath and a delicious meal that I put my heart and soul into, she was all smiles again, hehe.\c-\n"
"\cfAnd then, just like that, she left again, *sigh*\c-";