
80 lines
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// keybinds
ONI_KEYS = "RED ONI Bindings";
ONI_SECONDARYFIRE = "Secondary Action";
ONI_MELEE = "Quick Kick";
ONI_EXTRAFIRE = "Grenade";
ONI_SPELLPREV = "Previous Secondary";
ONI_SPELLNEXT = "Next Secondary";
// skills
ONI_SKHARDCONFIRM="\ciThis is the hard skill, you know.\nThings will get tougher.\c-\n\n\cg1.25x monster damage\n25% extra aggressiveness\c-\n\n(Press Y to go fight)";
ONI_SKHARDCORECONFIRM="\cmAre you sure you want to do that?\nYou might get your ass kicked.\c-\n\n\cg1.5x monster damage\n50% extra aggressiveness\nCheats are disabled\nCoop monsters will spawn\c-\n\n(Press Y for a challenge)";
// mod menu
// credits
ONI_CSTITLE = "UnSX Side Story: Ibuki";
ONI_CSTITLE2 = "Big Tiddy Supersoldier Goth GF";
// Help menu
ONI_HELP_PAGE1 = "The Story So Far";
"June 6th, 2148, the day the \crDemolitionist\c- was deployed on \crUnion States\c- soil in order to fight back against the \crDemonic Invasion\c- brought forth by the \crUAC\c-, right at the heart of it all. It's been some time since their mission started, and many other brave heroes have taken action as well all over the world. Of course, back at home here in \crJapan\c-, there's no hero better known than the \crRed Oni\c-.\n"
"Now, although most of the invading forces are being kept at bay by the obscenely powerful \crEarth Defense Force\c- of the land of the rising sun, some have managed to seep through the cracks and start some havoc in your area. Surely, this is a fine chance to go out and have some fun kicking ass.\n"
"The \crRed Oni\c- has entered the fray, and no demon will stand a chance against this unstoppable force.\n"
"\crLet them taste their own guts!\c-";
$ifgame(heretic) ONI_HELP_PAGE1_TXT =
"April 10, 2171, the \crAkari Project\c- is moving along smoothly, and a new world has been discovered, a world of fantasy, full of dangerous creatures and arcane powers. Clearly, the ideal spot to have some adventures, right?\n"
"Although the \crDemolitionist\c- was assigned to this mission, you too decide to tag along on your own, to also do some exploration, because why not? That's just how the \crRed Oni\c- rolls.\n"
"And so, the land of \crParthoris\c- shall bear witness to the sheer power of this unstoppable killing machine.\n"
"\crBring them on!\c-";
ONI_HELP_PAGE2 = "Who Is The Red Oni";
"Born in September 9th, 2074, \crIbuki Miyamoto\c- is the result of the quite expensive and desperately planned \crRed Oni\c- program. Created as a powerful super-soldier capable of changing the tides of \crWorld War 3\c-, her deployment unfortunately came too late, as in August of 2077, the \crUnited States\c- were strategically \"glassed\" from orbit. Since then, for several years, she survived as a roaming mercenary in the wastelands, until her retrieval in 2091.\n"
"\crIbuki\c- is quite the looker, standing at 2.2 meters, sporting some fine musculature and (somehow natural) body tattoos. Of course, if there's one detail that is even more notable, that would be... Her brilliant red eyes. Proof of her belonging to the \crMiyamoto\c- household, and the royal \crLunarian\c- ancestry of her blood. She is something fierce alright.\n"
"Oh, and how can we forget, her fairly notable assets as well. \crIbuki\c- has quite a personal collection of firearms of all kinds (more on that later), many of which have some historical significance, while others are simply there because she loves them.\n"
"She also has huge boobs, some serious honkers, like, a real set of badonkers, I mean... Packing some dobonhonkeros right there, massive dohoonkabhankoloos... Big ol' tonhongerekoogers...";
ONI_HELP_PAGE3 = "Red Oni's Arsenal (Part 1: Weapons)";
"\cr*Ahem*\c- As mentioned in the previous section, \crIbuki\c- really loves her guns. She's collected all sorts of weaponry over the years since her very first mission. You may find that most of these are fairly mundane... Or maybe not. Most people tend to bring a pistol along, but she doesn't need such a thing when she's got her most beloved automatic shotgun.\n"
"Weapon operation tends to be very straightforward, as only two buttons are really needed: \crPrimary fire\c- and \crReload\c-. After that, there's two optional actions available, a \crQuick Kick\c- button to, well, kick, and your \crSecondary Fire\c-, which lets you do actions such as blowing lil' kisses, stomping or doing sprint tackles, with any weapon out (selectable with slots 8, 9 and 0). Keep in mind \crIbuki\c-'s magic kisses are... Quite a lot more potent.\n"
"Oh, and if you've got any bombs on ya, you can yeet them with a dedicated \crGrenade\c- key, they're not part of the inventory bar here.";
ONI_HELP_PAGE4 = "Red Oni's Arsenal (Part 2: Items)";
"And what else could we have around here to help along, but some classic health and armor, and other little things here and there.\n"
"Healing is done by drinking water, since staying hydrated is very important. Don't worry about drinking too much, this is a videogame, so you don't need to set time aside to deal with the consequences. For armor, you have oil. Yeah, exactly, oil. You oil up to enhance your physical defenses, it works wonders. Just keep your skin nicely moisturized and it'll all be gucci. If you're planning on taking a dive, do keep in mind water gradually washes it off.\n"
"Unlike with our friend the \crDemolitionist\c-, here healing and armor items don't get auto-used as needed while carried, so do keep that in mind.";
ONI_HELP_PAGE5 = "Red Oni's Arsenal (Part 3: Powerups)";
"Can't be a proper mod without those. There's a whole lot of stuff available for ya, although you gotta keep in mind one thing: Invisibility sucks as a powerup, honestly, so it's been replaced by something else. You'll see.\n"
"Keep in mind powerups are not used automatically on pickup. Rather, they will be stashed away so you can use them EXACTLY when you need, and also so don't waste 'em running over multiple copies at once, which is handy. Oh, and here there is no concept anymore of \"always pickup\". If a powerup's at max capacity, it won't get nabbed, but you still get scored for finding it nevertheless. The only exception to this rule are the superheals that replace the Soulsphere and Megasphere, which are always auto-used regardless, stack indefinitely, and can't be actually held in your inventory.\n"
"As always, active powerups show their remaining duration on the left side of the HUD, so you know when they're about to run out more precisely than waiting for them to start \"blinking\".";
ONI_HELP_PAGE6 = "Additional Tips";
"Guess what? You can still activate switches and open doors by punching or kicking them. Oh, and if you find yourself surrounded, you can shake around and use the bulk of your massive body to push those nuisances away.\n"
"Do also remember that items from this mod can be yoinked from afar by pressing Use. \crIbuki\c-'s got longer reach, by the way.\n"
"Lastly, you can breathe underwater, thanks to a convenient rebreather connected to a plentiful natural air supply in \crHammerspace\c-. Oh yeah I haven't talked about that yet, \crHammerspace\c-. It is accessed through \crIbuki\c-'s cleavage (no really), and personally chosen due to the visual gag involved, which she finds quite amusing.";